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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Steve Jolly
James Crook (Adapted for 'Chirps')
This class implements a tone generator effect.
\class EffectToneGen
\brief An Effect that can generate a sine, square or sawtooth wave.
An extended mode of EffectToneGen supports 'chirps' where the
frequency changes smoothly during the tone.
#include "../Audacity.h"
#include "ToneGen.h"
#include "LoadEffects.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <wx/choice.h>
#include <wx/intl.h>
#include <wx/valgen.h>
#include "../Project.h"
2019-05-29 15:31:40 +00:00
#include "../ProjectSettings.h"
2019-02-06 18:44:52 +00:00
#include "../Shuttle.h"
#include "../ShuttleGui.h"
#include "../widgets/valnum.h"
#include "../widgets/NumericTextCtrl.h"
enum kInterpolations
static const EnumValueSymbol kInterStrings[nInterpolations] =
// These are acceptable dual purpose internal/visible names
{ XO("Linear") },
{ XO("Logarithmic") }
enum kWaveforms
static const EnumValueSymbol kWaveStrings[nWaveforms] =
{ XO("Sine") },
{ XO("Square") },
{ XO("Sawtooth") },
{ XO("Square, no alias") }
// Define keys, defaults, minimums, and maximums for the effect parameters
// Name Type Key Def Min Max Scale
Param( StartFreq, double, wxT("StartFreq"), 440.0, 1.0, DBL_MAX, 1 );
Param( EndFreq, double, wxT("EndFreq"), 1320.0, 1.0, DBL_MAX, 1 );
Param( StartAmp, double, wxT("StartAmp"), 0.8, 0.0, 1.0, 1 );
Param( EndAmp, double, wxT("EndAmp"), 0.1, 0.0, 1.0, 1 );
Param( Frequency, double, wxT("Frequency"), 440.0, 1.0, DBL_MAX, 1 );
Param( Amplitude, double, wxT("Amplitude"), 0.8, 0.0, 1.0, 1 );
Param( Waveform, int, wxT("Waveform"), 0, 0, nWaveforms - 1, 1 );
Param( Interp, int, wxT("Interpolation"), 0, 0, nInterpolations - 1, 1 );
// EffectToneGen
const ComponentInterfaceSymbol EffectChirp::Symbol
{ XO("Chirp") };
namespace{ BuiltinEffectsModule::Registration< EffectChirp > reg; }
const ComponentInterfaceSymbol EffectTone::Symbol
{ XO("Tone") };
namespace{ BuiltinEffectsModule::Registration< EffectTone > reg2; }
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(EffectToneGen, wxEvtHandler)
EVT_TEXT(wxID_ANY, EffectToneGen::OnControlUpdate)
EffectToneGen::EffectToneGen(bool isChirp)
wxASSERT(nWaveforms == WXSIZEOF(kWaveStrings));
wxASSERT(nInterpolations == WXSIZEOF(kInterStrings));
mChirp = isChirp;
mWaveform = DEF_Waveform;
mFrequency[0] = DEF_StartFreq;
mFrequency[1] = DEF_EndFreq;
mAmplitude[0] = DEF_StartAmp;
mAmplitude[1] = DEF_EndAmp;
mInterpolation = DEF_Interp;
// Chirp varies over time so must use selected duration.
// TODO: When previewing, calculate only the first 'preview length'.
if (isChirp)
// ComponentInterface implementation
ComponentInterfaceSymbol EffectToneGen::GetSymbol()
return mChirp
? EffectChirp::Symbol
: EffectTone::Symbol;
TranslatableString EffectToneGen::GetDescription()
return mChirp
? XO("Generates an ascending or descending tone of one of four types")
: XO("Generates a constant frequency tone of one of four types");
wxString EffectToneGen::ManualPage()
return mChirp
2017-09-01 16:42:02 +00:00
? wxT("Chirp")
: wxT("Tone");
Automation: AudacityCommand This is a squash of 50 commits. This merges the capabilities of BatchCommands and Effects using a new AudacityCommand class. AudacityCommand provides one function to specify the parameters, and then we leverage that one function in automation, whether by chains, mod-script-pipe or (future) Nyquist. - Now have AudacityCommand which is using the same mechanism as Effect - Has configurable parameters - Has data-entry GUI (built using shuttle GUI) - Registers with PluginManager. - Menu commands now provided in chains, and to python batch. - Tested with Zoom Toggle. - ShuttleParams now can set, get, set defaults, validate and specify the parameters. - Bugfix: Don't overwrite values with defaults first time out. - Add DefineParams function for all built-in effects. - Extend CommandContext to carry output channels for results. We abuse EffectsManager. It handles both Effects and AudacityCommands now. In time an Effect should become a special case of AudacityCommand and we'll split and rename the EffectManager class. - Don't use 'default' as a parameter name. - Massive renaming for CommandDefinitionInterface - EffectIdentInterface becomes EffectDefinitionInterface - EffectAutomationParameters becomes CommandAutomationParameters - PluginType is now a bit field. This way we can search for related types at the same time. - Most old batch commands made into AudacityCommands. The ones that weren't are for a reason. They are used by mod-script-pipe to carry commands and responses across from a non-GUI thread to the GUI thread. - Major tidy up of ScreenshotCommand - Reworking of SelectCommand - GetPreferenceCommand and SetPreferenceCommand - GetTrackInfo and SetTrackInfo - GetInfoCommand - Help, Open, Save, Import and Export commands. - Removed obsolete commands ExecMenu, GetProjectInfo and SetProjectInfo which are now better handled by other commands. - JSONify "GetInfo: Commands" output, i.e. commas in the right places. - General work on better Doxygen. - Lyrics -> LyricsPanel - Meter -> MeterPanel - Updated Linux makefile. - Scripting commands added into Extra menu. - Distinct names for previously duplicated find-clipping parameters. - Fixed longstanding error with erroneous status field number which previously caused an ASSERT in debug. - Sensible formatting of numbers in Chains, 0.1 not 0.1000000000137
2018-01-14 18:51:41 +00:00
// EffectDefinitionInterface implementation
EffectType EffectToneGen::GetType()
return EffectTypeGenerate;
// EffectClientInterface implementation
unsigned EffectToneGen::GetAudioOutCount()
return 1;
bool EffectToneGen::ProcessInitialize(sampleCount WXUNUSED(totalLen), ChannelNames WXUNUSED(chanMap))
mPositionInCycles = 0.0;
mSample = 0;
return true;
size_t EffectToneGen::ProcessBlock(float **WXUNUSED(inBlock), float **outBlock, size_t blockLen)
float *buffer = outBlock[0];
double throwaway = 0; //passed to modf but never used
double f = 0.0;
double a, b;
int k;
double frequencyQuantum;
double BlendedFrequency;
double BlendedAmplitude;
double BlendedLogFrequency = 0.0;
// calculate delta, and reposition from where we left
auto doubleSampleCount = mSampleCnt.as_double();
auto doubleSample = mSample.as_double();
double amplitudeQuantum =
(mAmplitude[1] - mAmplitude[0]) / doubleSampleCount;
BlendedAmplitude = mAmplitude[0] +
amplitudeQuantum * doubleSample;
// precalculations:
double pre2PI = 2.0 * M_PI;
double pre4divPI = 4.0 / M_PI;
// initial setup should calculate deltas
if (mInterpolation == kLogarithmic)
// this for log interpolation
mLogFrequency[0] = log10(mFrequency[0]);
mLogFrequency[1] = log10(mFrequency[1]);
// calculate delta, and reposition from where we left
frequencyQuantum = (mLogFrequency[1] - mLogFrequency[0]) / doubleSampleCount;
BlendedLogFrequency = mLogFrequency[0] + frequencyQuantum * doubleSample;
BlendedFrequency = pow(10.0, BlendedLogFrequency);
// this for regular case, linear interpolation
frequencyQuantum = (mFrequency[1] - mFrequency[0]) / doubleSampleCount;
BlendedFrequency = mFrequency[0] + frequencyQuantum * doubleSample;
// synth loop
for (decltype(blockLen) i = 0; i < blockLen; i++)
switch (mWaveform)
case kSine:
f = sin(pre2PI * mPositionInCycles / mSampleRate);
case kSquare:
f = (modf(mPositionInCycles / mSampleRate, &throwaway) < 0.5) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
case kSawtooth:
f = (2.0 * modf(mPositionInCycles / mSampleRate + 0.5, &throwaway)) - 1.0;
case kSquareNoAlias: // Good down to 110Hz @ 44100Hz sampling.
//do fundamental (k=1) outside loop
b = (1.0 + cos((pre2PI * BlendedFrequency) / mSampleRate)) / pre4divPI; //scaling
f = pre4divPI * sin(pre2PI * mPositionInCycles / mSampleRate);
for (k = 3; (k < 200) && (k * BlendedFrequency < mSampleRate / 2.0); k += 2)
//Hann Window in freq domain
a = 1.0 + cos((pre2PI * k * BlendedFrequency) / mSampleRate);
//calc harmonic, apply window, scale to amplitude of fundamental
f += a * sin(pre2PI * mPositionInCycles / mSampleRate * k) / (b * k);
// insert value in buffer
buffer[i] = (float) (BlendedAmplitude * f);
// update freq,amplitude
mPositionInCycles += BlendedFrequency;
BlendedAmplitude += amplitudeQuantum;
if (mInterpolation == kLogarithmic)
BlendedLogFrequency += frequencyQuantum;
BlendedFrequency = pow(10.0, BlendedLogFrequency);
BlendedFrequency += frequencyQuantum;
// update external placeholder
mSample += blockLen;
return blockLen;
Automation: AudacityCommand This is a squash of 50 commits. This merges the capabilities of BatchCommands and Effects using a new AudacityCommand class. AudacityCommand provides one function to specify the parameters, and then we leverage that one function in automation, whether by chains, mod-script-pipe or (future) Nyquist. - Now have AudacityCommand which is using the same mechanism as Effect - Has configurable parameters - Has data-entry GUI (built using shuttle GUI) - Registers with PluginManager. - Menu commands now provided in chains, and to python batch. - Tested with Zoom Toggle. - ShuttleParams now can set, get, set defaults, validate and specify the parameters. - Bugfix: Don't overwrite values with defaults first time out. - Add DefineParams function for all built-in effects. - Extend CommandContext to carry output channels for results. We abuse EffectsManager. It handles both Effects and AudacityCommands now. In time an Effect should become a special case of AudacityCommand and we'll split and rename the EffectManager class. - Don't use 'default' as a parameter name. - Massive renaming for CommandDefinitionInterface - EffectIdentInterface becomes EffectDefinitionInterface - EffectAutomationParameters becomes CommandAutomationParameters - PluginType is now a bit field. This way we can search for related types at the same time. - Most old batch commands made into AudacityCommands. The ones that weren't are for a reason. They are used by mod-script-pipe to carry commands and responses across from a non-GUI thread to the GUI thread. - Major tidy up of ScreenshotCommand - Reworking of SelectCommand - GetPreferenceCommand and SetPreferenceCommand - GetTrackInfo and SetTrackInfo - GetInfoCommand - Help, Open, Save, Import and Export commands. - Removed obsolete commands ExecMenu, GetProjectInfo and SetProjectInfo which are now better handled by other commands. - JSONify "GetInfo: Commands" output, i.e. commas in the right places. - General work on better Doxygen. - Lyrics -> LyricsPanel - Meter -> MeterPanel - Updated Linux makefile. - Scripting commands added into Extra menu. - Distinct names for previously duplicated find-clipping parameters. - Fixed longstanding error with erroneous status field number which previously caused an ASSERT in debug. - Sensible formatting of numbers in Chains, 0.1 not 0.1000000000137
2018-01-14 18:51:41 +00:00
bool EffectToneGen::DefineParams( ShuttleParams & S ){
if( mChirp ){
S.SHUTTLE_PARAM( mFrequency[0], StartFreq );
S.SHUTTLE_PARAM( mFrequency[1], EndFreq );
S.SHUTTLE_PARAM( mAmplitude[0], StartAmp );
S.SHUTTLE_PARAM( mAmplitude[1], EndAmp );
} else {
S.SHUTTLE_PARAM( mFrequency[0], Frequency );
S.SHUTTLE_PARAM( mAmplitude[0], Amplitude );
2018-02-16 12:49:47 +00:00
// Slightly hacky way to set freq and ampl
// since we do this whatever query to params was made.
mFrequency[1] = mFrequency[0];
mAmplitude[1] = mAmplitude[0];
Automation: AudacityCommand This is a squash of 50 commits. This merges the capabilities of BatchCommands and Effects using a new AudacityCommand class. AudacityCommand provides one function to specify the parameters, and then we leverage that one function in automation, whether by chains, mod-script-pipe or (future) Nyquist. - Now have AudacityCommand which is using the same mechanism as Effect - Has configurable parameters - Has data-entry GUI (built using shuttle GUI) - Registers with PluginManager. - Menu commands now provided in chains, and to python batch. - Tested with Zoom Toggle. - ShuttleParams now can set, get, set defaults, validate and specify the parameters. - Bugfix: Don't overwrite values with defaults first time out. - Add DefineParams function for all built-in effects. - Extend CommandContext to carry output channels for results. We abuse EffectsManager. It handles both Effects and AudacityCommands now. In time an Effect should become a special case of AudacityCommand and we'll split and rename the EffectManager class. - Don't use 'default' as a parameter name. - Massive renaming for CommandDefinitionInterface - EffectIdentInterface becomes EffectDefinitionInterface - EffectAutomationParameters becomes CommandAutomationParameters - PluginType is now a bit field. This way we can search for related types at the same time. - Most old batch commands made into AudacityCommands. The ones that weren't are for a reason. They are used by mod-script-pipe to carry commands and responses across from a non-GUI thread to the GUI thread. - Major tidy up of ScreenshotCommand - Reworking of SelectCommand - GetPreferenceCommand and SetPreferenceCommand - GetTrackInfo and SetTrackInfo - GetInfoCommand - Help, Open, Save, Import and Export commands. - Removed obsolete commands ExecMenu, GetProjectInfo and SetProjectInfo which are now better handled by other commands. - JSONify "GetInfo: Commands" output, i.e. commas in the right places. - General work on better Doxygen. - Lyrics -> LyricsPanel - Meter -> MeterPanel - Updated Linux makefile. - Scripting commands added into Extra menu. - Distinct names for previously duplicated find-clipping parameters. - Fixed longstanding error with erroneous status field number which previously caused an ASSERT in debug. - Sensible formatting of numbers in Chains, 0.1 not 0.1000000000137
2018-01-14 18:51:41 +00:00
S.SHUTTLE_ENUM_PARAM( mWaveform, Waveform, kWaveStrings, nWaveforms );
S.SHUTTLE_ENUM_PARAM( mInterpolation, Interp, kInterStrings, nInterpolations );
Automation: AudacityCommand This is a squash of 50 commits. This merges the capabilities of BatchCommands and Effects using a new AudacityCommand class. AudacityCommand provides one function to specify the parameters, and then we leverage that one function in automation, whether by chains, mod-script-pipe or (future) Nyquist. - Now have AudacityCommand which is using the same mechanism as Effect - Has configurable parameters - Has data-entry GUI (built using shuttle GUI) - Registers with PluginManager. - Menu commands now provided in chains, and to python batch. - Tested with Zoom Toggle. - ShuttleParams now can set, get, set defaults, validate and specify the parameters. - Bugfix: Don't overwrite values with defaults first time out. - Add DefineParams function for all built-in effects. - Extend CommandContext to carry output channels for results. We abuse EffectsManager. It handles both Effects and AudacityCommands now. In time an Effect should become a special case of AudacityCommand and we'll split and rename the EffectManager class. - Don't use 'default' as a parameter name. - Massive renaming for CommandDefinitionInterface - EffectIdentInterface becomes EffectDefinitionInterface - EffectAutomationParameters becomes CommandAutomationParameters - PluginType is now a bit field. This way we can search for related types at the same time. - Most old batch commands made into AudacityCommands. The ones that weren't are for a reason. They are used by mod-script-pipe to carry commands and responses across from a non-GUI thread to the GUI thread. - Major tidy up of ScreenshotCommand - Reworking of SelectCommand - GetPreferenceCommand and SetPreferenceCommand - GetTrackInfo and SetTrackInfo - GetInfoCommand - Help, Open, Save, Import and Export commands. - Removed obsolete commands ExecMenu, GetProjectInfo and SetProjectInfo which are now better handled by other commands. - JSONify "GetInfo: Commands" output, i.e. commas in the right places. - General work on better Doxygen. - Lyrics -> LyricsPanel - Meter -> MeterPanel - Updated Linux makefile. - Scripting commands added into Extra menu. - Distinct names for previously duplicated find-clipping parameters. - Fixed longstanding error with erroneous status field number which previously caused an ASSERT in debug. - Sensible formatting of numbers in Chains, 0.1 not 0.1000000000137
2018-01-14 18:51:41 +00:00
// double freqMax = (FindProject() ? FindProject()->GetRate() : 44100.0) / 2.0;
Automation: AudacityCommand This is a squash of 50 commits. This merges the capabilities of BatchCommands and Effects using a new AudacityCommand class. AudacityCommand provides one function to specify the parameters, and then we leverage that one function in automation, whether by chains, mod-script-pipe or (future) Nyquist. - Now have AudacityCommand which is using the same mechanism as Effect - Has configurable parameters - Has data-entry GUI (built using shuttle GUI) - Registers with PluginManager. - Menu commands now provided in chains, and to python batch. - Tested with Zoom Toggle. - ShuttleParams now can set, get, set defaults, validate and specify the parameters. - Bugfix: Don't overwrite values with defaults first time out. - Add DefineParams function for all built-in effects. - Extend CommandContext to carry output channels for results. We abuse EffectsManager. It handles both Effects and AudacityCommands now. In time an Effect should become a special case of AudacityCommand and we'll split and rename the EffectManager class. - Don't use 'default' as a parameter name. - Massive renaming for CommandDefinitionInterface - EffectIdentInterface becomes EffectDefinitionInterface - EffectAutomationParameters becomes CommandAutomationParameters - PluginType is now a bit field. This way we can search for related types at the same time. - Most old batch commands made into AudacityCommands. The ones that weren't are for a reason. They are used by mod-script-pipe to carry commands and responses across from a non-GUI thread to the GUI thread. - Major tidy up of ScreenshotCommand - Reworking of SelectCommand - GetPreferenceCommand and SetPreferenceCommand - GetTrackInfo and SetTrackInfo - GetInfoCommand - Help, Open, Save, Import and Export commands. - Removed obsolete commands ExecMenu, GetProjectInfo and SetProjectInfo which are now better handled by other commands. - JSONify "GetInfo: Commands" output, i.e. commas in the right places. - General work on better Doxygen. - Lyrics -> LyricsPanel - Meter -> MeterPanel - Updated Linux makefile. - Scripting commands added into Extra menu. - Distinct names for previously duplicated find-clipping parameters. - Fixed longstanding error with erroneous status field number which previously caused an ASSERT in debug. - Sensible formatting of numbers in Chains, 0.1 not 0.1000000000137
2018-01-14 18:51:41 +00:00
// mFrequency[1] = TrapDouble(mFrequency[1], MIN_EndFreq, freqMax);
return true;
2018-02-21 14:24:25 +00:00
bool EffectToneGen::GetAutomationParameters(CommandParameters & parms)
if (mChirp)
parms.Write(KEY_StartFreq, mFrequency[0]);
parms.Write(KEY_EndFreq, mFrequency[1]);
parms.Write(KEY_StartAmp, mAmplitude[0]);
parms.Write(KEY_EndAmp, mAmplitude[1]);
parms.Write(KEY_Frequency, mFrequency[0]);
parms.Write(KEY_Amplitude, mAmplitude[0]);
parms.Write(KEY_Waveform, kWaveStrings[mWaveform].Internal());
parms.Write(KEY_Interp, kInterStrings[mInterpolation].Internal());
return true;
2018-02-21 14:24:25 +00:00
bool EffectToneGen::SetAutomationParameters(CommandParameters & parms)
ReadAndVerifyEnum(Waveform, kWaveStrings, nWaveforms);
ReadAndVerifyEnum(Interp, kInterStrings, nInterpolations);
if (mChirp)
mFrequency[0] = StartFreq;
mFrequency[1] = EndFreq;
mAmplitude[0] = StartAmp;
mAmplitude[1] = EndAmp;
mFrequency[0] = Frequency;
mFrequency[1] = Frequency;
mAmplitude[0] = Amplitude;
mAmplitude[1] = Amplitude;
mWaveform = Waveform;
mInterpolation = Interp;
double freqMax =
? ProjectSettings::Get( *FindProject() ).GetRate()
: 44100.0)
/ 2.0;
mFrequency[1] = TrapDouble(mFrequency[1], MIN_EndFreq, freqMax);
return true;
// Effect implementation
void EffectToneGen::PopulateOrExchange(ShuttleGui & S)
wxTextCtrl *t;
S.StartMultiColumn(2, wxCENTER);
2017-10-30 16:23:41 +00:00
Msgids( kWaveStrings, nWaveforms ) );
if (mChirp)
S.AddFixedText( {} );
S.StartHorizontalLay(wxLEFT, 50);
S.StartHorizontalLay(wxLEFT, 50);
S.AddPrompt(XXO("&Frequency (Hz):"));
S.StartHorizontalLay(wxLEFT, 50);
t = S.Name(XO("Frequency Hertz Start"))
2017-10-30 16:23:41 +00:00
6, &mFrequency[0],
mProjectRate / 2.0
2017-10-30 16:23:41 +00:00
.AddTextBox( {}, wxT(""), 12);
S.StartHorizontalLay(wxLEFT, 50);
t = S.Name(XO("Frequency Hertz End"))
2017-10-30 16:23:41 +00:00
6, &mFrequency[1],
mProjectRate / 2.0
2017-10-30 16:23:41 +00:00
.AddTextBox( {}, wxT(""), 12);
S.AddPrompt(XXO("&Amplitude (0-1):"));
S.StartHorizontalLay(wxLEFT, 50);
t = S.Name(XO("Amplitude Start"))
2017-10-30 16:23:41 +00:00
6, &mAmplitude[0], NumValidatorStyle::NO_TRAILING_ZEROES,
MIN_StartAmp, MAX_StartAmp
.AddTextBox( {}, wxT(""), 12);
S.StartHorizontalLay(wxLEFT, 50);
t = S.Name(XO("Amplitude End"))
2017-10-30 16:23:41 +00:00
6, &mAmplitude[1], NumValidatorStyle::NO_TRAILING_ZEROES,
MIN_EndAmp, MAX_EndAmp
.AddTextBox( {}, wxT(""), 12);
2017-10-30 16:23:41 +00:00
Msgids( kInterStrings, nInterpolations ) );
2017-10-30 16:23:41 +00:00
t = S.Validator<FloatingPointValidator<double>>(
6, &mFrequency[0], NumValidatorStyle::NO_TRAILING_ZEROES,
mProjectRate / 2.0
2017-10-30 16:23:41 +00:00
.AddTextBox(XXO("&Frequency (Hz):"), wxT(""), 12);
2017-10-30 16:23:41 +00:00
t = S.Validator<FloatingPointValidator<double>>(
6, &mAmplitude[0], NumValidatorStyle::NO_TRAILING_ZEROES,
MIN_Amplitude, MAX_Amplitude
.AddTextBox(XXO("&Amplitude (0-1):"), wxT(""), 12);
mToneDurationT = safenew
NumericTextCtrl(S.GetParent(), wxID_ANY,
.Position(wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALL)
bool EffectToneGen::TransferDataToWindow()
if (!mUIParent->TransferDataToWindow())
return false;
return true;
bool EffectToneGen::TransferDataFromWindow()
if (!mUIParent->Validate() || !mUIParent->TransferDataFromWindow())
return false;
if (!mChirp)
mFrequency[1] = mFrequency[0];
mAmplitude[1] = mAmplitude[0];
return true;
// EffectToneGen implementation
void EffectToneGen::OnControlUpdate(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(evt))
if (!EnableApply(mUIParent->TransferDataFromWindow()))