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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
James Crook
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
Audacity is free software.
This file is licensed under the wxWidgets license, see License.txt
\class Theme
\brief Based on ThemeBase, Theme manages image and icon resources.
Theme is a class which manages theme resources.
It maps sets of ids to the resources and to names of the resources,
so that they can be loaded/saved from files.
Theme adds the Audacity specific images to ThemeBase.
\see \ref Themability
\class ThemeBase
\brief Theme management - Image loading and saving.
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
Base for the Theme class. ThemeBase is a generic
non-Audacity specific class.
\see \ref Themability
\class FlowPacker
\brief Packs rectangular boxes into a rectangle, using simple first fit.
This class is currently used by Theme to pack its images into the image
cache. Perhaps someday we will improve FlowPacker and make it more flexible,
and use it for toolbar and window layouts too.
\class SourceOutputStream
\brief Allows us to capture output of the Save .png and 'pipe' it into
our own output function which gives a series of numbers.
This class is currently used by Theme to pack its images into the image
cache. Perhaps someday we will improve FlowPacker and make it more flexible,
and use it for toolbar and window layouts too.
\class auStaticText
\brief is like wxStaticText, except it can be themed. wxStaticText
can't be.
#include "Audacity.h"
#include "Theme.h"
#include "Experimental.h"
#include <wx/wxprec.h>
#include <wx/dcclient.h>
#include <wx/image.h>
#include <wx/file.h>
#include <wx/ffile.h>
#include <wx/mstream.h>
2017-04-08 15:26:03 +00:00
#include <wx/settings.h>
#include "AllThemeResources.h" // can remove this later, only needed for 'XPMS_RETIRED'.
#include "FileNames.h"
#include "Prefs.h"
#include "ImageManipulation.h"
#include "Internat.h"
#include "prefs/GUIPrefs.h"
#include "widgets/AudacityMessageBox.h"
// JKC: First get the MAC specific images.
// As we've disabled USE_AQUA_THEME, we need to name each file we use.
// JKC: Mac Hackery.
// These #defines are very temporary. We want to ensure the Mac XPM names don't collide with
// the PC XPM names, so we do some #defines and later undo them.
// Use the same trick wherever we need to avoid name collisions.
// All this will vanish when the XPMs are eliminated.
// Indeed XPMS_RETIRED the #ifndef ensures we're already not using any of it.
// This step should mean that we get PC/Linux images only
// except where we EXPLICITLY request otherwise.
// This step ensures we treat the cursors as 32x32 even on Mac.
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// We're not yet creating the cursors from the theme, so
// all this ensures is that the sizing on PC and Mac stays in step.
#define CURSORS_SIZE32
#define DownButton MacDownButton
#define HiliteButton MacHiliteButton
#define UpButton MacUpButton
#define Down MacDown
#define Hilite MacHilite
#define Up MacUp
#define Slider MacSlider
#define SliderThumb MacSliderThumb
#include "../images/Aqua/HiliteButtonSquare.xpm"
#include "../images/Aqua/UpButtonSquare.xpm"
#include "../images/Aqua/DownButtonSquare.xpm"
#include "../images/Aqua/Slider.xpm"
#include "../images/Aqua/SliderThumb.xpm"
#include "../images/Aqua/Down.xpm"
#include "../images/Aqua/Hilite.xpm"
#include "../images/Aqua/Up.xpm"
#if 0
// These ones aren't used...
#include "../images/Aqua/DownButtonStripes.xpm"
#include "../images/Aqua/DownButtonWhite.xpm"
#include "../images/Aqua/HiliteButtonStripes.xpm"
#include "../images/Aqua/HiliteButtonWhite.xpm"
#include "../images/Aqua/UpButtonStripes.xpm"
#include "../images/Aqua/UpButtonWhite.xpm"
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
#undef DownButton
#undef UpButton
#undef HiliteButton
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
#undef Down
#undef Hilite
#undef Up
#undef Slider
#undef SliderThumb
//-- OK now on to includes for Linux/PC images.
#include "../images/PostfishButtons.h"
#include "../images/ControlButtons.h"
#include "../images/EditButtons.h"
#include "../images/MixerImages.h"
#include "../images/Cursors.h"
#include "../images/ToolBarButtons.h"
#include "../images/TranscriptionButtons.h"
#include "../images/ToolsButtons.h"
#include "../images/ExpandingToolBar/ToolBarToggle.xpm"
#include "../images/ExpandingToolBar/ToolBarTarget.xpm"
#include "../images/ExpandingToolBar/ToolBarGrabber.xpm"
#define Slider VolumeSlider
#define SliderThumb VolumeSliderThumb
#include "../images/ControlButtons/Slider.xpm"
#include "../images/ControlButtons/SliderThumb.xpm"
#undef Slider
#undef SliderThumb
// A different slider's thumb.
#include "../images/SliderThumb.xpm"
#include "../images/SliderThumbAlpha.xpm"
// Include files to get the default images
//#include "../images/Aqua.xpm"
#include "../images/Arrow.xpm"
#include "../images/GlyphImages.h"
#include "../images/UploadImages.h"
#include "../images/AudacityLogoWithName.xpm"
//#include "../images/AudacityLogo.xpm"
#include "../images/AudacityLogo48x48.xpm"
// This declares the variables such as
// int BmpRecordButton = -1;
#include "AllThemeResources.h"
// Include the ImageCache...
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
static const unsigned char DarkImageCacheAsData[] = {
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
#include "DarkThemeAsCeeCode.h"
static const unsigned char LightImageCacheAsData[] = {
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
#include "LightThemeAsCeeCode.h"
static const unsigned char ClassicImageCacheAsData[] = {
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
#include "ClassicThemeAsCeeCode.h"
static const unsigned char HiContrastImageCacheAsData[] = {
2017-04-10 11:09:38 +00:00
#include "HiContrastThemeAsCeeCode.h"
// theTheme is a global variable.
AUDACITY_DLL_API Theme theTheme;
void Theme::EnsureInitialised()
if( mbInitialised )
extern void RegisterExtraThemeResources();
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
bool ThemeBase::LoadPreferredTheme()
// DA: Default themes differ.
auto theme = GUITheme.Read();
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
theTheme.LoadTheme( theTheme.ThemeTypeOfTypeName( theme ) );
return true;
void Theme::RegisterImages()
if( mbInitialised )
mbInitialised = true;
// This initialises the variables e.g
// RegisterImage( bmpRecordButton, some image, wxT("RecordButton"));
#include "AllThemeResources.h"
void Theme::RegisterColours()
bRecolourOnLoad = false;
bIsUsingSystemTextColour = false;
/// This function is called to load the initial Theme images.
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
/// It does not though cause the GUI to refresh.
void ThemeBase::LoadTheme( teThemeType Theme )
const bool cbOkIfNotFound = true;
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
if( !ReadImageCache( Theme, cbOkIfNotFound ) )
// THEN get the default set.
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
ReadImageCache( GetFallbackThemeType(), !cbOkIfNotFound );
// JKC: Now we could go on and load the individual images
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// on top of the default images using the commented out
// code that follows...
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// However, I think it is better to get the user to
// build a NEW image cache, which they can do easily
// from the Theme preferences tab.
#if 0
// and now add any available component images.
LoadComponents( cbOkIfNotFound );
// JKC: I'm usure about doing this next step automatically.
// Suppose the disk is write protected?
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// Is having the image cache created automatically
// going to confuse users? Do we need version specific names?
// and now save the combined image as a cache for later use.
// We should load the images a little faster in future as a result.
RotateImageInto( bmpRecordBeside, bmpRecordBelow, false );
RotateImageInto( bmpRecordBesideDisabled, bmpRecordBelowDisabled, false );
if( bRecolourOnLoad )
wxColor Back = theTheme.Colour( clrTrackInfo );
wxColor CurrentText = theTheme.Colour( clrTrackPanelText );
wxColor DesiredText = wxSystemSettings::GetColour( wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOWTEXT );
int TextColourDifference = ColourDistance( CurrentText, DesiredText );
bIsUsingSystemTextColour = ( TextColourDifference == 0 );
// Theming is very accepting of alternative text colours. They just need to
// have decent contrast to the background colour, if we're blending themes.
if( !bIsUsingSystemTextColour ){
int ContrastLevel = ColourDistance( Back, DesiredText );
bIsUsingSystemTextColour = bRecolourOnLoad && (ContrastLevel > 250);
if( bIsUsingSystemTextColour )
Colour( clrTrackPanelText ) = DesiredText;
bRecolourOnLoad = false;
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// Next line is not required as we haven't yet built the GUI
// when this function is (or should be) called.
// ApplyUpdatedImages();
void ThemeBase::RecolourBitmap( int iIndex, wxColour From, wxColour To )
wxImage Image( Bitmap( iIndex ).ConvertToImage() );
std::unique_ptr<wxImage> pResult = ChangeImageColour(
&Image, From, To );
ReplaceImage( iIndex, pResult.get() );
int ThemeBase::ColourDistance( wxColour & From, wxColour & To ){
abs( From.Red() - To.Red() )
+ abs( From.Green() - To.Green() )
+ abs( From.Blue() - To.Blue() );
// This function coerces a theme to be more like the system colours.
// Only used for built in themes. For custom themes a user
// will choose a better theme for them and just not use a mismatching one.
void ThemeBase::RecolourTheme()
wxColour From = Colour( clrMedium );
2017-04-08 15:26:03 +00:00
#if defined( __WXGTK__ )
wxColour To = wxSystemSettings::GetColour( wxSYS_COLOUR_BACKGROUND );
wxColour To = wxSystemSettings::GetColour( wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE );
2017-04-08 15:26:03 +00:00
// only recolour if recolouring is slight.
int d = ColourDistance( From, To );
// Don't recolour if difference is too big.
if( d > 120 )
// A minor tint difference from standard does not need
// to be recouloured either. Includes case of d==0 which is nothing
// needs to be done.
if( d < 40 )
Colour( clrMedium ) = To;
RecolourBitmap( bmpUpButtonLarge, From, To );
RecolourBitmap( bmpDownButtonLarge, From, To );
RecolourBitmap( bmpHiliteButtonLarge, From, To );
RecolourBitmap( bmpUpButtonSmall, From, To );
RecolourBitmap( bmpDownButtonSmall, From, To );
RecolourBitmap( bmpHiliteButtonSmall, From, To );
Colour( clrTrackInfo ) = To;
RecolourBitmap( bmpUpButtonExpand, From, To );
wxImage ThemeBase::MaskedImage( char const ** pXpm, char const ** pMask )
wxBitmap Bmp1( pXpm );
wxBitmap Bmp2( pMask );
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// wxLogDebug( wxT("Image 1: %i Image 2: %i"),
// Bmp1.GetDepth(), Bmp2.GetDepth() );
// We want a 24-bit-depth bitmap if all is working, but on some
// platforms it might just return -1 (which means best available
// or not relevant).
// JKC: \todo check that we're not relying on 24 bit elsewhere.
wxASSERT( Bmp1.GetDepth()==-1 || Bmp1.GetDepth()==24);
wxASSERT( Bmp1.GetDepth()==-1 || Bmp2.GetDepth()==24);
int i,nBytes;
nBytes = Bmp1.GetWidth() * Bmp1.GetHeight();
wxImage Img1( Bmp1.ConvertToImage());
wxImage Img2( Bmp2.ConvertToImage());
// unsigned char *src = Img1.GetData();
unsigned char *mk = Img2.GetData();
//wxImage::setAlpha requires memory allocated with malloc, not NEW
MallocString<unsigned char> alpha{
static_cast<unsigned char*>(malloc( nBytes )) };
// Extract alpha channel from second XPM.
alpha[i] = mk[0];
Img1.SetAlpha( alpha.release() );
//dmazzoni: the top line does not work on wxGTK
//wxBitmap Result( Img1, 32 );
//wxBitmap Result( Img1 );
return Img1;
// Legacy function to allow use of an XPM where no theme image was defined.
// Bit depth and mask needs review.
// Note that XPMs don't offer translucency, so unsuitable for a round shape overlay,
// for example.
void ThemeBase::RegisterImage( int &iIndex, char const ** pXpm, const wxString & Name )
wxASSERT( iIndex == -1 ); // Don't initialise same bitmap twice!
wxBitmap Bmp( pXpm );
wxImage Img( Bmp.ConvertToImage() );
// The next line recommended by
Img.SetMaskColour(0xDE, 0xDE, 0xDE);
//dmazzoni: the top line does not work on wxGTK
//wxBitmap Bmp2( Img, 32 );
//wxBitmap Bmp2( Img );
RegisterImage( iIndex, Img, Name );
void ThemeBase::RegisterImage( int &iIndex, const wxImage &Image, const wxString & Name )
wxASSERT( iIndex == -1 ); // Don't initialise same bitmap twice!
mImages.push_back( Image );
#ifdef __APPLE__
// On Mac, bitmaps with alpha don't work.
// So we convert to a mask and use that.
// It isn't quite as good, as alpha gives smoother edges.
//[Does not affect the large control buttons, as for those we do
// the blending ourselves anyway.]
wxImage TempImage( Image );
mBitmaps.push_back( wxBitmap( TempImage ) );
mBitmaps.push_back( wxBitmap( Image ) );
mBitmapNames.push_back( Name );
mBitmapFlags.push_back( mFlow.mFlags );
2017-05-13 17:34:48 +00:00
mFlow.mFlags &= ~resFlagSkip;
iIndex = mBitmaps.size() - 1;
void ThemeBase::RegisterColour( int &iIndex, const wxColour &Clr, const wxString & Name )
wxASSERT( iIndex == -1 ); // Don't initialise same colour twice!
mColours.push_back( Clr );
mColourNames.push_back( Name );
iIndex = mColours.size() - 1;
void FlowPacker::Init(int width)
mFlags = resFlagPaired;
mOldFlags = mFlags;
mxCacheWidth = width;
myPos = 0;
myPosBase =0;
myHeight = 0;
iImageGroupSize = 1;
mBorderWidth = 0;
void FlowPacker::SetNewGroup( int iGroupSize )
myPosBase +=myHeight * iImageGroupSize;
mxPos =0;
mOldFlags = mFlags;
iImageGroupSize = iGroupSize;
iImageGroupIndex = -1;
void FlowPacker::SetColourGroup( )
myPosBase = 750;
mxPos =0;
mOldFlags = mFlags;
iImageGroupSize = 1;
iImageGroupIndex = -1;
myHeight = 11;
void FlowPacker::GetNextPosition( int xSize, int ySize )
xSize += 2*mBorderWidth;
ySize += 2*mBorderWidth;
// if the height has increased, then we are on a NEW group.
2017-05-13 17:34:48 +00:00
if(( ySize > myHeight )||(((mFlags ^ mOldFlags )& ~resFlagSkip)!=0))
SetNewGroup( ((mFlags & resFlagPaired)!=0) ? 2 : 1 );
myHeight = ySize;
// mFlags &= ~resFlagNewLine;
// mOldFlags = mFlags;
if( iImageGroupIndex == iImageGroupSize )
iImageGroupIndex = 0;
mxPos += mComponentWidth;
if(mxPos > (mxCacheWidth - xSize ))
myHeight = ySize;
myPos = myPosBase + iImageGroupIndex * myHeight;
mComponentWidth = xSize;
mComponentHeight = ySize;
wxRect FlowPacker::Rect()
return wxRect( mxPos, myPos, mComponentWidth, mComponentHeight);
wxRect FlowPacker::RectInner()
return Rect().Deflate( mBorderWidth, mBorderWidth );
void FlowPacker::RectMid( int &x, int &y )
x = mxPos + mComponentWidth/2;
y = myPos + mComponentHeight/2;
/// \brief Helper class based on wxOutputStream used to get a png file in text format
/// The trick used here is that wxWidgets can write a PNG image to a stream.
/// By writing to a custom stream, we get to see each byte of data in turn, convert
/// it to text, put in commas, and then write that out to our own text stream.
class SourceOutputStream final : public wxOutputStream
int OpenFile(const FilePath & Filename);
virtual ~SourceOutputStream();
size_t OnSysWrite(const void *buffer, size_t bufsize) override;
wxFile File;
int nBytes;
/// Opens the file and also adds a standard comment at the start of it.
int SourceOutputStream::OpenFile(const FilePath & Filename)
nBytes = 0;
bool bOk;
bOk = File.Open( Filename, wxFile::write );
if( bOk )
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
// DA: Naming of output sourcery
File.Write( wxT("// DarkThemeAsCeeCode.h\r\n") );
File.Write( wxT("// ThemeAsCeeCode.h\r\n") );
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
File.Write( wxT("//\r\n") );
File.Write( wxT("// This file was Auto-Generated.\r\n") );
File.Write( wxT("// It is included by Theme.cpp.\r\n") );
File.Write( wxT("// Only check this into Git if you've read and understood the guidelines!\r\n\r\n ") );
return bOk;
/// This is the 'callback' function called with each write of PNG data
/// to the stream. This is where we conveet to text and add commas.
size_t SourceOutputStream::OnSysWrite(const void *buffer, size_t bufsize)
wxString Temp;
for(int i=0;i<(int)bufsize;i++)
// Write one byte with a comma
Temp = wxString::Format( wxT("%i,"),(int)(((unsigned char*)buffer)[i]) );
File.Write( Temp );
// New line if more than 20 bytes written since last time.
if( (nBytes %20)==0 )
File.Write( wxT("\r\n "));
return bufsize;
/// Destructor. We close our text stream in here.
File.Write( wxT("\r\n") );
// Must be wide enough for bmpAudacityLogo. Use double width + 10.
const int ImageCacheWidth = 440;
const int ImageCacheHeight = 836;
void ThemeBase::CreateImageCache( bool bBinarySave )
wxBusyCursor busy;
wxImage ImageCache( ImageCacheWidth, ImageCacheHeight );
ImageCache.SetRGB( wxRect( 0,0,ImageCacheWidth, ImageCacheHeight), 1,1,1);//Not-quite black.
// Ensure we have an alpha channel...
if( !ImageCache.HasAlpha() )
int i;
mFlow.Init( ImageCacheWidth );
mFlow.mBorderWidth =1;
//#define IMAGE_MAP
#ifdef IMAGE_MAP
wxLogDebug( wxT("<img src=\"ImageCache.png\" usemap=\"#map1\">" ));
wxLogDebug( wxT("<map name=\"map1\">") );
// Save the bitmaps
for(i = 0;i < (int)mImages.size();i++)
wxImage &SrcImage = mImages[i];
mFlow.mFlags = mBitmapFlags[i];
if( (mBitmapFlags[i] & resFlagInternal)==0)
mFlow.GetNextPosition( SrcImage.GetWidth(), SrcImage.GetHeight());
ImageCache.SetRGB( mFlow.Rect(), 0xf2, 0xb0, 0x27 );
2017-05-13 17:34:48 +00:00
if( (mFlow.mFlags & resFlagSkip) == 0 )
PasteSubImage( &ImageCache, &SrcImage,
mFlow.mxPos + mFlow.mBorderWidth,
mFlow.myPos + mFlow.mBorderWidth);
ImageCache.SetRGB( mFlow.RectInner(), 1,1,1);
#ifdef IMAGE_MAP
// No href in html. Uses title not alt.
wxRect R( mFlow.Rect() );
wxLogDebug( wxT("<area title=\"Bitmap:%s\" shape=rect coords=\"%i,%i,%i,%i\">"),
R.GetLeft(), R.GetTop(), R.GetRight(), R.GetBottom() );
// Now save the colours.
int x,y;
const int iColSize = 10;
for(i = 0; i < (int)mColours.size(); i++)
mFlow.GetNextPosition( iColSize, iColSize );
wxColour c = mColours[i];
ImageCache.SetRGB( mFlow.Rect() , 0xf2, 0xb0, 0x27 );
ImageCache.SetRGB( mFlow.RectInner() , c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue() );
// YUCK! No function in wxWidgets to set a rectangle of alpha...
ImageCache.SetAlpha( mFlow.mxPos + x, mFlow.myPos+y, 255);
#ifdef IMAGE_MAP
// No href in html. Uses title not alt.
wxRect R( mFlow.Rect() );
wxLogDebug( wxT("<area title=\"Colour:%s\" shape=rect coords=\"%i,%i,%i,%i\">"),
R.GetLeft(), R.GetTop(), R.GetRight(), R.GetBottom() );
int j;
int r = j &0xff;
int g = i &0xff;
int b = (j >> 8) | ((i>>4)&0xf0);
wxRect R( i,j, 1, 1);
ImageCache.SetRGB( R, r, g, b );
ImageCache.SetAlpha( i,j, 255);
#ifdef IMAGE_MAP
wxLogDebug( "</map>" );
// IF bBinarySave, THEN saving to a normal PNG file.
if( bBinarySave )
const auto &FileName = FileNames::ThemeCachePng();
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// Perhaps we should prompt the user if they are overwriting
// an existing theme cache?
#if 0
if( wxFileExists( FileName ))
auto message =
// XO(
//"Theme cache file:\n %s\nalready exists.\nAre you sure you want to replace it?")
// .Format( FileName );
TranslatableString{ FileName };
AudacityMessageBox( message );
#if 0
// Deliberate policy to use the fast/cheap blocky pixel-multiplication
// algorithm, as this introduces no artifacts on repeated scale up/down.
if( !ImageCache.SaveFile( FileName, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG ))
XO("Audacity could not write file:\n %s.")
.Format( FileName ));
/* i18n-hint: A theme is a consistent visual style across an application's
graphical user interface, including choices of colors, and similarity of images
such as those on button controls. Audacity can load and save alternative
themes. */
XO("Theme written to:\n %s.")
.Format( FileName ));
// ELSE saving to a C code textual version.
SourceOutputStream OutStream;
const auto &FileName = FileNames::ThemeCacheAsCee( );
if( !OutStream.OpenFile( FileName ))
XO("Audacity could not open file:\n %s\nfor writing.")
.Format( FileName ));
if( !ImageCache.SaveFile(OutStream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG ) )
XO("Audacity could not write images to file:\n %s.")
.Format( FileName ));
/* i18n-hint "Cee" means the C computer programming language */
XO("Theme as Cee code written to:\n %s.")
.Format( FileName ));
/// Writes an html file with an image map of the ImageCache
/// Very handy for seeing what each part is for.
void ThemeBase::WriteImageMap( )
wxBusyCursor busy;
int i;
mFlow.Init( ImageCacheWidth );
mFlow.mBorderWidth = 1;
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
wxFFile File( FileNames::ThemeCacheHtm(), wxT("wb") );// I'll put in NEW lines explicitly.
if( !File.IsOpened() )
File.Write( wxT("<html>\r\n"));
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
File.Write( wxT("<body bgcolor=\"303030\">\r\n"));
wxString Temp = wxString::Format( wxT("<img src=\"ImageCache.png\" width=\"%i\" usemap=\"#map1\">\r\n" ), ImageCacheWidth );
File.Write( Temp );
File.Write( wxT("<map name=\"map1\">\r\n") );
for(i = 0; i < (int)mImages.size(); i++)
wxImage &SrcImage = mImages[i];
mFlow.mFlags = mBitmapFlags[i];
if( (mBitmapFlags[i] & resFlagInternal)==0)
mFlow.GetNextPosition( SrcImage.GetWidth(), SrcImage.GetHeight());
// No href in html. Uses title not alt.
wxRect R( mFlow.RectInner() );
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
File.Write( wxString::Format(
wxT("<area title=\"Bitmap:%s\" shape=rect coords=\"%i,%i,%i,%i\">\r\n"),
R.GetLeft(), R.GetTop(), R.GetRight(), R.GetBottom()) );
// Now save the colours.
const int iColSize = 10;
for(i = 0; i < (int)mColours.size(); i++)
mFlow.GetNextPosition( iColSize, iColSize );
// No href in html. Uses title not alt.
wxRect R( mFlow.RectInner() );
File.Write( wxString::Format( wxT("<area title=\"Colour:%s\" shape=rect coords=\"%i,%i,%i,%i\">\r\n"),
R.GetLeft(), R.GetTop(), R.GetRight(), R.GetBottom()) );
File.Write( wxT("</map>\r\n") );
File.Write( wxT("</body>\r\n"));
File.Write( wxT("</html>\r\n"));
// File will be closed automatically.
/// Writes a series of Macro definitions that can be used in the include file.
void ThemeBase::WriteImageDefs( )
wxBusyCursor busy;
int i;
wxFFile File( FileNames::ThemeImageDefsAsCee(), wxT("wb") );
if( !File.IsOpened() )
teResourceFlags PrevFlags = (teResourceFlags)-1;
for(i = 0; i < (int)mImages.size(); i++)
wxImage &SrcImage = mImages[i];
// No href in html. Uses title not alt.
if( PrevFlags != mBitmapFlags[i] )
PrevFlags = (teResourceFlags)mBitmapFlags[i];
int t = (int)PrevFlags;
wxString Temp;
if( t==0 ) Temp = wxT(" resFlagNone ");
if( t & resFlagPaired ) Temp += wxT(" resFlagPaired ");
if( t & resFlagCursor ) Temp += wxT(" resFlagCursor ");
if( t & resFlagNewLine ) Temp += wxT(" resFlagNewLine ");
if( t & resFlagInternal ) Temp += wxT(" resFlagInternal ");
Temp.Replace( wxT(" "), wxT(" | ") );
File.Write( wxString::Format( wxT("\r\n SET_THEME_FLAGS( %s );\r\n"),
Temp ));
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
File.Write( wxString::Format(
wxT(" DEFINE_IMAGE( bmp%s, wxImage( %i, %i ), wxT(\"%s\"));\r\n"),
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
teThemeType ThemeBase::GetFallbackThemeType(){
// Fallback must be an internally supported type,
// to guarantee it is found.
return themeDark;
return themeLight;
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
teThemeType ThemeBase::ThemeTypeOfTypeName( const wxString & Name )
static const wxArrayStringEx aThemes{
"classic" ,
"dark" ,
"light" ,
"high-contrast" ,
"custom" ,
int themeIx = make_iterator_range( aThemes ).index( Name );
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
if( themeIx < 0 )
return GetFallbackThemeType();
return (teThemeType)themeIx;
/// Reads an image cache including images, cursors and colours.
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
/// @param bBinaryRead if true means read from an external binary file.
/// otherwise the data is taken from a compiled in block of memory.
/// @param bOkIfNotFound if true means do not report absent file.
/// @return true iff we loaded the images.
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
bool ThemeBase::ReadImageCache( teThemeType type, bool bOkIfNotFound)
wxImage ImageCache;
wxBusyCursor busy;
// Ensure we have an alpha channel...
// if( !ImageCache.HasAlpha() )
// {
// ImageCache.InitAlpha();
// }
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/BlendThemes"), &bRecolourOnLoad, true);
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
if( type == themeFromFile )
const auto &FileName = FileNames::ThemeCachePng();
if( !wxFileExists( FileName ))
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
if( bOkIfNotFound )
return false; // did not load the images, so return false.
XO("Audacity could not find file:\n %s.\nTheme not loaded.")
.Format( FileName ));
return false;
if( !ImageCache.LoadFile( FileName, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG ))
2012-03-20 15:36:02 +00:00
/* i18n-hint: Do not translate png. It is the name of a file format.*/
XO("Audacity could not load file:\n %s.\nBad png format perhaps?")
.Format( FileName ));
return false;
// ELSE we are reading from internal storage.
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
size_t ImageSize = 0;
2017-07-12 18:56:21 +00:00
const unsigned char * pImage = nullptr;
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
switch( type ){
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
case themeClassic :
ImageSize = sizeof(ClassicImageCacheAsData);
2017-07-12 18:56:21 +00:00
pImage = ClassicImageCacheAsData;
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
case themeLight :
ImageSize = sizeof(LightImageCacheAsData);
2017-07-12 18:56:21 +00:00
pImage = LightImageCacheAsData;
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
case themeDark :
ImageSize = sizeof(DarkImageCacheAsData);
2017-07-12 18:56:21 +00:00
pImage = DarkImageCacheAsData;
2017-04-10 11:09:38 +00:00
case themeHiContrast :
ImageSize = sizeof(HiContrastImageCacheAsData);
2017-07-12 18:56:21 +00:00
pImage = HiContrastImageCacheAsData;
2017-04-10 11:09:38 +00:00
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
//wxLogDebug("Reading ImageCache %p size %i", pImage, ImageSize );
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
wxMemoryInputStream InternalStream( pImage, ImageSize );
if( !ImageCache.LoadFile( InternalStream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG ))
// If we get this message, it means that the data in file
// was not a valid png image.
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// Most likely someone edited it by mistake,
// Or some experiment is being tried with NEW formats for it.
"Audacity could not read its default theme.\nPlease report the problem."));
return false;
//wxLogDebug("Read %i by %i", ImageCache.GetWidth(), ImageCache.GetHeight() );
// Resize a large image down.
if( ImageCache.GetWidth() > ImageCacheWidth ){
int h = ImageCache.GetHeight() * ((1.0*ImageCacheWidth)/ImageCache.GetWidth());
ImageCache.Rescale( ImageCacheWidth, h );
int i;
mFlow.mBorderWidth = 1;
// Load the bitmaps
for(i = 0; i < (int)mImages.size(); i++)
wxImage &Image = mImages[i];
mFlow.mFlags = mBitmapFlags[i];
if( (mBitmapFlags[i] & resFlagInternal)==0)
mFlow.GetNextPosition( Image.GetWidth(),Image.GetHeight() );
wxRect R = mFlow.RectInner();
//wxLogDebug( "[%i, %i, %i, %i, \"%s\"], ", R.x, R.y, R.width, R.height, mBitmapNames[i].c_str() );
Image = GetSubImageWithAlpha( ImageCache, mFlow.RectInner() );
mBitmaps[i] = wxBitmap(Image);
if( !ImageCache.HasAlpha() )
// return true; //To not load colours..
// Now load the colours.
int x,y;
wxColour TempColour;
const int iColSize=10;
for(i = 0; i < (int)mColours.size(); i++)
mFlow.GetNextPosition( iColSize, iColSize );
mFlow.RectMid( x, y );
wxRect R = mFlow.RectInner();
//wxLogDebug( "[%i, %i, %i, %i, \"%s\"], ", R.x, R.y, R.width, R.height, mColourNames[i].c_str() );
// Only change the colour if the alpha is opaque.
// This allows us to add NEW colours more easily.
if( ImageCache.GetAlpha(x,y ) > 128 )
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
TempColour = wxColour(
ImageCache.GetRed( x,y),
ImageCache.GetGreen( x,y),
/// \todo revisit this hack which makes adding NEW colours easier
/// but which prevents a colour of (1,1,1) from being added.
/// find an alternative way to make adding NEW colours easier.
/// e.g. initialise the background to translucent, perhaps.
if( TempColour != wxColour(1,1,1) )
mColours[i] = TempColour;
return true;
void ThemeBase::LoadComponents( bool bOkIfNotFound )
// IF directory doesn't exist THEN return early.
if( !wxDirExists( FileNames::ThemeComponentsDir() ))
wxBusyCursor busy;
int i;
int n=0;
FilePath FileName;
for(i = 0; i < (int)mImages.size(); i++)
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
if( (mBitmapFlags[i] & resFlagInternal)==0)
FileName = FileNames::ThemeComponent( mBitmapNames[i] );
if( wxFileExists( FileName ))
if( !mImages[i].LoadFile( FileName, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG ))
2012-03-20 15:36:02 +00:00
/* i18n-hint: Do not translate png. It is the name of a file format.*/
"Audacity could not load file:\n %s.\nBad png format perhaps?")
.Format( FileName ));
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
/// JKC: \bug (wxWidgets) A png may have been saved with alpha, but when you
/// load it, it comes back with a mask instead! (well I guess it is more
/// efficient). Anyway, we want alpha and not a mask, so we call InitAlpha,
/// and that transfers the mask into the alpha channel, and we're done.
if( ! mImages[i].HasAlpha() )
// wxLogDebug( wxT("File %s lacked alpha"), mBitmapNames[i] );
mBitmaps[i] = wxBitmap( mImages[i] );
if( n==0 )
if( bOkIfNotFound )
"None of the expected theme component files\n were found in:\n %s.")
.Format( FileNames::ThemeComponentsDir() ));
void ThemeBase::SaveComponents()
// IF directory doesn't exist THEN create it
if( !wxDirExists( FileNames::ThemeComponentsDir() ))
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
/// \bug 1 in wxWidgets documentation; wxMkDir returns false if
/// directory didn't exist, even if it successfully creates it.
/// so we create and then test if it exists instead.
/// \bug 2 in wxWidgets documentation; wxMkDir has only one argument
/// under MSW
#ifdef __WXMSW__
wxMkDir( FileNames::ThemeComponentsDir().fn_str() );
wxMkDir( FileNames::ThemeComponentsDir().fn_str(), 0700 );
if( !wxDirExists( FileNames::ThemeComponentsDir() ))
XO("Could not create directory:\n %s")
.Format( FileNames::ThemeComponentsDir() ) );
wxBusyCursor busy;
int i;
int n=0;
FilePath FileName;
for(i = 0; i < (int)mImages.size(); i++)
if( (mBitmapFlags[i] & resFlagInternal)==0)
FileName = FileNames::ThemeComponent( mBitmapNames[i] );
if( wxFileExists( FileName ))
if (n > 0)
auto result =
"Some required files in:\n %s\nwere already present. Overwrite?")
.Format( FileNames::ThemeComponentsDir() ),
if(result == wxNO)
for(i = 0; i < (int)mImages.size(); i++)
if( (mBitmapFlags[i] & resFlagInternal)==0)
FileName = FileNames::ThemeComponent( mBitmapNames[i] );
if( !mImages[i].SaveFile( FileName, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG ))
XO("Audacity could not save file:\n %s")
.Format( FileName ));
XO("Theme written to:\n %s.")
.Format( FileNames::ThemeComponentsDir() ) );
void ThemeBase::SaveThemeAsCode()
// false indicates not using standard binary method.
CreateImageCache( false );
wxImage ThemeBase::MakeImageWithAlpha( wxBitmap & Bmp )
// BUG in wxWidgets. Conversion from BMP to image does not preserve alpha.
wxImage image( Bmp.ConvertToImage() );
return image;
wxColour & ThemeBase::Colour( int iIndex )
wxASSERT( iIndex >= 0 );
return mColours[iIndex];
void ThemeBase::SetBrushColour( wxBrush & Brush, int iIndex )
wxASSERT( iIndex >= 0 );
Brush.SetColour( Colour( iIndex ));
void ThemeBase::SetPenColour( wxPen & Pen, int iIndex )
wxASSERT( iIndex >= 0 );
Pen.SetColour( Colour( iIndex ));
wxBitmap & ThemeBase::Bitmap( int iIndex )
wxASSERT( iIndex >= 0 );
return mBitmaps[iIndex];
wxImage & ThemeBase::Image( int iIndex )
wxASSERT( iIndex >= 0 );
return mImages[iIndex];
wxSize ThemeBase::ImageSize( int iIndex )
wxASSERT( iIndex >= 0 );
wxImage & Image = mImages[iIndex];
return wxSize( Image.GetWidth(), Image.GetHeight());
// The next two functions are for future use.
#if 0
wxCursor & ThemeBase::Cursor( int iIndex )
wxASSERT( iIndex >= 0 );
// Purposeful null deref. Function is for future use.
// If anyone tries to use it now they will get an error.
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
return *(wxCursor*)NULL;
wxFont & ThemeBase::Font( int iIndex )
wxASSERT( iIndex >= 0 );
// Purposeful null deref. Function is for future use.
// If anyone tries to use it now they will get an error.
return *(wxFont*)NULL;
/// Replaces both the image and the bitmap.
void ThemeBase::ReplaceImage( int iIndex, wxImage * pImage )
Image( iIndex ) = *pImage;
Bitmap( iIndex ) = wxBitmap( *pImage );
void ThemeBase::RotateImageInto( int iTo, int iFrom, bool bClockwise )
wxImage img(theTheme.Bitmap( iFrom ).ConvertToImage() );
wxImage img2 = img.Rotate90( bClockwise );
ReplaceImage( iTo, &img2 );
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(auStaticText, wxWindow)
auStaticText::auStaticText(wxWindow* parent, wxString textIn) :
wxWindow(parent, wxID_ANY)
int textWidth, textHeight;
int fontSize = 11;
#ifdef __WXMSW__
fontSize = 9;
GetTextExtent(textIn, &textWidth, &textHeight, NULL, NULL, &font);
SetFont( font );
SetMinSize( wxSize(textWidth, textHeight) );
SetBackgroundColour( theTheme.Colour( clrMedium));
SetForegroundColour( theTheme.Colour( clrTrackPanelText));
void auStaticText::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent & WXUNUSED(evt))
wxPaintDC dc(this);
//dc.SetTextForeground( theTheme.Colour( clrTrackPanelText));
dc.DrawText( GetLabel(), 0,0);