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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
James Crook
Jun Wan
#ifndef _LABELTRACK_
#define _LABELTRACK_
#include "SelectedRegion.h"
#include "Track.h"
#include <wx/brush.h>
#include <wx/event.h>
#include <wx/font.h>
#include <wx/pen.h>
#include <wx/dynarray.h>
#include <wx/string.h>
#include <wx/clipbrd.h>
class wxKeyEvent;
class wxMouseEvent;
class wxTextFile;
class wxWindow;
class wxIcon;
class wxBitmap;
class TrackList;
class AudacityProject;
class DirManager;
class TimeWarper;
class ZoomInfo;
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class LabelStruct
// Copies region
LabelStruct(const SelectedRegion& region, const wxString &aTitle);
// Copies region but then overwrites other times
LabelStruct(const SelectedRegion& region, double t0, double t1,
const wxString &aTitle);
void DrawLines( wxDC & dc, const wxRect & r) const;
void DrawGlyphs
( wxDC & dc, const wxRect & r, int GlyphLeft, int GlyphRight) const;
void DrawText( wxDC & dc, const wxRect & r) const;
void DrawTextBox( wxDC & dc, const wxRect & r) const;
void DrawHighlight( wxDC & dc, int xPos1, int xPos2, int charHeight) const;
void getXPos( wxDC & dc, int * xPos1, int cursorPos) const;
const SelectedRegion &getSelectedRegion() const { return selectedRegion; }
double getDuration() const { return selectedRegion.duration(); }
double getT0() const { return selectedRegion.t0(); }
double getT1() const { return selectedRegion.t1(); }
// Returns true iff the label got inverted:
bool AdjustEdge( int iEdge, double fNewTime);
void MoveLabel( int iEdge, double fNewTime);
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struct BadFormatException {};
static LabelStruct Import(wxTextFile &file, int &index);
void Export(wxTextFile &file) const;
/// Relationships between selection region and labels
enum TimeRelations
/// Returns relationship between a region described and this label; if
/// parent is set, it will consider point labels at the very beginning
/// and end of parent to be within a region that borders them (this makes
/// it possible to DELETE capture all labels with a Select All).
TimeRelations RegionRelation(double reg_t0, double reg_t1,
const LabelTrack *parent = NULL) const;
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SelectedRegion selectedRegion;
wxString title; /// Text of the label.
mutable int width; /// width of the text in pixels.
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// Working storage for on-screen layout.
mutable int x; /// Pixel position of left hand glyph
mutable int x1; /// Pixel position of right hand glyph
mutable int xText; /// Pixel position of left hand side of text box
mutable int y; /// Pixel position of label.
bool updated; /// flag to tell if the label times were updated
using LabelArray = std::vector<LabelStruct>;
const int NUM_GLYPH_CONFIGS = 3;
const int MAX_NUM_ROWS =80;
class AUDACITY_DLL_API LabelTrack final : public Track
friend class LabelStruct;
bool IsGoodLabelFirstKey(const wxKeyEvent & evt);
bool IsGoodLabelEditKey(const wxKeyEvent & evt);
bool IsTextSelected();
void CreateCustomGlyphs();
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LabelTrack(const std::shared_ptr<DirManager> &projDirManager);
LabelTrack(const LabelTrack &orig);
virtual ~ LabelTrack();
void SetOffset(double dOffset) override;
static const int DefaultFontSize = 12;
static wxFont GetFont(const wxString &faceName, int size = DefaultFontSize);
static void ResetFont();
void Draw(wxDC & dc, const wxRect & r,
const SelectedRegion &selectedRegion,
const ZoomInfo &zoomInfo) const;
int getSelectedIndex() const { return mSelIndex; }
bool IsAdjustingLabel() const { return mIsAdjustingLabel; }
int GetKind() const override { return Label; }
double GetOffset() const override;
double GetStartTime() const override;
double GetEndTime() const override;
using Holder = std::unique_ptr<LabelTrack>;
Track::Holder Duplicate() const override;
void SetSelected(bool s) override;
bool HandleXMLTag(const wxChar *tag, const wxChar **attrs) override;
XMLTagHandler *HandleXMLChild(const wxChar *tag) override;
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void WriteXML(XMLWriter &xmlFile) const override;
bool Load(wxTextFile * in, DirManager * dirManager) override;
bool Save(wxTextFile * out, bool overwrite) override;
Track::Holder Cut (double t0, double t1) override;
Track::Holder Copy (double t0, double t1, bool forClipboard = true) const override;
void Clear(double t0, double t1) override;
void Paste(double t, const Track * src) override;
bool Repeat(double t0, double t1, int n);
void Silence(double t0, double t1) override;
void InsertSilence(double t, double len) override;
int OverGlyph(int x, int y);
static wxBitmap & GetGlyph( int i);
void ResetFlags();
int OverATextBox(int xx, int yy) const;
bool OverTextBox(const LabelStruct *pLabel, int x, int y) const;
bool CutSelectedText();
bool CopySelectedText();
bool PasteSelectedText(double sel0, double sel1);
static bool IsTextClipSupported();
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void HandleClick(const wxMouseEvent & evt, const wxRect & r, const ZoomInfo &zoomInfo,
SelectedRegion *newSel);
bool HandleGlyphDragRelease(const wxMouseEvent & evt, wxRect & r, const ZoomInfo &zoomInfo,
SelectedRegion *newSel);
void HandleTextDragRelease(const wxMouseEvent & evt);
bool CaptureKey(wxKeyEvent & event);
bool OnKeyDown(SelectedRegion &sel, wxKeyEvent & event);
bool OnChar(SelectedRegion &sel, wxKeyEvent & event);
void Import(wxTextFile & f);
void Export(wxTextFile & f) const;
void Unselect();
bool IsSelected() const;
int GetNumLabels() const;
const LabelStruct *GetLabel(int index) const;
//This returns the index of the label we just added.
int AddLabel(const SelectedRegion &region, const wxString &title = wxT(""),
2016-01-23 16:35:37 +00:00
int restoreFocus = -1);
//And this tells us the index, if there is a label already there.
int GetLabelIndex(double t, double t1);
//This deletes the label at given index.
void DeleteLabel(int index);
//get current cursor position,
// relative to the left edge of the track panel
bool CalcCursorX(int * x) const;
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void CalcHighlightXs(int *x1, int *x2) const;
void MayAdjustLabel( int iLabel, int iEdge, bool bAllowSwapping, double fNewTime);
void MayMoveLabel( int iLabel, int iEdge, double fNewTime);
// This pastes labels without shifting existing ones
bool PasteOver(double t, const Track *src);
// PRL: These functions were not used because they were not overrides! Was that right?
//Track::Holder SplitCut(double b, double e) /* not override */;
//bool SplitDelete(double b, double e) /* not override */;
void ShiftLabelsOnInsert(double length, double pt);
void ChangeLabelsOnReverse(double b, double e);
void ScaleLabels(double b, double e, double change);
double AdjustTimeStampOnScale(double t, double b, double e, double change);
void WarpLabels(const TimeWarper &warper);
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// Returns tab-separated text of all labels completely within given region
wxString GetTextOfLabels(double t0, double t1) const;
int FindNextLabel(const SelectedRegion& currentSelection);
int FindPrevLabel(const SelectedRegion& currentSelection);
void SortLabels();
//These two are used by a TrackPanel KLUDGE, which is why they are public.
bool mbHitCenter;
//The edge variable tells us what state the icon is in.
//mOldEdge is useful for telling us when there has been a state change.
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int mOldEdge;
void ShowContextMenu();
void OnContextMenu(wxCommandEvent & evt);
int mSelIndex; /// Keeps track of the currently selected label
int mMouseOverLabelLeft; /// Keeps track of which left label the mouse is currently over.
int mMouseOverLabelRight; /// Keeps track of which right label the mouse is currently over.
int mxMouseDisplacement; /// Displacement of mouse cursor from the centre being dragged.
LabelArray mLabels;
static int mIconHeight;
static int mIconWidth;
static int mTextHeight;
static bool mbGlyphsReady;
static wxBitmap mBoundaryGlyphs[NUM_GLYPH_CONFIGS * NUM_GLYPH_HIGHLIGHTS];
static int mFontHeight;
int mCurrentCursorPos; /// current cursor position
int mInitialCursorPos; /// initial cursor position
bool mRightDragging; /// flag to tell if it's a valid dragging
bool mDrawCursor; /// flag to tell if drawing the
/// cursor or not
int mRestoreFocus; /// Restore focus to this track
/// when done editing
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// Set in copied label tracks
double mClipLen;
int miLastLabel; // used by FindNextLabel and FindPrevLabel
void ComputeLayout(const wxRect & r, const ZoomInfo &zoomInfo) const;
void ComputeTextPosition(const wxRect & r, int index) const;
int FindCurrentCursorPosition(int xPos);
void SetCurrentCursorPosition(int xPos);
void calculateFontHeight(wxDC & dc) const;
void RemoveSelectedText();
bool mIsAdjustingLabel;
bool mbIsMoving;
static wxFont msFont;