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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
James Crook
\page Themability Themability of Audacity
\section ThemeIntro Introduction
Audacity is Themable. That means the images, colours and fonts can be
changed at run time, and pre-built combinations can be loaded when the
program starts.
A sample of the saved ImageCache is shown here, hover over any
part to see its name (if there is no image shown here, you will need
to add the image ImageCache.png into the html directory):
<img src="ImageCache.png" width=192 height=584 usemap="#map1" align="left" hspace="10">
<map name="map1">
<area title="Bitmap:Pause" shape=rect coords="0,0,15,15">
<area title="Bitmap:PauseDisabled" shape=rect coords="0,16,15,31">
<area title="Bitmap:Play" shape=rect coords="16,0,31,15">
<area title="Bitmap:PlayDisabled" shape=rect coords="16,16,31,31">
<area title="Bitmap:Loop" shape=rect coords="32,0,47,15">
<area title="Bitmap:LoopDisabled" shape=rect coords="32,16,47,31">
<area title="Bitmap:Stop" shape=rect coords="48,0,63,15">
<area title="Bitmap:StopDisabled" shape=rect coords="48,16,63,31">
<area title="Bitmap:Rewind" shape=rect coords="64,0,79,15">
<area title="Bitmap:RewindDisabled" shape=rect coords="64,16,79,31">
<area title="Bitmap:FFwd" shape=rect coords="80,0,95,15">
<area title="Bitmap:FFwdDisabled" shape=rect coords="80,16,95,31">
<area title="Bitmap:Record" shape=rect coords="96,0,111,15">
<area title="Bitmap:RecordDisabled" shape=rect coords="96,16,111,31">
<area title="Bitmap:CleanSpeech" shape=rect coords="112,0,127,15">
<area title="Bitmap:CleanSpeechDisabled" shape=rect coords="112,16,127,31">
<area title="Bitmap:ToolBarToggle" shape=rect coords="0,32,42,66">
<area title="Bitmap:ToolBarTarget" shape=rect coords="43,32,59,57">
<area title="Bitmap:ToolBarGrabber" shape=rect coords="60,32,76,39">
<area title="Bitmap:UpButton" shape=rect coords="0,67,47,114">
<area title="Bitmap:DownButton" shape=rect coords="48,67,95,114">
<area title="Bitmap:HiliteButton" shape=rect coords="96,67,143,114">
<area title="Bitmap:RecolouredUpButton" shape=rect coords="144,67,191,114">
<area title="Bitmap:RecolouredDownButton" shape=rect coords="0,115,47,162">
<area title="Bitmap:RecolouredHiliteButton" shape=rect coords="48,115,95,162">
<area title="Bitmap:IBeamCursor" shape=rect coords="0,163,31,194">
<area title="Bitmap:DrawCursor" shape=rect coords="0,195,31,226">
<area title="Bitmap:EnvCursor" shape=rect coords="32,163,63,194">
<area title="Bitmap:TimeCursor" shape=rect coords="32,195,63,226">
<area title="Bitmap:ZoomInCursor" shape=rect coords="64,163,95,194">
<area title="Bitmap:ZoomOutCursor" shape=rect coords="64,195,95,226">
<area title="Bitmap:LabelCursorLeft" shape=rect coords="96,163,127,194">
<area title="Bitmap:LabelCursorRight" shape=rect coords="96,195,127,226">
<area title="Bitmap:DisabledCursor" shape=rect coords="128,163,159,194">
<area title="Bitmap:Cut" shape=rect coords="0,227,25,250">
<area title="Bitmap:CutDisabled" shape=rect coords="0,251,25,274">
<area title="Bitmap:Copy" shape=rect coords="26,227,51,250">
<area title="Bitmap:CopyDisabled" shape=rect coords="26,251,51,274">
<area title="Bitmap:Paste" shape=rect coords="52,227,77,250">
<area title="Bitmap:PasteDisabled" shape=rect coords="52,251,77,274">
<area title="Bitmap:Trim" shape=rect coords="78,227,103,250">
<area title="Bitmap:TrimDisabled" shape=rect coords="78,251,103,274">
<area title="Bitmap:Silence" shape=rect coords="104,227,129,250">
<area title="Bitmap:SilenceDisabled" shape=rect coords="104,251,129,274">
<area title="Bitmap:Undo" shape=rect coords="130,227,155,250">
<area title="Bitmap:UndoDisabled" shape=rect coords="130,251,155,274">
<area title="Bitmap:Redo" shape=rect coords="156,227,181,250">
<area title="Bitmap:RedoDisabled" shape=rect coords="156,251,181,274">
<area title="Bitmap:ZoomFit" shape=rect coords="0,275,26,301">
<area title="Bitmap:ZoomFitDisabled" shape=rect coords="0,302,26,328">
<area title="Bitmap:ZoomIn" shape=rect coords="27,275,53,301">
<area title="Bitmap:ZoomInDisabled" shape=rect coords="27,302,53,328">
<area title="Bitmap:ZoomOut" shape=rect coords="54,275,80,301">
<area title="Bitmap:ZoomOutDisabled" shape=rect coords="54,302,80,328">
<area title="Bitmap:ZoomSel" shape=rect coords="81,275,107,301">
<area title="Bitmap:ZoomSelDisabled" shape=rect coords="81,302,107,328">
<area title="Bitmap:IBeam" shape=rect coords="108,275,134,301">
<area title="Bitmap:Zoom" shape=rect coords="108,302,134,328">
<area title="Bitmap:Envelope" shape=rect coords="135,275,161,301">
<area title="Bitmap:TimeShift" shape=rect coords="135,302,161,328">
<area title="Bitmap:Draw" shape=rect coords="162,275,188,301">
<area title="Bitmap:Multi" shape=rect coords="162,302,188,328">
<area title="Bitmap:Mic" shape=rect coords="0,329,24,353">
<area title="Bitmap:Speaker" shape=rect coords="25,329,49,353">
<area title="Bitmap:Up" shape=rect coords="0,354,26,380">
<area title="Bitmap:Down" shape=rect coords="27,354,53,380">
<area title="Bitmap:Hilite" shape=rect coords="54,354,80,380">
<area title="Bitmap:PostfishHome" shape=rect coords="81,354,99,370">
<area title="Bitmap:PostfishFastRewind" shape=rect coords="100,354,116,370">
<area title="Bitmap:PostfishRewind" shape=rect coords="117,354,134,370">
<area title="Bitmap:PostfishPlay" shape=rect coords="135,354,163,370">
<area title="Bitmap:PostfishForward" shape=rect coords="164,354,181,370">
<area title="Bitmap:PostfishFastForward" shape=rect coords="0,381,16,397">
<area title="Bitmap:PostfishEnd" shape=rect coords="17,381,35,397">
<area title="Bitmap:PostfishLoop" shape=rect coords="36,381,64,397">
<area title="Colour:Blank" shape=rect coords="0,398,9,407">
<area title="Colour:Unselected" shape=rect coords="10,398,19,407">
<area title="Colour:Selected" shape=rect coords="20,398,29,407">
<area title="Colour:Sample" shape=rect coords="30,398,39,407">
<area title="Colour:SelSample" shape=rect coords="40,398,49,407">
<area title="Colour:DragSample" shape=rect coords="50,398,59,407">
<area title="Colour:MuteSample" shape=rect coords="60,398,69,407">
<area title="Colour:Rms" shape=rect coords="70,398,79,407">
<area title="Colour:MuteRms" shape=rect coords="80,398,89,407">
<area title="Colour:Shadow" shape=rect coords="90,398,99,407">
ThemeBase provides most of the implementation of Themes. It is destined for
\ref WidgetMigration. Theme is Audacity's variant of a class derived
from ThemeBase. It contains the Audacity specific list of icons and images
and overloads for the required virtual functions. A singleton instance,
\p theTheme is created by Audacity.
Another class, ThemePrefs, provides the GUI for loading and saving theme
\section RepresentationOfIcons The Different Ways Theme Images are Stored
Audacity includes a system for loading and saving different icons and
There are three formats:
- Images stored combined into one PNG file.
- Images stored as individual PNG files.
- The PNG file as a file of comma separated numbers.
The first form is the one usually used. It is useful for designers
making systematic changes of the images, particularly systematic
colour changes. It is also convenient for archives containing many
themes and for sharing of themes. However it is inconvenient when
there are additions to and removals from the image set used in
Audacity, as can happen between versions. A combined PNG made
for one version of Audacity may no longer be suitable for the next
Storing as individual images solves that problem and makes it easier
for a designer to change just one image. In CVS we check in the
individual images.
The third form allows Audacity to store the combined PNG in 'C' format
for use in the exe. It is only ever used by developers. It is this
third form that provides the built in defaults in Audacity.
\attention The button to save a theme in the 'C' format is only
provided in debug builds.
\section ThemesChoosingVersion How Audacity Chooses Which Version Of The images To Use?
At the time of writing this document, Audacity also has a deprecated system
for its images where they initially start out with contents determined by
XPMs built into the program.
The current algorithm for determining which image to use is:
- IF loading the theme at start up is disabled, use the XPM defaults.
- ELSE if the image cache is available THEN use it.
- ELSE use the built in ' ThemeAsCeeCode.h ' defaults.
This is handled in function \ref ThemeBase::LoadThemeAtStartUp(). Once the
deprecated XPMs have been removed, we wil switch over to using the built
in 'ThemeAsCeeCode.h' defualts where we currently use the XPM defaults.
\section ChangingTheColourScheme Changing The Colour Scheme
To change the colour scheme:
- Run the program and use the 'Save Theme' button on the ThemePrefs panel.
This saves all the images as a single .png file, ImageCache.png.
- Use the GIMP to modify the colours in ImageCache.png. Using the colour
balance feature provides a nice way to make a systematic change. Note in
particular near the end of the image a row of small squares. These are
used for colours such as the colours in the waveform.
- Use the 'Load Theme' button on the ThemePrefs panel to accept the
- Check the 'Load Theme At Startup' check box so that the theme will be
loaded next time you start Audacity.
\section AddingNewImages Adding New Images
To add a new image to Audacity, add a blank place holder for the image into
the program like so:
IMAGE( bmpSomeNewImage, wxBitmap(64,64), wxT("SomeNewImage") )
This reserves a 64 x 64 pixel bitmap. You can now refer to it from within the
program using bmpSomeNewImage. If you add images on to the end of the list
you will generally have the least problems with compatability of versions.
If you are adding many images, the most efficient packing of images occurs
when the images are added in tallest-first order since Audacity starts a new
row whenever the height increases.
Having defined the new image, follow these steps:
- Compile Audacity in debug mode.
- Run the program and use the 'Save Components' button on the
ThemePrefs panel. This saves all the images as .png files, including
a blank image for your new image.
- Replace that .png file with the image you want to use.
- Press the 'Load Components' button on the ThemPrefs panel.
- Press the 'Save Theme' button on the ThemePrefs panel. You now have
a composite .png file that includes your image.
- Press the 'Output Sourcery' button on the Theme prefs panel. This
generates a new data file, ThemeAsCeeCode.h, which can be used for defaults.
- Replace the existing ThemeAsCeeCode.h in the Audacity source code
and recompile. You should now have a version of Audacity with the new
.png as a built in default.
Audacity will now be using the image.
- When you come to check in the updated code into CVS, including
ThemeAsCeeCode.h, remember to also add your new .png image into CVS
\section RescuingDefaultImages Rescuing Default Images
It is possible to completely screw up the built in default images
through using an incorrect ThemeAsCeeCode.h. A correct ThemeAsCeeCode.h
can be regenerated as follows:
- Retrieve a correct set of images from CVS and place them in the
components directory used by Audacity.
- Compile Audacity in debug mode.
- Use ThemePrefs 'Load Components' to load the correct set of images.
- Press the 'Output Sourcery' button on the Theme prefs panel. This
generates a corrected ThemeAsCeeCode.h using the images you just loaded.
- Replace the existing ThemeAsCeeCode.h in the Audacity source code
and recompile.