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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
?? Dominic Mazzoni
?? Shane Muller
\class VoiceKey
This implements a voice key, detecting either the next "ON"
or "OFF" point
#include "Audacity.h"
#include "VoiceKey.h"
#include <wx/string.h>
#include <wx/msgdlg.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wx/filedlg.h>
#include <wx/msgdlg.h>
#include <wx/textfile.h>
#include <wx/intl.h>
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
mWindowSize = 0.01; //size of analysis window in seconds
mEnergyMean = .0006; // reasonable initial levels assuming sampling rate of
mEnergySD = .0002; // 44100 hertz
mSignChangesMean = .08;
mSignChangesSD= .02;
mDirectionChangesMean = .25;
mDirectionChangesSD = .2;
mSilentWindowSize = .05; //Amount of time (in seconds) below threshold to call it silence
mSignalWindowSize = .05; //Amount of time (in seconds) above threshold to call it signal
mUseEnergy = true;
mUseSignChangesLow = false;
mUseSignChangesHigh = false;
mUseDirectionChangesLow = false;
mUseDirectionChangesHigh = false;
// VoiceKey::On/Off Forward/Backward
// This operates in two phases:
// First, you take chunks of samples that are WindowSize big.
// If you have a run of them where something passes the threshold for SignalWindowSize seconds,
// you return to the last empty block and scan forward one sample at a time until you find the
// starting point of the speech.
//Move forward to find an ON region.
sampleCount VoiceKey::OnForward (WaveTrack & t, sampleCount start, sampleCount len) {
if((mWindowSize) >= len+10){
wxMessageBox(_("Selection is too small to use voice key."));
return start;
sampleCount lastsubthresholdsample; // keeps track of the sample number of the last sample to not exceed the threshold
//Change the millisecond-based parameters into sample-based parameters
double rate = t.GetRate(); //Translates seconds to samples
unsigned int WindowSizeInt = (unsigned int)(rate * mWindowSize); //Size of window to examine
unsigned int SignalWindowSizeInt = (unsigned int)(rate * mSignalWindowSize); //This much signal is necessary to trip key
int samplesleft = len - WindowSizeInt; //Indexes the number of samples remaining in the selection
lastsubthresholdsample = start; //start this off at the selection start
unsigned int i; //iterates through waveblock
int blockruns=0; //keeps track of the number of consecutive above-threshold blocks
int blocksize; //The final block may be smaller than WindowSizeInt, so use this
//This loop goes through the selection a block at a time. If a long enough run
//of above-threshold blocks occur, we return to the last sub-threshold block and
//go through one sample at a time.
//If there are fewer than 10 samples leftover, don't bother.
for(i = start; samplesleft >=10; i+=(WindowSizeInt-1) , samplesleft -= (WindowSizeInt -1)){
//Set blocksize so that it is the right size
if((unsigned int)samplesleft < WindowSizeInt){
blocksize = samplesleft;
blocksize = WindowSizeInt;
//Test whether we are above threshold (the number of stats)
blockruns++; //Hit
} else{
blockruns=0; //Miss--start over
lastsubthresholdsample = i;
//If the blockrun is long enough, break out of the loop early:
if(blockruns > mSignalWindowSize/mWindowSize)
//Now, if we broke out early (samplesleft > 10), go back to the lastsubthresholdsample and look more carefully
if(samplesleft > 10){
//Calculate how many to scan through--we only have to go through (at most)
//the first window + 1 samples--but we need another window samples to draw from.
samplesleft = 2*WindowSizeInt+1;
//To speed things up, create a local buffer to store things in, to avoid the costly t.Get();
//Only go through the first SignalWindowSizeInt samples, and choose the first that trips the key.
sampleFormat *buffer = new sampleFormat[samplesleft];
t.Get((samplePtr)buffer, floatSample,lastsubthresholdsample,samplesleft);
//Initialize these trend markers atrend and ztrend. They keep track of the
//up/down trends at the start and end of the evaluation window.
int atrend = sgn(buffer[1]-buffer[0]);
int ztrend = sgn(buffer[WindowSizeInt+1]-buffer[WindowSizeInt]);
double erg=0;
double sc=0;
double dc=0;
//Get initial test statistic values.
erg = TestEnergy(t, lastsubthresholdsample, WindowSizeInt);
if(mUseSignChangesLow || mUseSignChangesHigh)
sc = TestSignChanges(t,lastsubthresholdsample, WindowSizeInt);
if(mUseDirectionChangesLow || mUseDirectionChangesHigh)
dc = TestDirectionChanges(t,lastsubthresholdsample,WindowSizeInt);
//Now, go through the sound again, sample by sample.
for(i=0; i<SignalWindowSizeInt-WindowSizeInt;i++){
int tests = 0;
int testThreshold = 0;
//Update the test statistics
TestEnergyUpdate(erg, WindowSizeInt,buffer[i],buffer[i+WindowSizeInt+1]);
tests += (int)(erg>mThresholdEnergy);
tests += (int)(sc < mThresholdSignChangesLower);
tests += (int)(sc > mThresholdSignChangesUpper);
tests += (int)(dc < mThresholdDirectionChangesLower);
tests += (int)(dc > mThresholdDirectionChangesUpper);
if(tests >= testThreshold)
{ //Finish off on the first hit
//When we get here, i+lastsubthresholdsample is the best guess for where the word starts
delete [] buffer;
return i+lastsubthresholdsample;
//If we failed to find anything, return the start position
return start ;
//Move backward from end to find an ON region.
sampleCount VoiceKey::OnBackward (WaveTrack & t, sampleCount end, sampleCount len) {
if((mWindowSize) >= len+10){
wxMessageBox(_("Selection is too small to use voice key."));
return end;
sampleCount lastsubthresholdsample; // keeps track of the sample number of the last sample to not exceed the threshold
//Change the millisecond-based parameters into sample-based parameters
double rate = t.GetRate(); //Translates seconds to samples
unsigned int WindowSizeInt = (unsigned int)(rate * mWindowSize); //Size of window to examine
//unsigned int SilentWindowSizeInt = (unsigned int)(rate * mSilentWindowSize); //This much signal is necessary to trip key
int samplesleft = len - WindowSizeInt; //Indexes the number of samples remaining in the selection
lastsubthresholdsample = end; //start this off at the end
unsigned int i; //iterates through waveblock
int blockruns=0; //keeps track of the number of consecutive above-threshold blocks
int blocksize; //The final block may be smaller than WindowSizeInt, so use this
//This loop goes through the selection a block at a time in reverse order. If a long enough run
//of above-threshold blocks occur, we return to the last sub-threshold block and
//go through one sample at a time.
//If there are fewer than 10 samples leftover, don't bother.
for(i = end - WindowSizeInt; samplesleft >=10; i-=(WindowSizeInt-1) , samplesleft -= (WindowSizeInt -1)){
//Set blocksize so that it is the right size
if(samplesleft < (int)WindowSizeInt){
blocksize = samplesleft;
blocksize = WindowSizeInt;
//Test whether we are above threshold
blockruns++; //Hit
blockruns=0; //Miss--start over
lastsubthresholdsample = i+WindowSizeInt;
//If the blockrun is long enough, break out of the loop early:
if(blockruns > mSilentWindowSize/mWindowSize)
//Now, if we broke out early (samplesleft > 10), go back to the lastsubthresholdsample and look more carefully
if(samplesleft > 10){
//Calculate how many to scan through--we only have to go through (at most)
//the first window + 1 samples--but we need another window samples to draw from.
samplesleft = 2*WindowSizeInt+1;
//To speed things up, create a local buffer to store things in, to avoid the costly t.Get();
//Only go through the first mSilentWindowSizeInt samples, and choose the first that trips the key.
sampleFormat *buffer = new sampleFormat[samplesleft];
t.Get((samplePtr)buffer, floatSample, lastsubthresholdsample-samplesleft,samplesleft);
//Initialize these trend markers atrend and ztrend. They keep track of the
//up/down trends at the start and end of the evaluation window.
int atrend = sgn(buffer[samplesleft - 2]-buffer[samplesleft - 1]);
int ztrend = sgn(buffer[samplesleft - WindowSizeInt-2]-buffer[samplesleft - WindowSizeInt-2]);
double erg=0;
double sc = 0;
double dc = 0;
//Get initial test statistic values.
erg = TestEnergy(t, lastsubthresholdsample, WindowSizeInt);
if(mUseSignChangesLow || mUseSignChangesHigh)
sc = TestSignChanges(t,lastsubthresholdsample, WindowSizeInt);
if(mUseDirectionChangesLow || mUseDirectionChangesHigh)
dc = TestDirectionChanges(t,lastsubthresholdsample,WindowSizeInt);
//Now, go through the sound again, sample by sample.
for(i=samplesleft-1; i>WindowSizeInt; i--){
int tests = 0;
int testThreshold = 0;
//Update the test statistics
TestEnergyUpdate(erg, WindowSizeInt,buffer[i],buffer[i+WindowSizeInt+1]);
tests += (int)(erg>mThresholdEnergy);
tests += (int)(sc < mThresholdSignChangesLower);
tests += (int)(sc > mThresholdSignChangesUpper);
tests += (int)(dc < mThresholdDirectionChangesLower);
tests += (int)(dc > mThresholdDirectionChangesUpper);
if(tests >= testThreshold)
{ //Finish off on the first hit
//When we get here, i+lastsubthresholdsample is the best guess for where the word starts
delete [] buffer;
return lastsubthresholdsample - samplesleft + i;
//If we failed to find anything, return the start position
return end ;
//Move froward from the start to find an OFF region.
sampleCount VoiceKey::OffForward (WaveTrack & t, sampleCount start, sampleCount len) {
if((mWindowSize) >= len+10){
wxMessageBox(_("Selection is too small to use voice key."));
return start;
sampleCount lastsubthresholdsample; // keeps track of the sample number of the last sample to not exceed the threshold
//Change the millisecond-based parameters into sample-based parameters
double rate = t.GetRate(); //Translates seconds to samples
unsigned int WindowSizeInt = (unsigned int)(rate * mWindowSize); //Size of window to examine
unsigned int SilentWindowSizeInt = (unsigned int)(rate * mSilentWindowSize); //This much signal is necessary to trip key
int samplesleft = len - WindowSizeInt; //Indexes the number of samples remaining in the selection
lastsubthresholdsample = start; //start this off at the selection start
unsigned int i; //iterates through waveblock
int blockruns=0; //keeps track of the number of consecutive above-threshold blocks
int blocksize; //The final block may be smaller than WindowSizeInt, so use this
//This loop goes through the selection a block at a time. If a long enough run
//of above-threshold blocks occur, we return to the last sub-threshold block and
//go through one sample at a time.
//If there are fewer than 10 samples leftover, don't bother.
for(i = start; samplesleft >=10; i+=(WindowSizeInt-1) , samplesleft -= (WindowSizeInt -1)){
//Set blocksize so that it is the right size
if(samplesleft < (int)WindowSizeInt){
blocksize = samplesleft;
blocksize = WindowSizeInt;
blockruns++; //Hit
blockruns=0; //Above threshold--start over
lastsubthresholdsample = i;
//If the blockrun is long enough, break out of the loop early:
if(blockruns > mSilentWindowSize/mWindowSize)
//Now, if we broke out early (samplesleft > 10), go back to the lastsubthresholdsample and look more carefully
if(samplesleft > 10){
//Calculate how many to scan through--we only have to go through (at most)
//the first window + 1 samples--but we need another window samples to draw from.
samplesleft = 2*WindowSizeInt+1;
//To speed things up, create a local buffer to store things in, to avoid the costly t.Get();
//Only go through the first SilentWindowSizeInt samples, and choose the first that trips the key.
sampleFormat *buffer = new sampleFormat[samplesleft];
t.Get((samplePtr)buffer, floatSample, lastsubthresholdsample,samplesleft);
//Initialize these trend markers atrend and ztrend. They keep track of the
//up/down trends at the start and end of the evaluation window.
int atrend = sgn(buffer[1]-buffer[0]);
int ztrend = sgn(buffer[WindowSizeInt+1]-buffer[WindowSizeInt]);
double erg=0;
double sc=0;
double dc=0;
//Get initial test statistic values.
erg = TestEnergy(t, lastsubthresholdsample, WindowSizeInt);
if(mUseSignChangesLow || mUseSignChangesHigh)
sc = TestSignChanges(t,lastsubthresholdsample, WindowSizeInt);
if(mUseDirectionChangesLow || mUseDirectionChangesHigh)
dc = TestDirectionChanges(t,lastsubthresholdsample,WindowSizeInt);
//Now, go through the sound again, sample by sample.
for(i=0; i<SilentWindowSizeInt-WindowSizeInt;i++){
int tests = 0;
int testThreshold = 0;
//Update the test statistics
TestEnergyUpdate(erg, WindowSizeInt,buffer[i],buffer[i+WindowSizeInt+1]);
tests += (int)(erg>mThresholdEnergy);
tests += (int)(sc < mThresholdSignChangesLower);
tests += (int)(sc > mThresholdSignChangesUpper);
tests += (int)(dc < mThresholdDirectionChangesLower);
tests += (int)(dc > mThresholdDirectionChangesUpper);
if(tests < testThreshold)
{ //Finish off on the first below-threshold block
//When we get here, i+lastsubthresholdsample is the best guess for where the word starts
delete [] buffer;
return i+lastsubthresholdsample;
//If we failed to find anything, return the start position
return start ;
//Move backward from the end to find an OFF region
sampleCount VoiceKey::OffBackward (WaveTrack & t, sampleCount end, sampleCount len) {
if((mWindowSize) >= len+10){
wxMessageBox(_("Selection is too small to use voice key."));
return end;
sampleCount lastsubthresholdsample; // keeps track of the sample number of the last sample to not exceed the threshold
//Change the millisecond-based parameters into sample-based parameters
double rate = t.GetRate(); //Translates seconds to samples
unsigned int WindowSizeInt = (unsigned int)(rate * mWindowSize); //Size of window to examine
//unsigned int SilentWindowSizeInt = (unsigned int)(rate * mSilentWindowSize); //This much signal is necessary to trip key
int samplesleft = len - WindowSizeInt; //Indexes the number of samples remaining in the selection
lastsubthresholdsample = end; //start this off at the end
unsigned int i; //iterates through waveblock
int blockruns=0; //keeps track of the number of consecutive above-threshold blocks
int blocksize; //The final block may be smaller than WindowSizeInt, so use this
//This loop goes through the selection a block at a time in reverse order. If a long enough run
//of above-threshold blocks occur, we return to the last sub-threshold block and
//go through one sample at a time.
//If there are fewer than 10 samples leftover, don't bother.
for(i = end - WindowSizeInt; samplesleft >=10; i-=(WindowSizeInt-1) , samplesleft -= (WindowSizeInt -1)){
//Set blocksize so that it is the right size
if(samplesleft < (int)WindowSizeInt){
blocksize = samplesleft;
blocksize = WindowSizeInt;
blockruns++; //Hit
blockruns=0; //Miss--start over
lastsubthresholdsample = i+WindowSizeInt;
//If the blockrun is long enough, break out of the loop early:
if(blockruns > mSilentWindowSize/mWindowSize)
//Now, if we broke out early (samplesleft > 10), go back to the lastsubthresholdsample and look more carefully
if(samplesleft > 10){
//Calculate how many to scan through--we only have to go through (at most)
//the first window + 1 samples--but we need another window samples to draw from.
samplesleft = 2*WindowSizeInt+1;
//To speed things up, create a local buffer to store things in, to avoid the costly t.Get();
//Only go through the first SilentWindowSizeInt samples, and choose the first that trips the key.
sampleFormat *buffer = new sampleFormat[samplesleft];
t.Get((samplePtr)buffer, floatSample, lastsubthresholdsample-samplesleft,samplesleft);
//Initialize these trend markers atrend and ztrend. They keep track of the
//up/down trends at the start and end of the evaluation window.
int atrend = sgn(buffer[samplesleft - 2]-buffer[samplesleft - 1]);
int ztrend = sgn(buffer[samplesleft - WindowSizeInt-2]-buffer[samplesleft - WindowSizeInt-2]);
double erg=0;
double sc=0;
double dc=0;
//Get initial test statistic values.
erg = TestEnergy(t, lastsubthresholdsample, WindowSizeInt);
if(mUseSignChangesLow || mUseSignChangesHigh)
sc = TestSignChanges(t,lastsubthresholdsample, WindowSizeInt);
if(mUseDirectionChangesLow || mUseDirectionChangesHigh)
dc = TestDirectionChanges(t,lastsubthresholdsample,WindowSizeInt);
//Now, go through the sound again, sample by sample.
for(i=samplesleft-1; i>WindowSizeInt; i--){
int tests = 0;
int testThreshold = 0;
//Update the test statistics
TestEnergyUpdate(erg, WindowSizeInt,buffer[i],buffer[i+WindowSizeInt+1]);
tests += (int)(erg>mThresholdEnergy);
tests += (int)(sc < mThresholdSignChangesLower);
tests += (int)(sc > mThresholdSignChangesUpper);
tests += (int)(dc < mThresholdDirectionChangesLower);
tests += (int)(dc > mThresholdDirectionChangesUpper);
if(tests < testThreshold)
{ //Finish off on the first hit
//When we get here, i+lastsubthresholdsample is the best guess for where the word starts
delete [] buffer;
return lastsubthresholdsample - samplesleft + i;
//If we failed to find anything, return the start position
return end ;
//This tests whether a specified block region is above or below threshold.
bool VoiceKey::AboveThreshold(WaveTrack & t, sampleCount start, sampleCount len)
double erg=0;
double sc=0;
double dc=0; //These store three statistics: energy, signchanges, and directionchanges
int tests =0; //Keeps track of how many statistics surpass the threshold.
int testThreshold=0; //Keeps track of the threshold.
//Calculate the test statistics
erg = TestEnergy(t, start,len);
tests +=(int)(erg > mThresholdEnergy);
#if 0
std::cout << "Energy: " << erg << " " <<mThresholdEnergy << std::endl;
sc = TestSignChanges(t,start,len);
tests += (int)(sc < mThresholdSignChangesLower);
#if 0
std::cout << "SignChanges: " << sc << " " <<mThresholdSignChangesLower<< " < " << mThresholdSignChangesUpper << std::endl;
sc = TestSignChanges(t,start,len);
tests += (int)(sc > mThresholdSignChangesUpper);
#if 0
std::cout << "SignChanges: " << sc << " " <<mThresholdSignChangesLower<< " < " << mThresholdSignChangesUpper << std::endl;
dc = TestDirectionChanges(t,start,len);
tests += (int)(dc < mThresholdDirectionChangesLower);
#if 0
std::cout << "DirectionChanges: " << dc << " " <<mThresholdDirectionChangesLower<< " < " << mThresholdDirectionChangesUpper << std::endl;
dc = TestDirectionChanges(t,start,len);
tests += (int)(dc > mThresholdDirectionChangesUpper);
#if 0
std::cout << "DirectionChanges: " << dc << " " <<mThresholdDirectionChangesLower<< " < " << mThresholdDirectionChangesUpper << std::endl;
//Test whether we are above threshold (the number of stats)
return (tests >= testThreshold);
//This adjusts the threshold. Larger values of t expand the noise region,
//making more things be classified as noise (and requiring a stronger signal).
void VoiceKey::AdjustThreshold(double t){
mThresholdAdjustment = t;
mThresholdEnergy = mEnergyMean + mEnergySD * t;
mThresholdSignChangesUpper = mSignChangesMean + mSignChangesSD * t;
mThresholdSignChangesLower = mSignChangesMean - mSignChangesSD * t;
mThresholdDirectionChangesUpper = mDirectionChangesMean + mDirectionChangesSD * t;
mThresholdDirectionChangesLower = mDirectionChangesMean - mDirectionChangesSD * t;
//This 'calibrates' the voicekey to noise
void VoiceKey::CalibrateNoise(WaveTrack & t, sampleCount start, sampleCount len){
//To calibrate the noise, we need to scan the sample block just like in the voicekey and
//calculate the mean and standard deviation of the test statistics.
//Then, we set the BaselineThreshold to be one
wxBusyCursor busy;
//initialize some sample statistics: sums of X and X^2
double sumerg, sumerg2;
double sumsc, sumsc2;
double sumdc, sumdc2;
double erg, sc, dc;
// sampleFormat a1=0;
// sampleFormat a2=0;
// sampleFormat z1=0;
// sampleFormat z2=0; // keeps track of initial and final samples of window to enable updating formulae
int atrend=0; // equals sgn(a2-a1); Keeps track of trend at start of window
int ztrend=0; // equals sgn(z2-z1); Keeps track of trend at end of window
//Now, change the millisecond-based parameters into sample-based parameters
//(This depends on WaveTrack t)
double rate = t.GetRate();
unsigned int WindowSizeInt = (unsigned int)(rate * mWindowSize);
// unsigned int SignalWindowSizeInt = (unsigned int)(rate * mSignalWindowSize);
//Get the first test statistics
//Calibrate all of the statistic, because they might be
//changed later.
// if(mUseEnergy)
erg = TestEnergy(t, start, WindowSizeInt);
// if(mUseSignChanges)
sc = TestSignChanges(t,start, WindowSizeInt);
// if(mUseDirectionChanges)
dc = TestDirectionChanges(t,start,WindowSizeInt);
//Calculate initial values for the trend trackers--------------------//
//Get((samplePtr)a1, floatSample, start, 1);
// t.Get((samplePtr)a2, floatSample, start+1, 1);
// t.Get((samplePtr)z1, floatSample, start+WindowSizeInt-1, 1);
// t.Get((samplePtr)z2, floatSample, start+WindowSizeInt, 1);
atrend = -1;//sgn(a2-a1);
ztrend = -1;// sgn(z2-z1);
sumerg =0.0;
sumerg2 = 0.0;
sumsc =0.0;
sumsc2 = 0.0;
sumdc =0.0;
sumdc2 =0.0;
// int n = len - WindowSizeInt; //This is how many samples we have
int samplesleft = len - WindowSizeInt;
int i;
int blocksize;
int samples=0;
for(i = start; samplesleft >=10 ; i += (WindowSizeInt -1), samplesleft -= (WindowSizeInt -1) )
//Take samples chunk-by-chunk.
//Normally, this should be in WindowSizeInt chunks, but at the end (if there are more than 10
//samples left) take a chunk that eats the rest of the samples.
samples++; //Increment the number of samples we have
if(samplesleft < (int)WindowSizeInt)
blocksize = samplesleft;
blocksize = WindowSizeInt;
erg = TestEnergy(t, i, blocksize);
sumerg +=(double)erg;
sumerg2 += pow((double)erg,2);
sc = TestSignChanges(t,i, blocksize);
sumsc += (double)sc;
sumsc2 += pow((double)sc,2);
dc = TestDirectionChanges(t,i,blocksize);
sumdc += (double)dc;
sumdc2 += pow((double)dc,2);
mEnergyMean = sumerg / samples;
mEnergySD = sqrt(sumerg2/samples - mEnergyMean*mEnergyMean);
mSignChangesMean = sumsc / samples;
mSignChangesSD = sqrt(sumsc2 / samples - mSignChangesMean * mSignChangesMean);
mDirectionChangesMean = sumdc / samples;
mDirectionChangesSD =sqrt(sumdc2 / samples - mDirectionChangesMean * mDirectionChangesMean) ;
wxString text = wxString::Format(_("Calibration Results\n"));
2012-03-20 16:17:37 +00:00
/* i18n-hint: %1.4f is replaced by a number. sd stands for 'Standard Deviations'*/
text += wxString::Format(_("Energy -- mean: %1.4f sd: (%1.4f)\n"),mEnergyMean,mEnergySD);
text+= wxString::Format(_("Sign Changes -- mean: %1.4f sd: (%1.4f)\n"),mSignChangesMean,mSignChangesSD);
text+= wxString::Format(_("Direction Changes -- mean: %1.4f sd: (%1.4f)\n"),mDirectionChangesMean,mDirectionChangesSD);
wxMessageDialog * stats = new wxMessageDialog(NULL, text,
wxT("Calibration Complete"),
delete stats;
void VoiceKey::SetKeyType(bool erg, bool scLow , bool scHigh,
bool dcLow, bool dcHigh)
mUseEnergy = erg;
mUseSignChangesLow = scLow;
mUseSignChangesHigh = scHigh;
mUseDirectionChangesLow = dcLow;
mUseDirectionChangesHigh = dcHigh;
//This might continue over a number of blocks.
double VoiceKey::TestEnergy (WaveTrack & t, sampleCount start, sampleCount len)
double sum = 1;
sampleCount s = start; //Keep track of start
sampleCount originalLen = len; //Keep track of the length of block to process (its not the length of t)
sampleCount blockSize = t.GetMaxBlockSize(); //Determine size of sampling buffer
if( blockSize > len)
blockSize = len;
float *buffer = new float[blockSize]; //Get a sampling buffer
while(len > 0)
sampleCount block = t.GetBestBlockSize(s); //Figure out how much to grab
if(block > len) block = len; //Don't grab too much!
t.Get((samplePtr)buffer,floatSample, s,block); //grab the block;
//Now, go through the block and calculate energy
for(int i = 0; i< block; i++)
sum += buffer[i]*buffer[i];
len -= block;
s += block;
delete [] buffer;
return sum / originalLen;
//This will update RMSE by adding one element and subtracting another
void VoiceKey::TestEnergyUpdate (double & prevErg, int len, const sampleFormat & drop, const sampleFormat & add)
//This is an updating formula for RMSE. It will only recalculate what's changed.
prevErg = prevErg + (double)(abs(add) - abs(drop))/len;
double VoiceKey::TestSignChanges(WaveTrack & t, sampleCount start, sampleCount len)
sampleCount s = start; //Keep track of start
sampleCount originalLen = len; //Keep track of the length of block to process (its not the length of t)
sampleCount blockSize = t.GetMaxBlockSize(); //Determine size of sampling buffer
unsigned long signchanges = 1;
int currentsign=0;
if( blockSize > len)
blockSize = len;
sampleFormat *buffer = new sampleFormat[blockSize]; //Get a sampling buffer
while(len > 0) {
sampleCount block = t.GetBestBlockSize(s); //Figure out how much to grab
if(block > len) block = len; //Don't grab too much!
t.Get((samplePtr)buffer,floatSample, s,block); //grab the block;
if (len == originalLen)
//The first time through, set stuff up special.
currentsign = sgn(buffer[0]);
//Now, go through the block and calculate zero crossings
for(int i = 0; i< block; i++)
if( sgn(buffer[i]) != currentsign)
currentsign = sgn(buffer[i]);
len -= block;
s += block;
delete [] buffer;
return (double)signchanges/originalLen;
void VoiceKey::TestSignChangesUpdate(double & currentsignchanges, int len,
const sampleFormat & a1,
const sampleFormat & a2,
const sampleFormat & z1,
const sampleFormat & z2)
if(sgn(a1)!=sgn(a2)) currentsignchanges -= 1.0/len;
if(sgn(z1)!=sgn(z2)) currentsignchanges += 1.0/len;
double VoiceKey::TestDirectionChanges(WaveTrack & t, sampleCount start, sampleCount len)
sampleCount s = start; //Keep track of start
sampleCount originalLen = len; //Keep track of the length of block to process (its not the length of t)
sampleCount blockSize = t.GetMaxBlockSize(); //Determine size of sampling buffer
unsigned long directionchanges = 1;
sampleFormat lastval=sampleFormat(0);
int lastdirection=1;
if( blockSize > len)
blockSize = len;
sampleFormat *buffer = new sampleFormat[blockSize]; //Get a sampling buffer
while(len > 0) {
sampleCount block = t.GetBestBlockSize(s); //Figure out how much to grab
if(block > len) block = len; //Don't grab too much!
t.Get((samplePtr)buffer,floatSample, s,block); //grab the block;
if (len == originalLen) {
//The first time through, set stuff up special.
lastval = buffer[0];
//Now, go through the block and calculate zero crossings
for(int i = 0; i< block; i++){
if( sgn(buffer[i]-lastval) != lastdirection) {
lastdirection = sgn(buffer[i] - lastval);
lastval = buffer[i];
len -= block;
s += block;
delete [] buffer;
return (double)directionchanges/originalLen;
// This method does an updating by looking at the trends
// This will change currentdirections and atrend/trend, so be warned.
void VoiceKey::TestDirectionChangesUpdate(double & currentdirectionchanges, int len,
int & atrend, const sampleFormat & a1, const sampleFormat & a2,
int & ztrend, const sampleFormat & z1, const sampleFormat & z2)
if(sgn(a2 - a1)!= atrend ) {
//Here, the direction shifted for the item we're dropping.
currentdirectionchanges -= 1.0/len;
atrend = sgn(a2-a1);
if(sgn(z2 - z1)!= ztrend){
//Here, the direction shifts when we add an item
currentdirectionchanges += 1.0/len;
ztrend = sgn(z2-z1);
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