
410 lines
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Raw Normal View History

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Paul Licameli split this from Project.cpp
#include "KeyboardCapture.h"
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
#include <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#include <wx/osx/private.h>
#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <wx/button.h>
#include <wx/eventfilter.h>
#include <wx/toplevel.h>
#include <wx/weakref.h>
#include <wx/window.h>
#include "AudacityException.h"
/// Custom events
namespace {
wxWindowRef &sHandler()
static wxWindowRef theHandler;
return theHandler;
KeyboardCapture::FilterFunction &sPreFilter()
static KeyboardCapture::FilterFunction theFilter;
return theFilter;
KeyboardCapture::FilterFunction &sPostFilter()
static KeyboardCapture::FilterFunction theFilter;
return theFilter;
namespace KeyboardCapture
// Keyboard capture
bool IsHandler(const wxWindow *handler)
return GetHandler() == handler;
wxWindow *GetHandler()
return sHandler();
void Capture(wxWindow *handler)
sHandler() = handler;
void Release(wxWindow *handler)
// wxASSERT(sHandler() == handler);
sHandler() = nullptr;
FilterFunction SetPreFilter( const FilterFunction &function )
auto result = sPreFilter();
sPreFilter() = function;
return result;
FilterFunction SetPostFilter( const FilterFunction &function )
auto result = sPostFilter();
sPostFilter() = function;
return result;
void OnFocus( wxWindow &window, wxFocusEvent &event )
if (event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS)
KeyboardCapture::Release( &window );
KeyboardCapture::Capture( &window );
window.Refresh( false );
// Shared by all projects
static class EventMonitor final : public wxEventFilter
: wxEventFilter()
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
// In wx3, the menu accelerators take precendence over key event processing
// so we won't get wxEVT_CHAR_HOOK events for combinations assigned to menus.
// Since we only support OS X 10.6 or greater, we can use an event monitor
// to capture the key event before it gets to the normal wx3 processing.
// The documentation for addLocalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask implies that
// NSKeyUpMask can't be used in 10.6, but testing shows that it can.
NSEventMask mask = NSKeyDownMask | NSKeyUpMask;
mHandler =
NSEvent addLocalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:mask handler:^NSEvent *(NSEvent *event)
WXWidget widget = (WXWidget) [ [event window] firstResponder];
if (widget)
wxWidgetCocoaImpl *impl = (wxWidgetCocoaImpl *)
if (impl)
mEvent = event;
wxKeyEvent wxevent([event type] == NSKeyDown ? wxEVT_KEY_DOWN : wxEVT_KEY_UP);
impl->SetupKeyEvent(wxevent, event);
NSEvent *result;
if ([event type] == NSKeyDown)
wxKeyEvent eventHook(wxEVT_CHAR_HOOK, wxevent);
result = FilterEvent(eventHook) == Event_Processed ? nil : event;
result = FilterEvent(wxevent) == Event_Processed ? nil : event;
mEvent = nullptr;
return result;
return event;
// Bug1252: must also install this filter with wxWidgets, else
// we don't intercept command keys when focus is in a combo box.
~EventMonitor() override
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
[NSEvent removeMonitor:mHandler];
int FilterEvent(wxEvent& event) override
// Unguarded exception propagation may crash the program, at least
// on Mac while in the objective-C closure above
return GuardedCall< int > ( [&] {
// Quickly bail if this isn't something we want.
wxEventType type = event.GetEventType();
if (type != wxEVT_CHAR_HOOK && type != wxEVT_KEY_UP)
return Event_Skip;
wxKeyEvent key = static_cast<wxKeyEvent &>( event );
if ( !( sPreFilter() && sPreFilter()( key ) ) )
return Event_Skip;
#ifdef __WXMAC__
// Bug 2107 (Mac only)
// wxButton::SetDefault() alone doesn't cause correct event routing
// of key-down to the button when a text entry or combo has focus,
// but we can intercept wxEVT_CHAR_HOOK here and do it
if ( type == wxEVT_CHAR_HOOK &&
key.GetKeyCode() == WXK_RETURN ) {
if (auto top =
dynamic_cast< wxTopLevelWindow* >(
wxGetTopLevelParent( wxWindow::FindFocus() ) ) ) {
if ( auto button =
dynamic_cast<wxButton*>( top->GetDefaultItem() ) ) {
wxCommandEvent newEvent{ wxEVT_BUTTON, button->GetId() };
button->GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent( newEvent );
return Event_Processed;
// Make a copy of the event and (possibly) make it look like a key down
// event.
if (type == wxEVT_CHAR_HOOK)
// Give the capture handler first dibs at the event.
wxWindow *handler = KeyboardCapture::GetHandler();
if (handler && HandleCapture(handler, key))
return Event_Processed;
if ( sPostFilter() && sPostFilter()( key ) )
return Event_Processed;
// Give it back to WX for normal processing.
return Event_Skip;
}, MakeSimpleGuard( Event_Skip ) );
// Returns true if the event was captured and processed
bool HandleCapture(wxWindow *target, const wxKeyEvent & event)
if (wxGetTopLevelParent(target) != wxGetTopLevelParent(wxWindow::FindFocus()))
return false;
wxEvtHandler *handler = target->GetEventHandler();
// We make a copy of the event because the capture handler may modify it.
wxKeyEvent temp = event;
#if defined(__WXGTK__)
// wxGTK uses the control and alt modifiers to represent ALTGR,
// so remove it as it might confuse the capture handlers.
if (temp.GetModifiers() == (wxMOD_CONTROL | wxMOD_ALT))
// Ask the capture handler if the key down/up event is something it
// might be interested in handling.
wxCommandEvent e(EVT_CAPTURE_KEY);
if (!handler->ProcessEvent(e))
return false;
// Now, let the handler process the normal key event.
bool keyDown = temp.GetEventType() == wxEVT_KEY_DOWN;
wxEventProcessInHandlerOnly onlyDown(temp, handler);
bool processed = handler->ProcessEvent(temp);
// Don't go any further if the capture handler didn't process
// the key down event.
if (!processed && keyDown)
return false;
// At this point the capture handler has either processed a key down event
// or we're dealing with a key up event.
// So, only generate the char events for key down events.
if (keyDown)
wxString chars = GetUnicodeString(temp);
for (size_t i = 0, cnt = chars.length(); i < cnt; i++)
temp = event;
temp.m_uniChar = chars[i];
wxEventProcessInHandlerOnly onlyChar(temp, handler);
// We get here for processed key down events or for key up events, whether
// processed or not.
return true;
// Convert the key down event to a unicode string.
wxString GetUnicodeString(const wxKeyEvent & event)
wxString chars;
#if defined(__WXMSW__)
BYTE ks[256];
WCHAR ucode[256];
int res = ToUnicode(event.GetRawKeyCode(), 0, ks, ucode, 256, 0);
if (res >= 1)
chars.Append(ucode, res);
#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
chars.Append((wxChar) gdk_keyval_to_unicode(event.GetRawKeyCode()));
#elif defined(__WXMAC__)
if (!mEvent) {
// TODO: we got here without getting the NSEvent pointer,
// as in the combo box case of bug 1252. We can't compute it!
// This makes a difference only when there is a capture handler.
// It's never the case yet that there is one.
return chars;
NSString *c = [mEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers];
if ([c length] == 1)
unichar codepoint = [c characterAtIndex:0];
if ((codepoint >= 0xF700 && codepoint <= 0xF8FF) || codepoint == 0x7F)
return chars;
c = [mEvent characters];
chars = [c UTF8String];
TISInputSourceRef currentKeyboard = TISCopyCurrentKeyboardInputSource();
CFDataRef uchr = (CFDataRef)TISGetInputSourceProperty(currentKeyboard, kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData);
if (uchr == NULL)
return chars;
const UCKeyboardLayout *keyboardLayout = (const UCKeyboardLayout*)CFDataGetBytePtr(uchr);
if (keyboardLayout == NULL)
return chars;
const UniCharCount maxStringLength = 255;
UniCharCount actualStringLength = 0;
UniChar unicodeString[maxStringLength];
UInt32 nsflags = [mEvent modifierFlags];
UInt16 modifiers = (nsflags & NSAlphaShiftKeyMask ? alphaLock : 0) |
(nsflags & NSShiftKeyMask ? shiftKey : 0) |
(nsflags & NSControlKeyMask ? controlKey : 0) |
(nsflags & NSAlternateKeyMask ? optionKey : 0) |
(nsflags & NSCommandKeyMask ? cmdKey : 0);
OSStatus status = UCKeyTranslate(keyboardLayout,
[mEvent keyCode],
(modifiers >> 8) & 0xff,
if (status != noErr)
return chars;
chars = [ [NSString stringWithCharacters:unicodeString
length:(NSInteger)actualStringLength] UTF8String];
return chars;
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
id mHandler;
NSEvent *mEvent {};
UInt32 mDeadKeyState;
} monitor;