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Raw Normal View History

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
#include "../MemoryX.h"
#include <vector>
#include <wx/access.h>
#include <wx/image.h>
#include <wx/window.h>
#include "ImageRoll.h"
class AButton final : public wxWindow {
friend class AButtonAx;
class Listener;
// Construct button, specifying images (button up, highlight, button down,
// and disabled) for the default state
AButton(wxWindow * parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint & pos,
const wxSize & size,
ImageRoll up,
ImageRoll over,
ImageRoll down,
ImageRoll dis,
bool toggle);
// Construct button, specifying images (button up, highlight, button down,
// and disabled) for the default state
AButton(wxWindow * parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint & pos,
const wxSize & size,
wxImage up,
wxImage over,
wxImage down,
wxImage dis,
bool toggle);
virtual ~ AButton();
bool AcceptsFocus() const override { return s_AcceptsFocus; }
bool AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard() const override { return true; }
// Associate a set of four images (button up, highlight, button down,
// disabled) with one nondefault state of the button
void SetAlternateImages(unsigned idx,
ImageRoll up,
ImageRoll over,
ImageRoll down,
ImageRoll dis);
// Associate a set of four images (button up, highlight, button down,
// disabled) with one nondefault state of the button
void SetAlternateImages(unsigned idx,
wxImage up,
wxImage over,
wxImage down,
wxImage dis);
// Choose state of the button
void SetAlternateIdx(unsigned idx);
// Make the button change appearance with the modifier keys, no matter
// where the mouse is:
// Use state 2 when CTRL is down, else 1 when SHIFT is down, else 0
void FollowModifierKeys();
void SetFocusRect(wxRect & r);
bool IsEnabled() const { return mEnabled; }
void Disable();
void Enable();
void SetEnabled(bool state) {
state ? Enable() : Disable();
void PushDown();
void PopUp();
void OnErase(wxEraseEvent & event);
void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent & event);
void OnSize(wxSizeEvent & event);
void OnMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent & event);
// Update the status bar message if the pointer is in the button.
// Else do nothing.
void UpdateStatus();
void OnCaptureLost(wxMouseCaptureLostEvent & event);
void OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent & event);
void OnSetFocus(wxFocusEvent & event);
void OnKillFocus(wxFocusEvent & event);
bool WasShiftDown(); // returns true if shift was held down
// the last time the button was clicked
bool WasControlDown(); // returns true if control was held down
// the last time the button was clicked
bool IsDown(){ return mButtonIsDown;}
// Double click is detected, but not automatically cleared.
bool IsDoubleClicked() const { return mIsDoubleClicked; }
void ClearDoubleClicked() { mIsDoubleClicked = false; }
void SetButtonToggles( bool toggler ){ mToggle = toggler;}
void Toggle(){ mButtonIsDown ? PopUp() : PushDown();}
void Click();
void SetShift(bool shift);
void SetControl(bool control);
enum AButtonState {
AButtonState GetState();
void UseDisabledAsDownHiliteImage(bool flag);
static bool s_AcceptsFocus;
struct Resetter { void operator () (bool *p) const { if(p) *p = false; } };
using TempAllowFocus = std::unique_ptr<bool, Resetter>;
static TempAllowFocus TemporarilyAllowFocus() {
s_AcceptsFocus = true;
return std::move(TempAllowFocus{ &s_AcceptsFocus });
bool HasAlternateImages(unsigned idx);
void Init(wxWindow * parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint & pos,
const wxSize & size,
ImageRoll up,
ImageRoll over,
ImageRoll down,
ImageRoll dis,
bool toggle);
unsigned mAlternateIdx;
bool mToggle; // This bool, if true, makes the button able to
// process events when it is in the down state, and
// moving to the opposite state when it is clicked.
// It is used for the Pause button, and possibly
// others. If false, it (should) behave just like
// a standard button.
bool mWasShiftDown;
bool mWasControlDown;
bool mCursorIsInWindow;
bool mButtonIsFocused;
bool mButtonIsDown;
bool mIsClicking;
bool mEnabled;
bool mUseDisabledAsDownHiliteImage;
bool mIsDoubleClicked {};
struct ImageArr { ImageRoll mArr[4]; };
std::vector<ImageArr> mImages;
wxRect mFocusRect;
bool mForceFocusRect;
std::unique_ptr<Listener> mListener;
class AButtonAx final : public wxWindowAccessible
AButtonAx(wxWindow * window);
virtual ~ AButtonAx();
// Performs the default action. childId is 0 (the action for this object)
// or > 0 (the action for a child).
// Return wxACC_NOT_SUPPORTED if there is no default action for this
// window (e.g. an edit control).
wxAccStatus DoDefaultAction(int childId) override;
// Retrieves the address of an IDispatch interface for the specified child.
// All objects must support this property.
wxAccStatus GetChild(int childId, wxAccessible** child) override;
// Gets the number of children.
wxAccStatus GetChildCount(int* childCount) override;
// Gets the default action for this object (0) or > 0 (the action for a child).
// Return wxACC_OK even if there is no action. actionName is the action, or the empty
// string if there is no action.
// The retrieved string describes the action that is performed on an object,
// not what the object does as a result. For example, a toolbar button that prints
// a document has a default action of "Press" rather than "Prints the current document."
wxAccStatus GetDefaultAction(int childId, wxString *actionName) override;
// Returns the description for this object or a child.
wxAccStatus GetDescription(int childId, wxString *description) override;
// Gets the window with the keyboard focus.
// If childId is 0 and child is NULL, no object in
// this subhierarchy has the focus.
// If this object has the focus, child should be 'this'.
wxAccStatus GetFocus(int *childId, wxAccessible **child) override;
// Returns help text for this object or a child, similar to tooltip text.
wxAccStatus GetHelpText(int childId, wxString *helpText) override;
// Returns the keyboard shortcut for this object or child.
// Return e.g. ALT+K
wxAccStatus GetKeyboardShortcut(int childId, wxString *shortcut) override;
// Returns the rectangle for this object (id = 0) or a child element (id > 0).
// rect is in screen coordinates.
wxAccStatus GetLocation(wxRect& rect, int elementId) override;
// Gets the name of the specified object.
wxAccStatus GetName(int childId, wxString *name) override;
// Returns a role constant.
wxAccStatus GetRole(int childId, wxAccRole *role) override;
// Gets a variant representing the selected children
// of this object.
// Acceptable values:
// - a null variant (IsNull() returns TRUE)
// - a list variant (GetType() == wxT("list"))
// - an integer representing the selected child element,
// or 0 if this object is selected (GetType() == wxT("long"))
// - a "void*" pointer to a wxAccessible child object
wxAccStatus GetSelections(wxVariant *selections) override;
// Returns a state constant.
wxAccStatus GetState(int childId, long* state) override;
// Returns a localized string representing the value for the object
// or child.
wxAccStatus GetValue(int childId, wxString* strValue) override;