Disabling temporarily

Need to figure out why it's not picking up the GTK paths
This commit is contained in:
Leland Lucius 2015-07-28 17:42:27 -05:00
parent 6adceb4d0a
commit 3c1b36d72e

View File

@ -3,14 +3,10 @@ before_install:
- sudo apt-get install -y libwxgtk3.0-dev libgtk2.0-dev
- git show -s --format="wxT(\"<a href=\\\"http://github.com/audacity/audacity/commit/%H\\\">%h</a> of %cd\")"
- git show -s --format="wxT(\"<a href=\\\"http://github.com/audacity/audacity/commit/%H\\\">%h</a> of %cd\")" > ./src/RevisionIdent.h
language: cpp
- cpp
- gcc
- ls -la /usr/bin/wx-config*
- wx-config --cflags
- grep WXGTK /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/wx/include/gtk2-unicode-3.0/wx/setup.h
- pkg-config --list-all | grep gtk
- pkg-config --print-provides gtk+-2.0
- aclocal --install -I m4 && automake && ./configure && make
- aclocal --install -I m4 && automake && ./configure #&& make
- cat config.log