Lower functions from ProjectManager to ProjectFileManager...

... not improving the dependency graph, but it's a more sensible division of
duties, keeping related functions together.
This commit is contained in:
Paul Licameli 2019-06-08 16:05:22 -04:00
parent 27eeb1035c
commit 8b70203e45
9 changed files with 879 additions and 869 deletions

View File

@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ It handles initialization and termination by subclassing wxApp.
#include "PluginManager.h"
#include "Project.h"
#include "ProjectAudioIO.h"
#include "ProjectFileManager.h"
#include "ProjectHistory.h"
#include "ProjectManager.h"
#include "ProjectSettings.h"
@ -871,7 +872,7 @@ END_EVENT_TABLE()
// - Inform the user if DefaultOpenPath not set.
// - Switch focus to correct instance of project window, if already open.
bool AudacityApp::MRUOpen(const FilePath &fullPathStr) {
// Most of the checks below are copied from AudacityProject::OpenFiles.
// Most of the checks below are copied from ProjectManager::OpenFiles.
// - some rationalisation might be possible.
AudacityProject *proj = GetActiveProject();
@ -887,7 +888,7 @@ bool AudacityApp::MRUOpen(const FilePath &fullPathStr) {
// Test here even though AudacityProject::OpenFile() also now checks, because
// that method does not return the bad result.
// That itself may be a FIXME.
if (ProjectManager::IsAlreadyOpen(fullPathStr))
if (ProjectFileManager::IsAlreadyOpen(fullPathStr))
return false;
// DMM: If the project is dirty, that means it's been touched at
@ -946,7 +947,7 @@ void AudacityApp::OnMRUFile(wxCommandEvent& event) {
// PRL: Don't call SafeMRUOpen
// -- if open fails for some exceptional reason of resource exhaustion that
// the user can correct, leave the file in history.
if (!ProjectManager::IsAlreadyOpen(fullPathStr) && !MRUOpen(fullPathStr))
if (!ProjectFileManager::IsAlreadyOpen(fullPathStr) && !MRUOpen(fullPathStr))

View File

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
#include "Menus.h"
#include "Prefs.h"
#include "Project.h"
#include "ProjectFileManager.h"
#include "ProjectHistory.h"
#include "ProjectManager.h"
#include "ProjectWindow.h"
@ -464,7 +465,7 @@ void ApplyMacroDialog::OnApplyToFiles(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(event))
auto success = GuardedCall< bool >( [&] {
ProjectManager::Get( *project ).Import(files[i]);
ProjectFileManager::Get( *project ).Import(files[i]);
ProjectWindow::Get( *project ).ZoomAfterImport(nullptr);
if (!mMacroCommands.ApplyMacro(mCatalog))

View File

@ -13,22 +13,43 @@ Paul Licameli split from AudacityProject.cpp
#include "Experimental.h"
#include <wx/crt.h> // for wxPrintf
#if defined(__WXGTK__)
#include <wx/evtloop.h>
#include <wx/frame.h>
#include "AutoRecovery.h"
#include "Dependencies.h"
#include "DirManager.h"
#include "FileNames.h"
#include "Legacy.h"
#include "Menus.h"
#include "PlatformCompatibility.h"
#include "Project.h"
#include "ProjectFileIO.h"
#include "ProjectFileIORegistry.h"
#include "ProjectFSCK.h"
#include "ProjectHistory.h"
#include "ProjectSelectionManager.h"
#include "ProjectSettings.h"
#include "ProjectWindow.h"
#include "SelectionState.h"
#include "Sequence.h"
#include "Tags.h"
#include "TrackPanel.h"
#include "UndoManager.h"
#include "WaveClip.h"
#include "WaveTrack.h"
#include "wxFileNameWrapper.h"
#include "effects/EffectManager.h"
#include "export/Export.h"
#include "import/Import.h"
#include "commands/CommandContext.h"
#include "ondemand/ODComputeSummaryTask.h"
#include "ondemand/ODManager.h"
#include "ondemand/ODTask.h"
#include "toolbars/SelectionBar.h"
#include "widgets/AudacityMessageBox.h"
#include "widgets/ErrorDialog.h"
#include "widgets/FileHistory.h"
@ -914,3 +935,768 @@ void ProjectFileManager::CloseLock()
// static method, can be called outside of a project
wxArrayString ProjectFileManager::ShowOpenDialog(const wxString &extraformat, const wxString &extrafilter)
FormatList l;
wxString filter; ///< List of file format names and extensions, separated
/// by | characters between _formats_ and extensions for each _format_, i.e.
/// format1name | *.ext | format2name | *.ex1;*.ex2
wxString all; ///< One long list of all supported file extensions,
/// semicolon separated
if (!extraformat.empty())
{ // additional format specified
all = extrafilter + wxT(';');
// add it to the "all supported files" filter string
// Construct the filter
for (const auto &format : l) {
/* this loop runs once per supported _format_ */
const Format *f = &format;
wxString newfilter = f->formatName + wxT("|");
// bung format name into string plus | separator
for (size_t i = 0; i < f->formatExtensions.size(); i++) {
/* this loop runs once per valid _file extension_ for file containing
* the current _format_ */
if (!newfilter.Contains(wxT("*.") + f->formatExtensions[i] + wxT(";")))
newfilter += wxT("*.") + f->formatExtensions[i] + wxT(";");
if (!all.Contains(wxT("*.") + f->formatExtensions[i] + wxT(";")))
all += wxT("*.") + f->formatExtensions[i] + wxT(";");
filter += newfilter;
filter += wxT("|");
// For testing long filters
#if 0
wxString test = wxT("*.aaa;*.bbb;*.ccc;*.ddd;*.eee");
all = test + wxT(';') + test + wxT(';') + test + wxT(';') +
test + wxT(';') + test + wxT(';') + test + wxT(';') +
test + wxT(';') + test + wxT(';') + test + wxT(';') +
/* i18n-hint: The vertical bars and * are essential here.*/
wxString mask = _("All files|*|All supported files|") +
all + wxT("|"); // "all" and "all supported" entries
if (!extraformat.empty())
{ // append caller-defined format if supplied
mask += extraformat + wxT("|") + extrafilter + wxT("|");
mask += filter; // put the names and extensions of all the importer formats
// we built up earlier into the mask
// Retrieve saved path and type
auto path = FileNames::FindDefaultPath(FileNames::Operation::Open);
wxString type = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/DefaultOpenType"),mask.BeforeFirst(wxT('|')));
// Convert the type to the filter index
int index = mask.First(type + wxT("|"));
if (index == wxNOT_FOUND) {
index = 0;
else {
index = mask.Left(index).Freq(wxT('|')) / 2;
if (index < 0) {
index = 0;
// Construct and display the file dialog
wxArrayString selected;
FileDialogWrapper dlog(NULL,
_("Select one or more files"),
int dialogResult = dlog.ShowModal();
// Convert the filter index to type and save
index = dlog.GetFilterIndex();
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) {
mask = mask.AfterFirst(wxT('|')).AfterFirst(wxT('|'));
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/DefaultOpenType"), mask.BeforeFirst(wxT('|')));
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/LastOpenType"), mask.BeforeFirst(wxT('|')));
if (dialogResult == wxID_OK) {
// Return the selected files
return selected;
// static method, can be called outside of a project
bool ProjectFileManager::IsAlreadyOpen(const FilePath &projPathName)
const wxFileName newProjPathName(projPathName);
auto start = AllProjects{}.begin(), finish = AllProjects{}.end(),
iter = std::find_if( start, finish,
[&]( const AllProjects::value_type &ptr ){
return newProjPathName.SameAs(wxFileNameWrapper{ ptr->GetFileName() });
} );
if (iter != finish) {
wxString errMsg =
wxString::Format(_("%s is already open in another window."),
AudacityMessageBox(errMsg, _("Error Opening Project"), wxOK | wxCENTRE);
return true;
return false;
XMLTagHandler *
ProjectFileManager::RecordingRecoveryFactory( AudacityProject &project ) {
auto &ProjectFileManager = Get( project );
auto &ptr = ProjectFileManager.mRecordingRecoveryHandler;
if (!ptr)
ptr =
std::make_unique<RecordingRecoveryHandler>( &project );
return ptr.get();
wxT("recordingrecovery"), RecordingRecoveryFactory
// XML handler for <import> tag
class ImportXMLTagHandler final : public XMLTagHandler
ImportXMLTagHandler(AudacityProject* pProject) { mProject = pProject; }
bool HandleXMLTag(const wxChar *tag, const wxChar **attrs) override;
XMLTagHandler *HandleXMLChild(const wxChar * WXUNUSED(tag)) override
{ return NULL; }
// Don't want a WriteXML method because ImportXMLTagHandler is not a WaveTrack.
// <import> tags are instead written by AudacityProject::WriteXML.
// void WriteXML(XMLWriter &xmlFile) /* not override */ { wxASSERT(false); }
AudacityProject* mProject;
bool ImportXMLTagHandler::HandleXMLTag(const wxChar *tag, const wxChar **attrs)
if (wxStrcmp(tag, wxT("import")) || attrs==NULL || (*attrs)==NULL || wxStrcmp(*attrs++, wxT("filename")))
return false;
wxString strAttr = *attrs;
if (!XMLValueChecker::IsGoodPathName(strAttr))
// Maybe strAttr is just a fileName, not the full path. Try the project data directory.
wxFileNameWrapper fileName{
DirManager::Get( *mProject ).GetProjectDataDir(), strAttr };
if (XMLValueChecker::IsGoodFileName(strAttr, fileName.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME)))
strAttr = fileName.GetFullPath();
wxLogWarning(wxT("Could not import file: %s"), strAttr);
return false;
WaveTrackArray trackArray;
// Guard this call so that C++ exceptions don't propagate through
// the expat library
[&] {
ProjectFileManager::Get( *mProject ).Import(strAttr, &trackArray); },
[&] (AudacityException*) { trackArray.clear(); }
if (trackArray.empty())
return false;
// Handle other attributes, now that we have the tracks.
const wxChar** pAttr;
bool bSuccess = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < trackArray.size(); i++)
// Most of the "import" tag attributes are the same as for "wavetrack" tags,
// so apply them via WaveTrack::HandleXMLTag().
bSuccess = trackArray[i]->HandleXMLTag(wxT("wavetrack"), attrs);
// "offset" tag is ignored in WaveTrack::HandleXMLTag except for legacy projects,
// so handle it here.
double dblValue;
pAttr = attrs;
while (*pAttr)
const wxChar *attr = *pAttr++;
const wxChar *value = *pAttr++;
const wxString strValue = value;
if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("offset")) &&
XMLValueChecker::IsGoodString(strValue) &&
Internat::CompatibleToDouble(strValue, &dblValue))
return bSuccess;
XMLTagHandler *
ProjectFileManager::ImportHandlerFactory( AudacityProject &project ) {
auto &ProjectFileManager = Get( project );
auto &ptr = ProjectFileManager.mImportXMLTagHandler;
if (!ptr)
ptr =
std::make_unique<ImportXMLTagHandler>( &project );
return ptr.get();
wxT("import"), ImportHandlerFactory
// FIXME:? TRAP_ERR This should return a result that is checked.
// See comment in AudacityApp::MRUOpen().
void ProjectFileManager::OpenFile(const FilePath &fileNameArg, bool addtohistory)
auto &project = mProject;
auto &history = ProjectHistory::Get( project );
auto &projectFileIO = ProjectFileIO::Get( project );
auto &tracks = TrackList::Get( project );
auto &trackPanel = TrackPanel::Get( project );
auto &dirManager = DirManager::Get( project );
auto &window = ProjectWindow::Get( project );
// On Win32, we may be given a short (DOS-compatible) file name on rare
// occassions (e.g. stuff like "C:\PROGRA~1\AUDACI~1\PROJEC~1.AUP"). We
// convert these to long file name first.
auto fileName = PlatformCompatibility::ConvertSlashInFileName(
// Make sure it isn't already open.
// Vaughan, 2011-03-25: This was done previously in AudacityProject::OpenFiles()
// and AudacityApp::MRUOpen(), but if you open an aup file by double-clicking it
// from, e.g., Win Explorer, it would bypass those, get to here with no check,
// then open a NEW project from the same data with no warning.
// This was reported in http://bugzilla.audacityteam.org/show_bug.cgi?id=137#c17,
// but is not really part of that bug. Anyway, prevent it!
if (IsAlreadyOpen(fileName))
// Data loss may occur if users mistakenly try to open ".aup.bak" files
// left over from an unsuccessful save or by previous versions of Audacity.
// So we always refuse to open such files.
if (fileName.Lower().EndsWith(wxT(".aup.bak")))
_("You are trying to open an automatically created backup file.\nDoing this may result in severe data loss.\n\nPlease open the actual Audacity project file instead."),
_("Warning - Backup File Detected"),
wxOK | wxCENTRE, &window);
if (!::wxFileExists(fileName)) {
wxString::Format( _("Could not open file: %s"), fileName ),
("Error Opening File"),
wxOK | wxCENTRE, &window);
// We want to open projects using wxTextFile, but if it's NOT a project
// file (but actually a WAV file, for example), then wxTextFile will spin
// for a long time searching for line breaks. So, we look for our
// signature at the beginning of the file first:
char buf[16];
wxFFile ff(fileName, wxT("rb"));
if (!ff.IsOpened()) {
wxString::Format( _("Could not open file: %s"), fileName ),
_("Error opening file"),
wxOK | wxCENTRE, &window);
int numRead = ff.Read(buf, 15);
if (numRead != 15) {
AudacityMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("File may be invalid or corrupted: \n%s"),
fileName), _("Error Opening File or Project"),
wxOK | wxCENTRE, &window);
buf[15] = 0;
wxString temp = LAT1CTOWX(buf);
if (temp == wxT("AudacityProject")) {
// It's an Audacity 1.0 (or earlier) project file.
// If they bail out, return and do no more.
if( !projectFileIO.WarnOfLegacyFile() )
// Convert to the NEW format.
bool success = ConvertLegacyProjectFile(wxFileName{ fileName });
if (!success) {
AudacityMessageBox(_("Audacity was unable to convert an Audacity 1.0 project to the new project format."),
_("Error Opening Project"),
wxOK | wxCENTRE, &window);
else {
temp = wxT("<?xml ");
// FIXME: //v Surely we could be smarter about this, like checking much earlier that this is a .aup file.
if (temp.Mid(0, 6) != wxT("<?xml ")) {
// If it's not XML, try opening it as any other form of audio
// Is it a plug-in?
if (PluginManager::Get().DropFile(fileName)) {
// No, so import.
#ifdef USE_MIDI
if (FileNames::IsMidi(fileName))
FileActions::DoImportMIDI( &project, fileName );
Import( fileName );
// The handlers may be created during ReadProjectFile and are not needed
// after this function exits.
auto cleanupHandlers = finally( [this]{
} );
auto results = ReadProjectFile( fileName );
if ( results.decodeError )
const bool bParseSuccess = results.parseSuccess;
const wxString &errorStr = results.errorString;
const bool err = results.trackError;
if (bParseSuccess) {
auto &settings = ProjectSettings::Get( project );
window.mbInitializingScrollbar = true; // this must precede AS_SetSnapTo
// to make persistence of the vertical scrollbar position work
auto &selectionManager = ProjectSelectionManager::Get( project );
SelectionBar::Get( project ).SetRate( settings.GetRate() );
ProjectHistory::Get( project ).InitialState();
trackPanel.SetFocusedTrack( *tracks.Any().begin() );
trackPanel.Update(); // force any repaint to happen now,
// else any asynch calls into the blockfile code will not have
// finished logging errors (if any) before the call to ProjectFSCK()
if (addtohistory)
// Use a finally block here, because there are calls to Save() below which
// might throw.
bool closed = false;
auto cleanup = finally( [&] {
//release the flag.
if (! closed ) {
if ( bParseSuccess ) {
// This is a no-fail:
// For an unknown reason, OSX requires that the project window be
// raised if a recovery took place.
window.CallAfter( [&] { window.Raise(); } );
} );
if (bParseSuccess) {
bool saved = false;
if (projectFileIO.IsRecovered())
// This project has been recovered, so write a NEW auto-save file
// now and then DELETE the old one in the auto-save folder. Note that
// at this point mFileName != fileName, because when opening a
// recovered file mFileName is faked to point to the original file
// which has been recovered, not the one in the auto-save folder.
::ProjectFSCK(dirManager, err, true); // Correct problems in auto-recover mode.
// PushState calls AutoSave(), so no longer need to do so here.
history.PushState(_("Project was recovered"), _("Recover"));
if (!wxRemoveFile(fileName))
AudacityMessageBox(_("Could not remove old auto save file"),
_("Error"), wxICON_STOP, &window);
// This is a regular project, check it and ask user
int status = ::ProjectFSCK(dirManager, err, false);
if (status & FSCKstatus_CLOSE_REQ)
// Vaughan, 2010-08-23: Note this did not do a real close.
// It could cause problems if you get this, say on missing alias files,
// then try to open a project with, e.g., missing blockfiles.
// It then failed in SetProject, saying it cannot find the files,
// then never go through ProjectFSCK to give more info.
// Going through OnClose() may be overkill, but it's safe.
// There was an error in the load/check and the user
// explictly opted to close the project.
mFileName = wxT("");
closed = true;
else if (status & FSCKstatus_CHANGED)
// Mark the wave tracks as changed and redraw.
for ( auto wt : tracks.Any<WaveTrack>() )
// Only wave tracks have a notion of "changed".
for (const auto &clip: wt->GetClips())
// Vaughan, 2010-08-20: This was bogus, as all the actions in ProjectFSCK
// that return FSCKstatus_CHANGED cannot be undone.
// this->PushState(_("Project checker repaired file"), _("Project Repair"));
if (status & FSCKstatus_SAVE_AUP)
Save(), saved = true;
if (mImportXMLTagHandler) {
if (!saved)
// We processed an <import> tag, so save it as a normal project,
// with no <import> tags.
else {
// Vaughan, 2011-10-30:
// See first topic at http://bugzilla.audacityteam.org/show_bug.cgi?id=451#c16.
// Calling mTracks->Clear() with deleteTracks true results in data loss.
// PRL 2014-12-19:
// I made many changes for wave track memory management, but only now
// read the above comment. I may have invalidated the fix above (which
// may have spared the files at the expense of leaked memory). But
// here is a better way to accomplish the intent, doing like what happens
// when the project closes:
for ( auto pTrack : tracks.Any< WaveTrack >() )
tracks.Clear(); //tracks.Clear(true);
project.SetFileName( wxT("") );
wxLogError(wxT("Could not parse file \"%s\". \nError: %s"), fileName, errorStr);
wxString url = wxT("FAQ:Errors_on_opening_or_recovering_an_Audacity_project");
// Certain errors have dedicated help.
// On April-4th-2018, we did not request translation of the XML errors.
// If/when we do, we will need _() around the comparison strings.
if( errorStr.Contains( ("not well-formed (invalid token)") ) )
url = "Error:_not_well-formed_(invalid_token)_at_line_x";
else if( errorStr.Contains(("reference to invalid character number") ))
url = "Error_Opening_Project:_Reference_to_invalid_character_number_at_line_x";
else if( errorStr.Contains(("mismatched tag") ))
url += "#mismatched";
// These two errors with FAQ entries are reported elsewhere, not here....
//#[[#import-error|Error Importing: Aup is an Audacity Project file. Use the File > Open command]]
//#[[#corrupt|Error Opening File or Project: File may be invalid or corrupted]]
// If we did want to handle every single parse error, these are they....
XML_L("out of memory"),
XML_L("syntax error"),
XML_L("no element found"),
XML_L("not well-formed (invalid token)"),
XML_L("unclosed token"),
XML_L("partial character"),
XML_L("mismatched tag"),
XML_L("duplicate attribute"),
XML_L("junk after document element"),
XML_L("illegal parameter entity reference"),
XML_L("undefined entity"),
XML_L("recursive entity reference"),
XML_L("asynchronous entity"),
XML_L("reference to invalid character number"),
XML_L("reference to binary entity"),
XML_L("reference to external entity in attribute"),
XML_L("XML or text declaration not at start of entity"),
XML_L("unknown encoding"),
XML_L("encoding specified in XML declaration is incorrect"),
XML_L("unclosed CDATA section"),
XML_L("error in processing external entity reference"),
XML_L("document is not standalone"),
XML_L("unexpected parser state - please send a bug report"),
XML_L("entity declared in parameter entity"),
XML_L("requested feature requires XML_DTD support in Expat"),
XML_L("cannot change setting once parsing has begun"),
XML_L("unbound prefix"),
XML_L("must not undeclare prefix"),
XML_L("incomplete markup in parameter entity"),
XML_L("XML declaration not well-formed"),
XML_L("text declaration not well-formed"),
XML_L("illegal character(s) in public id"),
XML_L("parser suspended"),
XML_L("parser not suspended"),
XML_L("parsing aborted"),
XML_L("parsing finished"),
XML_L("cannot suspend in external parameter entity"),
XML_L("reserved prefix (xml) must not be undeclared or bound to another namespace name"),
XML_L("reserved prefix (xmlns) must not be declared or undeclared"),
XML_L("prefix must not be bound to one of the reserved namespace names")
_("Error Opening Project"),
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Track > >
ProjectFileManager::AddImportedTracks(const FilePath &fileName,
TrackHolders &&newTracks)
auto &project = mProject;
auto &history = ProjectHistory::Get( project );
auto &projectFileIO = ProjectFileIO::Get( project );
auto &tracks = TrackList::Get( project );
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Track > > results;
SelectActions::SelectNone( project );
bool initiallyEmpty = tracks.empty();
double newRate = 0;
wxString trackNameBase = fileName.AfterLast(wxFILE_SEP_PATH).BeforeLast('.');
int i = -1;
// Must add all tracks first (before using Track::IsLeader)
for (auto &group : newTracks) {
if (group.empty()) {
auto first = group.begin()->get();
auto nChannels = group.size();
for (auto &uNewTrack : group) {
auto newTrack = tracks.Add( uNewTrack );
tracks.GroupChannels(*first, nChannels);
// Now name them
// Add numbers to track names only if there is more than one (mono or stereo)
// track (not necessarily, more than one channel)
const bool useSuffix =
make_iterator_range( results.begin() + 1, results.end() )
.any_of( []( decltype(*results.begin()) &pTrack )
{ return pTrack->IsLeader(); } );
for (const auto &newTrack : results) {
if ( newTrack->IsLeader() )
// Count groups only
if ( useSuffix )
newTrack->SetName(trackNameBase + wxString::Format(wxT(" %d" ), i + 1));
newTrack->TypeSwitch( [&](WaveTrack *wt) {
if (newRate == 0)
newRate = wt->GetRate();
// Check if NEW track contains aliased blockfiles and if yes,
// remember this to show a warning later
if(WaveClip* clip = wt->GetClipByIndex(0)) {
BlockArray &blocks = clip->GetSequence()->GetBlockArray();
if (blocks.size())
SeqBlock& block = blocks[0];
if (block.f->IsAlias())
SetImportedDependencies( true );
// Automatically assign rate of imported file to whole project,
// if this is the first file that is imported
if (initiallyEmpty && newRate > 0) {
auto &settings = ProjectSettings::Get( project );
settings.SetRate( newRate );
SelectionBar::Get( project ).SetRate( newRate );
history.PushState(wxString::Format(_("Imported '%s'"), fileName),
#if defined(__WXGTK__)
// See bug #1224
// The track panel hasn't we been fully created, so the DoZoomFit() will not give
// expected results due to a window width of zero. Should be safe to yield here to
// allow the creattion to complete. If this becomes a problem, it "might" be possible
// to queue a dummy event to trigger the DoZoomFit().
wxEventLoopBase::GetActive()->YieldFor(wxEVT_CATEGORY_UI | wxEVT_CATEGORY_USER_INPUT);
if (initiallyEmpty && !projectFileIO.IsProjectSaved() ) {
wxString name = fileName.AfterLast(wxFILE_SEP_PATH).BeforeLast(wxT('.'));
::wxPathOnly(fileName) + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + name + wxT(".aup") );
projectFileIO.SetLoadedFromAup( false );
// Moved this call to higher levels to prevent flicker redrawing everything on each file.
// HandleResize();
return results;
// If pNewTrackList is passed in non-NULL, it gets filled with the pointers to NEW tracks.
bool ProjectFileManager::Import(
const FilePath &fileName, WaveTrackArray* pTrackArray /*= NULL*/)
auto &project = mProject;
auto &dirManager = DirManager::Get( project );
auto oldTags = Tags::Get( project ).shared_from_this();
TrackHolders newTracks;
wxString errorMessage;
// Backup Tags, before the import. Be prepared to roll back changes.
bool committed = false;
auto cleanup = finally([&]{
if ( !committed )
Tags::Set( project, oldTags );
auto newTags = oldTags->Duplicate();
Tags::Set( project, newTags );
bool success = Importer::Get().Import(fileName,
&TrackFactory::Get( project ),
if (!errorMessage.empty()) {
// Error message derived from Importer::Import
// Additional help via a Help button links to the manual.
ShowErrorDialog(&GetProjectFrame( project ), _("Error Importing"),
errorMessage, wxT("Importing_Audio"));
if (!success)
return false;
// no more errors, commit
committed = true;
// for LOF ("list of files") files, do not import the file as if it
// were an audio file itself
if (fileName.AfterLast('.').IsSameAs(wxT("lof"), false)) {
// PRL: don't redundantly do the steps below, because we already
// did it in case of LOF, because of some weird recursion back to this
// same function. I think this should be untangled.
// So Undo history push is not bypassed, despite appearances.
return false;
// PRL: Undo history is incremented inside this:
auto newSharedTracks = AddImportedTracks(fileName, std::move(newTracks));
if (pTrackArray) {
for (const auto &newTrack : newSharedTracks) {
newTrack->TypeSwitch( [&](WaveTrack *wt) {
pTrackArray->push_back( wt->SharedPointer< WaveTrack >() );
int mode = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioFiles/NormalizeOnLoad"), 0L);
if (mode == 1) {
//TODO: All we want is a SelectAll()
SelectActions::SelectNone( project );
SelectActions::SelectAllIfNone( project );
const CommandContext context( project );
// This is a no-fail:
return true;

View File

@ -12,13 +12,23 @@ Paul Licameli split from AudacityProject.h
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "ClientData.h" // to inherit
#include "import/ImportRaw.h" // defines TrackHolders
class wxString;
class wxFileName;
class AudacityProject;
class ImportXMLTagHandler;
class RecordingRecoveryHandler;
class Track;
class TrackList;
class WaveTrack;
class XMLTagHandler;
namespace ProjectFileIORegistry{ struct Entry; }
using WaveTrackArray = std::vector < std::shared_ptr < WaveTrack > >;
class ProjectFileManager final
: public ClientData::Base
@ -54,20 +64,79 @@ public:
void Reset();
void SetImportedDependencies( bool value ) { mImportedDependencies = value; }
/** @brief Show an open dialogue for opening audio files, and possibly other
* sorts of files.
* The file type filter will automatically contain:
* - "All files" with any extension or none,
* - "All supported files" based on the file formats supported in this
* build of Audacity,
* - All of the individual formats specified by the importer plug-ins which
* are built into this build of Audacity, each with the relevant file
* extensions for that format.
* The dialogue will start in the DefaultOpenPath directory read from the
* preferences, failing that the working directory. The file format filter
* will be set to the DefaultOpenType from the preferences, failing that
* the first format specified in the dialogue. These two parameters will
* be saved to the preferences once the user has chosen a file to open.
* @param extraformat Specify the name of an additional format to allow
* opening in this dialogue. This string is free-form, but should be short
* enough to fit in the file dialogue filter drop-down. It should be
* translated.
* @param extrafilter Specify the file extension(s) for the additional format
* specified by extraformat. The patterns must include the wildcard (e.g.
* "*.aup" not "aup" or ".aup"), separate multiple patters with a semicolon,
* e.g. "*.aup;*.AUP" because patterns are case-sensitive. Do not add a
* trailing semicolon to the string. This string should not be translated
* @return Array of file paths which the user selected to open (multiple
* selections allowed).
static wxArrayString ShowOpenDialog(const wxString &extraformat = {},
const wxString &extrafilter = {});
static bool IsAlreadyOpen(const FilePath &projPathName);
void OpenFile(const FilePath &fileName, bool addtohistory = true);
// If pNewTrackList is passed in non-NULL, it gets filled with the pointers to NEW tracks.
bool Import(const FilePath &fileName, WaveTrackArray *pTrackArray = NULL);
// Takes array of unique pointers; returns array of shared
std::vector< std::shared_ptr<Track> >
AddImportedTracks(const FilePath &fileName,
TrackHolders &&newTracks);
bool GetMenuClose() const { return mMenuClose; }
void SetMenuClose(bool value) { mMenuClose = value; }
void SetImportedDependencies( bool value ) { mImportedDependencies = value; }
// Push names of NEW export files onto the path list
bool SaveCopyWaveTracks(const FilePath & strProjectPathName,
bool bLossless, FilePaths &strOtherNamesArray);
bool DoSave(bool fromSaveAs, bool bWantSaveCopy, bool bLossless = false);
// Declared in this class so that they can have access to private members
static XMLTagHandler *RecordingRecoveryFactory( AudacityProject &project );
static ProjectFileIORegistry::Entry sRecoveryFactory;
static XMLTagHandler *ImportHandlerFactory( AudacityProject &project );
static ProjectFileIORegistry::Entry sImportHandlerFactory;
AudacityProject &mProject;
std::shared_ptr<TrackList> mLastSavedTracks;
// The handler that handles recovery of <recordingrecovery> tags
std::unique_ptr<RecordingRecoveryHandler> mRecordingRecoveryHandler;
std::unique_ptr<ImportXMLTagHandler> mImportXMLTagHandler;
// Dependencies have been imported and a warning should be shown on save
bool mImportedDependencies{ false };
// Are we currently closing as the result of a menu command?
bool mMenuClose{ false };

View File

@ -19,32 +19,22 @@ Paul Licameli split from AudacityProject.cpp
#include "Clipboard.h"
#include "DirManager.h"
#include "FileNames.h"
#include "Legacy.h"
#include "Menus.h"
#include "MissingAliasFileDialog.h"
#include "ModuleManager.h"
#include "PlatformCompatibility.h"
#include "Project.h"
#include "ProjectAudioIO.h"
#include "ProjectAudioManager.h"
#include "ProjectFileIO.h"
#include "ProjectFileIORegistry.h"
#include "ProjectFileManager.h"
#include "ProjectFSCK.h"
#include "ProjectHistory.h"
#include "ProjectSelectionManager.h"
#include "ProjectSettings.h"
#include "ProjectWindow.h"
#include "Sequence.h"
#include "Tags.h"
#include "TrackPanel.h"
#include "UndoManager.h"
#include "WaveTrack.h"
#include "WaveClip.h"
#include "wxFileNameWrapper.h"
#include "commands/CommandContext.h"
#include "effects/EffectManager.h"
#include "import/Import.h"
#include "ondemand/ODManager.h"
#include "prefs/QualityPrefs.h"
#include "toolbars/ControlToolBar.h"
@ -58,7 +48,6 @@ Paul Licameli split from AudacityProject.cpp
#include <wx/dataobj.h>
#include <wx/dnd.h>
#include <wx/evtloop.h>
const int AudacityProjectTimerID = 5200;
@ -338,7 +327,7 @@ public:
FileActions::DoImportMIDI(mProject, name);
ProjectManager::Get( *mProject ).Import(name);
ProjectFileManager::Get( *mProject ).Import(name);
auto &window = ProjectWindow::Get( *mProject );
@ -539,7 +528,7 @@ void ProjectManager::OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent & event)
#ifdef __WXMAC__
quitOnClose = false;
quitOnClose = !mMenuClose;
quitOnClose = !projectFileManager.GetMenuClose();
// DanH: If we're definitely about to quit, clear the clipboard.
@ -645,136 +634,11 @@ void ProjectManager::OnOpenAudioFile(wxCommandEvent & event)
const wxString &cmd = event.GetString();
if (!cmd.empty())
ProjectFileManager::Get( mProject ).OpenFile(cmd);
// static method, can be called outside of a project
wxArrayString ProjectManager::ShowOpenDialog(const wxString &extraformat, const wxString &extrafilter)
FormatList l;
wxString filter; ///< List of file format names and extensions, separated
/// by | characters between _formats_ and extensions for each _format_, i.e.
/// format1name | *.ext | format2name | *.ex1;*.ex2
wxString all; ///< One long list of all supported file extensions,
/// semicolon separated
if (!extraformat.empty())
{ // additional format specified
all = extrafilter + wxT(';');
// add it to the "all supported files" filter string
// Construct the filter
for (const auto &format : l) {
/* this loop runs once per supported _format_ */
const Format *f = &format;
wxString newfilter = f->formatName + wxT("|");
// bung format name into string plus | separator
for (size_t i = 0; i < f->formatExtensions.size(); i++) {
/* this loop runs once per valid _file extension_ for file containing
* the current _format_ */
if (!newfilter.Contains(wxT("*.") + f->formatExtensions[i] + wxT(";")))
newfilter += wxT("*.") + f->formatExtensions[i] + wxT(";");
if (!all.Contains(wxT("*.") + f->formatExtensions[i] + wxT(";")))
all += wxT("*.") + f->formatExtensions[i] + wxT(";");
filter += newfilter;
filter += wxT("|");
// For testing long filters
#if 0
wxString test = wxT("*.aaa;*.bbb;*.ccc;*.ddd;*.eee");
all = test + wxT(';') + test + wxT(';') + test + wxT(';') +
test + wxT(';') + test + wxT(';') + test + wxT(';') +
test + wxT(';') + test + wxT(';') + test + wxT(';') +
/* i18n-hint: The vertical bars and * are essential here.*/
wxString mask = _("All files|*|All supported files|") +
all + wxT("|"); // "all" and "all supported" entries
if (!extraformat.empty())
{ // append caller-defined format if supplied
mask += extraformat + wxT("|") + extrafilter + wxT("|");
mask += filter; // put the names and extensions of all the importer formats
// we built up earlier into the mask
// Retrieve saved path and type
auto path = FileNames::FindDefaultPath(FileNames::Operation::Open);
wxString type = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/DefaultOpenType"),mask.BeforeFirst(wxT('|')));
// Convert the type to the filter index
int index = mask.First(type + wxT("|"));
if (index == wxNOT_FOUND) {
index = 0;
else {
index = mask.Left(index).Freq(wxT('|')) / 2;
if (index < 0) {
index = 0;
// Construct and display the file dialog
wxArrayString selected;
FileDialogWrapper dlog(NULL,
_("Select one or more files"),
int dialogResult = dlog.ShowModal();
// Convert the filter index to type and save
index = dlog.GetFilterIndex();
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) {
mask = mask.AfterFirst(wxT('|')).AfterFirst(wxT('|'));
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/DefaultOpenType"), mask.BeforeFirst(wxT('|')));
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/LastOpenType"), mask.BeforeFirst(wxT('|')));
if (dialogResult == wxID_OK) {
// Return the selected files
return selected;
// static method, can be called outside of a project
bool ProjectManager::IsAlreadyOpen(const FilePath &projPathName)
const wxFileName newProjPathName(projPathName);
auto start = AllProjects{}.begin(), finish = AllProjects{}.end(),
iter = std::find_if( start, finish,
[&]( const AllProjects::value_type &ptr ){
return newProjPathName.SameAs(wxFileNameWrapper{ ptr->GetFileName() });
} );
if (iter != finish) {
wxString errMsg =
wxString::Format(_("%s is already open in another window."),
AudacityMessageBox(errMsg, _("Error Opening Project"), wxOK | wxCENTRE);
return true;
return false;
// static method, can be called outside of a project
void ProjectManager::OpenFiles(AudacityProject *proj)
@ -783,7 +647,7 @@ void ProjectManager::OpenFiles(AudacityProject *proj)
* with Audacity. Do not include pipe symbols or .aup (this extension will
* now be added automatically for the Save Projects dialogues).*/
auto selectedFiles =
ProjectManager::ShowOpenDialog(_("Audacity projects"), wxT("*.aup"));
ProjectFileManager::ShowOpenDialog(_("Audacity projects"), wxT("*.aup"));
if (selectedFiles.size() == 0) {
@ -805,7 +669,7 @@ void ProjectManager::OpenFiles(AudacityProject *proj)
const wxString &fileName = selectedFiles[ff];
// Make sure it isn't already open.
if (IsAlreadyOpen(fileName))
if (ProjectFileManager::IsAlreadyOpen(fileName))
continue; // Skip ones that are already open.
FileNames::UpdateDefaultPath(FileNames::Operation::Open, fileName);
@ -843,7 +707,7 @@ AudacityProject *ProjectManager::OpenProject(
if( pNewProject )
GetProjectFrame( *pNewProject ).Close(true);
} );
Get( *pProject ).OpenFile( fileNameArg, addtohistory );
ProjectFileManager::Get( *pProject ).OpenFile( fileNameArg, addtohistory );
pNewProject = nullptr;
auto &projectFileIO = ProjectFileIO::Get( *pProject );
if( projectFileIO.IsRecovered() )
@ -853,648 +717,6 @@ AudacityProject *ProjectManager::OpenProject(
return pProject;
XMLTagHandler *
ProjectManager::RecordingRecoveryFactory( AudacityProject &project ) {
auto &projectManager = Get( project );
auto &ptr = projectManager.mRecordingRecoveryHandler;
if (!ptr)
ptr =
std::make_unique<RecordingRecoveryHandler>( &project );
return ptr.get();
wxT("recordingrecovery"), RecordingRecoveryFactory
// XML handler for <import> tag
class ImportXMLTagHandler final : public XMLTagHandler
ImportXMLTagHandler(AudacityProject* pProject) { mProject = pProject; }
bool HandleXMLTag(const wxChar *tag, const wxChar **attrs) override;
XMLTagHandler *HandleXMLChild(const wxChar * WXUNUSED(tag)) override
{ return NULL; }
// Don't want a WriteXML method because ImportXMLTagHandler is not a WaveTrack.
// <import> tags are instead written by AudacityProject::WriteXML.
// void WriteXML(XMLWriter &xmlFile) /* not override */ { wxASSERT(false); }
AudacityProject* mProject;
bool ImportXMLTagHandler::HandleXMLTag(const wxChar *tag, const wxChar **attrs)
if (wxStrcmp(tag, wxT("import")) || attrs==NULL || (*attrs)==NULL || wxStrcmp(*attrs++, wxT("filename")))
return false;
wxString strAttr = *attrs;
if (!XMLValueChecker::IsGoodPathName(strAttr))
// Maybe strAttr is just a fileName, not the full path. Try the project data directory.
wxFileNameWrapper fileName{
DirManager::Get( *mProject ).GetProjectDataDir(), strAttr };
if (XMLValueChecker::IsGoodFileName(strAttr, fileName.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME)))
strAttr = fileName.GetFullPath();
wxLogWarning(wxT("Could not import file: %s"), strAttr);
return false;
WaveTrackArray trackArray;
// Guard this call so that C++ exceptions don't propagate through
// the expat library
[&] {
ProjectManager::Get( *mProject ).Import(strAttr, &trackArray); },
[&] (AudacityException*) { trackArray.clear(); }
if (trackArray.empty())
return false;
// Handle other attributes, now that we have the tracks.
const wxChar** pAttr;
bool bSuccess = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < trackArray.size(); i++)
// Most of the "import" tag attributes are the same as for "wavetrack" tags,
// so apply them via WaveTrack::HandleXMLTag().
bSuccess = trackArray[i]->HandleXMLTag(wxT("wavetrack"), attrs);
// "offset" tag is ignored in WaveTrack::HandleXMLTag except for legacy projects,
// so handle it here.
double dblValue;
pAttr = attrs;
while (*pAttr)
const wxChar *attr = *pAttr++;
const wxChar *value = *pAttr++;
const wxString strValue = value;
if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("offset")) &&
XMLValueChecker::IsGoodString(strValue) &&
Internat::CompatibleToDouble(strValue, &dblValue))
return bSuccess;
XMLTagHandler *
ProjectManager::ImportHandlerFactory( AudacityProject &project ) {
auto &projectManager = Get( project );
auto &ptr = projectManager.mImportXMLTagHandler;
if (!ptr)
ptr =
std::make_unique<ImportXMLTagHandler>( &project );
return ptr.get();
wxT("import"), ImportHandlerFactory
// FIXME:? TRAP_ERR This should return a result that is checked.
// See comment in AudacityApp::MRUOpen().
void ProjectManager::OpenFile(const FilePath &fileNameArg, bool addtohistory)
auto &project = mProject;
auto &history = ProjectHistory::Get( project );
auto &projectFileIO = ProjectFileIO::Get( project );
auto &projectFileManager = ProjectFileManager::Get( project );
auto &tracks = TrackList::Get( project );
auto &trackPanel = TrackPanel::Get( project );
auto &dirManager = DirManager::Get( project );
auto &window = ProjectWindow::Get( project );
// On Win32, we may be given a short (DOS-compatible) file name on rare
// occassions (e.g. stuff like "C:\PROGRA~1\AUDACI~1\PROJEC~1.AUP"). We
// convert these to long file name first.
auto fileName = PlatformCompatibility::ConvertSlashInFileName(
// Make sure it isn't already open.
// Vaughan, 2011-03-25: This was done previously in AudacityProject::OpenFiles()
// and AudacityApp::MRUOpen(), but if you open an aup file by double-clicking it
// from, e.g., Win Explorer, it would bypass those, get to here with no check,
// then open a NEW project from the same data with no warning.
// This was reported in http://bugzilla.audacityteam.org/show_bug.cgi?id=137#c17,
// but is not really part of that bug. Anyway, prevent it!
if (IsAlreadyOpen(fileName))
// Data loss may occur if users mistakenly try to open ".aup.bak" files
// left over from an unsuccessful save or by previous versions of Audacity.
// So we always refuse to open such files.
if (fileName.Lower().EndsWith(wxT(".aup.bak")))
_("You are trying to open an automatically created backup file.\nDoing this may result in severe data loss.\n\nPlease open the actual Audacity project file instead."),
_("Warning - Backup File Detected"),
wxOK | wxCENTRE, &window);
if (!::wxFileExists(fileName)) {
wxString::Format( _("Could not open file: %s"), fileName ),
("Error Opening File"),
wxOK | wxCENTRE, &window);
// We want to open projects using wxTextFile, but if it's NOT a project
// file (but actually a WAV file, for example), then wxTextFile will spin
// for a long time searching for line breaks. So, we look for our
// signature at the beginning of the file first:
char buf[16];
wxFFile ff(fileName, wxT("rb"));
if (!ff.IsOpened()) {
wxString::Format( _("Could not open file: %s"), fileName ),
_("Error opening file"),
wxOK | wxCENTRE, &window);
int numRead = ff.Read(buf, 15);
if (numRead != 15) {
AudacityMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("File may be invalid or corrupted: \n%s"),
fileName), _("Error Opening File or Project"),
wxOK | wxCENTRE, &window);
buf[15] = 0;
wxString temp = LAT1CTOWX(buf);
if (temp == wxT("AudacityProject")) {
// It's an Audacity 1.0 (or earlier) project file.
// If they bail out, return and do no more.
if( !projectFileIO.WarnOfLegacyFile() )
// Convert to the NEW format.
bool success = ConvertLegacyProjectFile(wxFileName{ fileName });
if (!success) {
AudacityMessageBox(_("Audacity was unable to convert an Audacity 1.0 project to the new project format."),
_("Error Opening Project"),
wxOK | wxCENTRE, &window);
else {
temp = wxT("<?xml ");
// FIXME: //v Surely we could be smarter about this, like checking much earlier that this is a .aup file.
if (temp.Mid(0, 6) != wxT("<?xml ")) {
// If it's not XML, try opening it as any other form of audio
// Is it a plug-in?
if (PluginManager::Get().DropFile(fileName)) {
// No, so import.
#ifdef USE_MIDI
if (FileNames::IsMidi(fileName))
FileActions::DoImportMIDI( &project, fileName );
Import( fileName );
// The handlers may be created during ReadProjectFile and are not needed
// after this function exits.
auto cleanupHandlers = finally( [this]{
} );
auto results = projectFileManager.ReadProjectFile( fileName );
if ( results.decodeError )
const bool bParseSuccess = results.parseSuccess;
const wxString &errorStr = results.errorString;
const bool err = results.trackError;
if (bParseSuccess) {
auto &settings = ProjectSettings::Get( project );
window.mbInitializingScrollbar = true; // this must precede AS_SetSnapTo
// to make persistence of the vertical scrollbar position work
auto &selectionManager = ProjectSelectionManager::Get( project );
SelectionBar::Get( project ).SetRate( settings.GetRate() );
ProjectHistory::Get( project ).InitialState();
trackPanel.SetFocusedTrack( *tracks.Any().begin() );
trackPanel.Update(); // force any repaint to happen now,
// else any asynch calls into the blockfile code will not have
// finished logging errors (if any) before the call to ProjectFSCK()
if (addtohistory)
// Use a finally block here, because there are calls to Save() below which
// might throw.
bool closed = false;
auto cleanup = finally( [&] {
//release the flag.
if (! closed ) {
if ( bParseSuccess ) {
// This is a no-fail:
// For an unknown reason, OSX requires that the project window be
// raised if a recovery took place.
window.CallAfter( [&] { window.Raise(); } );
} );
if (bParseSuccess) {
bool saved = false;
if (projectFileIO.IsRecovered())
// This project has been recovered, so write a NEW auto-save file
// now and then DELETE the old one in the auto-save folder. Note that
// at this point mFileName != fileName, because when opening a
// recovered file mFileName is faked to point to the original file
// which has been recovered, not the one in the auto-save folder.
::ProjectFSCK(dirManager, err, true); // Correct problems in auto-recover mode.
// PushState calls AutoSave(), so no longer need to do so here.
history.PushState(_("Project was recovered"), _("Recover"));
if (!wxRemoveFile(fileName))
AudacityMessageBox(_("Could not remove old auto save file"),
_("Error"), wxICON_STOP, &window);
// This is a regular project, check it and ask user
int status = ::ProjectFSCK(dirManager, err, false);
if (status & FSCKstatus_CLOSE_REQ)
// Vaughan, 2010-08-23: Note this did not do a real close.
// It could cause problems if you get this, say on missing alias files,
// then try to open a project with, e.g., missing blockfiles.
// It then failed in SetProject, saying it cannot find the files,
// then never go through ProjectFSCK to give more info.
// Going through OnClose() may be overkill, but it's safe.
// There was an error in the load/check and the user
// explictly opted to close the project.
mFileName = wxT("");
closed = true;
else if (status & FSCKstatus_CHANGED)
// Mark the wave tracks as changed and redraw.
for ( auto wt : tracks.Any<WaveTrack>() )
// Only wave tracks have a notion of "changed".
for (const auto &clip: wt->GetClips())
// Vaughan, 2010-08-20: This was bogus, as all the actions in ProjectFSCK
// that return FSCKstatus_CHANGED cannot be undone.
// this->PushState(_("Project checker repaired file"), _("Project Repair"));
if (status & FSCKstatus_SAVE_AUP)
projectFileManager.Save(), saved = true;
if (mImportXMLTagHandler) {
if (!saved)
// We processed an <import> tag, so save it as a normal project,
// with no <import> tags.
else {
// Vaughan, 2011-10-30:
// See first topic at http://bugzilla.audacityteam.org/show_bug.cgi?id=451#c16.
// Calling mTracks->Clear() with deleteTracks true results in data loss.
// PRL 2014-12-19:
// I made many changes for wave track memory management, but only now
// read the above comment. I may have invalidated the fix above (which
// may have spared the files at the expense of leaked memory). But
// here is a better way to accomplish the intent, doing like what happens
// when the project closes:
for ( auto pTrack : tracks.Any< WaveTrack >() )
tracks.Clear(); //tracks.Clear(true);
project.SetFileName( wxT("") );
wxLogError(wxT("Could not parse file \"%s\". \nError: %s"), fileName, errorStr);
wxString url = wxT("FAQ:Errors_on_opening_or_recovering_an_Audacity_project");
// Certain errors have dedicated help.
// On April-4th-2018, we did not request translation of the XML errors.
// If/when we do, we will need _() around the comparison strings.
if( errorStr.Contains( ("not well-formed (invalid token)") ) )
url = "Error:_not_well-formed_(invalid_token)_at_line_x";
else if( errorStr.Contains(("reference to invalid character number") ))
url = "Error_Opening_Project:_Reference_to_invalid_character_number_at_line_x";
else if( errorStr.Contains(("mismatched tag") ))
url += "#mismatched";
// These two errors with FAQ entries are reported elsewhere, not here....
//#[[#import-error|Error Importing: Aup is an Audacity Project file. Use the File > Open command]]
//#[[#corrupt|Error Opening File or Project: File may be invalid or corrupted]]
// If we did want to handle every single parse error, these are they....
XML_L("out of memory"),
XML_L("syntax error"),
XML_L("no element found"),
XML_L("not well-formed (invalid token)"),
XML_L("unclosed token"),
XML_L("partial character"),
XML_L("mismatched tag"),
XML_L("duplicate attribute"),
XML_L("junk after document element"),
XML_L("illegal parameter entity reference"),
XML_L("undefined entity"),
XML_L("recursive entity reference"),
XML_L("asynchronous entity"),
XML_L("reference to invalid character number"),
XML_L("reference to binary entity"),
XML_L("reference to external entity in attribute"),
XML_L("XML or text declaration not at start of entity"),
XML_L("unknown encoding"),
XML_L("encoding specified in XML declaration is incorrect"),
XML_L("unclosed CDATA section"),
XML_L("error in processing external entity reference"),
XML_L("document is not standalone"),
XML_L("unexpected parser state - please send a bug report"),
XML_L("entity declared in parameter entity"),
XML_L("requested feature requires XML_DTD support in Expat"),
XML_L("cannot change setting once parsing has begun"),
XML_L("unbound prefix"),
XML_L("must not undeclare prefix"),
XML_L("incomplete markup in parameter entity"),
XML_L("XML declaration not well-formed"),
XML_L("text declaration not well-formed"),
XML_L("illegal character(s) in public id"),
XML_L("parser suspended"),
XML_L("parser not suspended"),
XML_L("parsing aborted"),
XML_L("parsing finished"),
XML_L("cannot suspend in external parameter entity"),
XML_L("reserved prefix (xml) must not be undeclared or bound to another namespace name"),
XML_L("reserved prefix (xmlns) must not be declared or undeclared"),
XML_L("prefix must not be bound to one of the reserved namespace names")
_("Error Opening Project"),
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Track > >
ProjectManager::AddImportedTracks(const FilePath &fileName,
TrackHolders &&newTracks)
auto &project = mProject;
auto &history = ProjectHistory::Get( project );
auto &projectFileIO = ProjectFileIO::Get( project );
auto &projectFileManager = ProjectFileManager::Get( project );
auto &tracks = TrackList::Get( project );
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Track > > results;
SelectActions::SelectNone( project );
bool initiallyEmpty = tracks.empty();
double newRate = 0;
wxString trackNameBase = fileName.AfterLast(wxFILE_SEP_PATH).BeforeLast('.');
int i = -1;
// Must add all tracks first (before using Track::IsLeader)
for (auto &group : newTracks) {
if (group.empty()) {
auto first = group.begin()->get();
auto nChannels = group.size();
for (auto &uNewTrack : group) {
auto newTrack = tracks.Add( uNewTrack );
tracks.GroupChannels(*first, nChannels);
// Now name them
// Add numbers to track names only if there is more than one (mono or stereo)
// track (not necessarily, more than one channel)
const bool useSuffix =
make_iterator_range( results.begin() + 1, results.end() )
.any_of( []( decltype(*results.begin()) &pTrack )
{ return pTrack->IsLeader(); } );
for (const auto &newTrack : results) {
if ( newTrack->IsLeader() )
// Count groups only
if ( useSuffix )
newTrack->SetName(trackNameBase + wxString::Format(wxT(" %d" ), i + 1));
newTrack->TypeSwitch( [&](WaveTrack *wt) {
if (newRate == 0)
newRate = wt->GetRate();
// Check if NEW track contains aliased blockfiles and if yes,
// remember this to show a warning later
if(WaveClip* clip = wt->GetClipByIndex(0)) {
BlockArray &blocks = clip->GetSequence()->GetBlockArray();
if (blocks.size())
SeqBlock& block = blocks[0];
if (block.f->IsAlias())
projectFileManager.SetImportedDependencies( true );
// Automatically assign rate of imported file to whole project,
// if this is the first file that is imported
if (initiallyEmpty && newRate > 0) {
auto &settings = ProjectSettings::Get( project );
settings.SetRate( newRate );
SelectionBar::Get( project ).SetRate( newRate );
history.PushState(wxString::Format(_("Imported '%s'"), fileName),
#if defined(__WXGTK__)
// See bug #1224
// The track panel hasn't we been fully created, so the DoZoomFit() will not give
// expected results due to a window width of zero. Should be safe to yield here to
// allow the creattion to complete. If this becomes a problem, it "might" be possible
// to queue a dummy event to trigger the DoZoomFit().
wxEventLoopBase::GetActive()->YieldFor(wxEVT_CATEGORY_UI | wxEVT_CATEGORY_USER_INPUT);
if (initiallyEmpty && !projectFileIO.IsProjectSaved() ) {
wxString name = fileName.AfterLast(wxFILE_SEP_PATH).BeforeLast(wxT('.'));
::wxPathOnly(fileName) + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + name + wxT(".aup") );
projectFileIO.SetLoadedFromAup( false );
// Moved this call to higher levels to prevent flicker redrawing everything on each file.
// HandleResize();
return results;
// If pNewTrackList is passed in non-NULL, it gets filled with the pointers to NEW tracks.
bool ProjectManager::Import(
const FilePath &fileName, WaveTrackArray* pTrackArray /*= NULL*/)
auto &project = mProject;
auto &dirManager = DirManager::Get( project );
auto oldTags = Tags::Get( project ).shared_from_this();
TrackHolders newTracks;
wxString errorMessage;
// Backup Tags, before the import. Be prepared to roll back changes.
bool committed = false;
auto cleanup = finally([&]{
if ( !committed )
Tags::Set( project, oldTags );
auto newTags = oldTags->Duplicate();
Tags::Set( project, newTags );
bool success = Importer::Get().Import(fileName,
&TrackFactory::Get( project ),
if (!errorMessage.empty()) {
// Error message derived from Importer::Import
// Additional help via a Help button links to the manual.
ShowErrorDialog(&GetProjectFrame( project ), _("Error Importing"),
errorMessage, wxT("Importing_Audio"));
if (!success)
return false;
// no more errors, commit
committed = true;
// for LOF ("list of files") files, do not import the file as if it
// were an audio file itself
if (fileName.AfterLast('.').IsSameAs(wxT("lof"), false)) {
// PRL: don't redundantly do the steps below, because we already
// did it in case of LOF, because of some weird recursion back to this
// same function. I think this should be untangled.
// So Undo history push is not bypassed, despite appearances.
return false;
// PRL: Undo history is incremented inside this:
auto newSharedTracks = AddImportedTracks(fileName, std::move(newTracks));
if (pTrackArray) {
for (const auto &newTrack : newSharedTracks) {
newTrack->TypeSwitch( [&](WaveTrack *wt) {
pTrackArray->push_back( wt->SharedPointer< WaveTrack >() );
int mode = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioFiles/NormalizeOnLoad"), 0L);
if (mode == 1) {
//TODO: All we want is a SelectAll()
SelectActions::SelectNone( project );
SelectActions::SelectAllIfNone( project );
const CommandContext context( project );
// This is a no-fail:
return true;
// This is done to empty out the tracks, but without creating a new project.
void ProjectManager::ResetProjectToEmpty() {
auto &project = mProject;

View File

@ -12,25 +12,15 @@ Paul Licameli split from AudacityProject.h
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <wx/event.h> // to inherit
#include "ClientData.h" // to inherit
#include "import/ImportRaw.h" // defines TrackHolders
class wxTimer;
class wxTimerEvent;
class AudacityProject;
struct AudioIOStartStreamOptions;
class ImportXMLTagHandler;
class RecordingRecoveryHandler;
class Track;
class WaveTrack;
class XMLTagHandler;
namespace ProjectFileIORegistry{ struct Entry; }
using WaveTrackArray = std::vector < std::shared_ptr < WaveTrack > >;
///\brief Object associated with a project for high-level management of the
/// project's lifetime, including creation, destruction, opening from file,
@ -49,45 +39,9 @@ public:
// This is the factory for projects:
static AudacityProject *New();
// File I/O
/** @brief Show an open dialogue for opening audio files, and possibly other
* sorts of files.
* The file type filter will automatically contain:
* - "All files" with any extension or none,
* - "All supported files" based on the file formats supported in this
* build of Audacity,
* - All of the individual formats specified by the importer plug-ins which
* are built into this build of Audacity, each with the relevant file
* extensions for that format.
* The dialogue will start in the DefaultOpenPath directory read from the
* preferences, failing that the working directory. The file format filter
* will be set to the DefaultOpenType from the preferences, failing that
* the first format specified in the dialogue. These two parameters will
* be saved to the preferences once the user has chosen a file to open.
* @param extraformat Specify the name of an additional format to allow
* opening in this dialogue. This string is free-form, but should be short
* enough to fit in the file dialogue filter drop-down. It should be
* translated.
* @param extrafilter Specify the file extension(s) for the additional format
* specified by extraformat. The patterns must include the wildcard (e.g.
* "*.aup" not "aup" or ".aup"), separate multiple patters with a semicolon,
* e.g. "*.aup;*.AUP" because patterns are case-sensitive. Do not add a
* trailing semicolon to the string. This string should not be translated
* @return Array of file paths which the user selected to open (multiple
* selections allowed).
static wxArrayString ShowOpenDialog(const wxString &extraformat = {},
const wxString &extrafilter = {});
static bool IsAlreadyOpen(const FilePath &projPathName);
// The functions that open and import files can act as factories too, and
// they set projects to initial state.
// The function that imports files can act as a factory too, and for that
// reason remains in this class, not in ProjectFileManager
static void OpenFiles(AudacityProject *proj);
void OpenFile(const FilePath &fileName, bool addtohistory = true);
// Return the given project if that is not NULL, else create a project.
// Then open the given project path.
@ -96,14 +50,6 @@ public:
AudacityProject *pProject,
const FilePath &fileNameArg, bool addtohistory = true);
// If pNewTrackList is passed in non-NULL, it gets filled with the pointers to NEW tracks.
bool Import(const FilePath &fileName, WaveTrackArray *pTrackArray = NULL);
// Takes array of unique pointers; returns array of shared
std::vector< std::shared_ptr<Track> >
AddImportedTracks(const FilePath &fileName,
TrackHolders &&newTracks);
void ResetProjectToEmpty();
static void SaveWindowSize();
@ -113,8 +59,6 @@ public:
// Converts number of minutes to human readable format
wxString GetHoursMinsString(int iMinutes);
void SetMenuClose(bool value) { mMenuClose = value; }
void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent & event);
void OnTimer(wxTimerEvent & event);
@ -123,28 +67,14 @@ private:
void RestartTimer();
// Declared in this class so that they can have access to private members
static XMLTagHandler *RecordingRecoveryFactory( AudacityProject &project );
static ProjectFileIORegistry::Entry sRecoveryFactory;
static XMLTagHandler *ImportHandlerFactory( AudacityProject &project );
static ProjectFileIORegistry::Entry sImportHandlerFactory;
// non-static data members
AudacityProject &mProject;
// The handler that handles recovery of <recordingrecovery> tags
std::unique_ptr<RecordingRecoveryHandler> mRecordingRecoveryHandler;
std::unique_ptr<ImportXMLTagHandler> mImportXMLTagHandler;
std::unique_ptr<wxTimer> mTimer;
// See explanation in OnCloseWindow
bool mIsBeingDeleted{ false };
// Are we currently closing as the result of a menu command?
bool mMenuClose{ false };
static bool sbWindowRectAlreadySaved;

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
#include "../Audacity.h"
#include "ImportExportCommands.h"
#include "../ProjectManager.h"
#include "../ProjectFileManager.h"
#include "../ViewInfo.h"
#include "../export/Export.h"
#include "../Shuttle.h"
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ void ImportCommand::PopulateOrExchange(ShuttleGui & S)
bool ImportCommand::Apply(const CommandContext & context){
return ProjectManager::Get( context.project ).Import(mFileName);
return ProjectFileManager::Get( context.project ).Import(mFileName);

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ bool OpenProjectCommand::Apply(const CommandContext & context){
ProjectManager::Get( context.project )
ProjectFileManager::Get( context.project )
.OpenFile(mFileName, mbAddToHistory);
const auto &newFileName = context.project.GetFileName();

View File

@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ void OnClose(const CommandContext &context )
auto &project = context.project;
auto &window = ProjectWindow::Get( project );
ProjectManager::Get( project ).SetMenuClose(true);
ProjectFileManager::Get( project ).SetMenuClose(true);
@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ void OnImport(const CommandContext &context)
// this serves to track the file if the users zooms in and such.
wxArrayString selectedFiles = ProjectManager::ShowOpenDialog(wxT(""));
wxArrayString selectedFiles = ProjectFileManager::ShowOpenDialog(wxT(""));
if (selectedFiles.size() == 0) {
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ void OnImport(const CommandContext &context)
FileNames::UpdateDefaultPath(FileNames::Operation::Open, fileName);
ProjectManager::Get( project ).Import(fileName);
ProjectFileManager::Get( project ).Import(fileName);
@ -541,7 +541,8 @@ void OnImportRaw(const CommandContext &context)
if (newTracks.size() <= 0)
ProjectManager::Get( project ).AddImportedTracks(fileName, std::move(newTracks));
ProjectFileManager::Get( project )
.AddImportedTracks(fileName, std::move(newTracks));
window.HandleResize(); // Adjust scrollers for NEW track sizes.