/********************************************************************** Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor Meter.cpp Dominic Mazzoni Vaughan Johnson 2004.06.25 refresh rate limited to 30mS, by ChackoN *******************************************************************//** \class MeterPanel \brief VU Meter, for displaying recording/playback level This is a bunch of common code that can display many different forms of VU meters and other displays. But note that a lot of later code here assumes these are MeterToolBar meters, e.g., MeterPanel::StartMonitoring, so these are not as generic/common as originally intended. *//****************************************************************//** \class MeterBar \brief A struct used by MeterPanel to hold the position of one bar. *//****************************************************************//** \class MeterUpdateMsg \brief Message used to update the MeterPanel *//****************************************************************//** \class MeterUpdateQueue \brief Queue of MeterUpdateMsg used to feed the MeterPanel. *//******************************************************************/ #include "Meter.h" #include #include // for wxUSE_* macros #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../AudioIO.h" #include "../AColor.h" #include "../ImageManipulation.h" #include "../prefs/GUISettings.h" #include "../Project.h" #include "../ProjectAudioManager.h" #include "../ProjectStatus.h" #include "../Prefs.h" #include "../ShuttleGui.h" #include "../Theme.h" #include "../AllThemeResources.h" #include "../widgets/valnum.h" #if wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY #include "WindowAccessible.h" class MeterAx final : public WindowAccessible { public: MeterAx(wxWindow * window); virtual ~ MeterAx(); // Performs the default action. childId is 0 (the action for this object) // or > 0 (the action for a child). // Return wxACC_NOT_SUPPORTED if there is no default action for this // window (e.g. an edit control). wxAccStatus DoDefaultAction(int childId) override; // Retrieves the address of an IDispatch interface for the specified child. // All objects must support this property. wxAccStatus GetChild(int childId, wxAccessible** child) override; // Gets the number of children. wxAccStatus GetChildCount(int* childCount) override; // Gets the default action for this object (0) or > 0 (the action for a child). // Return wxACC_OK even if there is no action. actionName is the action, or the empty // string if there is no action. // The retrieved string describes the action that is performed on an object, // not what the object does as a result. For example, a toolbar button that prints // a document has a default action of "Press" rather than "Prints the current document." wxAccStatus GetDefaultAction(int childId, wxString *actionName) override; // Returns the description for this object or a child. wxAccStatus GetDescription(int childId, wxString *description) override; // Gets the window with the keyboard focus. // If childId is 0 and child is NULL, no object in // this subhierarchy has the focus. // If this object has the focus, child should be 'this'. wxAccStatus GetFocus(int *childId, wxAccessible **child) override; // Returns help text for this object or a child, similar to tooltip text. wxAccStatus GetHelpText(int childId, wxString *helpText) override; // Returns the keyboard shortcut for this object or child. // Return e.g. ALT+K wxAccStatus GetKeyboardShortcut(int childId, wxString *shortcut) override; // Returns the rectangle for this object (id = 0) or a child element (id > 0). // rect is in screen coordinates. wxAccStatus GetLocation(wxRect& rect, int elementId) override; // Gets the name of the specified object. wxAccStatus GetName(int childId, wxString *name) override; // Returns a role constant. wxAccStatus GetRole(int childId, wxAccRole *role) override; // Gets a variant representing the selected children // of this object. // Acceptable values: // - a null variant (IsNull() returns TRUE) // - a list variant (GetType() == wxT("list")) // - an integer representing the selected child element, // or 0 if this object is selected (GetType() == wxT("long")) // - a "void*" pointer to a wxAccessible child object wxAccStatus GetSelections(wxVariant *selections) override; // Returns a state constant. wxAccStatus GetState(int childId, long* state) override; // Returns a localized string representing the value for the object // or child. wxAccStatus GetValue(int childId, wxString* strValue) override; }; #endif // wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY static const long MIN_REFRESH_RATE = 1; static const long MAX_REFRESH_RATE = 100; /* Updates to the meter are passed across via meter updates, each contained in * a MeterUpdateMsg object */ wxString MeterUpdateMsg::toString() { wxString output; // somewhere to build up a string in output = wxString::Format(wxT("Meter update msg: %i channels, %i samples\n"), \ kMaxMeterBars, numFrames); for (int i = 0; i 0) || (tailPeakCount[i] > 0)) return toString(); } return wxT(""); } // // The MeterPanel passes itself messages via this queue so that it can // communicate between the audio thread and the GUI thread. // This class is as simple as possible in order to be thread-safe // without needing mutexes. // MeterUpdateQueue::MeterUpdateQueue(size_t maxLen): mBufferSize(maxLen) { Clear(); } // destructor MeterUpdateQueue::~MeterUpdateQueue() { } void MeterUpdateQueue::Clear() { mStart = 0; mEnd = 0; } // Add a message to the end of the queue. Return false if the // queue was full. bool MeterUpdateQueue::Put(MeterUpdateMsg &msg) { // mStart can be greater than mEnd because it is all mod mBufferSize wxASSERT( (mEnd + mBufferSize - mStart) >= 0 ); int len = (mEnd + mBufferSize - mStart) % mBufferSize; // Never completely fill the queue, because then the // state is ambiguous (mStart==mEnd) if (len + 1 >= (int)(mBufferSize)) return false; //wxLogDebug(wxT("Put: %s"), msg.toString()); mBuffer[mEnd] = msg; mEnd = (mEnd+1)%mBufferSize; return true; } // Get the next message from the start of the queue. // Return false if the queue was empty. bool MeterUpdateQueue::Get(MeterUpdateMsg &msg) { int len = (mEnd + mBufferSize - mStart) % mBufferSize; if (len == 0) return false; msg = mBuffer[mStart]; mStart = (mStart+1)%mBufferSize; return true; } // // MeterPanel class // #include "../../images/SpeakerMenu.xpm" #include "../../images/MicMenu.xpm" // How many pixels between items? const static int gap = 2; const static wxChar *PrefStyles[] = { wxT("AutomaticStereo"), wxT("HorizontalStereo"), wxT("VerticalStereo") }; enum { OnMeterUpdateID = 6000, OnMonitorID, OnPreferencesID }; BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MeterPanel, MeterPanelBase) EVT_TIMER(OnMeterUpdateID, MeterPanel::OnMeterUpdate) EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS(MeterPanel::OnMouse) EVT_CONTEXT_MENU(MeterPanel::OnContext) EVT_KEY_DOWN(MeterPanel::OnKeyDown) EVT_KEY_UP(MeterPanel::OnKeyUp) EVT_SET_FOCUS(MeterPanel::OnSetFocus) EVT_KILL_FOCUS(MeterPanel::OnKillFocus) EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND(MeterPanel::OnErase) EVT_PAINT(MeterPanel::OnPaint) EVT_SIZE(MeterPanel::OnSize) EVT_MENU(OnMonitorID, MeterPanel::OnMonitor) EVT_MENU(OnPreferencesID, MeterPanel::OnPreferences) END_EVENT_TABLE() IMPLEMENT_CLASS(MeterPanel, wxPanelWrapper) MeterPanel::MeterPanel(AudacityProject *project, wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, bool isInput, const wxPoint& pos /*= wxDefaultPosition*/, const wxSize& size /*= wxDefaultSize*/, Style style /*= HorizontalStereo*/, float fDecayRate /*= 60.0f*/) : MeterPanelBase(parent, id, pos, size, wxTAB_TRAVERSAL | wxNO_BORDER | wxWANTS_CHARS), mProject(project), mQueue(1024), mWidth(size.x), mHeight(size.y), mIsInput(isInput), mDesiredStyle(style), mGradient(true), mDB(true), mDBRange(ENV_DB_RANGE), mDecay(true), mDecayRate(fDecayRate), mClip(true), mNumPeakSamplesToClip(3), mPeakHoldDuration(3), mT(0), mRate(0), mMonitoring(false), mActive(false), mNumBars(0), mLayoutValid(false), mBitmap{}, mIcon{}, mAccSilent(false) { // i18n-hint: Noun (the meter is used for playback or record level monitoring) SetName( XO("Meter") ); // Suppress warnings about the header file wxUnusedVar(SpeakerMenu_xpm); wxUnusedVar(MicMenu_xpm); wxUnusedVar(PrefStyles); mStyle = mDesiredStyle; mIsFocused = false; #if wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY SetAccessible(safenew MeterAx(this)); #endif // Do this BEFORE UpdatePrefs()! mRuler.SetFonts(GetFont(), GetFont(), GetFont()); mRuler.SetFlip(mStyle != MixerTrackCluster); mRuler.SetLabelEdges(true); //mRuler.SetTickColour( wxColour( 0,0,255 ) ); UpdatePrefs(); wxColour backgroundColour = theTheme.Colour( clrMedium); mBkgndBrush = wxBrush(backgroundColour, wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID); SetBackgroundColour( backgroundColour ); mPeakPeakPen = wxPen(theTheme.Colour( clrMeterPeak), 1, wxPENSTYLE_SOLID); mDisabledPen = wxPen(theTheme.Colour( clrMeterDisabledPen), 1, wxPENSTYLE_SOLID); if (mIsInput) { wxTheApp->Bind(EVT_AUDIOIO_MONITOR, &MeterPanel::OnAudioIOStatus, this); wxTheApp->Bind(EVT_AUDIOIO_CAPTURE, &MeterPanel::OnAudioIOStatus, this); mPen = wxPen( theTheme.Colour( clrMeterInputPen ), 1, wxPENSTYLE_SOLID); mBrush = wxBrush( theTheme.Colour( clrMeterInputBrush ), wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID); mRMSBrush = wxBrush( theTheme.Colour( clrMeterInputRMSBrush ), wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID); mClipBrush = wxBrush( theTheme.Colour( clrMeterInputClipBrush ), wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID); // mLightPen = wxPen( theTheme.Colour( clrMeterInputLightPen ), 1, wxSOLID); // mDarkPen = wxPen( theTheme.Colour( clrMeterInputDarkPen ), 1, wxSOLID); } else { // Register for AudioIO events wxTheApp->Bind(EVT_AUDIOIO_PLAYBACK, &MeterPanel::OnAudioIOStatus, this); mPen = wxPen( theTheme.Colour( clrMeterOutputPen ), 1, wxPENSTYLE_SOLID); mBrush = wxBrush( theTheme.Colour( clrMeterOutputBrush ), wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID); mRMSBrush = wxBrush( theTheme.Colour( clrMeterOutputRMSBrush ), wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID); mClipBrush = wxBrush( theTheme.Colour( clrMeterOutputClipBrush ), wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID); // mLightPen = wxPen( theTheme.Colour( clrMeterOutputLightPen ), 1, wxSOLID); // mDarkPen = wxPen( theTheme.Colour( clrMeterOutputDarkPen ), 1, wxSOLID); } // mDisabledBkgndBrush = wxBrush(theTheme.Colour( clrMeterDisabledBrush), wxSOLID); // No longer show a difference in the background colour when not monitoring. // We have the tip instead. mDisabledBkgndBrush = mBkgndBrush; // MixerTrackCluster style has no menu, so disallows SetStyle, so never needs icon. if (mStyle != MixerTrackCluster) { if(mIsInput) { //mIcon = NEW wxBitmap(MicMenuNarrow_xpm); mIcon = std::make_unique(wxBitmap(theTheme.Bitmap(bmpMic))); } else { //mIcon = NEW wxBitmap(SpeakerMenuNarrow_xpm); mIcon = std::make_unique(wxBitmap(theTheme.Bitmap(bmpSpeaker))); } } mTimer.SetOwner(this, OnMeterUpdateID); // TODO: Yikes. Hard coded sample rate. // JKC: I've looked at this, and it's benignish. It just means that the meter // balistics are right for 44KHz and a bit more frisky than they should be // for higher sample rates. Reset(44100.0, true); } void MeterPanel::Clear() { mQueue.Clear(); } void MeterPanel::UpdatePrefs() { mDBRange = gPrefs->Read(ENV_DB_KEY, ENV_DB_RANGE); mMeterRefreshRate = std::max(MIN_REFRESH_RATE, std::min(MAX_REFRESH_RATE, gPrefs->Read(Key(wxT("RefreshRate")), 30))); mGradient = gPrefs->Read(Key(wxT("Bars")), wxT("Gradient")) == wxT("Gradient"); mDB = gPrefs->Read(Key(wxT("Type")), wxT("dB")) == wxT("dB"); mMeterDisabled = gPrefs->Read(Key(wxT("Disabled")), (long)0); if (mDesiredStyle != MixerTrackCluster) { wxString style = gPrefs->Read(Key(wxT("Style"))); if (style == wxT("AutomaticStereo")) { mDesiredStyle = AutomaticStereo; } else if (style == wxT("HorizontalStereo")) { mDesiredStyle = HorizontalStereo; } else if (style == wxT("VerticalStereo")) { mDesiredStyle = VerticalStereo; } else { mDesiredStyle = AutomaticStereo; } } // Set the desired orientation (resets ruler orientation) SetActiveStyle(mDesiredStyle); // Reset to ensure NEW size is retrieved when language changes mLeftSize = wxSize(0, 0); mRightSize = wxSize(0, 0); Reset(mRate, false); mLayoutValid = false; Refresh(false); } static int MeterPrefsID() { static int value = wxNewId(); return value; } void MeterPanel::UpdateSelectedPrefs(int id) { if (id == MeterPrefsID()) UpdatePrefs(); } void MeterPanel::OnErase(wxEraseEvent & WXUNUSED(event)) { // Ignore it to prevent flashing } void MeterPanel::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent & WXUNUSED(event)) { #if defined(__WXMAC__) auto paintDC = std::make_unique(this); #else std::unique_ptr paintDC{ wxAutoBufferedPaintDCFactory(this) }; #endif wxDC & destDC = *paintDC; wxColour clrText = theTheme.Colour( clrTrackPanelText ); wxColour clrBoxFill = theTheme.Colour( clrMedium ); if (mLayoutValid == false || (mStyle == MixerTrackCluster )) { // Create a NEW one using current size and select into the DC mBitmap = std::make_unique(); mBitmap->Create(mWidth, mHeight, destDC); wxMemoryDC dc; dc.SelectObject(*mBitmap); // Go calculate all of the layout metrics HandleLayout(dc); // Start with a clean background // LLL: Should research USE_AQUA_THEME usefulness... //#ifndef USE_AQUA_THEME #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_THEMING //if( !mMeterDisabled ) //{ // mBkgndBrush.SetColour( GetParent()->GetBackgroundColour() ); //} #endif mBkgndBrush.SetColour( GetBackgroundColour() ); dc.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); dc.SetBrush(mBkgndBrush); dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, mWidth, mHeight); //#endif // MixerTrackCluster style has no icon or L/R labels if (mStyle != MixerTrackCluster) { bool highlight = InIcon(); dc.DrawBitmap( theTheme.Bitmap( highlight ? bmpHiliteUpButtonSmall : bmpUpButtonSmall ), mIconRect.GetPosition(), false ); dc.DrawBitmap(*mIcon, mIconRect.GetPosition(), true); dc.SetFont(GetFont()); dc.SetTextForeground( clrText ); dc.SetTextBackground( clrBoxFill ); dc.DrawText(mLeftText, mLeftTextPos.x, mLeftTextPos.y); dc.DrawText(mRightText, mRightTextPos.x, mRightTextPos.y); } // Setup the colors for the 3 sections of the meter bars wxColor green(117, 215, 112); wxColor yellow(255, 255, 0); wxColor red(255, 0, 0); // Bug #2473 - (Sort of) Hack to make text on meters more // visible with darker backgrounds. It would be better to have // different colors entirely and as part of the theme. if (GetBackgroundColour().GetLuminance() < 0.25) { green = wxColor(117-100, 215-100, 112-100); yellow = wxColor(255-100, 255-100, 0); red = wxColor(255-100, 0, 0); } else if (GetBackgroundColour().GetLuminance() < 0.50) { green = wxColor(117-50, 215-50, 112-50); yellow = wxColor(255-50, 255-50, 0); red = wxColor(255-50, 0, 0); } // Draw the meter bars at maximum levels for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mNumBars; i++) { // Give it a recessed look AColor::Bevel(dc, false, mBar[i].b); // Draw the clip indicator bevel if (mClip) { AColor::Bevel(dc, false, mBar[i].rClip); } // Cache bar rect wxRect r = mBar[i].r; if (mGradient) { // Calculate the size of the two gradiant segments of the meter double gradw; double gradh; if (mDB) { gradw = (double) r.GetWidth() / mDBRange * 6.0; gradh = (double) r.GetHeight() / mDBRange * 6.0; } else { gradw = (double) r.GetWidth() / 100 * 25; gradh = (double) r.GetHeight() / 100 * 25; } if (mBar[i].vert) { // Draw the "critical" segment (starts at top of meter and works down) r.SetHeight(gradh); dc.GradientFillLinear(r, red, yellow, wxSOUTH); // Draw the "warning" segment r.SetTop(r.GetBottom()); dc.GradientFillLinear(r, yellow, green, wxSOUTH); // Draw the "safe" segment r.SetTop(r.GetBottom()); r.SetBottom(mBar[i].r.GetBottom()); dc.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); dc.SetBrush(green); dc.DrawRectangle(r); } else { // Draw the "safe" segment r.SetWidth(r.GetWidth() - (int) (gradw + gradw + 0.5)); dc.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); dc.SetBrush(green); dc.DrawRectangle(r); // Draw the "warning" segment r.SetLeft(r.GetRight() + 1); r.SetWidth(floor(gradw)); dc.GradientFillLinear(r, green, yellow); // Draw the "critical" segment r.SetLeft(r.GetRight() + 1); r.SetRight(mBar[i].r.GetRight()); dc.GradientFillLinear(r, yellow, red); } #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_METER_LED_STYLE if (!mBar[i].vert) { wxRect r = mBar[i].r; wxPen BackgroundPen; BackgroundPen.SetColour( wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE) ); dc.SetPen( BackgroundPen ); int i; for(i=0;iGetPosition() : ScreenToClient(::wxGetMousePosition()); return mIconRect.Contains(point); } void MeterPanel::OnMouse(wxMouseEvent &evt) { bool shouldHighlight = InIcon(&evt); if ((evt.GetEventType() == wxEVT_MOTION || evt.Entering() || evt.Leaving()) && (mHighlighted != shouldHighlight)) { mHighlighted = shouldHighlight; mLayoutValid = false; Refresh(); } if (mStyle == MixerTrackCluster) // MixerTrackCluster style has no menu. return; #if wxUSE_TOOLTIPS // Not available in wxX11 if (evt.Leaving()){ ProjectStatus::Get( *mProject ).Set({}); } else if (evt.Entering()) { // Display the tooltip in the status bar wxToolTip * pTip = this->GetToolTip(); if( pTip ) { auto tipText = Verbatim( pTip->GetTip() ); ProjectStatus::Get( *mProject ).Set(tipText); } } #endif if (evt.RightDown() || (evt.ButtonDown() && InIcon(&evt))) { wxMenu menu; // Note: these should be kept in the same order as the enum if (mIsInput) { wxMenuItem *mi; if (mMonitoring) mi = menu.Append(OnMonitorID, _("Stop Monitoring")); else mi = menu.Append(OnMonitorID, _("Start Monitoring")); mi->Enable(!mActive || mMonitoring); } menu.Append(OnPreferencesID, _("Options...")); if (evt.RightDown()) { ShowMenu(evt.GetPosition()); } else { ShowMenu(wxPoint(mIconRect.x + 1, mIconRect.y + mIconRect.height + 1)); } } else if (evt.LeftDown()) { if (mIsInput) { if (mActive && !mMonitoring) { Reset(mRate, true); } else { StartMonitoring(); } } else { Reset(mRate, true); } } } void MeterPanel::OnContext(wxContextMenuEvent &evt) { #if defined(__WXMSW__) if (mHadKeyDown) #endif if (mStyle != MixerTrackCluster) // MixerTrackCluster style has no menu. { ShowMenu(wxPoint(mIconRect.x + 1, mIconRect.y + mIconRect.height + 1)); } else { evt.Skip(); } #if defined(__WXMSW__) mHadKeyDown = false; #endif } void MeterPanel::OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent &evt) { switch (evt.GetKeyCode()) { // These are handled in the OnKeyUp handler because, on Windows at least, the // key up event will be passed on to the menu if we show it here. This causes // the default sound to be heard if assigned. // // But, again on Windows, when the user selects a menu item, it is handled by // the menu and the key up event is passed along to our OnKeyUp() handler, so // we have to ignore it, otherwise we'd just show the menu again. case WXK_RETURN: case WXK_NUMPAD_ENTER: case WXK_WINDOWS_MENU: case WXK_MENU: #if defined(__WXMSW__) mHadKeyDown = true; #endif break; case WXK_RIGHT: Navigate(wxNavigationKeyEvent::IsForward); break; case WXK_LEFT: Navigate(wxNavigationKeyEvent::IsBackward); break; case WXK_TAB: if (evt.ShiftDown()) Navigate(wxNavigationKeyEvent::IsBackward); else Navigate(wxNavigationKeyEvent::IsForward); break; default: evt.Skip(); break; } } void MeterPanel::OnKeyUp(wxKeyEvent &evt) { switch (evt.GetKeyCode()) { case WXK_RETURN: case WXK_NUMPAD_ENTER: #if defined(__WXMSW__) if (mHadKeyDown) #endif if (mStyle != MixerTrackCluster) // MixerTrackCluster style has no menu. { ShowMenu(wxPoint(mIconRect.x + 1, mIconRect.y + mIconRect.height + 1)); } #if defined(__WXMSW__) mHadKeyDown = false; #endif break; default: evt.Skip(); break; } } void MeterPanel::OnSetFocus(wxFocusEvent & WXUNUSED(evt)) { mIsFocused = true; Refresh(false); } void MeterPanel::OnKillFocus(wxFocusEvent & WXUNUSED(evt)) { mIsFocused = false; Refresh(false); } void MeterPanel::SetStyle(Style newStyle) { if (mStyle != newStyle && mDesiredStyle == AutomaticStereo) { SetActiveStyle(newStyle); mLayoutValid = false; Refresh(false); } } void MeterPanel::Reset(double sampleRate, bool resetClipping) { mT = 0; mRate = sampleRate; for (int j = 0; j < kMaxMeterBars; j++) { ResetBar(&mBar[j], resetClipping); } // wxTimers seem to be a little unreliable - sometimes they stop for // no good reason, so this "primes" it every now and then... mTimer.Stop(); // While it's stopped, empty the queue mQueue.Clear(); mLayoutValid = false; mTimer.Start(1000 / mMeterRefreshRate); Refresh(false); } static float floatMax(float a, float b) { return a>b? a: b; } /* Unused as yet. static int intmin(int a, int b) { return ab? a: b; } static float ClipZeroToOne(float z) { if (z > 1.0) return 1.0; else if (z < 0.0) return 0.0; else return z; } static float ToDB(float v, float range) { double db; if (v > 0) db = LINEAR_TO_DB(fabs(v)); else db = -999; return ClipZeroToOne((db + range) / range); } void MeterPanel::UpdateDisplay(unsigned numChannels, int numFrames, float *sampleData) { float *sptr = sampleData; auto num = std::min(numChannels, mNumBars); MeterUpdateMsg msg; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); msg.numFrames = numFrames; for(int i=0; i=MAX_AUDIO) { if (msg.headPeakCount[j]==i) msg.headPeakCount[j]++; msg.tailPeakCount[j]++; if (msg.tailPeakCount[j] > mNumPeakSamplesToClip) msg.clipping[j] = true; } else msg.tailPeakCount[j] = 0; } sptr += numChannels; } for(unsigned int j=0; j= MAX_AUDIO) // { // if (msg.headPeakCount[j]==i) // msg.headPeakCount[j]++; // msg.tailPeakCount[j]++; // if (msg.tailPeakCount[j] > mNumPeakSamplesToClip) // msg.clipping[j] = true; // } // else // msg.tailPeakCount[j] = 0; // } // } // // mQueue.Put(msg); //} void MeterPanel::OnMeterUpdate(wxTimerEvent & WXUNUSED(event)) { MeterUpdateMsg msg; int numChanges = 0; #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_AUTOMATED_INPUT_LEVEL_ADJUSTMENT double maxPeak = 0.0; bool discarded = false; #endif // We shouldn't receive any events if the meter is disabled, but clear it to be safe if (mMeterDisabled) { mQueue.Clear(); return; } auto gAudioIO = AudioIO::Get(); // There may have been several update messages since the last // time we got to this function. Catch up to real-time by // popping them off until there are none left. It is necessary // to process all of them, otherwise we won't handle peaks and // peak-hold bars correctly. while(mQueue.Get(msg)) { numChanges++; double deltaT = msg.numFrames / mRate; mT += deltaT; for(unsigned int j=0; j mPeakHoldDuration || mBar[j].peak > mBar[j].peakHold) { mBar[j].peakHold = mBar[j].peak; mBar[j].peakHoldTime = mT; } if (mBar[j].peak > mBar[j].peakPeakHold ) mBar[j].peakPeakHold = mBar[j].peak; if (msg.clipping[j] || mBar[j].tailPeakCount+msg.headPeakCount[j] >= mNumPeakSamplesToClip){ mBar[j].clipping = true; mBar[j].isclipping = true; } mBar[j].tailPeakCount = msg.tailPeakCount[j]; #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_AUTOMATED_INPUT_LEVEL_ADJUSTMENT if (mT > gAudioIO->AILAGetLastDecisionTime()) { discarded = false; maxPeak = msg.peak[j] > maxPeak ? msg.peak[j] : maxPeak; wxPrintf("%f@%f ", msg.peak[j], mT); } else { discarded = true; wxPrintf("%f@%f discarded\n", msg.peak[j], mT); } #endif } } // while if (numChanges > 0) { #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_AUTOMATED_INPUT_LEVEL_ADJUSTMENT if (gAudioIO->AILAIsActive() && mIsInput && !discarded) { gAudioIO->AILAProcess(maxPeak); putchar('\n'); } #endif RepaintBarsNow(); } } float MeterPanel::GetMaxPeak() const { float maxPeak = 0.; for(unsigned int j=0; j maxPeak ? mBar[j].peak : maxPeak; return(maxPeak); } wxFont MeterPanel::GetFont() const { int fontSize = 10; #if defined __WXMSW__ fontSize = 8; #endif return wxFont(fontSize, wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL); } void MeterPanel::ResetBar(MeterBar *b, bool resetClipping) { b->peak = 0.0; b->rms = 0.0; b->peakHold = 0.0; b->peakHoldTime = 0.0; if (resetClipping) { b->clipping = false; b->peakPeakHold = 0.0; } b->isclipping = false; b->tailPeakCount = 0; } bool MeterPanel::IsClipping() const { for (int c = 0; c < kMaxMeterBars; c++) if (mBar[c].isclipping) return true; return false; } void MeterPanel::SetActiveStyle(Style newStyle) { mStyle = newStyle; // Set dummy ruler bounds so width/height can be retrieved // NOTE: Make sure the Right and Bottom values are large enough to // ensure full width/height of digits get calculated. mRuler.SetBounds(0, 0, 500, 500); if (mDB) { mRuler.SetFormat(Ruler::LinearDBFormat); if (mStyle == HorizontalStereo || mStyle == HorizontalStereoCompact) { mRuler.SetOrientation(wxHORIZONTAL); mRuler.SetRange(-mDBRange, 0); } else { mRuler.SetOrientation(wxVERTICAL); mRuler.SetRange(0, -mDBRange); } } else { mRuler.SetFormat(Ruler::RealFormat); if (mStyle == HorizontalStereo || mStyle == HorizontalStereoCompact) { mRuler.SetOrientation(wxHORIZONTAL); mRuler.SetRange(0, 1); } else { mRuler.SetOrientation(wxVERTICAL); mRuler.SetRange(1, 0); } } mRuler.GetMaxSize(&mRulerWidth, &mRulerHeight); } void MeterPanel::SetBarAndClip(int iBar, bool vert) { // Save the orientation mBar[iBar].vert = vert; // Create the bar rectangle and educe to fit inside the bevel mBar[iBar].r = mBar[iBar].b; mBar[iBar].r.x += 1; mBar[iBar].r.width -= 1; mBar[iBar].r.y += 1; mBar[iBar].r.height -= 1; if (vert) { if (mClip) { // Create the clip rectangle mBar[iBar].rClip = mBar[iBar].b; mBar[iBar].rClip.height = 3; // Make room for the clipping indicator mBar[iBar].b.y += 3 + gap; mBar[iBar].b.height -= 3 + gap; mBar[iBar].r.y += 3 + gap; mBar[iBar].r.height -= 3 + gap; } } else { if (mClip) { // Make room for the clipping indicator mBar[iBar].b.width -= 4; mBar[iBar].r.width -= 4; // Create the indicator rectangle mBar[iBar].rClip = mBar[iBar].b; mBar[iBar].rClip.x = mBar[iBar].b.GetRight() + 1 + gap; // +1 for bevel mBar[iBar].rClip.width = 3; } } } void MeterPanel::HandleLayout(wxDC &dc) { // Refresh to reflect any language changes /* i18n-hint: One-letter abbreviation for Left, in VU Meter */ mLeftText = _("L"); /* i18n-hint: One-letter abbreviation for Right, in VU Meter */ mRightText = _("R"); dc.SetFont(GetFont()); int iconWidth = 0; int iconHeight = 0; int width = mWidth; int height = mHeight; int left = 0; int top = 0; int barw; int barh; int lside; int rside; // MixerTrackCluster has no L/R labels or icon if (mStyle != MixerTrackCluster) { if (mDesiredStyle == AutomaticStereo) { SetActiveStyle(width > height ? HorizontalStereo : VerticalStereo); } if (mStyle == HorizontalStereoCompact || mStyle == HorizontalStereo) { SetActiveStyle(height < 50 ? HorizontalStereoCompact : HorizontalStereo); } else if (mStyle == VerticalStereoCompact || mStyle == VerticalStereo) { SetActiveStyle(width < 100 ? VerticalStereoCompact : VerticalStereo); } iconWidth = mIcon->GetWidth(); iconHeight = mIcon->GetHeight(); if (mLeftSize.GetWidth() == 0) // Not yet initialized to dc. { dc.GetTextExtent(mLeftText, &mLeftSize.x, &mLeftSize.y); dc.GetTextExtent(mRightText, &mRightSize.x, &mRightSize.y); } } int ltxtWidth = mLeftSize.GetWidth(); int ltxtHeight = mLeftSize.GetHeight(); int rtxtWidth = mRightSize.GetWidth(); int rtxtHeight = mRightSize.GetHeight(); switch (mStyle) { default: wxPrintf(wxT("Style not handled yet!\n")); break; case MixerTrackCluster: // width is now the entire width of the meter canvas width -= mRulerWidth + left; // height is now the entire height of the meter canvas height -= top + gap; // barw is half of the canvas while allowing for a gap between meters barw = (width - gap) / 2; // barh is now the height of the canvas barh = height; // We always have 2 bars mNumBars = 2; // Save dimensions of the left bevel mBar[0].b = wxRect(left, top, barw, barh); // Save dimensions of the right bevel mBar[1].b = mBar[0].b; mBar[1].b.SetLeft(mBar[0].b.GetRight() + 1 + gap); // +1 for right edge // Set bar and clipping indicator dimensions SetBarAndClip(0, true); SetBarAndClip(1, true); mRuler.SetBounds(mBar[1].r.GetRight() + 1, // +1 for the bevel mBar[1].r.GetTop(), mWidth, mBar[1].r.GetBottom()); mRuler.OfflimitsPixels(0, 0); break; case VerticalStereo: // Determine required width of each side; lside = intmax(iconWidth, ltxtWidth); rside = intmax(mRulerWidth, rtxtWidth); // left is now the right edge of the icon or L label left = lside; // Ensure there's a margin between top edge of window and the meters top = gap; // Position the icon mIconRect.SetX(left - iconWidth); mIconRect.SetY(top); mIconRect.SetWidth(iconWidth); mIconRect.SetHeight(iconHeight); // Position the L/R labels mLeftTextPos = wxPoint(left - ltxtWidth - gap, height - gap - ltxtHeight); mRightTextPos = wxPoint(width - rside - gap, height - gap - rtxtHeight); // left is now left edge of left bar left += gap; // width is now the entire width of the meter canvas width -= gap + rside + gap + left; // height is now the entire height of the meter canvas height -= top + gap; // barw is half of the canvas while allowing for a gap between meters barw = (width - gap) / 2; // barh is now the height of the canvas barh = height; // We always have 2 bars mNumBars = 2; // Save dimensions of the left bevel mBar[0].b = wxRect(left, top, barw, barh); // Save dimensions of the right bevel mBar[1].b = mBar[0].b; mBar[1].b.SetLeft(mBar[0].b.GetRight() + 1 + gap); // +1 for right edge // Set bar and clipping indicator dimensions SetBarAndClip(0, true); SetBarAndClip(1, true); mRuler.SetBounds(mBar[1].r.GetRight() + 1, // +1 for the bevel mBar[1].r.GetTop(), mWidth, mBar[1].r.GetBottom()); mRuler.OfflimitsPixels(mRightTextPos.y - gap, mBar[1].r.GetBottom()); break; case VerticalStereoCompact: // Ensure there's a margin between top edge of window and the meters top = gap; // Position the icon mIconRect.SetX((width - iconWidth) / 2); mIconRect.SetY(top); mIconRect.SetWidth(iconWidth); mIconRect.SetHeight(iconHeight); // top is now the top of the bar top += iconHeight + gap; // height is now the entire height of the meter canvas height -= top + gap + ltxtHeight + gap; // barw is half of the canvas while allowing for a gap between meters barw = (width / 2) - gap; // barh is now the height of the canvas barh = height; // We always have 2 bars mNumBars = 2; // Save dimensions of the left bevel mBar[0].b = wxRect(left, top, barw, barh); // Save dimensions of the right bevel mBar[1].b = mBar[0].b; mBar[1].b.SetLeft(mBar[0].b.GetRight() + 1 + gap); // +1 for right edge // Set bar and clipping indicator dimensions SetBarAndClip(0, true); SetBarAndClip(1, true); // L/R is centered horizontally under each bar mLeftTextPos = wxPoint(mBar[0].b.GetLeft() + ((mBar[0].b.GetWidth() - ltxtWidth) / 2), top + barh + gap); mRightTextPos = wxPoint(mBar[1].b.GetLeft() + ((mBar[1].b.GetWidth() - rtxtWidth) / 2), top + barh + gap); mRuler.SetBounds((mWidth - mRulerWidth) / 2, mBar[1].r.GetTop(), (mWidth - mRulerWidth) / 2, mBar[1].r.GetBottom()); mRuler.OfflimitsPixels(0, 0); break; case HorizontalStereo: // Button right next to dragger. left = 0; // Add a gap between bottom of icon and bottom of window height -= gap; // Create icon rectangle mIconRect.SetX(left); mIconRect.SetY(height - iconHeight); mIconRect.SetWidth(iconWidth); mIconRect.SetHeight(iconHeight); left = gap; // Make sure there's room for icon and gap between the bottom of the meter and icon height -= iconHeight + gap; // L/R is centered vertically and to the left of a each bar mLeftTextPos = wxPoint(left, (height / 4) - ltxtHeight / 2); mRightTextPos = wxPoint(left, (height * 3 / 4) - rtxtHeight / 2); // Add width of widest of the L/R characters left += intmax(ltxtWidth, rtxtWidth); //, iconWidth); // Add gap between L/R and meter bevel left += gap; // width is now the entire width of the meter canvas width -= left; // barw is now the width of the canvas minus gap between canvas and right window edge barw = width - gap; // barh is half of the canvas while allowing for a gap between meters barh = (height - gap) / 2; // We always have 2 bars mNumBars = 2; // Save dimensions of the top bevel mBar[0].b = wxRect(left, top, barw, barh); // Save dimensions of the bottom bevel mBar[1].b = mBar[0].b; mBar[1].b.SetTop(mBar[0].b.GetBottom() + 1 + gap); // +1 for bottom edge // Set bar and clipping indicator dimensions SetBarAndClip(0, false); SetBarAndClip(1, false); mRuler.SetBounds(mBar[1].r.GetLeft(), mBar[1].r.GetBottom() + 1, // +1 to fit below bevel mBar[1].r.GetRight(), mHeight - mBar[1].r.GetBottom() + 1); mRuler.OfflimitsPixels(0, mIconRect.GetRight() - 4); break; case HorizontalStereoCompact: // Button right next to dragger. left = 0; // Create icon rectangle mIconRect.SetX(left); mIconRect.SetY((height - iconHeight) / 2 -1); mIconRect.SetWidth(iconWidth); mIconRect.SetHeight(iconHeight); left = gap; // Add width of icon and gap between icon and L/R left += iconWidth + gap; // L/R is centered vertically and to the left of a each bar mLeftTextPos = wxPoint(left, (height / 4) - (ltxtHeight / 2)); mRightTextPos = wxPoint(left, (height * 3 / 4) - (ltxtHeight / 2)); // Add width of widest of the L/R characters and a gap between labels and meter bevel left += intmax(ltxtWidth, rtxtWidth) + gap; // width is now the entire width of the meter canvas width -= left; // barw is now the width of the canvas minus gap between canvas and window edge barw = width - gap; // barh is half of the canvas while allowing for a gap between meters barh = (height - gap) / 2; // We always have 2 bars mNumBars = 2; // Save dimensions of the top bevel mBar[0].b = wxRect(left, top, barw, barh); // Save dimensions of the bottom bevel // Since the bars butt up against the window's top and bottom edges, we need // to include an extra pixel in the bottom bar when the window height and // meter height do not exactly match. mBar[1].b = mBar[0].b; mBar[1].b.SetTop(mBar[0].b.GetBottom() + 1 + gap); // +1 for bottom bevel mBar[1].b.SetHeight(mHeight - mBar[1].b.GetTop() - 1); // +1 for bottom bevel // Add clipping indicators - do after setting bar/bevel dimensions above SetBarAndClip(0, false); SetBarAndClip(1, false); mRuler.SetBounds(mBar[1].r.GetLeft(), mBar[1].b.GetTop() - (mRulerHeight / 2), mBar[1].r.GetRight(), mBar[1].b.GetTop() - (mRulerHeight / 2)); mRuler.OfflimitsPixels(0, 0); break; } mLayoutValid = true; } void MeterPanel::RepaintBarsNow() { if (mLayoutValid) { // Invalidate the bars so they get redrawn for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mNumBars; i++) { Refresh(false); } // Immediate redraw (using wxPaintDC) Update(); return; } } void MeterPanel::DrawMeterBar(wxDC &dc, MeterBar *bar) { // Cache some metrics wxCoord x = bar->r.GetLeft(); wxCoord y = bar->r.GetTop(); wxCoord w = bar->r.GetWidth(); wxCoord h = bar->r.GetHeight(); wxCoord ht; wxCoord wd; // Setup for erasing the background dc.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); dc.SetBrush(mMeterDisabled ? mDisabledBkgndBrush : mBkgndBrush); if (mGradient) { // Map the predrawn bitmap into the source DC wxMemoryDC srcDC; srcDC.SelectObject(*mBitmap); if (bar->vert) { // Copy as much of the predrawn meter bar as is required for the // current peak. // (h - 1) corresponds to the mRuler.SetBounds() in HandleLayout() ht = (int)(bar->peak * (h - 1) + 0.5); // Blank out the rest if (h - ht) { // ht includes peak value...not really needed but doesn't hurt dc.DrawRectangle(x, y, w, h - ht); } // Copy as much of the predrawn meter bar as is required for the // current peak. // +/-1 to include the peak position if (ht) { dc.Blit(x, y + h - ht - 1, w, ht + 1, &srcDC, x, y + h - ht - 1); } // Draw the "recent" peak hold line using the predrawn meter bar so that // it will be the same color as the original level. // (h - 1) corresponds to the mRuler.SetBounds() in HandleLayout() ht = (int)(bar->peakHold * (h - 1) + 0.5); if (ht > 1) { dc.Blit(x, y + h - ht - 1, w, 2, &srcDC, x, y + h - ht - 1); } // Draw the "maximum" peak hold line // (h - 1) corresponds to the mRuler.SetBounds() in HandleLayout() dc.SetPen(mPeakPeakPen); ht = (int)(bar->peakPeakHold * (h - 1) + 0.5); if (ht > 0) { AColor::Line(dc, x, y + h - ht - 1, x + w - 1, y + h - ht - 1); if (ht > 1) { AColor::Line(dc, x, y + h - ht, x + w - 1, y + h - ht); } } } else { // Calculate the peak position // (w - 1) corresponds to the mRuler.SetBounds() in HandleLayout() wd = (int)(bar->peak * (w - 1) + 0.5); // Blank out the rest if (w - wd) { // wd includes peak value...not really needed but doesn't hurt dc.DrawRectangle(x + wd, y, w - wd, h); } // Copy as much of the predrawn meter bar as is required for the // current peak. But, only blit() if there's something to copy // to prevent display corruption. // +1 to include peak position if (wd) { dc.Blit(x, y, wd + 1, h, &srcDC, x, y); } // Draw the "recent" peak hold line using the predrawn meter bar so that // it will be the same color as the original level. // -1 to give a 2 pixel width wd = (int)(bar->peakHold * (w - 1) + 0.5); if (wd > 1) { dc.Blit(x + wd - 1, y, 2, h, &srcDC, x + wd, y); } // Draw the "maximum" peak hold line using a themed color // (w - 1) corresponds to the mRuler.SetBounds() in HandleLayout() dc.SetPen(mPeakPeakPen); wd = (int)(bar->peakPeakHold * (w - 1) + 0.5); if (wd > 0) { AColor::Line(dc, x + wd, y, x + wd, y + h - 1); if (wd > 1) { AColor::Line(dc, x + wd - 1, y, x + wd - 1, y + h - 1); } } } // No longer need the source DC, so unselect the predrawn bitmap srcDC.SelectObject(wxNullBitmap); } else { if (bar->vert) { // Calculate the peak position // (h - 1) corresponds to the mRuler.SetBounds() in HandleLayout() ht = (int)(bar->peak * (h - 1) + 0.5); // Blank out the rest if (h - ht) { // ht includes peak value...not really needed but doesn't hurt dc.DrawRectangle(x, y, w, h - ht); } // Draw the peak level // +/-1 to include the peak position dc.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); dc.SetBrush(mMeterDisabled ? mDisabledBkgndBrush : mBrush); if (ht) { dc.DrawRectangle(x, y + h - ht - 1, w, ht + 1); } // Draw the "recent" peak hold line // (h - 1) corresponds to the mRuler.SetBounds() in HandleLayout() dc.SetPen(mPen); ht = (int)(bar->peakHold * (h - 1) + 0.5); if (ht > 0) { AColor::Line(dc, x, y + h - ht - 1, x + w - 1, y + h - ht - 1); if (ht > 1) { AColor::Line(dc, x, y + h - ht, x + w - 1, y + h - ht); } } // Calculate the rms position // (h - 1) corresponds to the mRuler.SetBounds() in HandleLayout() // +1 to include the rms position ht = (int)(bar->rms * (h - 1) + 0.5); // Draw the RMS level dc.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); dc.SetBrush(mMeterDisabled ? mDisabledBkgndBrush : mRMSBrush); if (ht) { dc.DrawRectangle(x, y + h - ht - 1, w, ht + 1); } // Draw the "maximum" peak hold line // (h - 1) corresponds to the mRuler.SetBounds() in HandleLayout() dc.SetPen(mPeakPeakPen); ht = (int)(bar->peakPeakHold * (h - 1) + 0.5); if (ht > 0) { AColor::Line(dc, x, y + h - ht - 1, x + w - 1, y + h - ht - 1); if (ht > 1) { AColor::Line(dc, x, y + h - ht, x + w - 1, y + h - ht); } } } else { // Calculate the peak position // (w - 1) corresponds to the mRuler.SetBounds() in HandleLayout() wd = (int)(bar->peak * (w - 1) + 0.5); // Blank out the rest if (w - wd) { // wd includes peak value...not really needed but doesn't hurt dc.DrawRectangle(x + wd, y, w - wd, h); } // Draw the peak level // +1 to include peak position dc.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); dc.SetBrush(mMeterDisabled ? mDisabledBkgndBrush : mBrush); if (wd) { dc.DrawRectangle(x, y, wd + 1, h); } // Draw the "recent" peak hold line // (w - 1) corresponds to the mRuler.SetBounds() in HandleLayout() dc.SetPen(mPen); wd = (int)(bar->peakHold * (w - 1) + 0.5); if (wd > 0) { AColor::Line(dc, x + wd, y, x + wd, y + h - 1); if (wd > 1) { AColor::Line(dc, x + wd - 1, y, x + wd - 1, y + h - 1); } } // Calculate the rms position // (w - 1) corresponds to the mRuler.SetBounds() in HandleLayout() wd = (int)(bar->rms * (w - 1) + 0.5); // Draw the rms level // +1 to include the rms position dc.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); dc.SetBrush(mMeterDisabled ? mDisabledBkgndBrush : mRMSBrush); if (wd) { dc.DrawRectangle(x, y, wd + 1, h); } // Draw the "maximum" peak hold line using a themed color // (w - 1) corresponds to the mRuler.SetBounds() in HandleLayout() dc.SetPen(mPeakPeakPen); wd = (int)(bar->peakPeakHold * (w - 1) + 0.5); if (wd > 0) { AColor::Line(dc, x + wd, y, x + wd, y + h - 1); if (wd > 1) { AColor::Line(dc, x + wd - 1, y, x + wd - 1, y + h - 1); } } } } // If meter had a clipping indicator, draw or erase it // LLL: At least I assume that's what "mClip" is supposed to be for as // it is always "true". if (mClip) { if (bar->clipping) { dc.SetBrush(mClipBrush); } else { dc.SetBrush(mMeterDisabled ? mDisabledBkgndBrush : mBkgndBrush); } dc.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); wxRect r(bar->rClip.GetX() + 1, bar->rClip.GetY() + 1, bar->rClip.GetWidth() - 1, bar->rClip.GetHeight() - 1); dc.DrawRectangle(r); } } bool MeterPanel::IsMeterDisabled() const { return mMeterDisabled != 0; } void MeterPanel::StartMonitoring() { bool start = !mMonitoring; auto gAudioIO = AudioIO::Get(); if (gAudioIO->IsMonitoring()){ gAudioIO->StopStream(); } if (start && !gAudioIO->IsBusy()){ AudacityProject *p = mProject; if (p){ gAudioIO->StartMonitoring( DefaultPlayOptions( *p ) ); } mLayoutValid = false; Refresh(false); } } void MeterPanel::StopMonitoring(){ mMonitoring = false; auto gAudioIO = AudioIO::Get(); if (gAudioIO->IsMonitoring()){ gAudioIO->StopStream(); } } void MeterPanel::OnAudioIOStatus(wxCommandEvent &evt) { evt.Skip(); AudacityProject *p = (AudacityProject *) evt.GetEventObject(); mActive = (evt.GetInt() != 0) && (p == mProject); if( mActive ){ mTimer.Start(1000 / mMeterRefreshRate); if (evt.GetEventType() == EVT_AUDIOIO_MONITOR) mMonitoring = mActive; } else { mTimer.Stop(); mMonitoring = false; } // Only refresh is we're the active meter if (IsShownOnScreen()) Refresh(false); } // SaveState() and RestoreState() exist solely for purpose of recreating toolbars // They should really be querying the project for current audio I/O state, but there // isn't a clear way of doing that just yet. (It should NOT query AudioIO.) auto MeterPanel::SaveState() -> State { return { true, mMonitoring, mActive }; } void MeterPanel::RestoreState(const State &state) { if (!state.mSaved) return; mMonitoring = state.mMonitoring; mActive = state.mActive; //wxLogDebug("Restore state for %p, is %i", this, mActive ); if (mActive) mTimer.Start(1000 / mMeterRefreshRate); } // // Pop-up menu // void MeterPanel::ShowMenu(const wxPoint & pos) { wxMenu menu; // Note: these should be kept in the same order as the enum if (mIsInput) { wxMenuItem *mi; if (mMonitoring) mi = menu.Append(OnMonitorID, _("Stop Monitoring")); else mi = menu.Append(OnMonitorID, _("Start Monitoring")); mi->Enable(!mActive || mMonitoring); } menu.Append(OnPreferencesID, _("Options...")); mAccSilent = true; // temporarily make screen readers say (close to) nothing on focus events PopupMenu(&menu, pos); /* if stop/start monitoring was chosen in the menu, then by this point OnMonitoring has been called and variables which affect the accessibility name have been updated so it's now ok for screen readers to read the name of the button */ mAccSilent = false; #if wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY GetAccessible()->NotifyEvent(wxACC_EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS, this, wxOBJID_CLIENT, wxACC_SELF); #endif } void MeterPanel::OnMonitor(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(event)) { StartMonitoring(); } void MeterPanel::OnPreferences(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(event)) { wxTextCtrl *rate; wxRadioButton *gradient; wxRadioButton *rms; wxRadioButton *db; wxRadioButton *linear; wxRadioButton *automatic; wxRadioButton *horizontal; wxRadioButton *vertical; int meterRefreshRate = mMeterRefreshRate; auto title = mIsInput ? XO("Recording Meter Options") : XO("Playback Meter Options"); // Dialog is a child of the project, rather than of the toolbar. // This determines where it pops up. wxDialogWrapper dlg( FindProjectFrame( mProject ), wxID_ANY, title); dlg.SetName(); ShuttleGui S(&dlg, eIsCreating); S.StartVerticalLay(); { S.StartStatic(XO("Refresh Rate"), 0); { S.AddFixedText(XO( "Higher refresh rates make the meter show more frequent\nchanges. A rate of 30 per second or less should prevent\nthe meter affecting audio quality on slower machines.")); S.StartHorizontalLay(); { rate = S.Name(XO("Meter refresh rate per second [1-100]")) .Validator>( &mMeterRefreshRate, NumValidatorStyle::DEFAULT, MIN_REFRESH_RATE, MAX_REFRESH_RATE) .AddTextBox(XXO("Meter refresh rate per second [1-100]: "), wxString::Format(wxT("%d"), meterRefreshRate), 10); } S.EndHorizontalLay(); } S.EndStatic(); S.StartHorizontalLay(); { S.StartStatic(XO("Meter Style"), 0); { S.StartVerticalLay(); { gradient = S.AddRadioButton(XXO("Gradient"), true, mGradient); rms = S.AddRadioButtonToGroup(XXO("RMS"), false, mGradient); } S.EndVerticalLay(); } S.EndStatic(); S.StartStatic(XO("Meter Type"), 0); { S.StartVerticalLay(); { db = S.AddRadioButton(XXO("dB"), true, mDB); linear = S.AddRadioButtonToGroup(XXO("Linear"), false, mDB); } S.EndVerticalLay(); } S.EndStatic(); S.StartStatic(XO("Orientation"), 1); { S.StartVerticalLay(); { automatic = S.AddRadioButton( XXO("Automatic"), AutomaticStereo, mDesiredStyle); horizontal = S.AddRadioButtonToGroup( XXO("Horizontal"), HorizontalStereo, mDesiredStyle); vertical = S.AddRadioButtonToGroup( XXO("Vertical"), VerticalStereo, mDesiredStyle); } S.EndVerticalLay(); } S.EndStatic(); } S.EndHorizontalLay(); S.AddStandardButtons(); } S.EndVerticalLay(); dlg.Layout(); dlg.Fit(); dlg.CenterOnParent(); if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { wxArrayStringEx style{ wxT("AutomaticStereo") , wxT("HorizontalStereo") , wxT("VerticalStereo") , }; int s = 0; s = automatic->GetValue() ? 0 : s; s = horizontal->GetValue() ? 1 : s; s = vertical->GetValue() ? 2 : s; gPrefs->Write(Key(wxT("Style")), style[s]); gPrefs->Write(Key(wxT("Bars")), gradient->GetValue() ? wxT("Gradient") : wxT("RMS")); gPrefs->Write(Key(wxT("Type")), db->GetValue() ? wxT("dB") : wxT("Linear")); gPrefs->Write(Key(wxT("RefreshRate")), rate->GetValue()); gPrefs->Flush(); // Currently, there are 2 playback meters and 2 record meters and any number of // mixerboard meters, so we have to send out an preferences updated message to // ensure they all update themselves. wxTheApp->AddPendingEvent(wxCommandEvent{ EVT_PREFS_UPDATE, MeterPrefsID() }); } } wxString MeterPanel::Key(const wxString & key) const { if (mStyle == MixerTrackCluster) { return wxT("/Meter/Mixerboard/") + key; } if (mIsInput) { return wxT("/Meter/Input/") + key; } return wxT("/Meter/Output/") + key; } // This compensates for a but in wxWidgets 3.0.2 for mac: // Couldn't set focus from keyboard when AcceptsFocus returns false; // this bypasses that limitation void MeterPanel::SetFocusFromKbd() { auto temp = TemporarilyAllowFocus(); SetFocus(); } #if wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY MeterAx::MeterAx(wxWindow *window): WindowAccessible(window) { } MeterAx::~MeterAx() { } // Performs the default action. childId is 0 (the action for this object) // or > 0 (the action for a child). // Return wxACC_NOT_SUPPORTED if there is no default action for this // window (e.g. an edit control). wxAccStatus MeterAx::DoDefaultAction(int WXUNUSED(childId)) { MeterPanel *m = wxDynamicCast(GetWindow(), MeterPanel); if (m && m->mIsInput) m->StartMonitoring(); return wxACC_OK; } // Retrieves the address of an IDispatch interface for the specified child. // All objects must support this property. wxAccStatus MeterAx::GetChild(int childId, wxAccessible** child) { if (childId == wxACC_SELF) *child = this; else *child = NULL; return wxACC_OK; } // Gets the number of children. wxAccStatus MeterAx::GetChildCount(int* childCount) { *childCount = 0; return wxACC_OK; } // Gets the default action for this object (0) or > 0 (the action for // a child). Return wxACC_OK even if there is no action. actionName // is the action, or the empty string if there is no action. The // retrieved string describes the action that is performed on an // object, not what the object does as a result. For example, a // toolbar button that prints a document has a default action of // "Press" rather than "Prints the current document." wxAccStatus MeterAx::GetDefaultAction(int WXUNUSED(childId), wxString* actionName) { *actionName = _("Press"); return wxACC_OK; } // Returns the description for this object or a child. wxAccStatus MeterAx::GetDescription(int WXUNUSED(childId), wxString *description) { description->clear(); return wxACC_NOT_SUPPORTED; } // Gets the window with the keyboard focus. // If childId is 0 and child is NULL, no object in // this subhierarchy has the focus. // If this object has the focus, child should be 'this'. wxAccStatus MeterAx::GetFocus(int* childId, wxAccessible** child) { *childId = 0; *child = this; return wxACC_OK; } // Returns help text for this object or a child, similar to tooltip text. wxAccStatus MeterAx::GetHelpText(int WXUNUSED(childId), wxString *helpText) { helpText->clear(); return wxACC_NOT_SUPPORTED; } // Returns the keyboard shortcut for this object or child. // Return e.g. ALT+K wxAccStatus MeterAx::GetKeyboardShortcut(int WXUNUSED(childId), wxString *shortcut) { shortcut->clear(); return wxACC_OK; } // Returns the rectangle for this object (id = 0) or a child element (id > 0). // rect is in screen coordinates. wxAccStatus MeterAx::GetLocation(wxRect & rect, int WXUNUSED(elementId)) { MeterPanel *m = wxDynamicCast(GetWindow(), MeterPanel); rect = m->mIconRect; rect.SetPosition(m->ClientToScreen(rect.GetPosition())); return wxACC_OK; } // Gets the name of the specified object. wxAccStatus MeterAx::GetName(int WXUNUSED(childId), wxString* name) { MeterPanel *m = wxDynamicCast(GetWindow(), MeterPanel); if (m->mAccSilent) { *name = wxT(""); // Jaws reads nothing, and nvda reads "unknown" } else { *name = m->GetName(); if (name->empty()) *name = m->GetLabel(); if (name->empty()) *name = _("Meter"); if (m->mMonitoring) // translations of strings such as " Monitoring " did not // always retain the leading space. Therefore a space has // been added to ensure at least one space, and stop // words from being merged *name += wxT(" ") + _(" Monitoring "); else if (m->mActive) *name += wxT(" ") + _(" Active "); float peak = 0.; bool clipped = false; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m->mNumBars; i++) { peak = wxMax(peak, m->mBar[i].peakPeakHold); if (m->mBar[i].clipping) clipped = true; } if (m->mDB) *name += wxT(" ") + wxString::Format(_(" Peak %2.f dB"), (peak * m->mDBRange) - m->mDBRange); else *name += wxT(" ") + wxString::Format(_(" Peak %.2f "), peak); if (clipped) *name += wxT(" ") + _(" Clipped "); } return wxACC_OK; } // Returns a role constant. wxAccStatus MeterAx::GetRole(int WXUNUSED(childId), wxAccRole* role) { MeterPanel *m = wxDynamicCast(GetWindow(), MeterPanel); if (m->mAccSilent) *role = wxROLE_NONE; // Jaws and nvda both read nothing else *role = wxROLE_SYSTEM_BUTTONDROPDOWN; return wxACC_OK; } // Gets a variant representing the selected children // of this object. // Acceptable values: // - a null variant (IsNull() returns TRUE) // - a list variant (GetType() == wxT("list")) // - an integer representing the selected child element, // or 0 if this object is selected (GetType() == wxT("long")) // - a "void*" pointer to a wxAccessible child object wxAccStatus MeterAx::GetSelections(wxVariant * WXUNUSED(selections)) { return wxACC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } // Returns a state constant. wxAccStatus MeterAx::GetState(int WXUNUSED(childId), long* state) { MeterPanel *m = wxDynamicCast( GetWindow(), MeterPanel ); *state = wxACC_STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSABLE; *state |= ( m == wxWindow::FindFocus() ? wxACC_STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSED : 0 ); return wxACC_OK; } // Returns a localized string representing the value for the object // or child. wxAccStatus MeterAx::GetValue(int WXUNUSED(childId), wxString* WXUNUSED(strValue)) { return wxACC_NOT_SUPPORTED; } #endif