/********************************************************************** Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor NumericTextCtrl.h Dominic Mazzoni See NumericTextCtrl.cpp for documentation on how to use the format string to specify how a NumericTextCtrl's fields are laid out. **********************************************************************/ #ifndef __AUDACITY_TIME_TEXT_CTRL__ #define __AUDACITY_TIME_TEXT_CTRL__ #include #include "../../include/audacity/ComponentInterface.h" #include #include // for wxUSE_* macros #include #include // to inherit #include "Internat.h" // One event type for each type of control. Event is raised when a control // changes its format. Owners of controls of the same type can listen and // update their formats to agree. DECLARE_EXPORTED_EVENT_TYPE(AUDACITY_DLL_API, EVT_TIMETEXTCTRL_UPDATED, -1); DECLARE_EXPORTED_EVENT_TYPE(AUDACITY_DLL_API, EVT_FREQUENCYTEXTCTRL_UPDATED, -1); DECLARE_EXPORTED_EVENT_TYPE(AUDACITY_DLL_API, EVT_BANDWIDTHTEXTCTRL_UPDATED, -1); /** \brief struct to hold a formatting control string and its user facing name * Used in an array to hold the built-in time formats that are always available * to the user */ struct BuiltinFormatString; class NumericField; class DigitInfo; class AUDACITY_DLL_API NumericConverter /* not final */ { public: enum Type { TIME, ATIME, // for Audio time control. FREQUENCY, BANDWIDTH, }; struct FormatStrings { TranslatableString formatStr; // How to name the fraction of the unit; not necessary for time formats // or when the format string has no decimal point TranslatableString fraction; FormatStrings( const TranslatableString &format = {}, const TranslatableString &fraction = {}) : formatStr{ format }, fraction{ fraction } {} friend bool operator == ( const FormatStrings &x, const FormatStrings &y ) { return x.formatStr == y.formatStr && x.fraction == y.fraction; } friend bool operator != ( const FormatStrings &x, const FormatStrings &y ) { return !(x == y); } }; static NumericFormatSymbol DefaultSelectionFormat(); static NumericFormatSymbol TimeAndSampleFormat(); static NumericFormatSymbol SecondsFormat(); static NumericFormatSymbol HoursMinsSecondsFormat(); static NumericFormatSymbol HundredthsFormat(); static NumericFormatSymbol HertzFormat(); static NumericFormatSymbol LookupFormat( Type type, const wxString& id); NumericConverter(Type type, const NumericFormatSymbol & formatName = {}, double value = 0.0f, double sampleRate = 1.0f /* to prevent div by 0 */); NumericConverter(const NumericConverter&); virtual ~NumericConverter(); // ValueToControls() formats a raw value (either provided as // argument, or mValue, depending on the version of the function // called). The result is stored to mValueString. virtual void ValueToControls(); virtual void ValueToControls(double rawValue, bool nearest = true); // Converts the stored formatted string (mValueString) back to a // raw value (mValue). virtual void ControlsToValue(); private: void ParseFormatString(const TranslatableString & untranslatedFormat); public: void PrintDebugInfo(); // returns true iff the format name really changed: bool SetFormatName(const NumericFormatSymbol & formatName); // returns true iff the format string really changed: bool SetFormatString(const FormatStrings & formatString); void SetSampleRate(double sampleRate); void SetValue(double newValue); void SetMinValue(double minValue); void ResetMinValue(); void SetMaxValue(double maxValue); void ResetMaxValue(); double GetValue(); wxString GetString(); int GetFormatIndex(); int GetNumBuiltins(); NumericFormatSymbol GetBuiltinName(const int index); FormatStrings GetBuiltinFormat(const int index); FormatStrings GetBuiltinFormat(const NumericFormatSymbol & name); // Adjust the value by the number "steps" in the active format. // Increment if "dir" is 1, decrement if "dir" is -1. void Adjust(int steps, int dir); void Increment(); void Decrement(); protected: Type mType; double mValue; double mMinValue; double mMaxValue; double mInvalidValue; FormatStrings mFormatString; std::vector mFields; wxString mPrefix; wxString mValueTemplate; wxString mValueMask; // Formatted mValue, by ValueToControls(). wxString mValueString; double mScalingFactor; double mSampleRate; bool mNtscDrop; int mFocusedDigit; std::vector mDigits; const BuiltinFormatString *mBuiltinFormatStrings; const size_t mNBuiltins; int mDefaultNdx; }; class AUDACITY_DLL_API NumericTextCtrl final : public wxControl, public NumericConverter { friend class NumericTextCtrlAx; public: DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(NumericTextCtrl) struct Options { bool autoPos { true }; bool readOnly { false }; bool menuEnabled { true }; bool hasInvalidValue { false }; double invalidValue { -1.0 }; FormatStrings format {}; bool hasValue { false }; double value{ -1.0 }; Options() {} Options &AutoPos (bool enable) { autoPos = enable; return *this; } Options &ReadOnly (bool enable) { readOnly = enable; return *this; } Options &MenuEnabled (bool enable) { menuEnabled = enable; return *this; } Options &InvalidValue (bool has, double v = -1.0) { hasInvalidValue = has, invalidValue = v; return *this; } // use a custom format not in the tables: Options &Format (const FormatStrings &f) { format = f; return *this; } Options &Value (bool has, double v) { hasValue = has, value = v; return *this; } }; NumericTextCtrl(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID winid, NumericConverter::Type type, const NumericFormatSymbol &formatName = {}, double value = 0.0, double sampleRate = 44100, const Options &options = {}, const wxPoint &pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size = wxDefaultSize); virtual ~NumericTextCtrl(); // Hide the inherited function that takes wxString void SetName( const TranslatableString &name ); wxSize ComputeSizing(bool update = true, wxCoord digitW = 0, wxCoord digitH = 0); bool Layout() override; void Fit() override; void SetSampleRate(double sampleRate); void SetValue(double newValue); // returns true iff the format string really changed: bool SetFormatString(const FormatStrings & formatString); // returns true iff the format name really changed: bool SetFormatName(const NumericFormatSymbol & formatName); void SetFieldFocus(int /* digit */); wxSize GetDimensions() { return wxSize(mWidth + mButtonWidth, mHeight); } wxSize GetDigitSize() { return wxSize(mDigitBoxW, mDigitBoxH); } void SetDigitSize(int width, int height); void SetReadOnly(bool readOnly = true); void EnableMenu(bool enable = true); // The text control permits typing DELETE to make the value invalid only if this // function has previously been called. // Maybe you want something other than the default of -1 to indicate the invalid value // this control returns to the program, so you can specify. void SetInvalidValue(double invalidValue); int GetFocusedField() { return mLastField; } int GetFocusedDigit() { return mFocusedDigit; } private: void OnCaptureKey(wxCommandEvent &event); void OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent &event); void OnKeyUp(wxKeyEvent &event); void OnMouse(wxMouseEvent &event); void OnErase(wxEraseEvent &event); void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent &event); void OnFocus(wxFocusEvent &event); void OnContext(wxContextMenuEvent &event); // Formats mValue into mValueString, using the method of the base class. // Triggers a refresh of the wx window only when the value actually // changed since last time a refresh was triggered. void ValueToControls() override; void ControlsToValue() override; // If autoPos was enabled, focus the first non-zero digit void UpdateAutoFocus(); void Updated(bool keyup = false); private: bool mMenuEnabled; bool mReadOnly; std::unique_ptr mBackgroundBitmap; std::unique_ptr mDigitFont, mLabelFont; int mDigitBoxW; int mDigitBoxH; int mDigitW; int mDigitH; int mBorderLeft; int mBorderTop; int mBorderRight; int mBorderBottom; int mWidth; int mHeight; int mButtonWidth; int mLastField; // If true, the focus will be set to the first non-zero digit bool mAutoPos; // Keeps track of extra fractional scrollwheel steps double mScrollRemainder; NumericConverter::Type mType; bool mAllowInvalidValue; DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; #endif // __AUDACITY_TIME_TEXT_CTRL__