/********************************************************************** Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor TimerRecordDialog.cpp Copyright 2006-2009 by Vaughan Johnson This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *******************************************************************//** \class TimerRecordDialog \brief Dialog for Timer Record, i.e., timed or long recording. *//*******************************************************************/ #include "Audacity.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //Read(wxT("/TimerRecord/LastDuration"), &seconds, 3600); m_TimeSpan_Duration = wxTimeSpan::Seconds(seconds); m_DateTime_End = m_DateTime_Start + m_TimeSpan_Duration; m_pDatePickerCtrl_Start = NULL; m_pTimeTextCtrl_Start = NULL; m_pDatePickerCtrl_End = NULL; m_pTimeTextCtrl_End = NULL; m_pTimeTextCtrl_Duration = NULL; ShuttleGui S(this, eIsCreating); this->PopulateOrExchange(S); // Set initial focus to "1" of "01h" in Duration TimeTextCtrl, instead of OK button (default). m_pTimeTextCtrl_Duration->SetFocus(); m_pTimeTextCtrl_Duration->SetFieldFocus(3); m_timer.SetOwner(this, TIMER_ID); m_timer.Start(kTimerInterval); } TimerRecordDialog::~TimerRecordDialog() { } void TimerRecordDialog::OnTimer(wxTimerEvent& event) { wxDateTime dateTime_UNow = wxDateTime::UNow(); if (m_DateTime_Start < dateTime_UNow) { m_DateTime_Start = dateTime_UNow; m_pDatePickerCtrl_Start->SetValue(m_DateTime_Start); m_pTimeTextCtrl_Start->SetTimeValue(wxDateTime_to_AudacityTime(m_DateTime_Start)); this->UpdateEnd(); // Keep Duration constant and update End for changed Start. } } void TimerRecordDialog::OnDatePicker_Start(wxDateEvent& event) { m_DateTime_Start = m_pDatePickerCtrl_Start->GetValue(); double dTime = m_pTimeTextCtrl_Start->GetTimeValue(); long hr = (long)(dTime / 3600.0); long min = (long)((dTime - (hr * 3600.0)) / 60.0); long sec = (long)(dTime - (hr * 3600.0) - (min * 60.0)); m_DateTime_Start.SetHour(hr); m_DateTime_Start.SetMinute(min); m_DateTime_Start.SetSecond(sec); // User might have had the dialog up for a while, or // had a future day, set hour of day less than now's, then changed day to today. wxTimerEvent dummyTimerEvent; this->OnTimer(dummyTimerEvent); // Always update End for changed Start, keeping Duration constant. // Note that OnTimer sometimes calls UpdateEnd, so sometimes this is redundant, // but OnTimer doesn't need to always call UpdateEnd, but we must here. this->UpdateEnd(); } void TimerRecordDialog::OnTimeText_Start(wxCommandEvent& event) { //v TimeTextCtrl doesn't implement upper ranges, i.e., if I tell it "024 h 060 m 060 s", then // user increments the hours past 23, it rolls over to 0 (although if you increment below 0, it stays at 0). // So instead, set the max to 99 and just catch hours > 24 and fix the ctrls. double dTime = m_pTimeTextCtrl_Start->GetTimeValue(); long days = (long)(dTime / (24.0 * 3600.0)); if (days > 0) { dTime -= (double)days * 24.0 * 3600.0; m_DateTime_Start += wxTimeSpan::Days(days); m_pDatePickerCtrl_Start->SetValue(m_DateTime_Start); m_pTimeTextCtrl_Start->SetTimeValue(dTime); } wxDateEvent dummyDateEvent; this->OnDatePicker_Start(dummyDateEvent); } void TimerRecordDialog::OnDatePicker_End(wxDateEvent& event) { m_DateTime_End = m_pDatePickerCtrl_End->GetValue(); double dTime = m_pTimeTextCtrl_End->GetTimeValue(); long hr = (long)(dTime / 3600.0); long min = (long)((dTime - (hr * 3600.0)) / 60.0); long sec = (long)(dTime - (hr * 3600.0) - (min * 60.0)); m_DateTime_End.SetHour(hr); m_DateTime_End.SetMinute(min); m_DateTime_End.SetSecond(sec); // DatePickerCtrls use SetRange to make sure End is never less than Start, but // need to implement it for the TimeTextCtrls. if (m_DateTime_End < m_DateTime_Start) { m_DateTime_End = m_DateTime_Start; m_pTimeTextCtrl_End->SetTimeValue(wxDateTime_to_AudacityTime(m_DateTime_End)); } this->UpdateDuration(); // Keep Start constant and update Duration for changed End. } void TimerRecordDialog::OnTimeText_End(wxCommandEvent& event) { //v TimeTextCtrl doesn't implement upper ranges, i.e., if I tell it "024 h 060 m 060 s", then // user increments the hours past 23, it rolls over to 0 (although if you increment below 0, it stays at 0). // So instead, set the max to 99 and just catch hours > 24 and fix the ctrls. double dTime = m_pTimeTextCtrl_End->GetTimeValue(); long days = (long)(dTime / (24.0 * 3600.0)); if (days > 0) { dTime -= (double)days * 24.0 * 3600.0; m_DateTime_End += wxTimeSpan::Days(days); m_pDatePickerCtrl_End->SetValue(m_DateTime_End); m_pTimeTextCtrl_End->SetTimeValue(dTime); } wxDateEvent dummyDateEvent; this->OnDatePicker_End(dummyDateEvent); } void TimerRecordDialog::OnTimeText_Duration(wxCommandEvent& event) { double dTime = m_pTimeTextCtrl_Duration->GetTimeValue(); long hr = (long)(dTime / 3600.0); long min = (long)((dTime - (hr * 3600.0)) / 60.0); long sec = (long)(dTime - (hr * 3600.0) - (min * 60.0)); m_TimeSpan_Duration = wxTimeSpan(hr, min, sec); //v milliseconds? this->UpdateEnd(); // Keep Start constant and update End for changed Duration. } void TimerRecordDialog::OnOK(wxCommandEvent& event) { this->TransferDataFromWindow(); if (!m_TimeSpan_Duration.IsPositive()) { wxMessageBox(_("Duration is zero. Nothing will be recorded."), _("Error in Duration"), wxICON_EXCLAMATION | wxOK); return; } m_timer.Stop(); // Don't need to keep updating m_DateTime_Start to prevent backdating. this->EndModal(wxID_OK); wxLongLong duration = m_TimeSpan_Duration.GetSeconds(); // this will assert if the duration won't fit in a long gPrefs->Write(wxT("/TimerRecord/LastDuration"), duration.ToLong()); } ///Runs the wait for start dialog. Returns false if the user clicks stop while we are recording ///so that the high bool TimerRecordDialog::RunWaitDialog() { int updateResult = eProgressSuccess; if (m_DateTime_Start > wxDateTime::UNow()) updateResult = this->WaitForStart(); if (updateResult != eProgressSuccess) { // Don't proceed, but don't treat it as canceled recording. User just canceled waiting. return true; } else { // Record for specified time. AudacityProject* pProject = GetActiveProject(); pProject->OnRecord(); bool bIsRecording = true; wxString strMsg = _("Recording start") + (wxString)wxT(":\t\t") + GetDisplayDate(m_DateTime_Start) + wxT("\n") + _("Recording end") + wxT(":\t\t") + GetDisplayDate(m_DateTime_End) + wxT("\n") + _("Duration") + wxT(":\t\t") + m_TimeSpan_Duration.Format(); TimerProgressDialog progress(m_TimeSpan_Duration.GetMilliseconds().GetValue(), _("Audacity Timer Record Progress"), strMsg); // Make sure that start and end time are updated, so we always get the full // duration, even if there's some delay getting here. wxTimerEvent dummyTimerEvent; this->OnTimer(dummyTimerEvent); // Loop for progress display during recording. while (bIsRecording && (updateResult == eProgressSuccess)) { wxMilliSleep(kTimerInterval); updateResult = progress.Update(); bIsRecording = (wxDateTime::UNow() <= m_DateTime_End); // Call UNow() again for extra accuracy... } pProject->OnStop(); } // Let the caller handle cancellation or failure from recording progress. if (updateResult == eProgressCancelled || updateResult == eProgressFailed) return false; return true; } wxString TimerRecordDialog::GetDisplayDate( wxDateTime & dt ) { #if defined(__WXMSW__) // On Windows, wxWidgets uses the system date control and it displays the // date based on the Windows locale selected by the user. But, wxDateTime // using the strftime function to return the formatted date. Since the // default locale for the Windows CRT environment is "C", the dates come // back in a different format. // // So, we make direct Windows calls to format the date like it the date // control. // // (Most of this taken from src/msw/datectrl.cpp) const wxDateTime::Tm tm(dt.GetTm()); SYSTEMTIME st; wxString s; int len; st.wYear = (WXWORD)tm.year; st.wMonth = (WXWORD)(tm.mon - wxDateTime::Jan + 1); st.wDay = tm.mday; st.wDayOfWeek = st.wMinute = st.wSecond = st.wMilliseconds = 0; len = ::GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, &st, NULL, NULL, 0); if (len > 0) { len = ::GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, &st, NULL, wxStringBuffer(s, len), len); if (len > 0) { s += wxT(" ") + dt.FormatTime(); return s; } } #endif // Use default formatting wxPrintf(wxT("%s\n"), dt.Format().c_str()); return dt.FormatDate() + wxT(" ") + dt.FormatTime(); } void TimerRecordDialog::PopulateOrExchange(ShuttleGui& S) { S.SetBorder(5); S.StartVerticalLay(true); { wxString strFormat = wxT("099 h 060 m 060 s"); S.StartStatic(_("Start Date and Time"), true); { m_pDatePickerCtrl_Start = new wxDatePickerCtrl(this, // wxWindow *parent, ID_DATEPICKER_START, // wxWindowID id, m_DateTime_Start); // const wxDateTime& dt = wxDefaultDateTime, // const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxDP_DEFAULT | wxDP_SHOWCENTURY, const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator, const wxString& name = "datectrl") m_pDatePickerCtrl_Start->SetName(_("Start Date")); m_pDatePickerCtrl_Start->SetRange(wxDateTime::Today(), wxInvalidDateTime); // No backdating. S.AddWindow(m_pDatePickerCtrl_Start); m_pTimeTextCtrl_Start = new TimeTextCtrl(this, ID_TIMETEXT_START, strFormat); m_pTimeTextCtrl_Start->SetName(_("Start Time")); m_pTimeTextCtrl_Start->SetTimeValue(wxDateTime_to_AudacityTime(m_DateTime_Start)); S.AddWindow(m_pTimeTextCtrl_Start); m_pTimeTextCtrl_Start->EnableMenu(false); } S.EndStatic(); S.StartStatic(_("End Date and Time"), true); { m_pDatePickerCtrl_End = new wxDatePickerCtrl(this, // wxWindow *parent, ID_DATEPICKER_END, // wxWindowID id, m_DateTime_End); // const wxDateTime& dt = wxDefaultDateTime, // const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxDP_DEFAULT | wxDP_SHOWCENTURY, const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator, const wxString& name = "datectrl") m_pDatePickerCtrl_End->SetRange(m_DateTime_Start, wxInvalidDateTime); // No backdating. m_pDatePickerCtrl_End->SetName(_("End Date")); S.AddWindow(m_pDatePickerCtrl_End); m_pTimeTextCtrl_End = new TimeTextCtrl(this, ID_TIMETEXT_END, strFormat); m_pTimeTextCtrl_End->SetName(_("End Time")); m_pTimeTextCtrl_End->SetTimeValue(wxDateTime_to_AudacityTime(m_DateTime_End)); S.AddWindow(m_pTimeTextCtrl_End); m_pTimeTextCtrl_End->EnableMenu(false); } S.EndStatic(); S.StartStatic(_("Duration"), true); { wxString strFormat1 = wxT("099 days 024 h 060 m 060 s"); m_pTimeTextCtrl_Duration = new TimeTextCtrl(this, ID_TIMETEXT_DURATION, strFormat1); m_pTimeTextCtrl_Duration->SetName(_("Duration")); m_pTimeTextCtrl_Duration->SetTimeValue(m_TimeSpan_Duration.GetSeconds().ToDouble()); S.AddWindow(m_pTimeTextCtrl_Duration); m_pTimeTextCtrl_Duration->EnableMenu(false); } S.EndStatic(); } S.EndVerticalLay(); S.AddStandardButtons(); Layout(); Fit(); SetMinSize(GetSize()); Center(); } bool TimerRecordDialog::TransferDataFromWindow() { double dTime; long hr; long min; long sec; m_DateTime_Start = m_pDatePickerCtrl_Start->GetValue(); dTime = m_pTimeTextCtrl_Start->GetTimeValue(); hr = (long)(dTime / 3600.0); min = (long)((dTime - (hr * 3600.0)) / 60.0); sec = (long)(dTime - (hr * 3600.0) - (min * 60.0)); m_DateTime_Start.SetHour(hr); m_DateTime_Start.SetMinute(min); m_DateTime_Start.SetSecond(sec); m_DateTime_End = m_pDatePickerCtrl_End->GetValue(); dTime = m_pTimeTextCtrl_End->GetTimeValue(); hr = (long)(dTime / 3600.0); min = (long)((dTime - (hr * 3600.0)) / 60.0); sec = (long)(dTime - (hr * 3600.0) - (min * 60.0)); m_DateTime_End.SetHour(hr); m_DateTime_End.SetMinute(min); m_DateTime_End.SetSecond(sec); m_TimeSpan_Duration = m_DateTime_End - m_DateTime_Start; return true; } // Update m_TimeSpan_Duration and ctrl based on m_DateTime_Start and m_DateTime_End. void TimerRecordDialog::UpdateDuration() { m_TimeSpan_Duration = m_DateTime_End - m_DateTime_Start; m_pTimeTextCtrl_Duration->SetTimeValue(m_TimeSpan_Duration.GetSeconds().ToDouble()); } // Update m_DateTime_End and ctrls based on m_DateTime_Start and m_TimeSpan_Duration. void TimerRecordDialog::UpdateEnd() { //v Use remaining disk -> record time calcs from AudacityProject::OnTimer to set range? m_DateTime_End = m_DateTime_Start + m_TimeSpan_Duration; m_pDatePickerCtrl_End->SetValue(m_DateTime_End); m_pDatePickerCtrl_End->SetRange(m_DateTime_Start, wxInvalidDateTime); // No backdating. m_pDatePickerCtrl_End->Refresh(); m_pTimeTextCtrl_End->SetTimeValue(wxDateTime_to_AudacityTime(m_DateTime_End)); } int TimerRecordDialog::WaitForStart() { wxString strMsg; /* i18n-hint: A time specification like "Sunday 28th October 2007 15:16:17 GMT" * but hopefully translated by wxwidgets will be inserted into this */ strMsg.Printf(_("Waiting to start recording at %s.\n"), GetDisplayDate(m_DateTime_Start).c_str()); wxDateTime startWait_DateTime = wxDateTime::UNow(); wxTimeSpan waitDuration = m_DateTime_Start - startWait_DateTime; TimerProgressDialog progress(waitDuration.GetMilliseconds().GetValue(), _("Audacity Timer Record - Waiting for Start"), strMsg, pdlgHideStopButton); int updateResult = eProgressSuccess; bool bIsRecording = false; while (updateResult == eProgressSuccess && !bIsRecording) { wxMilliSleep(10); updateResult = progress.Update(); bIsRecording = (m_DateTime_Start <= wxDateTime::UNow()); } return updateResult; }