# If you want built-in precompiled header support # then make sure you have cmake 3.16 or higher. # # Minimum required is 3.15 due to use of multiple values in # generator expressions. cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 3.15 ) # If building with GNU compiler, then must be 4.9 or later. if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU" AND CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS "4.9") message(FATAL_ERROR "Audacity requires at least GCC 4.9") endif () # We only do alpha builds, beta builds, and release versions. # Most of the time we're in development, so AUDACITY_BUILD_LEVEL should be # defined to 0. # Its value may be more than 0 for pre-release "Beta" builds that differ only # in the welcome screen, and hiding of some development menu commands, but # still link to the alpha manual online. # Set this value to 0 for alpha, 1 for beta, 2 for release builds set( AUDACITY_BUILD_LEVEL 0 ) # The Audacity version # Increment as appropriate after release of a new version, and set back # AUDACITY_BUILD_LEVEL to 0 set( AUDACITY_VERSION 3 ) set( AUDACITY_RELEASE 0 ) set( AUDACITY_REVISION 3 ) set( AUDACITY_MODLEVEL 0 ) string( TIMESTAMP __TDATE__ "%Y%m%d" ) if( AUDACITY_BUILD_LEVEL EQUAL 0 ) set( AUDACITY_SUFFIX "-alpha-${__TDATE__}" ) elseif( AUDACITY_BUILD_LEVEL EQUAL 1 ) set( AUDACITY_SUFFIX "-beta-${__TDATE__}" ) else() set( AUDACITY_SUFFIX "" ) endif() # Don't allow in-source builds...no real reason, just # keeping those source trees nice and tidy. :-) # (This can be removed if it becomes an issue.) if( "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" STREQUAL "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" ) message( FATAL_ERROR "In-source builds not allowed.\n" "Create a new directory and run cmake from there, i.e.:\n" " mkdir build\n" " cd build\n" " cmake ..\n" "You will need to delete CMakeCache.txt and CMakeFiles from this directory to clean up." ) endif() # Just a couple of convenience variables set( topdir "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" ) set( libsrc "${topdir}/lib-src" ) # Default build type is Debug if( NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE AND NOT CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES ) set( CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Debug" ) endif() # Ignore COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_ properties cmake_policy( SET CMP0043 NEW ) # Link libraries by full path even in implicit directories. cmake_policy( SET CMP0060 NEW ) # ``INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION`` is enforced when enabled. cmake_policy( SET CMP0069 NEW ) # ``FindOpenGL`` prefers GLVND by default when available. cmake_policy( SET CMP0072 NEW ) # Include file check macros honor ``CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES``. cmake_policy( SET CMP0075 NEW ) # Definitions that must happen before the project() command if( APPLE ) set( MIN_MACOS_VERSION 10.9 ) set( TARGET_MACOS_VERSION 10.13 ) # Generate schema files set( CMAKE_XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME ON ) # Define the OSX compatibility parameters set( CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES x86_64 CACHE INTERNAL "" ) set( CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET ${MIN_MACOS_VERSION} CACHE INTERNAL "" ) set( CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT macosx CACHE INTERNAL "" ) set( CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY "" CACHE INTERNAL "" ) # This prevents a link error when building with the 10.9 or older SDKs set( CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_CLANG_LINK_OBJC_RUNTIME OFF ) # Shouldn't cmake do this??? string( APPEND CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS " -stdlib=libc++" ) endif() # Add our module path # CMAKE_BINARY_DIR is required for Conan to work set( AUDACITY_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake-proxies/cmake-modules") set( CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${AUDACITY_MODULE_PATH} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ) set( CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH} ) # This "is a good thing" but greatly increases link time on Linux #set( CMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION ON ) #set( CMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION_RELEASE ON ) #set( CMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION_DEBUG OFF ) # Set the required C++ standard set( CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14 ) set( CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON ) # Use ccache if available find_program( CCACHE_PROGRAM ccache ) mark_as_advanced( FORCE CCACHE_PROGRAM ) if( CCACHE_PROGRAM ) set_property( GLOBAL PROPERTY RULE_LAUNCH_COMPILE "${CCACHE_PROGRAM}" ) endif() # Define option() prefix set( _OPT "audacity_" ) # Our very own project project( Audacity ) # Load our functions/macros include( AudacityFunctions ) set_from_env(AUDACITY_ARCH_LABEL) # e.g. x86_64 # Allow user to globally set the library preference cmd_option( ${_OPT}lib_preference "Library preference [system (if available), local]" "local" STRINGS "system" "local" ) # Special mode, that will force dependencies to the packages provided by system unless they were set to local explicitly. cmd_option( ${_OPT}obey_system_dependencies "Use system packages to satisfy dependencies" Off ) cmd_option( ${_OPT}has_networking "Build networking features into Audacity" Off) include( AudacityDependencies ) # Pull all the modules we'll need include( CheckCXXCompilerFlag ) include( CheckIncludeFile ) include( CheckIncludeFiles ) include( CheckLibraryExists ) include( CheckSymbolExists ) include( CheckTypeSize ) include( CMakeDependentOption ) include( CMakeDetermineASM_NASMCompiler ) include( CMakePushCheckState ) include( GNUInstallDirs ) include( TestBigEndian ) set_from_env(SENTRY_DSN_KEY) set_from_env(SENTRY_HOST) set_from_env(SENTRY_PROJECT) set_from_env(CRASH_REPORT_URL) cmake_dependent_option( ${_OPT}has_sentry_reporting "Build support for sending errors to Sentry" On "${_OPT}has_networking;DEFINED SENTRY_DSN_KEY;DEFINED SENTRY_HOST;DEFINED SENTRY_PROJECT" Off ) cmake_dependent_option( ${_OPT}has_crashreports "Enables crash reporting for Audacity" On "${_OPT}has_networking;DEFINED CRASH_REPORT_URL" Off ) # Determine 32-bit or 64-bit target if( CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "MSVC" AND CMAKE_VS_PLATFORM_NAME MATCHES "Win64|x64" ) set( IS_64BIT ON ) elseif( NOT CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P STREQUAL "4" ) set( IS_64BIT ON ) endif() message( STATUS "Build Info:" ) message( STATUS " Host System: ${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM}" ) message( STATUS " Host System Name: ${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME}" ) message( STATUS " Host System Processor: ${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}" ) message( STATUS " Host System Version: ${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_VERSION}" ) if( IS_64BIT ) message( STATUS " Host System Architecture: 64-bit" ) else() message( STATUS " Host System Architecture: 32-bit" ) endif() message( STATUS ) message( STATUS " Compiler: ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}" ) message( STATUS " Compiler Version: ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION}" ) message( STATUS " Compiler Standard: ${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD}" ) message( STATUS " Compiler Standard Required: ${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED}" ) message( STATUS " Compiler Extensions: ${CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS}" ) message( STATUS ) if( CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Visual Studio" ) message( STATUS " MSVC Version: ${MSVC_VERSION}" ) message( STATUS " MSVC Toolset: ${MSVC_TOOLSET_VERSION}" ) message( STATUS ) elseif( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Darwin" ) if( CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Xcode" ) message( STATUS " Xcode Version: ${XCODE_VERSION}" ) endif() message( STATUS " MacOS SDK: ${CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT}" ) message( STATUS ) if(${_OPT}has_crashreports) set(CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT "dwarf-with-dsym") endif() endif() # Try to get the current commit information set( GIT_COMMIT_SHORT "unknown" ) set( GIT_COMMIT_LONG "unknown" ) set( GIT_COMMIT_TIME "unknown" ) find_package( Git QUIET ) if( GIT_FOUND ) execute_process( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} show -s "--format=%h;%H;%cd" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${topdir} OUTPUT_VARIABLE git_output OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ERROR_QUIET ) if( git_output ) list( GET git_output 0 GIT_COMMIT_SHORT ) list( GET git_output 1 GIT_COMMIT_LONG ) list( GET git_output 2 GIT_COMMIT_TIME ) endif() endif() message( STATUS " Current Commit: ${GIT_COMMIT_SHORT}" ) message( STATUS ) # Organize subdirectories/targets into folders for the IDEs set_property( GLOBAL PROPERTY USE_FOLDERS ON ) if( CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Visual Studio" ) # Make sure Audacity is the startup project set_directory_properties( PROPERTIES VS_STARTUP_PROJECT "${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}" ) # Build using multiple processors foreach( config ${CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES} ) string( TOUPPER "${config}" config ) string( APPEND CMAKE_C_FLAGS_${config} " /MP" ) string( APPEND CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_${config} " /MP" ) endforeach() # Define system library information, but we'll do the install set( CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSTEM_RUNTIME_LIBS_SKIP YES ) set( CMAKE_INSTALL_UCRT_LIBRARIES NO ) set( CMAKE_INSTALL_MFC_LIBRARIES NO ) set( CMAKE_INSTALL_OPENMP_LIBRARIES NO ) include( InstallRequiredSystemLibraries ) endif() # Where the final product is stored set( CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin ) set ( _SHARED_PROXY_BASE "shared" ) set ( _SHARED_PROXY_BASE_PATH "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${_SHARED_PROXY_BASE}") # Define the non-install and executable paths if( CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES ) set( _DESTDIR "${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}" ) set( _SHARED_PROXY_PATH "${_SHARED_PROXY_BASE_PATH}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}") else() set( _DESTDIR "${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" ) set( _SHARED_PROXY_PATH "${_SHARED_PROXY_BASE_PATH}/${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}") endif() set( _DEST "${_DESTDIR}" ) set( _PREFIX "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" ) set( _LIBDIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}" ) set( _DATADIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}" ) set( _PKGLIB "${_LIBDIR}/audacity" ) set( _PKGDATA "${_DATADIR}/audacity/" ) set( _MANDIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR}" ) set( _MODDIR "${_DEST}/modules" ) set( _EXEDIR "${_DEST}" ) # Setup RPATH handling set( CMAKE_BUILD_RPATH "${_DEST}/${_PKGLIB}" ) set( CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH FALSE ) set( CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH "${_PREFIX}/${_PKGLIB}" ) set( CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH FALSE ) # Adjust them for the Mac if( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Darwin" ) set( _APPDIR "Audacity.app/Contents" ) set( _DEST "${_DESTDIR}/${_APPDIR}" ) set( _EXEDIR "${_DEST}/MacOS" ) set( _MODDIR "${_DEST}/modules" ) set( _PKGLIB "${_DEST}/Frameworks" ) set( CMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH OFF ) endif() # Add the math library (if found) to the list of required libraries check_library_exists( m pow "" HAVE_LIBM ) if( HAVE_LIBM ) list( APPEND CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES -lm ) endif() check_library_exists( atomic __atomic_fetch_add_4 "" HAVE_LIBATOMIC ) if( HAVE_LIBATOMIC ) list( APPEND CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES -latomic ) endif() # Add the dynamic linker library (if needed) to the list of required libraries list( APPEND CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} ) # Make sure they're used during the link steps set( CMAKE_LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES} ) # Various common checks whose results are used by the different targets test_big_endian( WORDS_BIGENDIAN ) # Check for compiler flags set( MMX_FLAG "" CACHE INTERNAL "" ) set( SSE_FLAG "" CACHE INTERNAL "" ) if( CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "AppleClang|Clang|GNU" ) check_cxx_compiler_flag( "-mmmx" HAVE_MMX ) if( HAVE_MMX AND NOT IS_64BIT ) set( MMX_FLAG "-mmmx" CACHE INTERNAL "" ) endif() check_cxx_compiler_flag( "-msse" HAVE_SSE ) if( HAVE_SSE AND NOT IS_64BIT ) set( SSE_FLAG "-msse" CACHE INTERNAL "" ) endif() check_cxx_compiler_flag( "-msse2" HAVE_SSE2 ) if( HAVE_SSE2 AND NOT IS_64BIT ) set( SSE_FLAG "-msse2" CACHE INTERNAL "" ) endif() elseif( CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "MSVC" ) set( HAVE_MMX ON ) set( HAVE_SSE ON ) set( HAVE_SSE2 ON ) if( NOT IS_64BIT ) set( SSE_FLAG "/arch:SSE2" ) endif() endif() check_include_files( "float.h;stdarg.h;stdlib.h;string.h" STDC_HEADERS ) check_include_file( "assert.h" HAVE_ASSERT_H ) check_include_file( "errno.h" HAVE_ERRNO_H ) check_include_file( "fcntl.h" HAVE_FCNTL_H ) check_include_file( "fenv.h" HAVE_FENV_H ) check_include_file( "inttypes.h" HAVE_INTTYPES_H ) check_include_file( "limits.h" HAVE_LIMITS_H ) if( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "FreeBSD" ) check_include_file( "stdlib.h" HAVE_MALLOC_H ) check_include_file( "sys/endian.h" HAVE_ENDIAN_H ) else() check_include_file( "malloc.h" HAVE_MALLOC_H ) check_include_file( "byteswap.h" HAVE_BYTESWAP_H ) endif() check_include_file( "memory.h" HAVE_MEMORY_H ) check_include_file( "stdbool.h" HAVE_STDBOOL_H ) check_include_file( "stdint.h" HAVE_STDINT_H ) check_include_file( "stdlib.h" HAVE_STDLIB_H ) check_include_file( "string.h" HAVE_STRING_H ) check_include_file( "strings.h" HAVE_STRINGS_H ) check_include_file( "unistd.h" HAVE_UNISTD_H ) check_include_file( "xmmintrin.h" HAVE_XMMINTRIN_H ) check_include_file( "sys/param.h" HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H ) check_include_file( "sys/stat.h" HAVE_SYS_STAT_H ) check_include_file( "sys/types.h" HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H ) check_include_file( "sys/wait.h" HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H ) check_symbol_exists( bcopy "strings.h" HAVE_BCOPY ) check_symbol_exists( fileno "stdio.h" HAVE_FILENO ) check_symbol_exists( flock "sys/file.h" HAVE_FLOCK ) check_symbol_exists( fork "unistd.h" HAVE_FORK ) check_symbol_exists( fsync "unistd.h" HAVE_FSYNC ) check_symbol_exists( ftruncate "unistd.h" HAVE_FTRUNCATE ) check_symbol_exists( getpagesize "unistd.h" HAVE_GETPAGESIZE ) check_symbol_exists( gettimeofday "sys/time.h" HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY ) check_symbol_exists( gmtime "time.h" HAVE_GMTIME ) check_symbol_exists( gmtime_r "time.h" HAVE_GMTIME_R ) check_symbol_exists( lrint "math.h" HAVE_LRINT ) check_symbol_exists( lrintf "math.h" HAVE_LRINTF ) check_symbol_exists( lround "math.h" HAVE_LROUND ) check_symbol_exists( lstat "sys/stat.h" HAVE_LSTAT ) check_symbol_exists( memcpy "string.h" HAVE_MEMCPY ) check_symbol_exists( memmove "string.h" HAVE_MEMMOVE ) check_symbol_exists( mlock "sys/mman.h" HAVE_MLOCK ) check_symbol_exists( pipe "unistd.h" HAVE_PIPE ) check_symbol_exists( posix_fadvise "fcntl.h" HAVE_POSIX_FADVISE ) check_symbol_exists( posix_memalign "stdlib.h" HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN ) check_symbol_exists( strchr "string.h" HAVE_STRCHR ) check_symbol_exists( waitpid "sys/wait.h" HAVE_WAITPID ) check_type_size( "int8_t" SIZEOF_INT8 LANGUAGE C ) check_type_size( "int16_t" SIZEOF_INT16 LANGUAGE C ) check_type_size( "uint16_t" SIZEOF_UINT16 LANGUAGE C ) check_type_size( "u_int16_t" SIZEOF_U_INT16 LANGUAGE C ) check_type_size( "int32_t" SIZEOF_INT32 LANGUAGE C ) check_type_size( "uint32_t" SIZEOF_UINT32 LANGUAGE C ) check_type_size( "u_int32_t" SIZEOF_U_INT32 LANGUAGE C ) check_type_size( "int64_t" SIZEOF_INT64 LANGUAGE C ) check_type_size( "short" SIZEOF_SHORT LANGUAGE C ) check_type_size( "unsigned short" SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_SHORT LANGUAGE C ) check_type_size( "int" SIZEOF_INT LANGUAGE C ) check_type_size( "unsigned int" SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_INT LANGUAGE C ) check_type_size( "long" SIZEOF_LONG LANGUAGE C ) check_type_size( "unsigned long" SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_LONG LANGUAGE C ) check_type_size( "long long" SIZEOF_LONG_LONG LANGUAGE C ) check_type_size( "unsigned long long" SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG LANGUAGE C ) check_type_size( "float" SIZEOF_FLOAT LANGUAGE C ) check_type_size( "double" SIZEOF_DOUBLE LANGUAGE C ) check_type_size( "long double" SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE LANGUAGE C ) check_type_size( "loff_t" SIZEOF_LOFF LANGUAGE C ) check_type_size( "off_t" SIZEOF_OFF LANGUAGE C ) check_type_size( "off64_t" SIZEOF_OFF64 LANGUAGE C ) check_type_size( "size_t" SIZEOF_SIZE LANGUAGE C ) check_type_size( "wchar_t" SIZEOF_WCHAR LANGUAGE C ) check_type_size( "void*" SIZEOF_POINTER LANGUAGE C ) # We'll be using it if it's available find_package( PkgConfig QUIET ) # Mostly just to make the CMP0072 policy happy find_package( OpenGL QUIET ) # Precreate the lib and lib64 directories so we can make then the same if( NOT EXISTS "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib" ) file( MAKE_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib" ) endif() # Only create on systems that need it, effectively excluding Windows where links # may not work due to insufficient privileges if( NOT CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR STREQUAL "lib" AND NOT EXISTS "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib64" ) file( CREATE_LINK "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib64" SYMBOLIC ) endif() # Define Audacity's name if( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Darwin|Windows" ) set( AUDACITY_NAME "Audacity" ) else() set( AUDACITY_NAME "audacity" ) endif() # Create short and full version strings set( AUDACITY_DIST_VERSION ${AUDACITY_VERSION}.${AUDACITY_RELEASE}.${AUDACITY_REVISION} ) set( AUDACITY_INFO_VERSION ${AUDACITY_VERSION}.${AUDACITY_RELEASE}.${AUDACITY_REVISION}.${AUDACITY_MODLEVEL} ) # Python is used for the manual and (possibly) message catalogs find_package( Python3 ) if( Python3_FOUND ) set( PYTHON "${Python3_EXECUTABLE}" ) elseif( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Windows" ) # This is an odd case now, as Conan requires Python as well nuget_package( pkgdir "python3" "3.7.7" ) file( TO_NATIVE_PATH "${pkgdir}/tools/python.exe" PYTHON ) endif() # define EXPERIMENTAL flags # Do this before consistency checks for added third-party libraries include( "src/Experimental.cmake" ) # Add our children add_subdirectory( "cmake-proxies" ) # Conan uses find_package and does not set GLOBAL flag resolve_conan_dependencies() add_subdirectory( "help" ) if(${_OPT}has_crashreports) add_subdirectory( "crashreports" ) endif() add_subdirectory( "images" ) add_subdirectory( "libraries" ) add_subdirectory( "locale" ) add_subdirectory( "src" ) add_subdirectory( "modules" ) add_subdirectory( "nyquist" ) add_subdirectory( "plug-ins" ) add_subdirectory( "scripts" ) # Generate config file if( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Windows" ) configure_file( src/audacity_config.h.in src/private/configwin.h ) elseif( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Darwin" ) set( HAVE_VISIBILITY 1 ) configure_file( src/audacity_config.h.in src/private/configmac.h ) else() set( HAVE_VISIBILITY 1 ) configure_file( src/audacity_config.h.in src/private/configunix.h ) endif() # Generate a picture of module dependencies string( JOIN "\n" GRAPH_EDGES ${GRAPH_EDGES} ) # Choose edge attributes making it easy to hover at either end of edge # and see a tooltip describing the edge, in svg image file( WRITE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/modules.dot" "digraph { graph [rankdir=LR] edge [dir=both,arrowtail=inv] \n" "${GRAPH_EDGES}" "\n}\n" ) execute_process( COMMAND dot -O -Tsvg "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/modules.dot" ) # # Code signing # cmd_option( ${_OPT}perform_codesign "Perform code signing during the install step. This only works on Windows and macOS." Off ) cmake_dependent_option( ${_OPT}perform_notarization "Perform notarization during the install step. This only works on macOS." Off "${_OPT}perform_codesign;APPLE" Off ) if( ${_OPT}perform_codesign ) include( AudacityCodeSigning ) endif() # # Packaging # cmd_option( ${_OPT}package_manual "Package the manual along with the DMG and InnoSetup targets" Off ) # Variables, that are common for all package targets if( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Windows" ) include( AudacityInnoSetup ) endif() # Uncomment what follows for symbol values. #[[ get_cmake_property( _variableNames VARIABLES ) foreach( _variableName ${_variableNames} ) message( STATUS "${_variableName}=${${_variableName}}" ) endforeach() #]] #[[ include( PrintProperties ) print_properties( TARGET "wxWidgets" ) #]] include( Package ) # do this last