/********************************************************************** Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor AudacityApp.cpp Dominic Mazzoni ******************************************************************//** \class AudacityApp \brief AudacityApp is the 'main' class for Audacity It handles initialization and termination by subclassing wxApp. *//*******************************************************************/ #include "Audacity.h" // This should always be included first; for USE_* macros and __UNIX__ #include "AudacityApp.h" #include "Experimental.h" #if 0 // This may be used to debug memory leaks. // See: Visual Leak Dectector @ http://vld.codeplex.com/ #include #endif #include // for wxUSE_* macros #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __WXGTK__ #include #endif // chmod, lstat, geteuid #ifdef __UNIX__ #include #include #include #endif #if defined(__WXMSW__) #include // for wxRegKey #endif #include "AudacityLogger.h" #include "AboutDialog.h" #include "AColor.h" #include "AudioIO.h" #include "Benchmark.h" #include "Clipboard.h" #include "CrashReport.h" #include "DirManager.h" #include "commands/CommandHandler.h" #include "commands/AppCommandEvent.h" #include "widgets/ASlider.h" #include "FFmpeg.h" //#include "LangChoice.h" #include "Languages.h" #include "Menus.h" #include "MissingAliasFileDialog.h" #include "PluginManager.h" #include "Project.h" #include "ProjectAudioIO.h" #include "ProjectAudioManager.h" #include "ProjectFileManager.h" #include "ProjectHistory.h" #include "ProjectManager.h" #include "ProjectSettings.h" #include "ProjectWindow.h" #include "Screenshot.h" #include "Sequence.h" #include "WaveTrack.h" #include "prefs/PrefsDialog.h" #include "Theme.h" #include "PlatformCompatibility.h" #include "FileNames.h" #include "AutoRecovery.h" #include "AutoRecoveryDialog.h" #include "SplashDialog.h" #include "FFT.h" #include "BlockFile.h" #include "ondemand/ODManager.h" #include "widgets/AudacityMessageBox.h" #include "prefs/DirectoriesPrefs.h" #include "prefs/GUIPrefs.h" #include "tracks/ui/Scrubbing.h" #include "widgets/FileHistory.h" #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_EASY_CHANGE_KEY_BINDINGS #include "prefs/KeyConfigPrefs.h" #endif //temporarily commented out till it is added to all projects //#include "Profiler.h" #include "ModuleManager.h" #include "import/Import.h" #if defined(EXPERIMENTAL_CRASH_REPORT) #include #include #include #endif #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_SCOREALIGN #include "effects/ScoreAlignDialog.h" #endif #if 0 #ifdef _DEBUG #ifdef _MSC_VER #undef THIS_FILE static char*THIS_FILE= __FILE__; #define new new(_NORMAL_BLOCK, THIS_FILE, __LINE__) #endif #endif #endif // Windows specific linker control...only needed once so // this is a good place (unless we want to add another file). #if defined(__WXMSW__) //#if wxCHECK_VERSION(3, 0, 2) && !wxCHECK_VERSION(3, 1, 0) #include //#endif // These lines ensure that Audacity gets WindowsXP themes. // Without them we get the old-style Windows98/2000 look under XP. # if !defined(__WXWINCE__) # pragma comment(linker,"\"/manifestdependency:type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' processorArchitecture='*' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"") # endif // These lines allows conditional inclusion of the various libraries // that Audacity can use. # if defined(USE_LIBFLAC) # pragma comment(lib, "libflac++") # pragma comment(lib, "libflac") # endif # if defined(USE_LIBID3TAG) # pragma comment(lib, "libid3tag") # endif # if defined(USE_LIBMAD) # pragma comment(lib, "libmad") # endif # if defined(USE_LIBTWOLAME) # pragma comment(lib, "twolame") # endif # if defined(USE_LIBVORBIS) # pragma comment(lib, "libogg") # pragma comment(lib, "libvorbis") # endif # if defined(USE_LV2) # pragma comment(lib, "lv2") # endif # if defined(USE_MIDI) # pragma comment(lib, "portsmf") # endif # if defined(EXPERIMENTAL_MIDI_OUT) # pragma comment(lib, "portmidi") # endif # if defined(EXPERIMENTAL_SCOREALIGN) # pragma comment(lib, "libscorealign") # endif # if defined(USE_NYQUIST) # pragma comment(lib, "libnyquist") # endif # if defined(USE_PORTMIXER) # pragma comment(lib, "portmixer") # endif # if defined(USE_SBSMS) # pragma comment(lib, "sbsms") # endif # if defined(USE_SOUNDTOUCH) # pragma comment(lib, "soundtouch") # endif # if defined(USE_VAMP) # pragma comment(lib, "libvamp") # endif # if defined(_DEBUG) # define D "d" # else # define D "" # endif # if wxCHECK_VERSION(3, 1, 0) # define V "31" # elif wxCHECK_VERSION(3, 0, 0) # define V "30" # else # define V "28" # endif # if defined(EXPERIMENTAL_CRASH_REPORT) # pragma comment(lib, "wxmsw" V "u" D "_qa") # endif # pragma comment(lib, "wxbase" V "u" D) # pragma comment(lib, "wxbase" V "u" D "_net") # pragma comment(lib, "wxmsw" V "u" D "_adv") # pragma comment(lib, "wxmsw" V "u" D "_core") # pragma comment(lib, "wxmsw" V "u" D "_html") # pragma comment(lib, "wxpng" D) # pragma comment(lib, "wxzlib" D) # pragma comment(lib, "wxjpeg" D) # pragma comment(lib, "wxtiff" D) # undef V # undef D #endif //(__WXMSW__) // DA: Logo for Splash Screen #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_DA #include "../images/DarkAudacityLogoWithName.xpm" #else #include "../images/AudacityLogoWithName.xpm" #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Custom events //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if 0 #ifdef __WXGTK__ static void wxOnAssert(const wxChar *fileName, int lineNumber, const wxChar *msg) { if (msg) wxPrintf("ASSERTION FAILED: %s\n%s: %d\n", (const char *)wxString(msg).mb_str(), (const char *)wxString(fileName).mb_str(), lineNumber); else wxPrintf("ASSERTION FAILED!\n%s: %d\n", (const char *)wxString(fileName).mb_str(), lineNumber); // Force core dump int *i = 0; if (*i) exit(1); exit(0); } #endif #endif namespace { void PopulatePreferences() { bool resetPrefs = false; wxString langCode = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Locale/Language"), wxEmptyString); bool writeLang = false; const wxFileName fn( FileNames::ResourcesDir(), wxT("FirstTime.ini")); if (fn.FileExists()) // it will exist if the (win) installer put it there { const wxString fullPath{fn.GetFullPath()}; wxFileConfig ini(wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, fullPath, wxEmptyString, wxCONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE); wxString lang; if (ini.Read(wxT("/FromInno/Language"), &lang)) { // Only change "langCode" if the language was actually specified in the ini file. langCode = lang; writeLang = true; // Inno Setup doesn't allow special characters in the Name values, so "0" is used // to represent the "@" character. langCode.Replace(wxT("0"), wxT("@")); } ini.Read(wxT("/FromInno/ResetPrefs"), &resetPrefs, false); bool gone = wxRemoveFile(fullPath); // remove FirstTime.ini if (!gone) { AudacityMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("Failed to remove %s"), fullPath), _("Failed!")); } } langCode = GUIPrefs::InitLang( langCode ); // User requested that the preferences be completely reset if (resetPrefs) { // pop up a dialogue wxString prompt = _("Reset Preferences?\n\nThis is a one-time question, after an 'install' where you asked to have the Preferences reset."); int action = AudacityMessageBox(prompt, _("Reset Audacity Preferences"), wxYES_NO, NULL); if (action == wxYES) // reset { gPrefs->DeleteAll(); writeLang = true; } } // Save the specified language if (writeLang) { gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Locale/Language"), langCode); } // In AUdacity 2.1.0 support for the legacy 1.2.x preferences (depreciated since Audacity // 1.3.1) is dropped. As a result we can drop the import flag // first time this version of Audacity is run we try to migrate // old preferences. bool newPrefsInitialized = false; gPrefs->Read(wxT("/NewPrefsInitialized"), &newPrefsInitialized, false); if (newPrefsInitialized) { gPrefs->DeleteEntry(wxT("/NewPrefsInitialized"), true); // take group as well if empty } // record the Prefs version for future checking (this has not been used for a very // long time). gPrefs->Write(wxT("/PrefsVersion"), wxString(wxT(AUDACITY_PREFS_VERSION_STRING))); // Check if some prefs updates need to happen based on audacity version. // Unfortunately we can't use the PrefsVersion prefs key because that resets things. // In the future we may want to integrate that better. // these are done on a case-by-case basis for now so they must be backwards compatible // (meaning the changes won't mess audacity up if the user goes back to an earlier version) int vMajor = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Version/Major"), (long) 0); int vMinor = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Version/Minor"), (long) 0); int vMicro = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Version/Micro"), (long) 0); gPrefs->SetVersionKeysInit(vMajor, vMinor, vMicro); // make a note of these initial values // for use by ToolManager::ReadConfig() // These integer version keys were introduced april 4 2011 for 1.3.13 // The device toolbar needs to be enabled due to removal of source selection features in // the mixer toolbar. if ((vMajor < 1) || (vMajor == 1 && vMinor < 3) || (vMajor == 1 && vMinor == 3 && vMicro < 13)) { // Do a full reset of the Device Toolbar to get it on the screen. if (gPrefs->Exists(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/Device"))) gPrefs->DeleteGroup(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/Device")); // We keep the mixer toolbar prefs (shown/not shown) // the width of the mixer toolbar may have shrunk, the prefs will keep the larger value // if the user had a device that had more than one source. if (gPrefs->Exists(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/Mixer"))) { // Use the default width gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/Mixer/W"), -1); } } // In 2.1.0, the Meter toolbar was split and lengthened, but strange arrangements happen // if upgrading due to the extra length. So, if a user is upgrading, use the pre-2.1.0 // lengths, but still use the NEW split versions. if (gPrefs->Exists(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/Meter")) && !gPrefs->Exists(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/CombinedMeter"))) { // Read in all of the existing values long dock, order, show, x, y, w, h; gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/Meter/Dock"), &dock, -1); gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/Meter/Order"), &order, -1); gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/Meter/Show"), &show, -1); gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/Meter/X"), &x, -1); gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/Meter/Y"), &y, -1); gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/Meter/W"), &w, -1); gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/Meter/H"), &h, -1); // "Order" must be adjusted since we're inserting two NEW toolbars if (dock > 0) { wxString oldPath = gPrefs->GetPath(); gPrefs->SetPath(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars")); wxString bar; long ndx = 0; bool cont = gPrefs->GetFirstGroup(bar, ndx); while (cont) { long o; if (gPrefs->Read(bar + wxT("/Order"), &o) && o >= order) { gPrefs->Write(bar + wxT("/Order"), o + 2); } cont = gPrefs->GetNextGroup(bar, ndx); } gPrefs->SetPath(oldPath); // And override the height h = 27; } // Write the split meter bar values gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/RecordMeter/Dock"), dock); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/RecordMeter/Order"), order); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/RecordMeter/Show"), show); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/RecordMeter/X"), -1); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/RecordMeter/Y"), -1); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/RecordMeter/W"), w); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/RecordMeter/H"), h); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/PlayMeter/Dock"), dock); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/PlayMeter/Order"), order + 1); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/PlayMeter/Show"), show); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/PlayMeter/X"), -1); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/PlayMeter/Y"), -1); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/PlayMeter/W"), w); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/PlayMeter/H"), h); // And hide the old combined meter bar gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/ToolBars/Meter/Dock"), -1); } // Upgrading pre 2.2.0 configs we assume extended set of defaults. if ((0Write(wxT("/GUI/Shortcuts/FullDefaults"),1); } // write out the version numbers to the prefs file for future checking gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Version/Major"), AUDACITY_VERSION); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Version/Minor"), AUDACITY_RELEASE); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Version/Micro"), AUDACITY_REVISION); gPrefs->Flush(); } } static bool gInited = false; static bool gIsQuitting = false; static void QuitAudacity(bool bForce) { // guard against recursion if (gIsQuitting) return; gIsQuitting = true; wxTheApp->SetExitOnFrameDelete(true); // Try to close each open window. If the user hits Cancel // in a Save Changes dialog, don't continue. // BG: unless force is true // BG: Are there any projects open? //- if (!AllProjects{}.empty()) /*start+*/ if (AllProjects{}.empty()) { #ifdef __WXMAC__ Clipboard::Get().Clear(); #endif } else /*end+*/ { if (AllProjects{}.size()) // PRL: Always did at least once before close might be vetoed // though I don't know why that is important ProjectManager::SaveWindowSize(); bool closedAll = AllProjects::Close( bForce ); if ( !closedAll ) { gIsQuitting = false; return; } } ModuleManager::Get().Dispatch(AppQuiting); #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_SCOREALIGN CloseScoreAlignDialog(); #endif CloseScreenshotTools(); //release ODManager Threads ODManager::Quit(); //print out profile if we have one by deleting it //temporarily commented out till it is added to all projects //DELETE Profiler::Instance(); //remove our logger std::unique_ptr{ wxLog::SetActiveTarget(NULL) }; // DELETE if (bForce) { wxExit(); } } static void QuitAudacity() { QuitAudacity(false); } #if defined(__WXGTK__) && defined(HAVE_GTK) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Provide the ability to receive notification from the session manager // when the user is logging out or shutting down. // // Most of this was taken from nsNativeAppSupportUnix.cpp from Mozilla. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO: May need updating. Is this code too obsolete (relying on Gnome2 so's) to be // worth keeping anymore? // CB suggests we use libSM directly ref: // http://www.x.org/archive/X11R7.7/doc/libSM/SMlib.html#The_Save_Yourself_Callback #include /* There is a conflict between the type names used in Glib >= 2.21 and those in * wxGTK (http://trac.wxwidgets.org/ticket/10883) * Happily we can avoid the hack, as we only need some of the headers, not * the full GTK headers */ #include typedef struct _GnomeProgram GnomeProgram; typedef struct _GnomeModuleInfo GnomeModuleInfo; typedef struct _GnomeClient GnomeClient; typedef enum { GNOME_SAVE_GLOBAL, GNOME_SAVE_LOCAL, GNOME_SAVE_BOTH } GnomeSaveStyle; typedef enum { GNOME_INTERACT_NONE, GNOME_INTERACT_ERRORS, GNOME_INTERACT_ANY } GnomeInteractStyle; typedef enum { GNOME_DIALOG_ERROR, GNOME_DIALOG_NORMAL } GnomeDialogType; typedef GnomeProgram * (*_gnome_program_init_fn)(const char *, const char *, const GnomeModuleInfo *, int, char **, const char *, ...); typedef const GnomeModuleInfo * (*_libgnomeui_module_info_get_fn)(); typedef GnomeClient * (*_gnome_master_client_fn)(void); typedef void (*GnomeInteractFunction)(GnomeClient *, gint, GnomeDialogType, gpointer); typedef void (*_gnome_client_request_interaction_fn)(GnomeClient *, GnomeDialogType, GnomeInteractFunction, gpointer); typedef void (*_gnome_interaction_key_return_fn)(gint, gboolean); static _gnome_client_request_interaction_fn gnome_client_request_interaction; static _gnome_interaction_key_return_fn gnome_interaction_key_return; static void interact_cb(GnomeClient * /* client */, gint key, GnomeDialogType /* type */, gpointer /* data */) { wxCloseEvent e(wxEVT_QUERY_END_SESSION, wxID_ANY); e.SetEventObject(&wxGetApp()); e.SetCanVeto(true); wxGetApp().ProcessEvent(e); gnome_interaction_key_return(key, e.GetVeto()); } static gboolean save_yourself_cb(GnomeClient *client, gint /* phase */, GnomeSaveStyle /* style */, gboolean shutdown, GnomeInteractStyle interact, gboolean /* fast */, gpointer /* user_data */) { if (!shutdown || interact != GNOME_INTERACT_ANY) { return TRUE; } if (AllProjects{}.empty()) { return TRUE; } gnome_client_request_interaction(client, GNOME_DIALOG_NORMAL, interact_cb, NULL); return TRUE; } class GnomeShutdown { public: GnomeShutdown() { mArgv[0].reset(strdup("Audacity")); mGnomeui = dlopen("libgnomeui-2.so.0", RTLD_NOW); if (!mGnomeui) { return; } mGnome = dlopen("libgnome-2.so.0", RTLD_NOW); if (!mGnome) { return; } _gnome_program_init_fn gnome_program_init = (_gnome_program_init_fn) dlsym(mGnome, "gnome_program_init"); _libgnomeui_module_info_get_fn libgnomeui_module_info_get = (_libgnomeui_module_info_get_fn) dlsym(mGnomeui, "libgnomeui_module_info_get"); _gnome_master_client_fn gnome_master_client = (_gnome_master_client_fn) dlsym(mGnomeui, "gnome_master_client"); gnome_client_request_interaction = (_gnome_client_request_interaction_fn) dlsym(mGnomeui, "gnome_client_request_interaction"); gnome_interaction_key_return = (_gnome_interaction_key_return_fn) dlsym(mGnomeui, "gnome_interaction_key_return"); if (!gnome_program_init || !libgnomeui_module_info_get) { return; } gnome_program_init(mArgv[0].get(), "1.0", libgnomeui_module_info_get(), 1, reinterpret_cast(mArgv), NULL); mClient = gnome_master_client(); if (mClient == NULL) { return; } g_signal_connect(mClient, "save-yourself", G_CALLBACK(save_yourself_cb), NULL); } virtual ~GnomeShutdown() { // Do not dlclose() the libraries here lest you want segfaults... } private: MallocString<> mArgv[1]; void *mGnomeui; void *mGnome; GnomeClient *mClient; }; // This variable exists to call the constructor and // connect a signal for the 'save-yourself' message. GnomeShutdown GnomeShutdownInstance; #endif // Where drag/drop or "Open With" filenames get stored until // the timer routine gets around to picking them up. static wxArrayString ofqueue; // // DDE support for opening multiple files with one instance // of Audacity. // #define IPC_APPL wxT("audacity") #define IPC_TOPIC wxT("System") class IPCConn final : public wxConnection { public: IPCConn() : wxConnection() { }; ~IPCConn() { }; bool OnExec(const wxString & WXUNUSED(topic), const wxString & data) { // Add the filename to the queue. It will be opened by // the OnTimer() event when it is safe to do so. ofqueue.push_back(data); return true; } }; class IPCServ final : public wxServer { public: IPCServ(const wxString & appl) : wxServer() { Create(appl); }; ~IPCServ() { }; wxConnectionBase *OnAcceptConnection(const wxString & topic) override { if (topic != IPC_TOPIC) { return NULL; } // Trust wxWidgets framework to DELETE it return safenew IPCConn(); }; }; #if defined(__WXMAC__) IMPLEMENT_APP_NO_MAIN(AudacityApp) IMPLEMENT_WX_THEME_SUPPORT int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Give the user more control over where libraries such as FFmpeg get loaded from. // // Since absolute pathnames are used when loading these libraries, the normal search // path would be DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, absolute path, DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH. This // means that DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH can override what the user actually wants. // // So, we move DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH values to the beginning of DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH // and clear DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, allowing the users choice to be the first one tried. extern char **environ; char *dyld_library_path = getenv("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"); if (dyld_library_path) { size_t len = strlen(dyld_library_path); if (len) { std::string fallback(dyld_library_path); char *dyld_fallback_library_path = getenv("DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH"); if (dyld_fallback_library_path) { size_t fallback_len = strlen(dyld_fallback_library_path); if (fallback_len) { fallback.push_back(':'); fallback.append(dyld_fallback_library_path); } } fallback.append(":/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib"); setenv("DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH", &fallback.front(), 1); unsetenv("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"); execve(argv[0], argv, environ); } } wxDISABLE_DEBUG_SUPPORT(); return wxEntry(argc, argv); } #elif defined(__WXMSW__) && !wxCHECK_VERSION(3, 1, 0) // Disable telling Windows that we support HiDPI displays. It is forced on // in wxWidget versions between 3.0.0 and 3.1.0. IMPLEMENT_APP_NO_MAIN(AudacityApp) IMPLEMENT_WX_THEME_SUPPORT extern "C" int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, wxCmdLineArgType WXUNUSED(lpCmdLine), int nCmdShow) { wxDISABLE_DEBUG_SUPPORT(); // Disable setting of HiDPI aware mode wxMSWDisableSettingHighDPIAware(); /* NB: We pass NULL in place of lpCmdLine to behave the same as */ /* Borland-specific wWinMain() above. If it becomes needed */ /* to pass lpCmdLine to wxEntry() here, you'll have to fix */ /* wWinMain() above too. */ return wxEntry(hInstance, hPrevInstance, NULL, nCmdShow); } #else IMPLEMENT_APP(AudacityApp) #endif #ifdef __WXMAC__ // in response of an open-document apple event void AudacityApp::MacOpenFile(const wxString &fileName) { ofqueue.push_back(fileName); } // in response of a print-document apple event void AudacityApp::MacPrintFile(const wxString &fileName) { ofqueue.push_back(fileName); } // in response of a open-application apple event void AudacityApp::MacNewFile() { if (!gInited) return; // This method should only be used on the Mac platform // when no project windows are open. if (AllProjects{}.empty()) (void) ProjectManager::New(); } #endif //__WXMAC__ // IPC communication #define ID_IPC_SERVER 6200 #define ID_IPC_SOCKET 6201 // we don't really care about the timer id, but set this value just in case we do in the future #define kAudacityAppTimerID 0 BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(AudacityApp, wxApp) EVT_QUERY_END_SESSION(AudacityApp::OnQueryEndSession) EVT_END_SESSION(AudacityApp::OnEndSession) EVT_TIMER(kAudacityAppTimerID, AudacityApp::OnTimer) #ifdef __WXMAC__ EVT_MENU(wxID_NEW, AudacityApp::OnMenuNew) EVT_MENU(wxID_OPEN, AudacityApp::OnMenuOpen) EVT_MENU(wxID_ABOUT, AudacityApp::OnMenuAbout) EVT_MENU(wxID_PREFERENCES, AudacityApp::OnMenuPreferences) #endif // Associate the handler with the menu id on all operating systems, even // if they don't have an application menu bar like in macOS, so that // other parts of the program can send the application a shut-down // event EVT_MENU(wxID_EXIT, AudacityApp::OnMenuExit) #ifndef __WXMSW__ EVT_SOCKET(ID_IPC_SERVER, AudacityApp::OnServerEvent) EVT_SOCKET(ID_IPC_SOCKET, AudacityApp::OnSocketEvent) #endif // Recent file event handlers. EVT_MENU(FileHistory::ID_RECENT_CLEAR, AudacityApp::OnMRUClear) EVT_MENU_RANGE(FileHistory::ID_RECENT_FIRST, FileHistory::ID_RECENT_LAST, AudacityApp::OnMRUFile) // Handle AppCommandEvents (usually from a script) EVT_APP_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, AudacityApp::OnReceiveCommand) // Global ESC key handling EVT_KEY_DOWN(AudacityApp::OnKeyDown) END_EVENT_TABLE() // backend for OnMRUFile // TODO: Would be nice to make this handle not opening a file with more panache. // - Inform the user if DefaultOpenPath not set. // - Switch focus to correct instance of project window, if already open. bool AudacityApp::MRUOpen(const FilePath &fullPathStr) { // Most of the checks below are copied from ProjectManager::OpenFiles. // - some rationalisation might be possible. AudacityProject *proj = GetActiveProject(); if (!fullPathStr.empty()) { // verify that the file exists if (wxFile::Exists(fullPathStr)) { FileNames::UpdateDefaultPath(FileNames::Operation::Open, fullPathStr); // Make sure it isn't already open. // Test here even though AudacityProject::OpenFile() also now checks, because // that method does not return the bad result. // That itself may be a FIXME. if (ProjectFileManager::IsAlreadyOpen(fullPathStr)) return false; // DMM: If the project is dirty, that means it's been touched at // all, and it's not safe to open a NEW project directly in its // place. Only if the project is brand-NEW clean and the user // hasn't done any action at all is it safe for Open to take place // inside the current project. // // If you try to Open a NEW project inside the current window when // there are no tracks, but there's an Undo history, etc, then // bad things can happen, including data files moving to the NEW // project directory, etc. if (proj && ( ProjectHistory::Get( *proj ).GetDirty() || !TrackList::Get( *proj ).empty() ) ) proj = nullptr; // This project is clean; it's never been touched. Therefore // all relevant member variables are in their initial state, // and it's okay to open a NEW project inside this window. ( void ) ProjectManager::OpenProject( proj, fullPathStr ); } else { // File doesn't exist - remove file from history AudacityMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("%s could not be found.\n\nIt has been removed from the list of recent files."), fullPathStr)); return(false); } } return(true); } bool AudacityApp::SafeMRUOpen(const wxString &fullPathStr) { return GuardedCall< bool >( [&]{ return MRUOpen( fullPathStr ); } ); } void AudacityApp::OnMRUClear(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { FileHistory::Global().Clear(); } //vvv Basically, anything from Recent Files is treated as a .aup, until proven otherwise, // then it tries to Import(). Very questionable handling, imo. // Better, for example, to check the file type early on. void AudacityApp::OnMRUFile(wxCommandEvent& event) { int n = event.GetId() - FileHistory::ID_RECENT_FIRST; auto &history = FileHistory::Global(); const auto &fullPathStr = history.GetHistoryFile(n); // Try to open only if not already open. // Test IsAlreadyOpen() here even though AudacityProject::MRUOpen() also now checks, // because we don't want to RemoveFileFromHistory() just because it already exists, // and AudacityApp::OnMacOpenFile() calls MRUOpen() directly. // that method does not return the bad result. // PRL: Don't call SafeMRUOpen // -- if open fails for some exceptional reason of resource exhaustion that // the user can correct, leave the file in history. if (!ProjectFileManager::IsAlreadyOpen(fullPathStr) && !MRUOpen(fullPathStr)) history.RemoveFileFromHistory(n); } void AudacityApp::OnTimer(wxTimerEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { // Filenames are queued when Audacity receives a few of the // AppleEvent messages (via wxWidgets). So, open any that are // in the queue and clean the queue. if (gInited) { if (ofqueue.size()) { // Load each file on the queue while (ofqueue.size()) { wxString name; name.swap(ofqueue[0]); ofqueue.erase( ofqueue.begin() ); // Get the user's attention if no file name was specified if (name.empty()) { // Get the users attention AudacityProject *project = GetActiveProject(); if (project) { auto &window = GetProjectFrame( *project ); window.Maximize(); window.Raise(); window.RequestUserAttention(); } continue; } // TODO: Handle failures better. // Some failures are OK, e.g. file not found, just would-be-nices to do better, // so FAIL_MSG is more a case of an enhancement request than an actual problem. // LL: In all but one case an appropriate message is already displayed. The // instance that a message is NOT displayed is when a failure to write // to the config file has occurred. // PRL: Catch any exceptions, don't try this file again, continue to // other files. if (!SafeMRUOpen(name)) { wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("MRUOpen failed")); } } } } // Check if a warning for missing aliased files should be displayed if (MissingAliasFilesDialog::ShouldShow()) { // find which project owns the blockfile // note: there may be more than 1, but just go with the first one. //size_t numProjects = AllProjects{}.size(); auto marked = MissingAliasFilesDialog::Marked(); auto offendingProject = marked.second; wxString missingFileName = marked.first; // if there are no projects open, don't show the warning (user has closed it) if (offendingProject) { auto &window = GetProjectFrame( *offendingProject ); window.Iconize(false); window.Raise(); wxString errorMessage = wxString::Format(_( "One or more external audio files could not be found.\n\ It is possible they were moved, deleted, or the drive they \ were on was unmounted.\n\ Silence is being substituted for the affected audio.\n\ The first detected missing file is:\n\ %s\n\ There may be additional missing files.\n\ Choose Help > Diagnostics > Check Dependencies to view a list of \ locations of the missing files."), missingFileName); // if an old dialog exists, raise it if it is if ( auto dialog = MissingAliasFilesDialog::Find( *offendingProject ) ) dialog->Raise(); else { MissingAliasFilesDialog::Show(offendingProject.get(), XO("Files Missing"), errorMessage, wxT(""), true); } } // Only show this warning once per event (playback/menu item/etc). MissingAliasFilesDialog::SetShouldShow(false); } } #if defined(__WXMSW__) #define WL(lang, sublang) (lang), (sublang), #else #define WL(lang,sublang) #endif #if wxCHECK_VERSION(3, 0, 1) wxLanguageInfo userLangs[] = { // Bosnian is defined in wxWidgets already // { wxLANGUAGE_USER_DEFINED, wxT("bs"), WL(0, SUBLANG_DEFAULT) wxT("Bosnian"), wxLayout_LeftToRight }, { wxLANGUAGE_USER_DEFINED, wxT("eu"), WL(0, SUBLANG_DEFAULT) wxT("Basque"), wxLayout_LeftToRight }, }; #endif void AudacityApp::OnFatalException() { #if defined(EXPERIMENTAL_CRASH_REPORT) CrashReport::Generate(wxDebugReport::Context_Exception); #endif exit(-1); } #ifdef _MSC_VER // If this is compiled with MSVC (Visual Studio) #pragma warning( push ) #pragma warning( disable : 4702) // unreachable code warning. #endif //_MSC_VER bool AudacityApp::OnExceptionInMainLoop() { // This function is invoked from catch blocks in the wxWidgets framework, // and throw; without argument re-throws the exception being handled, // letting us dispatch according to its type. try { throw; } catch ( AudacityException &e ) { (void)e;// Compiler food // Here is the catch-all for our own exceptions // Use CallAfter to delay this to the next pass of the event loop, // rather than risk doing it inside stack unwinding. auto pProject = ::GetActiveProject(); auto pException = std::current_exception(); CallAfter( [=] // Capture pException by value! { // Restore the state of the project to what it was before the // failed operation if (pProject) { ProjectHistory::Get( *pProject ).RollbackState(); // Forget pending changes in the TrackList TrackList::Get( *pProject ).ClearPendingTracks(); ProjectWindow::Get( *pProject ).RedrawProject(); } // Give the user an alert try { std::rethrow_exception( pException ); } catch( AudacityException &e ) { e.DelayedHandlerAction(); } } ); // Don't quit the program return true; } catch ( ... ) { // There was some other type of exception we don't know. // Let the inherited function do throw; again and whatever else it does. return wxApp::OnExceptionInMainLoop(); } // Shouldn't ever reach this line return false; } #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning( pop ) #endif //_MSC_VER int AudacityApp::FilterEvent(wxEvent & event) { (void)event;// compiler food (stops unused parameter warning) #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(3, 0, 0) && defined(__WXGTK__) // On wxGTK, there's a focus issue where dialogs do not automatically pass focus // to the first child. This means that you can use the keyboard to navigate within // the dialog. Watching for the ACTIVATE event allows us to set the focus ourselves // when each dialog opens. // // See bug #57 // if (event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_ACTIVATE) { wxActivateEvent & e = (wxActivateEvent &) event; if (e.GetEventObject() && e.GetActive() && e.GetEventObject()->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxDialog))) { ((wxWindow *)e.GetEventObject())->SetFocus(); } } #endif #if defined(__WXMAC__) || defined(__WXGTK__) if (event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_ACTIVATE) { wxActivateEvent & e = static_cast(event); const auto object = e.GetEventObject(); if (object && e.GetActive() && object->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxWindow))) { const auto window = ((wxWindow *)e.GetEventObject()); window->SetFocus(); #if defined(__WXMAC__) window->NavigateIn(); #endif } } #endif return Event_Skip; } AudacityApp::AudacityApp() { // Do not capture crashes in debug builds #if !defined(__WXDEBUG__) #if defined(EXPERIMENTAL_CRASH_REPORT) #if defined(wxUSE_ON_FATAL_EXCEPTION) && wxUSE_ON_FATAL_EXCEPTION wxHandleFatalExceptions(); #endif #endif #endif } AudacityApp::~AudacityApp() { } // The `main program' equivalent, creating the windows and returning the // main frame bool AudacityApp::OnInit() { // JKC: ANSWER-ME: Who actually added the event loop guarantor? // Although 'blame' says Leland, I think it came from a donated patch. // PRL: It was added by LL at 54676a72285ba7ee3a69920e91fa390a71ef10c9 : // " Ensure OnInit() has an event loop // And allow events to flow so the splash window updates under GTK" // then mistakenly lost in the merge at // 37168ebbf67ae869ab71a3b5cbbf1d2a48e824aa // then restored at 7687972aa4b2199f0717165235f3ef68ade71e08 // Ensure we have an event loop during initialization wxEventLoopGuarantor eventLoop; // cause initialization of wxWidgets' global logger target (void) AudacityLogger::Get(); #if defined(__WXMAC__) // Disable window animation wxSystemOptions::SetOption(wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION, 1); #endif // Don't use AUDACITY_NAME here. // We want Audacity with a capital 'A' // DA: App name #ifndef EXPERIMENTAL_DA wxString appName = wxT("Audacity"); #else wxString appName = wxT("DarkAudacity"); #endif wxTheApp->SetAppName(appName); // Explicitly set since OSX will use it for the "Quit" menu item wxTheApp->SetAppDisplayName(appName); wxTheApp->SetVendorName(appName); ::wxInitAllImageHandlers(); // AddHandler takes ownership wxFileSystem::AddHandler(safenew wxZipFSHandler); // // Paths: set search path and temp dir path // FilePaths audacityPathList; #ifdef __WXGTK__ /* Search path (for plug-ins, translations etc) is (in this order): * The AUDACITY_PATH environment variable * The current directory * The user's .audacity-files directory in their home directory * The "share" and "share/doc" directories in their install path */ wxString home = wxGetHomeDir(); wxString envTempDir = wxGetenv(wxT("TMPDIR")); if (!envTempDir.empty()) { /* On Unix systems, the environment variable TMPDIR may point to an unusual path when /tmp and /var/tmp are not desirable. */ FileNames::SetDefaultTempDir( wxString::Format( wxT("%s/audacity-%s"), envTempDir, wxGetUserId() ) ); } else { /* On Unix systems, the default temp dir is in /var/tmp. */ FileNames::SetDefaultTempDir( wxString::Format( wxT("/var/tmp/audacity-%s"), wxGetUserId() ) ); } // DA: Path env variable. #ifndef EXPERIMENTAL_DA wxString pathVar = wxGetenv(wxT("AUDACITY_PATH")); #else wxString pathVar = wxGetenv(wxT("DARKAUDACITY_PATH")); #endif if (!pathVar.empty()) FileNames::AddMultiPathsToPathList(pathVar, audacityPathList); FileNames::AddUniquePathToPathList(::wxGetCwd(), audacityPathList); #ifdef AUDACITY_NAME FileNames::AddUniquePathToPathList(wxString::Format(wxT("%s/.%s-files"), home, wxT(AUDACITY_NAME)), audacityPathList); FileNames::AddUniquePathToPathList(wxString::Format(wxT("%s/share/%s"), wxT(INSTALL_PREFIX), wxT(AUDACITY_NAME)), audacityPathList); FileNames::AddUniquePathToPathList(wxString::Format(wxT("%s/share/doc/%s"), wxT(INSTALL_PREFIX), wxT(AUDACITY_NAME)), audacityPathList); #else //AUDACITY_NAME FileNames::AddUniquePathToPathList(wxString::Format(wxT("%s/.audacity-files"), home), audacityPathList); FileNames::AddUniquePathToPathList(wxString::Format(wxT("%s/share/audacity"), wxT(INSTALL_PREFIX)), audacityPathList); FileNames::AddUniquePathToPathList(wxString::Format(wxT("%s/share/doc/audacity"), wxT(INSTALL_PREFIX)), audacityPathList); #endif //AUDACITY_NAME FileNames::AddUniquePathToPathList(wxString::Format(wxT("%s/share/locale"), wxT(INSTALL_PREFIX)), audacityPathList); FileNames::AddUniquePathToPathList(wxString::Format(wxT("./locale")), audacityPathList); #endif //__WXGTK__ // JKC Bug 1220: Use path based on home directory on WXMAC #ifdef __WXMAC__ wxFileName tmpFile; tmpFile.AssignHomeDir(); wxString tmpDirLoc = tmpFile.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME); #else wxFileName tmpFile; tmpFile.AssignTempFileName(wxT("nn")); wxString tmpDirLoc = tmpFile.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME); ::wxRemoveFile(tmpFile.GetFullPath()); #endif // On Mac and Windows systems, use the directory which contains Audacity. #ifdef __WXMSW__ // On Windows, the path to the Audacity program is in argv[0] wxString progPath = wxPathOnly(argv[0]); FileNames::AddUniquePathToPathList(progPath, audacityPathList); FileNames::AddUniquePathToPathList(progPath + wxT("\\Languages"), audacityPathList); // See bug #1271 for explanation of location tmpDirLoc = FileNames::MkDir(wxStandardPaths::Get().GetUserLocalDataDir()); FileNames::SetDefaultTempDir( wxString::Format( wxT("%s\\SessionData"), tmpDirLoc ) ); #endif //__WXWSW__ #ifdef __WXMAC__ // On Mac OS X, the path to the Audacity program is in argv[0] wxString progPath = wxPathOnly(argv[0]); FileNames::AddUniquePathToPathList(progPath, audacityPathList); // If Audacity is a "bundle" package, then the root directory is // the great-great-grandparent of the directory containing the executable. //FileNames::AddUniquePathToPathList(progPath + wxT("/../../../"), audacityPathList); // These allow for searching the "bundle" FileNames::AddUniquePathToPathList( progPath + wxT("/../"), audacityPathList); FileNames::AddUniquePathToPathList( progPath + wxT("/../Resources"), audacityPathList); // JKC Bug 1220: Using an actual temp directory for session data on Mac was // wrong because it would get cleared out on a reboot. FileNames::SetDefaultTempDir( wxString::Format( wxT("%s/Library/Application Support/audacity/SessionData"), tmpDirLoc) ); //FileNames::SetDefaultTempDir( wxString::Format( // wxT("%s/audacity-%s"), // tmpDirLoc, // wxGetUserId() ) ); #endif //__WXMAC__ FileNames::SetAudacityPathList( std::move( audacityPathList ) ); // Define languanges for which we have translations, but that are not yet // supported by wxWidgets. // // TODO: The whole Language initialization really need to be reworked. // It's all over the place. #if wxCHECK_VERSION(3, 0, 1) for (size_t i = 0, cnt = WXSIZEOF(userLangs); i < cnt; i++) { wxLocale::AddLanguage(userLangs[i]); } #endif // Initialize preferences and language wxFileName configFileName(FileNames::DataDir(), wxT("audacity.cfg")); InitPreferences( configFileName ); PopulatePreferences(); // This test must follow PopulatePreferences, because if an error message // must be shown, we need internationalization to have been initialized // first, which was done in PopulatePreferences if ( !CheckWritablePreferences() ) { ::AudacityMessageBox( UnwritablePreferencesErrorMessage( configFileName ) ); return false; } #if defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) this->AssociateFileTypes(); #endif theTheme.EnsureInitialised(); // AColor depends on theTheme. AColor::Init(); // Init DirManager, which initializes the temp directory // If this fails, we must exit the program. if (!InitTempDir()) { FinishPreferences(); return false; } //<<<< Try to avoid dialogs before this point. // The reason is that InitTempDir starts the single instance checker. // If we're waiitng in a dialog before then we can very easily // start multiple instances, defeating the single instance checker. // Initialize the CommandHandler InitCommandHandler(); // Initialize the PluginManager PluginManager::Get().Initialize(); // Initialize the ModuleManager, including loading found modules ModuleManager::Get().Initialize(*mCmdHandler); // Parse command line and handle options that might require // immediate exit...no need to initialize all of the audio // stuff to display the version string. std::shared_ptr< wxCmdLineParser > parser{ ParseCommandLine().release() }; if (!parser) { // Either user requested help or a parsing error occured exit(1); } if (parser->Found(wxT("v"))) { wxPrintf("Audacity v%s\n", AUDACITY_VERSION_STRING); exit(0); } long lval; if (parser->Found(wxT("b"), &lval)) { if (lval < 256 || lval > 100000000) { wxPrintf(_("Block size must be within 256 to 100000000\n")); exit(1); } Sequence::SetMaxDiskBlockSize(lval); } wxString fileName; if (parser->Found(wxT("d"), &fileName)) { AutoSaveFile asf; if (asf.Decode(fileName)) { wxPrintf(_("File decoded successfully\n")); } else { wxPrintf( AutoSaveFile::FailureMessage( fileName ) ); } exit(1); } // BG: Create a temporary window to set as the top window wxImage logoimage((const char **)AudacityLogoWithName_xpm); logoimage.Rescale(logoimage.GetWidth() / 2, logoimage.GetHeight() / 2); if( GetLayoutDirection() == wxLayout_RightToLeft) logoimage = logoimage.Mirror(); wxBitmap logo(logoimage); AudacityProject *project; { // Bug 718: Position splash screen on same screen // as where Audacity project will appear. wxRect wndRect; bool bMaximized = false; bool bIconized = false; GetNextWindowPlacement(&wndRect, &bMaximized, &bIconized); wxSplashScreen temporarywindow( logo, wxSPLASH_CENTRE_ON_SCREEN | wxSPLASH_NO_TIMEOUT, 0, NULL, wxID_ANY, wndRect.GetTopLeft(), wxDefaultSize, wxSTAY_ON_TOP); // Unfortunately with the Windows 10 Creators update, the splash screen // now appears before setting its position. // On a dual monitor screen it will appear on one screen and then // possibly jump to the second. // We could fix this by writing our own splash screen and using Hide() // until the splash scren was correctly positioned, then Show() // Possibly move it on to the second screen... temporarywindow.SetPosition( wndRect.GetTopLeft() ); // Centered on whichever screen it is on. temporarywindow.Center(); temporarywindow.SetTitle(_("Audacity is starting up...")); SetTopWindow(&temporarywindow); temporarywindow.Raise(); // ANSWER-ME: Why is YieldFor needed at all? //wxEventLoopBase::GetActive()->YieldFor(wxEVT_CATEGORY_UI|wxEVT_CATEGORY_USER_INPUT|wxEVT_CATEGORY_UNKNOWN); wxEventLoopBase::GetActive()->YieldFor(wxEVT_CATEGORY_UI); //JKC: Would like to put module loading here. // More initialization InitDitherers(); AudioIO::Init(); #ifdef __WXMAC__ // On the Mac, users don't expect a program to quit when you close the last window. // Create a menubar that will show when all project windows are closed. auto fileMenu = std::make_unique(); auto urecentMenu = std::make_unique(); auto recentMenu = urecentMenu.get(); fileMenu->Append(wxID_NEW, wxString(_("&New")) + wxT("\tCtrl+N")); fileMenu->Append(wxID_OPEN, wxString(_("&Open...")) + wxT("\tCtrl+O")); fileMenu->AppendSubMenu(urecentMenu.release(), _("Open &Recent...")); fileMenu->Append(wxID_ABOUT, _("&About Audacity...")); fileMenu->Append(wxID_PREFERENCES, wxString(_("&Preferences...")) + wxT("\tCtrl+,")); { auto menuBar = std::make_unique(); menuBar->Append(fileMenu.release(), _("&File")); // PRL: Are we sure wxWindows will not leak this menuBar? // The online documentation is not explicit. wxMenuBar::MacSetCommonMenuBar(menuBar.release()); } auto &recentFiles = FileHistory::Global(); recentFiles.UseMenu(recentMenu); recentFiles.AddFilesToMenu(recentMenu); SetExitOnFrameDelete(false); #endif //__WXMAC__ temporarywindow.Show(false); } // Workaround Bug 1377 - Crash after Audacity starts and low disk space warning appears // The temporary splash window is closed AND cleaned up, before attempting to create // a project and possibly creating a modal warning dialog by doing so. // Also fixes problem of warning being obscured. // Downside is that we have no splash screen for the (brief) time that we spend // creating the project. // Root cause is problem with wxSplashScreen and other dialogs co-existing, that // seemed to arrive with wx3. { project = ProjectManager::New(); mCmdHandler->SetProject(project); wxWindow * pWnd = MakeHijackPanel(); if (pWnd) { auto &window = GetProjectFrame( *project ); window.Show(false); pWnd->SetParent( &window ); SetTopWindow(pWnd); pWnd->Show(true); } } if( ProjectSettings::Get( *project ).GetShowSplashScreen() ){ // This may do a check-for-updates at every start up. // Mainly this is to tell users of ALPHAS who don't know that they have an ALPHA. // Disabled for now, after discussion. // project->MayCheckForUpdates(); SplashDialog::DoHelpWelcome(*project); } #ifdef USE_FFMPEG FFmpegStartup(); #endif Importer::Get().Initialize(); // Bug1561: delay the recovery dialog, to avoid crashes. CallAfter( [=] () mutable { // // Auto-recovery // bool didRecoverAnything = false; if (!ShowAutoRecoveryDialogIfNeeded(&project, &didRecoverAnything)) { // Important: Prevent deleting any temporary files! DirManager::SetDontDeleteTempFiles(); QuitAudacity(true); } // // Remainder of command line parsing, but only if we didn't recover // if (!didRecoverAnything) { if (parser->Found(wxT("t"))) { RunBenchmark(NULL); QuitAudacity(true); } // As of wx3, there's no need to process the filename arguments as they // will be sent via the MacOpenFile() method. #if !defined(__WXMAC__) for (size_t i = 0, cnt = parser->GetParamCount(); i < cnt; i++) { // PRL: Catch any exceptions, don't try this file again, continue to // other files. SafeMRUOpen(parser->GetParam(i)); } #endif } } ); gInited = true; ModuleManager::Get().Dispatch(AppInitialized); mTimer.SetOwner(this, kAudacityAppTimerID); mTimer.Start(200); #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_EASY_CHANGE_KEY_BINDINGS CommandManager::SetMenuHook( [](const CommandID &id){ if (::wxGetMouseState().ShiftDown()) { // Only want one page of the preferences PrefsDialog::Factories factories; factories.push_back(KeyConfigPrefsFactory( id )); auto pWindow = FindProjectFrame( GetActiveProject() ); GlobalPrefsDialog dialog( pWindow, factories ); dialog.ShowModal(); MenuCreator::RebuildAllMenuBars(); return true; } else return false; } ); #endif #if defined(__WXMAC__) // The first time this version of Audacity is run or when the preferences // are reset, execute the "tccutil" command to reset the microphone permissions // currently assigned to Audacity. The end result is that the user will be // prompted to approve/deny Audacity access (again). // // This should resolve confusion of why Audacity appears to record, but only // gets silence due to Audacity being denied microphone access previously. bool permsReset = false; gPrefs->Read(wxT("/MicrophonePermissionsReset"), &permsReset, false); if (!permsReset) { system("tccutil reset Microphone org.audacityteam.audacity"); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/MicrophonePermissionsReset"), true); } #endif return TRUE; } void AudacityApp::InitCommandHandler() { mCmdHandler = std::make_unique(); //SetNextHandler(mCmdHandler); } // AppCommandEvent callback - just pass the event on to the CommandHandler void AudacityApp::OnReceiveCommand(AppCommandEvent &event) { wxASSERT(NULL != mCmdHandler); mCmdHandler->OnReceiveCommand(event); } void AudacityApp::OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent &event) { if(event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_ESCAPE) { // Stop play, including scrub, but not record auto project = ::GetActiveProject(); auto token = ProjectAudioIO::Get( *project ).GetAudioIOToken(); auto &scrubber = Scrubber::Get( *project ); auto scrubbing = scrubber.HasMark(); if (scrubbing) scrubber.Cancel(); auto gAudioIO = AudioIO::Get(); if((token > 0 && gAudioIO->IsAudioTokenActive(token) && gAudioIO->GetNumCaptureChannels() == 0) || scrubbing) // ESC out of other play (but not record) ProjectAudioManager::Get( *project ).Stop(); else event.Skip(); } else event.Skip(); } // Ensures directory is created and puts the name into result. // result is unchanged if unsuccessful. void SetToExtantDirectory( wxString & result, const wxString & dir ){ // don't allow path of "". if( dir.empty() ) return; if( wxDirExists( dir ) ){ result = dir; return; } // Use '/' so that this works on Mac and Windows alike. wxFileName name( dir + "/junkname.cfg" ); if( name.Mkdir( wxS_DIR_DEFAULT , wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL ) ) result = dir; } bool AudacityApp::InitTempDir() { // We need to find a temp directory location. wxString tempFromPrefs = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Directories/TempDir"), wxT("")); auto tempDefaultLoc = FileNames::DefaultTempDir(); wxString temp; #ifdef __WXGTK__ if (tempFromPrefs.length() > 0 && tempFromPrefs[0] != wxT('/')) tempFromPrefs = wxT(""); #endif // Stop wxWidgets from printing its own error messages wxLogNull logNo; // Try temp dir that was stored in prefs first if( FileNames::IsTempDirectoryNameOK( tempFromPrefs ) ) SetToExtantDirectory( temp, tempFromPrefs ); // If that didn't work, try the default location if (temp.empty()) SetToExtantDirectory( temp, tempDefaultLoc ); // Check temp directory ownership on *nix systems only #ifdef __UNIX__ struct stat tempStatBuf; if ( lstat(temp.mb_str(), &tempStatBuf) != 0 ) { temp.clear(); } else { if ( geteuid() != tempStatBuf.st_uid ) { temp.clear(); } } #endif if (temp.empty()) { // Failed if( !FileNames::IsTempDirectoryNameOK( tempFromPrefs ) ) { AudacityMessageBox(_("Audacity could not find a safe place to store temporary files.\nAudacity needs a place where automatic cleanup programs won't delete the temporary files.\nPlease enter an appropriate directory in the preferences dialog.")); } else { AudacityMessageBox(_("Audacity could not find a place to store temporary files.\nPlease enter an appropriate directory in the preferences dialog.")); } // Only want one page of the preferences PrefsDialog::Factories factories; factories.push_back(DirectoriesPrefsFactory()); GlobalPrefsDialog dialog(NULL, factories); dialog.ShowModal(); AudacityMessageBox(_("Audacity is now going to exit. Please launch Audacity again to use the new temporary directory.")); return false; } // The permissions don't always seem to be set on // some platforms. Hopefully this fixes it... #ifdef __UNIX__ chmod(OSFILENAME(temp), 0755); #endif bool bSuccess = gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Directories/TempDir"), temp) && gPrefs->Flush(); DirManager::SetTempDir(temp); // Make sure the temp dir isn't locked by another process. if (!CreateSingleInstanceChecker(temp)) return false; return bSuccess; } // Return true if there are no other instances of Audacity running, // false otherwise. // // Use "dir" for creating lockfiles (on OS X and Unix). bool AudacityApp::CreateSingleInstanceChecker(const wxString &dir) { wxString name = wxString::Format(wxT("audacity-lock-%s"), wxGetUserId()); mChecker.reset(); auto checker = std::make_unique(); #if defined(__UNIX__) wxString sockFile(dir + wxT("/.audacity.sock")); #endif wxString runningTwoCopiesStr = _("Running two copies of Audacity simultaneously may cause\ndata loss or cause your system to crash.\n\n"); if (!checker->Create(name, dir)) { // Error initializing the wxSingleInstanceChecker. We don't know // whether there is another instance running or not. wxString prompt = _("Audacity was not able to lock the temporary files directory.\nThis folder may be in use by another copy of Audacity.\n") + runningTwoCopiesStr + _("Do you still want to start Audacity?"); int action = AudacityMessageBox(prompt, _("Error Locking Temporary Folder"), wxYES_NO | wxICON_EXCLAMATION, NULL); if (action == wxNO) return false; } else if ( checker->IsAnotherRunning() ) { // Parse the command line to ensure correct syntax, but // ignore options other than -v, and only use the filenames, if any. auto parser = ParseCommandLine(); if (!parser) { // Complaints have already been made return false; } if (parser->Found(wxT("v"))) { wxPrintf("Audacity v%s\n", AUDACITY_VERSION_STRING); return false; } // Windows and Linux require absolute file names as command may // not come from current working directory. FilePaths filenames; for (size_t i = 0, cnt = parser->GetParamCount(); i < cnt; i++) { wxFileName filename(parser->GetParam(i)); if (filename.MakeAbsolute()) filenames.push_back(filename.GetLongPath()); } #if defined(__WXMSW__) // On Windows, we attempt to make a connection // to an already active Audacity. If successful, we send // the first command line argument (the audio file name) // to that Audacity for processing. wxClient client; // We try up to 50 times since there's a small window // where the server may not have been fully initialized. for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { std::unique_ptr conn{ client.MakeConnection(wxEmptyString, IPC_APPL, IPC_TOPIC) }; if (conn) { bool ok = false; if (filenames.size() > 0) { for (size_t i = 0, cnt = filenames.size(); i < cnt; i++) { ok = conn->Execute(filenames[i]); } } else { // Send an empty string to force existing Audacity to front ok = conn->Execute(wxEmptyString); } if (ok) return false; } wxMilliSleep(10); } #else // On Unix-like machines, we use a local (file based) socket to // send the first command line argument to an already running // Audacity. wxUNIXaddress addr; addr.Filename(sockFile); { // Setup the socket // A wxSocketClient must not be deleted by us, but rather, let the // framework do appropriate delayed deletion after Destroy() Destroy_ptr sock { safenew wxSocketClient() }; sock->SetFlags(wxSOCKET_WAITALL); // We try up to 50 times since there's a small window // where the server may not have been fully initialized. for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { // Connect to the existing Audacity sock->Connect(addr, true); if (sock->IsConnected()) { if (filenames.size() > 0) { for (size_t i = 0, cnt = filenames.size(); i < cnt; i++) { const wxString param = filenames[i]; sock->WriteMsg((const wxChar *) param, (param.length() + 1) * sizeof(wxChar)); } } else { // Send an empty string to force existing Audacity to front sock->WriteMsg(wxEmptyString, sizeof(wxChar)); } return sock->Error(); } wxMilliSleep(100); } } #endif // There is another copy of Audacity running. Force quit. wxString prompt = _("The system has detected that another copy of Audacity is running.\n") + runningTwoCopiesStr + _("Use the New or Open commands in the currently running Audacity\nprocess to open multiple projects simultaneously.\n"); AudacityMessageBox(prompt, _("Audacity is already running"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); #ifdef __WXMAC__ // Bug 2052 // On mac, the lock file may persist and stop Audacity starting properly. auto lockFileName = wxFileName(dir,name); bool bIsLocked = lockFileName.IsOk() && lockFileName.FileExists(); if( bIsLocked ){ int action = AudacityMessageBox(wxString::Format( _("If you're sure another copy of Audacity isn't\nrunning, Audacity can skip the test for\n'Audacity already running' next time\nby removing the lock file:\n\n%s\n\nDo you want to do that?"), lockFileName.GetFullName() ), _("Possible Lock File Problem"), wxYES_NO | wxICON_EXCLAMATION, NULL); if (action == wxYES){ // If locked, unlock. lockFileName.SetPermissions( wxS_DEFAULT ); ::wxRemoveFile( lockFileName.GetFullName() ); } } #endif return false; } #if defined(__WXMSW__) // Create the DDE IPC server mIPCServ = std::make_unique(IPC_APPL); #else int mask = umask(077); remove(OSFILENAME(sockFile)); wxUNIXaddress addr; addr.Filename(sockFile); mIPCServ = std::make_unique(addr, wxSOCKET_NOWAIT); umask(mask); if (!mIPCServ || !mIPCServ->IsOk()) { // TODO: Complain here return false; } mIPCServ->SetEventHandler(*this, ID_IPC_SERVER); mIPCServ->SetNotify(wxSOCKET_CONNECTION_FLAG); mIPCServ->Notify(true); #endif mChecker = std::move(checker); return true; } #if defined(__UNIX__) void AudacityApp::OnServerEvent(wxSocketEvent & /* evt */) { wxSocketBase *sock; // Accept all pending connection requests do { sock = mIPCServ->Accept(false); if (sock) { // Setup the socket sock->SetEventHandler(*this, ID_IPC_SOCKET); sock->SetNotify(wxSOCKET_INPUT_FLAG | wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG); sock->Notify(true); } } while (sock); } void AudacityApp::OnSocketEvent(wxSocketEvent & evt) { wxSocketBase *sock = evt.GetSocket(); if (evt.GetSocketEvent() == wxSOCKET_LOST) { sock->Destroy(); return; } // Read the length of the filename and bail if we have a short read wxChar name[PATH_MAX]; sock->ReadMsg(&name, sizeof(name)); if (!sock->Error()) { // Add the filename to the queue. It will be opened by // the OnTimer() event when it is safe to do so. ofqueue.push_back(name); } } #endif std::unique_ptr AudacityApp::ParseCommandLine() { auto parser = std::make_unique(argc, argv); if (!parser) { return nullptr; } /*i18n-hint: This controls the number of bytes that Audacity will * use when writing files to the disk */ parser->AddOption(wxT("b"), wxT("blocksize"), _("set max disk block size in bytes"), wxCMD_LINE_VAL_NUMBER); /*i18n-hint: This decodes an autosave file */ parser->AddOption(wxT("d"), wxT("decode"), _("decode an autosave file"), wxCMD_LINE_VAL_STRING); /*i18n-hint: This displays a list of available options */ parser->AddSwitch(wxT("h"), wxT("help"), _("this help message"), wxCMD_LINE_OPTION_HELP); /*i18n-hint: This runs a set of automatic tests on Audacity itself */ parser->AddSwitch(wxT("t"), wxT("test"), _("run self diagnostics")); /*i18n-hint: This displays the Audacity version */ parser->AddSwitch(wxT("v"), wxT("version"), _("display Audacity version")); /*i18n-hint: This is a list of one or more files that Audacity * should open upon startup */ parser->AddParam(_("audio or project file name"), wxCMD_LINE_VAL_STRING, wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_MULTIPLE | wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_OPTIONAL); // Run the parser if (parser->Parse() == 0) return parser; return{}; } void AudacityApp::OnQueryEndSession(wxCloseEvent & event) { bool mustVeto = false; #ifdef __WXMAC__ mustVeto = wxDialog::OSXHasModalDialogsOpen(); #endif if ( mustVeto ) event.Veto(true); else OnEndSession(event); } void AudacityApp::OnEndSession(wxCloseEvent & event) { bool force = !event.CanVeto(); // Try to close each open window. If the user hits Cancel // in a Save Changes dialog, don't continue. gIsQuitting = true; if (AllProjects{}.size()) // PRL: Always did at least once before close might be vetoed // though I don't know why that is important ProjectManager::SaveWindowSize(); bool closedAll = AllProjects::Close( force ); if ( !closedAll ) { gIsQuitting = false; event.Veto(); } } int AudacityApp::OnExit() { gIsQuitting = true; while(Pending()) { Dispatch(); } Importer::Get().Terminate(); if(gPrefs) { bool bFalse = false; //Should we change the commands.cfg location next startup? if(gPrefs->Read(wxT("/QDeleteCmdCfgLocation"), &bFalse)) { gPrefs->DeleteEntry(wxT("/QDeleteCmdCfgLocation")); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/DeleteCmdCfgLocation"), true); gPrefs->Flush(); } } FileHistory::Global().Save(*gPrefs, wxT("RecentFiles")); FinishPreferences(); #ifdef USE_FFMPEG DropFFmpegLibs(); #endif DeinitFFT(); AudioIO::Deinit(); // Terminate the PluginManager (must be done before deleting the locale) PluginManager::Get().Terminate(); if (mIPCServ) { #if defined(__UNIX__) wxUNIXaddress addr; if (mIPCServ->GetLocal(addr)) { remove(OSFILENAME(addr.Filename())); } #endif } return 0; } // The following five methods are currently only used on Mac OS, // where it's possible to have a menu bar but no windows open. // It doesn't hurt any other platforms, though. // ...That is, as long as you check to see if no windows are open // before executing the stuff. // To fix this, check to see how many project windows are open, // and skip the event unless none are open (which should only happen // on the Mac, at least currently.) void AudacityApp::OnMenuAbout(wxCommandEvent & /*event*/) { // This function shadows a similar function // in Menus.cpp, but should only be used on the Mac platform. #ifdef __WXMAC__ // Modeless dialog, consistent with other Mac applications // Not more than one at once! const auto instance = AboutDialog::ActiveIntance(); if (instance) instance->Raise(); else // This dialog deletes itself when dismissed (safenew AboutDialog{ nullptr })->Show(true); #else wxASSERT(false); #endif } void AudacityApp::OnMenuNew(wxCommandEvent & event) { // This function shadows a similar function // in Menus.cpp, but should only be used on the Mac platform // when no project windows are open. This check assures that // this happens, and enable the same code to be present on // all platforms. if(AllProjects{}.empty()) (void) ProjectManager::New(); else event.Skip(); } void AudacityApp::OnMenuOpen(wxCommandEvent & event) { // This function shadows a similar function // in Menus.cpp, but should only be used on the Mac platform // when no project windows are open. This check assures that // this happens, and enable the same code to be present on // all platforms. if(AllProjects{}.empty()) ProjectManager::OpenFiles(NULL); else event.Skip(); } void AudacityApp::OnMenuPreferences(wxCommandEvent & event) { // This function shadows a similar function // in Menus.cpp, but should only be used on the Mac platform // when no project windows are open. This check assures that // this happens, and enable the same code to be present on // all platforms. if(AllProjects{}.empty()) { GlobalPrefsDialog dialog(NULL /* parent */ ); dialog.ShowModal(); } else event.Skip(); } void AudacityApp::OnMenuExit(wxCommandEvent & event) { // This function shadows a similar function // in Menus.cpp, but should only be used on the Mac platform // when no project windows are open. This check assures that // this happens, and enable the same code to be present on // all platforms. // LL: Removed "if" to allow closing based on final project count. // if(AllProjects{}.empty()) QuitAudacity(); // LL: Veto quit if projects are still open. This can happen // if the user selected Cancel in a Save dialog. event.Skip(AllProjects{}.empty()); } //BG: On Windows, associate the aup file type with Audacity /* We do this in the Windows installer now, to avoid issues where user doesn't have admin privileges, but in case that didn't work, allow the user to decide at startup. //v Should encapsulate this & allow access from Prefs, too, // if people want to manually change associations. */ #if defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) void AudacityApp::AssociateFileTypes() { wxRegKey associateFileTypes; associateFileTypes.SetName(wxT("HKCR\\.AUP")); bool bKeyExists = associateFileTypes.Exists(); if (!bKeyExists) { // Not at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. Try HKEY_CURRENT_USER. associateFileTypes.SetName(wxT("HKCU\\Software\\Classes\\.AUP")); bKeyExists = associateFileTypes.Exists(); } if (!bKeyExists) { // File types are not currently associated. // Check pref in case user has already decided against it. bool bWantAssociateFiles = true; if (!gPrefs->Read(wxT("/WantAssociateFiles"), &bWantAssociateFiles) || bWantAssociateFiles) { // Either there's no pref or user does want associations // and they got stepped on, so ask. int wantAssoc = AudacityMessageBox( _("Audacity project (.AUP) files are not currently \nassociated with Audacity. \n\nAssociate them, so they open on double-click?"), _("Audacity Project Files"), wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION); if (wantAssoc == wxYES) { gPrefs->Write(wxT("/WantAssociateFiles"), true); gPrefs->Flush(); wxString root_key; root_key = wxT("HKCU\\Software\\Classes\\"); associateFileTypes.SetName(root_key + wxT(".AUP")); // Start again with HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. if (!associateFileTypes.Create(true)) { // Not at HKEY_CLASSES_USER. Try HKEY_CURRENT_ROOT. root_key = wxT("HKCR\\"); associateFileTypes.SetName(root_key + wxT(".AUP")); if (!associateFileTypes.Create(true)) { // Actually, can't create keys. Empty root_key to flag failure. root_key.Empty(); } } if (root_key.empty()) { //v Warn that we can't set keys. Ask whether to set pref for no retry? } else { associateFileTypes = wxT("Audacity.Project"); // Finally set value for .AUP key associateFileTypes.SetName(root_key + wxT("Audacity.Project")); if(!associateFileTypes.Exists()) { associateFileTypes.Create(true); associateFileTypes = wxT("Audacity Project File"); } associateFileTypes.SetName(root_key + wxT("Audacity.Project\\shell")); if(!associateFileTypes.Exists()) { associateFileTypes.Create(true); associateFileTypes = wxT(""); } associateFileTypes.SetName(root_key + wxT("Audacity.Project\\shell\\open")); if(!associateFileTypes.Exists()) { associateFileTypes.Create(true); } associateFileTypes.SetName(root_key + wxT("Audacity.Project\\shell\\open\\command")); wxString tmpRegAudPath; if(associateFileTypes.Exists()) { tmpRegAudPath = wxString(associateFileTypes).Lower(); } if (!associateFileTypes.Exists() || (tmpRegAudPath.Find(wxT("audacity.exe")) >= 0)) { associateFileTypes.Create(true); associateFileTypes = (wxString)argv[0] + (wxString)wxT(" \"%1\""); } #if 0 // These can be use later to support more startup messages // like maybe "Import into existing project" or some such. // Leaving here for an example... associateFileTypes.SetName(root_key + wxT("Audacity.Project\\shell\\open\\ddeexec")); if(!associateFileTypes.Exists()) { associateFileTypes.Create(true); associateFileTypes = wxT("%1"); } associateFileTypes.SetName(root_key + wxT("Audacity.Project\\shell\\open\\ddeexec\\Application")); if(!associateFileTypes.Exists()) { associateFileTypes.Create(true); associateFileTypes = IPC_APPL; } associateFileTypes.SetName(root_key + wxT("Audacity.Project\\shell\\open\\ddeexec\\Topic")); if(!associateFileTypes.Exists()) { associateFileTypes.Create(true); associateFileTypes = IPC_TOPIC; } #endif } } else { // User said no. Set a pref so we don't keep asking. gPrefs->Write(wxT("/WantAssociateFiles"), false); gPrefs->Flush(); } } } } #endif