/********************************************************************** Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor HelpSystem.cpp Jimmy Johnson Leland Lucius Richard Ash was merged with LinkingHtmlWindow.h Vaughan Johnson Dominic Mazzoni utility fn and descendant of HtmlWindow that opens links in the user's default browser *//********************************************************************/ #include "../Audacity.h" // for USE_* macros #include "HelpSystem.h" #include "../Experimental.h" #include // for wxUSE_* macros #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../FileNames.h" #include "../AllThemeResources.h" #include "../ShuttleGui.h" #include "../HelpText.h" #include "../Prefs.h" #include "../wxFileNameWrapper.h" #include "../prefs/GUIPrefs.h" #ifdef USE_ALPHA_MANUAL const wxString HelpSystem::HelpHostname = wxT("alphamanual.audacityteam.org"); const wxString HelpSystem::HelpServerHomeDir = wxT("/man/"); const wxString HelpSystem::HelpServerManDir = wxT("/man/"); #else const wxString HelpSystem::HelpHostname = wxT("manual.audacityteam.org"); const wxString HelpSystem::HelpServerHomeDir = wxT("/"); const wxString HelpSystem::HelpServerManDir = wxT("/man/"); #endif const wxString HelpSystem::LocalHelpManDir = wxT("/man/"); const wxString HelpSystem::ReleaseSuffix = wxT(".html"); namespace { // Helper class to make browser "simulate" a modal dialog class HtmlTextHelpDialog final : public BrowserDialog { public: HtmlTextHelpDialog(wxWindow *pParent, const TranslatableString &title) : BrowserDialog{ pParent, title } { #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(3, 0, 0) MakeModal( true ); #endif } virtual ~HtmlTextHelpDialog() { #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(3, 0, 0) MakeModal( false ); #endif // On Windows, for some odd reason, the Audacity window will be sent to // the back. So, make sure that doesn't happen. GetParent()->Raise(); } }; } /// Mostly we use this so that we have the code for resizability /// in one place. Other considerations like screen readers are also /// handled by having the code in one place. void HelpSystem::ShowInfoDialog( wxWindow *parent, const TranslatableString &dlogTitle, const TranslatableString &shortMsg, const wxString &message, const int xSize, const int ySize) { wxDialogWrapper dlog(parent, wxID_ANY, dlogTitle, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER | wxMAXIMIZE_BOX /*| wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE */); dlog.SetName(); ShuttleGui S(&dlog, eIsCreating); S.StartVerticalLay(1); { S.AddTitle( shortMsg.Translation() ); S.Style( wxTE_MULTILINE | wxTE_READONLY | wxTE_RICH | wxTE_RICH2 | wxTE_AUTO_URL | wxTE_NOHIDESEL | wxHSCROLL ) .AddTextWindow(message); S.SetBorder( 0 ); S.StartHorizontalLay(wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 0); S.AddStandardButtons(eOkButton); S.EndHorizontalLay(); } S.EndVerticalLay(); // Smallest size is half default size. Seems reasonable. dlog.SetMinSize( wxSize(xSize/2, ySize/2) ); dlog.SetSize( wxSize(xSize, ySize) ); dlog.Center(); dlog.ShowModal(); } void HelpSystem::ShowHtmlText(wxWindow *pParent, const TranslatableString &Title, const wxString &HtmlText, bool bIsFile, bool bModal) { LinkingHtmlWindow *html; wxASSERT(pParent); // to justify safenew // JKC: ANSWER-ME: Why do we create a fake 'frame' and then put a BrowserDialog // inside it, rather than have a variant of the BrowserDialog that is a // frame?? // Bug 1412 seems to be related to the extra frame. auto pFrame = safenew wxFrame { pParent, wxID_ANY, Title.Translation(), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, #if defined(__WXMAC__) // On OSX, the html frame can go behind the help dialog and if the help // html frame is modal, you can't get back to it. Pressing escape gets // you out of this, but it's just easier to add the wxSTAY_ON_TOP flag // to prevent it from falling behind the dialog. Not the perfect solution // but acceptable in this case. wxSTAY_ON_TOP | #endif wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE }; BrowserDialog * pWnd; if( bModal ) pWnd = safenew HtmlTextHelpDialog{ pFrame, Title }; else pWnd = safenew BrowserDialog{ pFrame, Title }; // Bug 1412 workaround for 'extra window'. Hide the 'fake' window. pFrame->SetTransparent(0); ShuttleGui S( pWnd, eIsCreating ); S.Style( wxNO_BORDER | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL ) .Prop(true) .StartPanel(); { S.StartHorizontalLay( wxEXPAND, false ); { S.Id( wxID_BACKWARD ) .Disable() #if wxUSE_TOOLTIPS .ToolTip( XO("Backwards" ) ) #endif /* i18n-hint arrowhead meaning backward movement */ .AddButton( XO("<") ); S.Id( wxID_FORWARD ) .Disable() #if wxUSE_TOOLTIPS .ToolTip( XO("Forwards" ) ) #endif /* i18n-hint arrowhead meaning forward movement */ .AddButton( XO(">") ); } S.EndHorizontalLay(); html = safenew LinkingHtmlWindow(S.GetParent(), wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, bIsFile ? wxSize(500, 400) : wxSize(480, 240), wxHW_SCROLLBAR_AUTO | wxSUNKEN_BORDER); html->SetRelatedFrame( pFrame, wxT("Help: %s") ); if( bIsFile ) html->LoadFile( HtmlText ); else html->SetPage( HtmlText); S.Prop(1).Focus().Position( wxEXPAND ) .AddWindow( html ); S.Id( wxID_CANCEL ).AddButton( XO("Close"), wxALIGN_CENTER, true ); } S.EndPanel(); // -- START of ICON stuff ----- // If this section (providing an icon) causes compilation errors on linux, comment it out for now. // it will just mean that the icon is missing. Works OK on Windows. #ifdef __WXMSW__ wxIcon ic{ wxICON(AudacityLogo) }; #else wxIcon ic{}; ic.CopyFromBitmap(theTheme.Bitmap(bmpAudacityLogo48x48)); #endif pFrame->SetIcon( ic ); // -- END of ICON stuff ----- pWnd->mpHtml = html; pWnd->SetBackgroundColour( wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE)); pFrame->CreateStatusBar(); pFrame->Centre(); pFrame->Layout(); pFrame->SetSizeHints(pWnd->GetSize()); pFrame->SetName(Title.Translation()); if (bModal) pWnd->ShowModal(); else { pWnd->Show(true); pFrame->Show(true); } html->SetRelatedStatusBar( 0 ); return; } // Shows help in browser, or possibly in own dialog. void HelpSystem::ShowHelp(wxWindow *parent, const wxString &localFileName, const wxString &remoteURL, bool bModal, bool alwaysDefaultBrowser) { wxASSERT(parent); // to justify safenew wxString HelpMode = wxT("Local"); // DA: Default for DA is manual from internet. #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_DA gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/Help"), &HelpMode, wxT("FromInternet") ); #else gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/Help"), &HelpMode, wxT("Local") ); #endif { // these next lines are for legacy cfg files (pre 2.0) where we had different modes if( (HelpMode == wxT("Standard")) || (HelpMode == wxT("InBrowser")) ) { HelpMode = GUIManualLocation.Default().Internal(); GUIManualLocation.Write(HelpMode); gPrefs->Flush(); } } // Anchors (URLs with a '#' in them) are not supported by many OSs for local file names // See, for example, https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/wx-users/pC0uOZJalRQ // Problems have been reported on Win, Mac and some versions of Linux. // So we set HelpMode to use the internet if an anchor is found. if (localFileName.Find('#', true) != wxNOT_FOUND) HelpMode = wxT("FromInternet"); // Until a solution is found for this, the next few lines are irrelevant. // Obtain the local file system file name, without the anchor if present. wxString localfile; if (localFileName.Find('#', true) != wxNOT_FOUND) localfile = localFileName.BeforeLast('#'); else localfile = localFileName; if( (HelpMode == wxT("FromInternet")) && !remoteURL.empty() ) { // Always go to remote URL. Use External browser. OpenInDefaultBrowser( remoteURL ); } else if( localfile.empty() || !wxFileExists( localfile )) { // If you give an empty remote URL, you should have already ensured // that the file exists! wxASSERT( !remoteURL.empty() ); // I can't find it'. // Use Built-in browser to suggest you use the remote url. wxString Text = HelpText( wxT("remotehelp") ); Text.Replace( wxT("*URL*"), remoteURL ); // Always make the 'help on the internet' dialog modal. // Fixes Bug 1411. ShowHtmlText( parent, XO("Help on the Internet"), Text, false, true ); } else if( HelpMode == wxT("Local") || alwaysDefaultBrowser) { // Local file, External browser OpenInDefaultBrowser( wxString(wxT("file:"))+localFileName ); } else { // Local file, Built-in browser ShowHtmlText( parent, {}, localFileName, true, bModal ); } } void HelpSystem::ShowHelp(wxWindow *parent, const wxString &PageName, bool bModal) { wxString localHelpPage; wxString webHelpPath; wxString webHelpPage; wxString releasePageName; wxString anchor; // optional part of URL after (and including) the '#' if (PageName.Find('#', true) != wxNOT_FOUND) { // need to split anchor off into separate variable releasePageName= PageName.BeforeLast('#'); anchor = wxT("#") + PageName.AfterLast('#'); } else { releasePageName = PageName; anchor = wxT(""); } // The wiki pages are transformed to static HTML by // scripts/mw2html_audacity/mw2html.py // The name is first transformed to lower case, then all // 'special characters' are replaced by underscores. Spaces are // transformed to "+". // // The transformations are handled in mw2html by first applying // 'urllib.parse.quote_plus' (escape chars that are not in "always safe" list) // then replacing escape characters (%xx) with underscores, // and finally removing duplicate / redundant underscores. // // The front page and 'quick_help' are treated as special cases and placed in // the root of the help directory rather than the "/man/" sub-directory. if (releasePageName == wxT("Main_Page")) { releasePageName = wxT("index") + HelpSystem::ReleaseSuffix + anchor; localHelpPage = wxFileName(FileNames::HtmlHelpDir(), releasePageName).GetFullPath(); webHelpPath = wxT("https://")+HelpSystem::HelpHostname+HelpSystem::HelpServerHomeDir; } else if (releasePageName == wxT("Quick_Help")) { // DA: No bundled help, by default, and different quick-help URL. #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_DA releasePageName = wxT("video") + HelpSystem::ReleaseSuffix + anchor; localHelpPage = wxFileName(FileNames::HtmlHelpDir(), releasePageName).GetFullPath(); webHelpPath = wxT("http://www.darkaudacity.com/"); #else releasePageName = wxT("quick_help") + HelpSystem::ReleaseSuffix + anchor; localHelpPage = wxFileName(FileNames::HtmlHelpDir(), releasePageName).GetFullPath(); webHelpPath = wxT("https://")+HelpSystem::HelpHostname+HelpSystem::HelpServerHomeDir; #endif } // not a page name, but rather a full path (e.g. to wiki) // in which case do not do any substitutions. else if (releasePageName.StartsWith( "http" ) ) { localHelpPage = ""; webHelpPage = releasePageName + anchor; } else { // Handle all other pages. // Change to lower case. releasePageName = releasePageName.Lower(); wxRegEx re; // replace 'special characters' with underscores. // RFC 2396 defines the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and ".-_" as "always safe" // mw2html also replaces "-" with "_" so replace that too. // If PageName contains a %xx code, mw2html will transform it: // '%xx' => '%25xx' => '_' re.Compile(wxT("%..")); re.ReplaceAll(&releasePageName, (wxT("_"))); // Now replace all other 'not-safe' characters. re.Compile(wxT("[^[:alnum:] . [:space:]]")); re.ReplaceAll(&releasePageName, (wxT("_"))); // Replace spaces with "+" releasePageName.Replace(wxT(" "), wxT("+"), true); // Reduce multiple underscores to single underscores re.Compile(wxT("__+")); re.ReplaceAll(&releasePageName, (wxT("_"))); // Replace "_." with "." releasePageName.Replace(wxT("_."), wxT("."), true); // Concatenate file name with file extension and anchor. releasePageName = releasePageName + HelpSystem::ReleaseSuffix + anchor; // Other than index and quick_help, all local pages are in subdirectory 'LocalHelpManDir'. localHelpPage = wxFileName(FileNames::HtmlHelpDir() + LocalHelpManDir, releasePageName).GetFullPath(); // Other than index and quick_help, all on-line pages are in subdirectory 'HelpServerManDir'. webHelpPath = wxT("https://")+HelpSystem::HelpHostname+HelpSystem::HelpServerManDir; } #ifdef USE_ALPHA_MANUAL webHelpPage = webHelpPath + PageName; #else webHelpPage = webHelpPath + releasePageName; #endif wxLogMessage(wxT("Help button pressed: PageName %s, releasePageName %s"), PageName, releasePageName); wxLogMessage(wxT("webHelpPage %s, localHelpPage %s"), webHelpPage, localHelpPage); wxASSERT(parent); // to justify safenew HelpSystem::ShowHelp( parent, localHelpPage, webHelpPage, bModal ); } // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h". #include #include #include #include BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(BrowserDialog, wxDialogWrapper) EVT_BUTTON(wxID_FORWARD, BrowserDialog::OnForward) EVT_BUTTON(wxID_BACKWARD, BrowserDialog::OnBackward) EVT_BUTTON(wxID_CANCEL, BrowserDialog::OnClose) EVT_KEY_DOWN(BrowserDialog::OnKeyDown) END_EVENT_TABLE() BrowserDialog::BrowserDialog(wxWindow *pParent, const TranslatableString &title) : wxDialogWrapper{ pParent, ID, title, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER /*| wxMAXIMIZE_BOX */ } { int width, height; const int minWidth = 400; const int minHeight = 250; gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/BrowserWidth"), &width, minWidth); gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/BrowserHeight"), &height, minHeight); if (width < minWidth || width > wxSystemSettings::GetMetric(wxSYS_SCREEN_X)) width = minWidth; if (height < minHeight || height > wxSystemSettings::GetMetric(wxSYS_SCREEN_Y)) height = minHeight; SetMinSize(wxSize(minWidth, minHeight)); SetSize(wxDefaultPosition.x, wxDefaultPosition.y, width, height, wxSIZE_AUTO); } void BrowserDialog::OnForward(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(event)) { mpHtml->HistoryForward(); UpdateButtons(); } void BrowserDialog::OnBackward(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(event)) { mpHtml->HistoryBack(); UpdateButtons(); } void BrowserDialog::OnClose(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(event)) { if (IsModal() && !mDismissed) { mDismissed = true; EndModal(wxID_CANCEL); } auto parent = GetParent(); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/BrowserWidth"), GetSize().GetX()); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/BrowserHeight"), GetSize().GetY()); gPrefs->Flush(); #ifdef __WXMAC__ auto grandparent = GetParent()->GetParent(); #endif parent->Destroy(); #ifdef __WXMAC__ if(grandparent && grandparent->IsShown()) { grandparent->Raise(); } #endif } void BrowserDialog::OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent & event) { bool bSkip = true; if (event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_ESCAPE) { bSkip = false; Close(false); } event.Skip(bSkip); } void BrowserDialog::UpdateButtons() { wxWindow * pWnd; if( (pWnd = FindWindowById( wxID_BACKWARD, this )) != NULL ) { pWnd->Enable(mpHtml->HistoryCanBack()); } if( (pWnd = FindWindowById( wxID_FORWARD, this )) != NULL ) { pWnd->Enable(mpHtml->HistoryCanForward()); } } void OpenInDefaultBrowser(const wxHtmlLinkInfo& link) { wxURI uri(link.GetHref()); wxLaunchDefaultBrowser(uri.BuildURI()); } LinkingHtmlWindow::LinkingHtmlWindow(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id /*= -1*/, const wxPoint& pos /*= wxDefaultPosition*/, const wxSize& size /*= wxDefaultSize*/, long style /*= wxHW_SCROLLBAR_AUTO*/) : HtmlWindow(parent, id, pos, size, style) { } void LinkingHtmlWindow::OnLinkClicked(const wxHtmlLinkInfo& link) { wxString href = link.GetHref(); if( href.StartsWith( wxT("innerlink:help:"))) { HelpSystem::ShowHelp(this, href.Mid( 15 ), true ); return; } else if( href.StartsWith(wxT("innerlink:")) ) { wxString FileName = wxFileName( FileNames::HtmlHelpDir(), href.Mid( 10 ) + wxT(".htm") ).GetFullPath(); if( wxFileExists( FileName ) ) { HelpSystem::ShowHelp(this, FileName, wxEmptyString, false); return; } else { SetPage( HelpText( href.Mid( 10 ))); wxGetTopLevelParent(this)->SetLabel( TitleText( href.Mid( 10 )).Translation() ); } } else if( href.StartsWith(wxT("mailto:")) || href.StartsWith(wxT("file:")) ) { OpenInDefaultBrowser( link ); return; } else if( !href.StartsWith( wxT("http:")) && !href.StartsWith( wxT("https:")) ) { HtmlWindow::OnLinkClicked( link ); } else { OpenInDefaultBrowser(link); return; } wxFrame * pFrame = GetRelatedFrame(); if( !pFrame ) return; wxWindow * pWnd = pFrame->FindWindow(BrowserDialog::ID); if( !pWnd ) return; BrowserDialog * pDlg = wxDynamicCast( pWnd , BrowserDialog ); if( !pDlg ) return; pDlg->UpdateButtons(); }