Compilation and install instructions for GNU/Linux Download wxWidgets. Audacity 2.1.3 requires wxWidgets 3.0.x, preferably 3.0.2, which can be obtained from: . Don't be tempted to use the Widgets version already installed on Linux because this will cause problems. The libsndfile library is also required and is included in Audacity obtained from GitHub. Obtain the latest Audacity alpha development source code from then use the green "Clone or download" button to git clone Audacity. You may need to install git first. If you are not planning to do any development, you may be better to download the Audacity 2.1.3 release minimal source tarball from . CMake ( ) is required to build the local copy of the libsoxr resampling library used by Audacity, unless you install libsoxr-dev and use that system library. Installation of other libraries is optional, see: . If you install libraries using a package management system like Apt or RPM, you need to install the "dev" (development) packages for each library. Compile wxWidgets with the default gtk2 option, not with gtk3: ./configure make Install wxWidgets (this defaults to installation in /usr/local/). make install # as root ldconfig # as root The root command is often sudo on GNU/Linux, for example 'sudo make install'. Then to compile and install Audacity: ./configure CXXFLAGS="-std=gnu++11" -with-lib-preference="local system" make make install # as root To see the compile-time options you can set, type ./configure --help If you want to do any development, you might want to generate a configure cache and header dependencies: ./configure -C make dep You can ask for help with compilation problems at: .