add_library( ${TARGET} INTERFACE ) add_library( wxBase INTERFACE ) add_library( ${symbol} ALIAS ${TARGET} ) def_vars() message( STATUS "========== Configuring ${name} ==========" ) cmd_option( ${_OPT}use_wxwidgets "Use ${name} library [system (if available), local]" "${audacity_lib_preference}" STRINGS "system" "local" ) if( ${_OPT}use_wxwidgets STREQUAL "system" ) # Make sure shared libs are preferred over static set( BUILD_SHARED_LIBS YES ) # Specify all of the components we'll need since "html" and "qa" aren't # included in the default list find_package(wxWidgets REQUIRED COMPONENTS adv base core html net qa xml) unset( BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ) endif() if( wxWidgets_FOUND ) message( STATUS "Using '${name}' system library" ) if( wxWidgets_INCLUDE_DIRS_NO_SYSTEM ) set( INCLUDES INTERFACE ${wxWidgets_INCLUDE_DIRS_NO_SYSTEM} ) else() set( INCLUDES INTERFACE ${wxWidgets_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) endif() set( DEFINES INTERFACE ${wxWidgets_DEFINITIONS_GENERAL} $<$: ${wxWidgets_DEFINITIONS_DEBUG} > $<$>: ${wxWidgets_DEFINITIONS_OPTIMIZED} > ) set( LINKDIRS INTERFACE $<$: ${wxWidgets_LIB_DIR} > ) set( LIBRARIES INTERFACE ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES} $<$>: z > ) # set( WXWIN $ENV{WXWIN} CACHE INTERNAL "" ) if( WXWIN ) string( APPEND WXWIN "/lib" ) else() set( WXWIN "${wxWidgets_LIBRARY_DIRS}" ) endif() set( WXWIN "${WXWIN}" CACHE INTERNAL "" ) set( toolkit "${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES}" ) else() message( STATUS "Using local '${name}' library" ) set( WXWIN $ENV{WXWIN} ) if( "${WXWIN}" STREQUAL "" ) # XXX: Look into importing instead of adding to this project set( WXWIN "${_INTDIR}/wxwidgets" ) endif() if( NOT EXISTS "${WXWIN}" ) if( NOT GIT_FOUND ) message( FATAL_ERROR "Git is needed to clone wxWidgets" ) endif() execute_process( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} clone --depth 1 --single-branch --recurse-submodules "${WXWIN}" ) endif() if( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Windows" ) # Want accessibility set( wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY YES ) # Windows requires it due to missing "#include" directives set( wxBUILD_PRECOMP YES ) elseif( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Darwin" ) # Want accessibility set( wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY YES ) # Causes problems on OSX, so turn it off set( wxBUILD_PRECOMP NO ) elseif( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux|FreeBSD" ) # Doesn't yet have accessbility set( wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY NO ) # Linux can go either way, so might as well use it set( wxBUILD_PRECOMP YES ) endif() # Just to be consistent with Audacity set( wxBUILD_CXX_STANDARD "14" ) # Pull in wxWidgets add_subdirectory( ${WXWIN} ${WXWIN} ) # And rearrange the folder structure set_dir_folder( ${WXWIN} "wxWidgets" ) set( INCLUDES $<$: ${WXWIN}/src/zlib > ) set( DEFINES WXUSINGDLL ) # For all required libs, gather all of the interface target # properties and merge them into the wxWidgets target foreach( lib adv base core html net qa xml ) get_target_property( value ${lib} INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ) if( value ) list( APPEND INCLUDES ${value} ) list( REMOVE_DUPLICATES INCLUDES ) endif() get_target_property( value ${lib} INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS ) if( value ) list( APPEND DEFINES ${value} ) list( REMOVE_DUPLICATES DEFINES ) endif() get_target_property( value ${lib} INTERFACE_COMPILE_OPTIONS ) if( value ) list( APPEND COPTS ${value} ) list( REMOVE_DUPLICATES COPTS ) endif() get_target_property( value ${lib} INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES ) if( value) list( APPEND LIBRARIES ${lib} ${value} ) list( REMOVE_DUPLICATES LIBRARIES ) endif() endforeach() # Do NOT split the generator expressions across multiple lines here. # CMake appears to have a bug and doesn't seem to handle it correctly # for target link libraries. list( APPEND LIBRARIES $<$:wxexpat> $<$:wxjpeg> $<$:wxpng> $<$:wxtiff> $<$:wxregex> $<$:wxzlib> ) if( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Darwin" ) # When accessibility is enabled, the build will fail in "wx/chkconf.h" # since wxRegex compile defines do not include __WXOSX_COCOA__. So, # add it here. target_compile_definitions( wxregex PRIVATE "__WXOSX_COCOA__" ) endif() set( toolkit "${wxBUILD_TOOLKIT}" ) endif() if( "${toolkit}" MATCHES ".*gtk2.*" ) set( gtk gtk+-2.0 ) set( glib glib-2.0 ) set( wxTOOLKIT "GTK2" CACHE INTERNAL "" ) set( wxIS_GTK YES CACHE INTERNAL "" ) elseif( "${toolkit}" MATCHES ".*gtk3.*" ) set( gtk gtk+-3.0 ) set( glib glib-2.0 ) set( wxTOOLKIT "GTK3" CACHE INTERNAL "" ) set( wxIS_GTK YES CACHE INTERNAL "" ) elseif( "${toolkit}" MATCHES ".*gtk4.*" ) set( gtk gtk+-4.0 ) set( glib glib-2.0 ) set( wxTOOLKIT "GTK4" CACHE INTERNAL "" ) set( wxIS_GTK YES CACHE INTERNAL "" ) elseif( "${toolkit}" MATCHES ".*msw.*" ) set( wxTOOLKIT "MSW" CACHE INTERNAL "" ) set( wxIS_WIN YES CACHE INTERNAL "" ) list( APPEND DEFINES __WXMSW__=1 ) elseif( "${toolkit}" MATCHES ".*osx.*" ) set( wxTOOLKIT "MAC" CACHE INTERNAL "" ) set( wxIS_MAC YES CACHE INTERNAL "" ) else() message( FATAL_ERROR "Unrecognized wxWidgets toolkit" ) endif() if( "${wxTOOLKIT}" MATCHES "GTK." ) pkg_check_modules( GTK REQUIRED IMPORTED_TARGET GLOBAL ${gtk} ) pkg_check_modules( GLIB REQUIRED IMPORTED_TARGET GLOBAL ${glib} ) endif() find_file( WXVERSION_H NAMES wx/version.h PATHS ${INCLUDES} NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) if( NOT WXVERSION_H ) message( FATAL_ERROR "wxWidgets version.h header not found" ) endif() file( STRINGS "${WXVERSION_H}" output REGEX "^#define +wxVERSION_STRING +" ) string( REGEX MATCHALL "\".+(Audacity).+\"" ours "${output}") if( NOT ours ) message( FATAL_ERROR "\n########################################################################\n" "Audacity version 3.0.0 or higher requires use of a customized version of " "wxWidgets. For details:\n" "\n" "########################################################################\n" ) endif() foreach( target "${TARGET}" wxBase ) target_include_directories( ${target} INTERFACE ${INCLUDES} ) target_compile_definitions( ${target} INTERFACE ${DEFINES} ) target_compile_options( ${target} INTERFACE ${COPTS} ) target_link_directories( ${target} INTERFACE ${LINKDIRS} ) target_link_libraries( ${target} INTERFACE ${LIBRARIES} ) endforeach() # wxBase exposes only the GUI-less subset of full wxWidgets # Also prohibit use of some other headers by pre-defining their include guards # wxUSE_GUI=0 doesn't exclude all of wxCore dependency, and the application # object and event loops are in wxBase, but we want to exclude their use too target_compile_definitions( wxBase INTERFACE "wxUSE_GUI=0" # Don't use app.h _WX_APP_H_BASE_ # Don't use evtloop.h _WX_EVTLOOP_H_ # Don't use image.h _WX_IMAGE_H # Don't use colour.h _WX_COLOUR_H_BASE_ # Don't use brush.h _WX_BRUSH_H_BASE_ # Don't use pen.h _WX_PEN_H_BASE_ ) install( TARGETS ${TARGET} DESTINATION ${_LIBDIR} )