"readme_LADSPA_plugins-win.txt" Leland Lucius Vaughan Johnson (vaughan @ audacityteam . org) Updated September 27, 2006 LADSPA_plugins-win is a project to port Steve Harris's LADSPA plugins (http://plugin.org.uk/) to Windows OS as DLLs. LADSPA_plugins-win is a part of Audacity (http://http://www.audacityteam.org) and is licensed under the Audacity license, which is the GNU GPL. See http://www.audacityteam.org/about/license/ or audacity\LICENSE.txt. The primary goal is to port these plugins for use in the Windows version of Audacity (http://www.audacityteam.org), but the plugins should work in any LADSPA host on Windows (if there are any others). INSTALL THE PLUGINS: The latest LADSPA_plugins-win installer is "LADSPA_plugins-win-0.4.15.exe". Run the installer. For the installation location, select the Plug-Ins subdirectory of the Audacity you want to add them to. The standard location is the default. If you have multiple installed copies of Audacity (e.g., stable and beta), run the LADSPA_plugins-win installer for each one. Note that if you do multiple installations, there will be only one item in the Windows Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs, and that will remove the last one you installed. To remove the others, find and run the "unins000.exe" file in the directory where you installed the plugins. REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING THE PLUGINS: * Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. * audacity\win\LADSPA_plugins-win directory from, e.g., http://www.audacityteam.org/download/plug-ins/ * Latest plugin distro from http://plugin.org.uk. * If you wish to use the following plugins, you will need to get the libfftw3f-3.dll from http://www.fftw.org/ and place it in the Audacity plugin directory: imp_1199.dll mbeq_1197.dll pitch_scale_1193.dll pitch_scale_1194.dll The installer includes these plugins and the necessary FFTW DLL and documentation (by permission of Steven G. Johnson of FFTW, 9/26/2006). Because the GNU C library ("GLIBC", http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/libc.html) #include files typically are part of Linux but not Windows, we need to track those too, so another goal is to make it easy to update for new releases of GLIBC include files. GLIBC is a big download that changes infrequently, and that code requires more changes to work properly on Windows. So, we don't keep the same directory structure as the GLIBC release, but instead keep them in a simple directory structure that best fits the #include statements in Steve's code. LADSPA_plugins-win has been proven with these versions: * glibc-2.4 * fftw-3.1.2-dll.zip from http://www.fftw.org/install/windows.html * swh-plugins-0.4.15 from http://plugin.org.uk BUILD THE PLUGINS: 1. Put the LADSPA_plugins-win directory inside the latest distro from http://plugin.org.uk. The glibc and fftw headers and defs are already included with LADSPA_plugins-win. 2. Open "LADSPA_plugins-win.sln". Build. DLLs will appear in Debug and/or Release subdirectories of LADSPA_plugins-win. 3. To use them, move the DLLs to the Audacity\Plug-Ins folder. BUILD THE INSTALLER (requires Inno Setup 5): 1. Build the Release configuration of the plugins. 2. Move the Release folder from the distro's copy of LADSPA_plugins-win to audacity\win\LADSPA_plugins-win. 3. Download the latest FFTW for Windows from http://www.fftw.org/install/windows.html. 3a. Move this file into audacity\win\LADSPA_plugins-win\Release: libfftw3f-3.dll 3b. Make a new folder, audacity\win\LADSPA_plugins-win\Release\FFTW_docs. Copy all the documentation (files with no extension) to that folder. Currently, the list is: COPYING COPYRIGHT NEWS README README-bench README-WINDOWS 4. Open and compile the LADSPA_plugins-win.iss file in audacity\win\LADSPA_plugins-win. The installer will appear in audacity\win\LADSPA_plugins-win\Installer.