/********************************************************************** Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor Contrast.cpp \class ContrastDialog \brief Dialog used for Contrast menu item *//*******************************************************************/ #include "../Audacity.h" #include "Contrast.h" #include "../CommonCommandFlags.h" #include "../WaveTrack.h" #include "../Prefs.h" #include "../Project.h" #include "../ProjectSettings.h" #include "../ProjectWindow.h" #include "../ShuttleGui.h" #include "../FileNames.h" #include "../ViewInfo.h" #include "../widgets/HelpSystem.h" #include "../widgets/NumericTextCtrl.h" #include "../widgets/AudacityMessageBox.h" #include "../widgets/ErrorDialog.h" #include #include #if defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) #include #define finite(x) _finite(x) #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "../PlatformCompatibility.h" #define DB_MAX_LIMIT 0.0 // Audio is massively distorted. #define WCAG2_PASS 20.0 // dB difference required to pass WCAG2 test. bool ContrastDialog::GetDB(float &dB) { float rms = float(0.0); // For stereo tracks: sqrt((mean(L)+mean(R))/2) double meanSq = 0.0; auto p = FindProjectFromWindow( this ); auto range = TrackList::Get( *p ).SelectedLeaders< const WaveTrack >(); auto numberSelectedTracks = range.size(); if (numberSelectedTracks > 1) { AudacityMessageDialog m( nullptr, XO("You can only measure one track at a time."), XO("Error"), wxOK); m.ShowModal(); return false; } if(numberSelectedTracks == 0) { AudacityMessageDialog m( nullptr, XO("Please select an audio track."), XO("Error"), wxOK); m.ShowModal(); return false; } const auto channels = TrackList::Channels( *range.begin() ); for ( auto t : channels ) { wxASSERT(mT0 <= mT1); // Ignore whitespace beyond ends of track. if(mT0 < t->GetStartTime()) mT0 = t->GetStartTime(); if(mT1 > t->GetEndTime()) mT1 = t->GetEndTime(); auto SelT0 = t->TimeToLongSamples(mT0); auto SelT1 = t->TimeToLongSamples(mT1); if(SelT0 > SelT1) { AudacityMessageDialog m( nullptr, XO("Invalid audio selection.\nPlease ensure that audio is selected."), XO("Error"), wxOK); m.ShowModal(); return false; } if(SelT0 == SelT1) { AudacityMessageDialog m( nullptr, XO("Nothing to measure.\nPlease select a section of a track."), XO("Error"), wxOK); m.ShowModal(); return false; } // Don't throw in this analysis dialog rms = t->GetRMS(mT0, mT1, false); meanSq += rms * rms; } // TODO: This works for stereo, provided the audio clips are in both channels. // We should really count gaps between clips as silence. rms = (meanSq > 0.0) ? sqrt( meanSq/static_cast( channels.size() ) ) : 0.0; // Gives warning C4056, Overflow in floating-point constant arithmetic // -INFINITY is intentional here. // Looks like we are stuck with this warning, as // #pragma warning( disable : 4056) // even around the whole function does not disable it successfully. dB = (rms == 0.0)? -INFINITY : LINEAR_TO_DB(rms); return true; } void ContrastDialog::SetStartAndEndTime() { auto p = FindProjectFromWindow( this ); auto &selectedRegion = ViewInfo::Get( *p ).selectedRegion; mT0 = selectedRegion.t0(); mT1 = selectedRegion.t1(); } // WDR: class implementations //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ContrastDialog //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WDR: event table for ContrastDialog enum { ID_BUTTON_USECURRENTF = 10001, ID_BUTTON_USECURRENTB, //ID_BUTTON_GETURL, ID_BUTTON_EXPORT, ID_BUTTON_RESET, //ID_BUTTON_CLOSE, ID_FOREGROUNDSTART_T, ID_FOREGROUNDEND_T, ID_BACKGROUNDSTART_T, ID_BACKGROUNDEND_T, ID_FOREGROUNDDB_TEXT, ID_BACKGROUNDDB_TEXT, ID_RESULTS_TEXT, ID_RESULTSDB_TEXT }; BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(ContrastDialog,wxDialogWrapper) EVT_BUTTON(ID_BUTTON_USECURRENTF, ContrastDialog::OnGetForeground) EVT_BUTTON(ID_BUTTON_USECURRENTB, ContrastDialog::OnGetBackground) EVT_BUTTON(wxID_HELP, ContrastDialog::OnGetURL) EVT_BUTTON(ID_BUTTON_EXPORT, ContrastDialog::OnExport) EVT_BUTTON(ID_BUTTON_RESET, ContrastDialog::OnReset) EVT_BUTTON(wxID_CANCEL, ContrastDialog::OnClose) END_EVENT_TABLE() void ContrastDialog::OnChar(wxKeyEvent &event) { // Is this still required? if (event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_TAB) { // pass to next handler event.Skip(); return; } // ignore any other key event.Skip(false); return; } ContrastDialog::ContrastDialog(wxWindow * parent, wxWindowID id, const TranslatableString & title, const wxPoint & pos): wxDialogWrapper(parent, id, title, pos, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER | wxMAXIMIZE_BOX ) { SetName(); mT0 = 0.0; mT1 = 0.0; foregrounddB = 0.0; backgrounddB = 0.0; mForegroundIsDefined = false; mBackgroundIsDefined = false; // NULL out the control members until the controls are created. mForegroundStartT = NULL; mForegroundEndT = NULL; mBackgroundStartT = NULL; mBackgroundEndT = NULL; wxString number; auto p = FindProjectFromWindow( this ); const auto &settings = ProjectSettings::Get( *p ); mProjectRate = settings.GetRate(); const auto options = NumericTextCtrl::Options{} .AutoPos(true) .MenuEnabled(false) .ReadOnly(true); ShuttleGui S(this, eIsCreating); S.SetBorder(5); S.StartHorizontalLay(wxCENTER, false); { S.AddTitle( /* i18n-hint: RMS abbreviates root mean square, a certain averaging method */ XO("Contrast Analyzer, for measuring RMS volume differences between two selections of audio.")); } S.EndHorizontalLay(); S.StartStatic( XO("Parameters") ); { S.StartMultiColumn(5, wxEXPAND); { // Headings S.AddFixedText( {} ); // spacer S.AddFixedText(XO("Start")); S.AddFixedText(XO("End")); S.AddFixedText( {} ); // spacer S.AddFixedText(XO("Volume ")); //Foreground S.AddFixedText(XO("&Foreground:"), false); if (S.GetMode() == eIsCreating) { mForegroundStartT = safenew NumericTextCtrl(S.GetParent(), ID_FOREGROUNDSTART_T, NumericConverter::TIME, NumericConverter::HundredthsFormat(), 0.0, mProjectRate, options); } S.Name(XO("Foreground start time")) .AddWindow(mForegroundStartT); if (S.GetMode() == eIsCreating) { mForegroundEndT = safenew NumericTextCtrl(S.GetParent(), ID_FOREGROUNDEND_T, NumericConverter::TIME, NumericConverter::HundredthsFormat(), 0.0, mProjectRate, options); } S.Name(XO("Foreground end time")) .AddWindow(mForegroundEndT); m_pButton_UseCurrentF = S.Id(ID_BUTTON_USECURRENTF).AddButton(XXO("&Measure selection")); mForegroundRMSText = S.Id(ID_FOREGROUNDDB_TEXT) .ConnectRoot(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN, &ContrastDialog::OnChar) .AddTextBox( {}, wxT(""), 17); //Background S.AddFixedText(XO("&Background:")); if (S.GetMode() == eIsCreating) { mBackgroundStartT = safenew NumericTextCtrl(S.GetParent(), ID_BACKGROUNDSTART_T, NumericConverter::TIME, NumericConverter::HundredthsFormat(), 0.0, mProjectRate, options); } S.Name(XO("Background start time")) .AddWindow(mBackgroundStartT); if (S.GetMode() == eIsCreating) { mBackgroundEndT = safenew NumericTextCtrl(S.GetParent(), ID_BACKGROUNDEND_T, NumericConverter::TIME, NumericConverter::HundredthsFormat(), 0.0, mProjectRate, options); } S.Name(XO("Background end time")) .AddWindow(mBackgroundEndT); m_pButton_UseCurrentB = S.Id(ID_BUTTON_USECURRENTB).AddButton(XXO("Mea&sure selection")); mBackgroundRMSText = S.Id(ID_BACKGROUNDDB_TEXT) .ConnectRoot(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN, &ContrastDialog::OnChar) .AddTextBox( {}, wxT(""), 17); } S.EndMultiColumn(); } S.EndStatic(); //Result S.StartStatic( XO("Result") ); { S.StartMultiColumn(3, wxCENTER); { auto label = XO("Co&ntrast Result:"); S.AddFixedText(label); mPassFailText = S.Id(ID_RESULTS_TEXT) .Name(label) .ConnectRoot(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN, &ContrastDialog::OnChar) .AddTextBox( {}, wxT(""), 50); m_pButton_Reset = S.Id(ID_BUTTON_RESET).AddButton(XXO("R&eset")); label = XO("&Difference:"); S.AddFixedText(label); mDiffText = S.Id(ID_RESULTSDB_TEXT) .Name(label) .ConnectRoot(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN, &ContrastDialog::OnChar) .AddTextBox( {}, wxT(""), 50); m_pButton_Export = S.Id(ID_BUTTON_EXPORT).AddButton(XXO("E&xport...")); } S.EndMultiColumn(); } S.EndStatic(); S.AddStandardButtons(eCloseButton |eHelpButton); #if 0 S.StartMultiColumn(3, wxEXPAND); { S.SetStretchyCol(1); m_pButton_GetURL = S.Id(ID_BUTTON_GETURL).AddButton(XO("&Help")); S.AddFixedText({}); // spacer m_pButton_Close = S.Id(ID_BUTTON_CLOSE).AddButton(XO("&Close")); } S.EndMultiColumn(); #endif Layout(); Fit(); SetMinSize(GetSize()); Center(); } void ContrastDialog::OnGetURL(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(event)) { // Original help page is back on-line (March 2016), but the manual should be more reliable. // http://www.eramp.com/WCAG_2_audio_contrast_tool_help.htm HelpSystem::ShowHelp(this, wxT("Contrast")); } void ContrastDialog::OnClose(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(event)) { wxCommandEvent dummyEvent; OnReset(dummyEvent); Show(false); } void ContrastDialog::OnGetForeground(wxCommandEvent & /*event*/) { auto p = FindProjectFromWindow( this ); auto &selectedRegion = ViewInfo::Get( *p ).selectedRegion; if( TrackList::Get( *p ).Selected< const WaveTrack >() ) { mForegroundStartT->SetValue(selectedRegion.t0()); mForegroundEndT->SetValue(selectedRegion.t1()); } SetStartAndEndTime(); mForegroundIsDefined = GetDB(foregrounddB); m_pButton_UseCurrentF->SetFocus(); results(); } void ContrastDialog::OnGetBackground(wxCommandEvent & /*event*/) { auto p = FindProjectFromWindow( this ); auto &selectedRegion = ViewInfo::Get( *p ).selectedRegion; if( TrackList::Get( *p ).Selected< const WaveTrack >() ) { mBackgroundStartT->SetValue(selectedRegion.t0()); mBackgroundEndT->SetValue(selectedRegion.t1()); } SetStartAndEndTime(); mBackgroundIsDefined = GetDB(backgrounddB); m_pButton_UseCurrentB->SetFocus(); results(); } namespace { // PRL: I gathered formatting into these functions, and eliminated some // repetitions, and removed the redundant word "Average" as applied to RMS. // Should these variations in formats be collapsed further? // Pass nullptr when value is not yet defined TranslatableString FormatRMSMessage( float *pValue ) { /* i18n-hint: RMS abbreviates root mean square, a certain averaging method */ auto format0 = XO("RMS = %s."); /* i18n-hint: dB abbreviates decibels */ auto format1 = XO("%s dB"); TranslatableString value; if ( pValue ) { if( fabs( *pValue ) != std::numeric_limits::infinity() ) { auto number = wxString::Format( wxT("%.2f"), *pValue ); value = format1.Format( number ); } else value = XO("zero"); } else value = format1.Format( "" ); return format0.Format( value ); } TranslatableString FormatDifference( float diffdB ) { if( diffdB != diffdB ) // test for NaN, reliant on IEEE implementation return XO("indeterminate"); else { if( diffdB != std::numeric_limits::infinity() ) /* i18n-hint: dB abbreviates decibels * RMS abbreviates root mean square, a certain averaging method */ return XO("%.2f dB RMS").Format( diffdB ); else /* i18n-hint: dB abbreviates decibels */ return XO("Infinite dB difference"); } } TranslatableString FormatDifferenceForExport( float diffdB ) { if( diffdB != diffdB ) //test for NaN, reliant on IEEE implementation return XO("Difference is indeterminate."); else if( fabs(diffdB) != std::numeric_limits::infinity() ) /* i18n-hint: dB abbreviates decibels RMS abbreviates root mean square, a certain averaging method */ return XO("Difference = %.2f RMS dB.").Format( diffdB ); else /* i18n-hint: dB abbreviates decibels RMS abbreviates root mean square, a certain averaging method */ return XO("Difference = infinite RMS dB."); } } void ContrastDialog::results() { mPassFailText->SetName(wxT("")); mPassFailText->ChangeValue(wxT("")); mDiffText->ChangeValue(wxT("")); // foreground and background defined. if(mForegroundIsDefined && mBackgroundIsDefined) { float diffdB = std::fabs(foregrounddB - backgrounddB); if(foregrounddB > DB_MAX_LIMIT) { mPassFailText->ChangeValue(_("Foreground level too high")); } else if (backgrounddB > DB_MAX_LIMIT) { mPassFailText->ChangeValue(_("Background level too high")); } else if (backgrounddB > foregrounddB) { mPassFailText->ChangeValue(_("Background higher than foreground")); } else if(diffdB > WCAG2_PASS) { /* i18n-hint: WCAG2 is the 'Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0', see http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/ */ mPassFailText->ChangeValue(_("WCAG2 Pass")); } else { /* i18n-hint: WCAG abbreviates Web Content Accessibility Guidelines */ mPassFailText->ChangeValue(_("WCAG2 Fail")); } /* i18n-hint: i.e. difference in loudness at the moment. */ mDiffText->SetName(_("Current difference")); mDiffText->ChangeValue( FormatDifference( diffdB ).Translation() ); } if (mForegroundIsDefined) { mForegroundRMSText->SetName(_("Measured foreground level")); // Read by screen-readers if(std::isinf(- foregrounddB)) mForegroundRMSText->ChangeValue(_("zero")); else // i18n-hint: short form of 'decibels' mForegroundRMSText->ChangeValue(wxString::Format(_("%.2f dB"), foregrounddB)); } else { mForegroundRMSText->SetName(_("No foreground measured")); // Read by screen-readers mForegroundRMSText->ChangeValue(wxT("")); mPassFailText->ChangeValue(_("Foreground not yet measured")); } if (mBackgroundIsDefined) { mBackgroundRMSText->SetName(_("Measured background level")); if(std::isinf(- backgrounddB)) mBackgroundRMSText->ChangeValue(_("zero")); else mBackgroundRMSText->ChangeValue(wxString::Format(_("%.2f dB"), backgrounddB)); } else { mBackgroundRMSText->SetName(_("No background measured")); mBackgroundRMSText->ChangeValue(wxT("")); mPassFailText->ChangeValue(_("Background not yet measured")); } } void ContrastDialog::OnExport(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(event)) { // TODO: Handle silence checks better (-infinity dB) auto project = FindProjectFromWindow( this ); wxString fName = wxT("contrast.txt"); fName = FileNames::SelectFile(FileNames::Operation::Export, XO("Export Contrast Result As:"), wxEmptyString, fName, wxT("txt"), { FileNames::TextFiles, FileNames::AllFiles }, wxFD_SAVE | wxRESIZE_BORDER, this); if (fName.empty()) return; wxFFileOutputStream ffStream{ fName }; if (!ffStream.IsOk()) { AudacityMessageBox( XO("Couldn't write to file: %s").Format( fName ) ); return; } wxTextOutputStream ss(ffStream); ss << wxT("===================================") << '\n' /* i18n-hint: WCAG abbreviates Web Content Accessibility Guidelines */ << XO("WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria 1.4.7 Contrast Results") << '\n' << '\n' << XO("Filename = %s.").Format( project->GetFileName() ) << '\n' << '\n' << XO("Foreground") << '\n'; float t = (float)mForegroundStartT->GetValue(); int h = (int)(t/3600); // there must be a standard function for this! int m = (int)((t - h*3600)/60); float s = t - h*3600.0 - m*60.0; ss << XO("Time started = %2d hour(s), %2d minute(s), %.2f seconds.") .Format( h, m, s ) << '\n'; t = (float)mForegroundEndT->GetValue(); h = (int)(t/3600); m = (int)((t - h*3600)/60); s = t - h*3600.0 - m*60.0; ss << XO("Time ended = %2d hour(s), %2d minute(s), %.2f seconds.") .Format( h, m, s ) << '\n' << FormatRMSMessage( mForegroundIsDefined ? &foregrounddB : nullptr ) << '\n' << '\n' << XO("Background") << '\n'; t = (float)mBackgroundStartT->GetValue(); h = (int)(t/3600); m = (int)((t - h*3600)/60); s = t - h*3600.0 - m*60.0; ss << XO("Time started = %2d hour(s), %2d minute(s), %.2f seconds.") .Format( h, m, s ) << '\n'; t = (float)mBackgroundEndT->GetValue(); h = (int)(t/3600); m = (int)((t - h*3600)/60); s = t - h*3600.0 - m*60.0; ss << XO("Time ended = %2d hour(s), %2d minute(s), %.2f seconds.") .Format( h, m, s ) << '\n' << FormatRMSMessage( mBackgroundIsDefined ? &backgrounddB : nullptr ) << '\n' << '\n' << XO("Results") << '\n'; float diffdB = foregrounddB - backgrounddB; ss << FormatDifferenceForExport( diffdB ) << '\n' << (( diffdB > 20. ) ? XO("Success Criteria 1.4.7 of WCAG 2.0: Pass") : XO("Success Criteria 1.4.7 of WCAG 2.0: Fail")) << '\n' << '\n' << XO("Data gathered") << '\n'; wxDateTime now = wxDateTime::Now(); int year = now.GetYear(); wxDateTime::Month month = now.GetMonth(); wxString monthName = now.GetMonthName(month); int dom = now.GetDay(); int hour = now.GetHour(); int minute = now.GetMinute(); int second = now.GetSecond(); /* i18n-hint: day of month, month, year, hour, minute, second */ auto sNow = XO("%d %s %02d %02dh %02dm %02ds") .Format( dom, monthName, year, hour, minute, second ); ss << sNow << '\n' << wxT("===================================") << '\n' << '\n'; } void ContrastDialog::OnReset(wxCommandEvent & /*event*/) { mForegroundStartT->SetValue(0.0); mForegroundEndT->SetValue(0.0); mBackgroundStartT->SetValue(0.0); mBackgroundEndT->SetValue(0.0); mForegroundIsDefined = false; mBackgroundIsDefined = false; mForegroundRMSText->SetName(_("No foreground measured")); // Read by screen-readers mBackgroundRMSText->SetName(_("No background measured")); mForegroundRMSText->ChangeValue(wxT("")); // Displayed value mBackgroundRMSText->ChangeValue(wxT("")); mPassFailText->ChangeValue(wxT("")); mDiffText->ChangeValue(wxT("")); } // Remaining code hooks this add-on into the application #include "commands/CommandContext.h" #include "commands/CommandManager.h" #include "../commands/ScreenshotCommand.h" namespace { // Contrast window attached to each project is built on demand by: AudacityProject::AttachedWindows::RegisteredFactory sContrastDialogKey{ []( AudacityProject &parent ) -> wxWeakRef< wxWindow > { auto &window = ProjectWindow::Get( parent ); return safenew ContrastDialog( &window, -1, XO("Contrast Analysis (WCAG 2 compliance)"), wxPoint{ 150, 150 } ); } }; // Define our extra menu item that invokes that factory struct Handler : CommandHandlerObject { void OnContrast(const CommandContext &context) { auto &project = context.project; auto contrastDialog = &project.AttachedWindows::Get< ContrastDialog >( sContrastDialogKey ); contrastDialog->CentreOnParent(); if( ScreenshotCommand::MayCapture( contrastDialog ) ) return; contrastDialog->Show(); } }; CommandHandlerObject &findCommandHandler(AudacityProject &) { // Handler is not stateful. Doesn't need a factory registered with // AudacityProject. static Handler instance; return instance; } // Register that menu item using namespace MenuTable; AttachedItem sAttachment{ wxT("Analyze/Analyzers/Windows"), ( FinderScope{ findCommandHandler }, Command( wxT("ContrastAnalyser"), XXO("Contrast..."), &Handler::OnContrast, AudioIONotBusyFlag() | WaveTracksSelectedFlag() | TimeSelectedFlag(), wxT("Ctrl+Shift+T") ) ) }; }