/********************************************************************** Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor ImportPCM.cpp Dominic Mazzoni Leland Lucius *//****************************************************************//** \class PCMImportFileHandle \brief An ImportFileHandle for PCM data *//****************************************************************//** \class PCMImportPlugin \brief An ImportPlugin for PCM data *//*******************************************************************/ #include "../Audacity.h" #include "../AudacityApp.h" #include "../Internat.h" #include "../Tags.h" #include "ImportPCM.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sndfile.h" #include "../ondemand/ODManager.h" #include "../ondemand/ODComputeSummaryTask.h" //If OD is enabled, he minimum number of samples a file has to use it. //Otherwise, we use the older PCMAliasBlockFile method since it should be fast enough. #define kMinimumODFileSampleSize 44100*30 #ifndef SNDFILE_1 #error Requires libsndfile 1.0 or higher #endif #include "../FileFormats.h" #include "../Prefs.h" #include "../WaveTrack.h" #include "ImportPlugin.h" #ifdef USE_LIBID3TAG #include // DM: the following functions were supposed to have been // included in id3tag.h - should be fixed in the next release // of mad. extern "C" { struct id3_frame *id3_frame_new(char const *); id3_length_t id3_latin1_length(id3_latin1_t const *); void id3_latin1_decode(id3_latin1_t const *, id3_ucs4_t *); } #endif #define DESC _("WAV, AIFF, and other uncompressed types") class PCMImportPlugin : public ImportPlugin { public: PCMImportPlugin() : ImportPlugin(wxArrayString()) { mExtensions = sf_get_all_extensions(); } ~PCMImportPlugin() { } wxString GetPluginStringID() { return wxT("libsndfile"); } wxString GetPluginFormatDescription(); ImportFileHandle *Open(wxString Filename); }; class PCMImportFileHandle : public ImportFileHandle { public: PCMImportFileHandle(wxString name, SNDFILE *file, SF_INFO info); ~PCMImportFileHandle(); wxString GetFileDescription(); int GetFileUncompressedBytes(); int Import(TrackFactory *trackFactory, Track ***outTracks, int *outNumTracks, Tags *tags); wxInt32 GetStreamCount(){ return 1; } wxArrayString *GetStreamInfo(){ return NULL; } void SetStreamUsage(wxInt32 StreamID, bool Use){} private: SNDFILE *mFile; SF_INFO mInfo; sampleFormat mFormat; }; void GetPCMImportPlugin(ImportPluginList *importPluginList, UnusableImportPluginList *unusableImportPluginList) { importPluginList->Append(new PCMImportPlugin); } wxString PCMImportPlugin::GetPluginFormatDescription() { return DESC; } ImportFileHandle *PCMImportPlugin::Open(wxString filename) { SF_INFO info; SNDFILE *file = NULL; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); wxFile f; // will be closed when it goes out of scope #ifdef __WXGTK__ if (filename.Lower().EndsWith(wxT("mp3"))) { // There is a bug in libsndfile where mp3s with duplicated metadata tags // will crash libsndfile and thus audacity. // We have patched the lib-src version of libsndfile, but // for linux the user can build against the system libsndfile which // still has this bug. // This happens in sf_open_fd, which is the very first point of // interaction with libsndfile, so the only workaround is to hardcode // ImportPCM to not handle .mp3. Of couse, this will still fail for mp3s // that are mislabeled with a .wav or other extension. // So, in the future we may want to write a simple parser to detect mp3s here. return NULL; } #endif if (f.Open(filename)) { // Even though there is an sf_open() that takes a filename, use the one that // takes a file descriptor since wxWidgets can open a file with a Unicode name and // libsndfile can't (under Windows). file = sf_open_fd(f.fd(), SFM_READ, &info, TRUE); } // The file descriptor is now owned by "file", so we must tell "f" to leave // it alone. The file descriptor is closed by sf_open_fd() even if an error // occurs. f.Detach(); if (!file) { // TODO: Handle error //char str[1000]; //sf_error_str((SNDFILE *)NULL, str, 1000); return NULL; } else if (file && (info.format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK) == SF_FORMAT_OGG) { // mchinen 15.1.2012 - disallowing libsndfile to handle // ogg files because seeking is broken at this date (very slow, // seeks from beginning of file each seek). // This was said by Erik (libsndfile maintainer). // Note that this won't apply to our local libsndfile, so only // linux builds that use --with-libsndfile=system are affected, // as our local libsndfile doesn't do OGG. // In particular ubuntu 10.10 and 11.04 are known to be affected // When the bug is fixed, we can check version to avoid only // the broken builds. return NULL; } return new PCMImportFileHandle(filename, file, info); } PCMImportFileHandle::PCMImportFileHandle(wxString name, SNDFILE *file, SF_INFO info) : ImportFileHandle(name), mFile(file), mInfo(info) { // // Figure out the format to use. // // In general, go with the user's preferences. However, if // the file is higher-quality, go with a format which preserves // the quality of the original file. // mFormat = (sampleFormat) gPrefs->Read(wxT("/SamplingRate/DefaultProjectSampleFormat"), floatSample); if (mFormat != floatSample && sf_subtype_more_than_16_bits(mInfo.format)) mFormat = floatSample; } wxString PCMImportFileHandle::GetFileDescription() { return sf_header_name(mInfo.format); } int PCMImportFileHandle::GetFileUncompressedBytes() { return mInfo.frames * mInfo.channels * SAMPLE_SIZE(mFormat); } // returns "copy" or "edit" (aliased) as the user selects. // if the cancel button is hit then "cancel" is returned. static wxString AskCopyOrEdit() { wxString oldCopyPref = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/FileFormats/CopyOrEditUncompressedData"), wxT("copy")); bool firstTimeAsk = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Warnings/CopyOrEditUncompressedDataFirstAsk"), true)?true:false; bool oldAskPref = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Warnings/CopyOrEditUncompressedDataAsk"), true)?true:false; // The first time the user is asked we force it to 'copy'. // This effectively does a one-time change to the preferences. if (firstTimeAsk) { if (oldCopyPref != wxT("copy")) { gPrefs->Write(wxT("/FileFormats/CopyOrEditUncompressedData"), wxT("copy")); oldCopyPref = wxT("copy"); } gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Warnings/CopyOrEditUncompressedDataFirstAsk"), (long) false); gPrefs->Flush(); } // check the current preferences for whether or not we should ask the user about this. if (oldAskPref) { wxString newCopyPref = wxT("copy"); wxDialog dialog(NULL, -1, wxString(_("Warning"))); wxBoxSizer *vbox = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); dialog.SetSizer(vbox); wxStaticText *message = new wxStaticText(&dialog, -1, wxString::Format(_("\ When importing uncompressed audio files you can either copy them \ into the project, or read them directly from their current location (without copying).\n\n\ Your current preference is set to %s.\n\n\ \ Reading the files directly allows you to play or edit them almost immediately. \ This is less safe than copying in, because you must retain the files with their \ original names in their original location.\n\ File > Check Dependencies will show the original names and location of any files that you are reading directly.\n\n\ \ How do you want to import the current file(s)?"), oldCopyPref == wxT("copy") ? _("copy in") : _("read directly"))); message->Wrap(500); message->SetName(message->GetLabel()); vbox->Add(message, 1, wxALL | wxEXPAND, 10); wxStaticBox *box = new wxStaticBox(&dialog, -1, _("Choose an import method")); box->SetName(box->GetLabel()); wxStaticBoxSizer *boxsizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(box, wxVERTICAL); wxRadioButton *copyRadio = new wxRadioButton(&dialog, -1, _("Make a © of the files before editing (safer)"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxRB_GROUP); boxsizer->Add(copyRadio, 0, wxALL); copyRadio->SetName(wxStripMenuCodes(copyRadio->GetLabel())); wxRadioButton *aliasRadio = new wxRadioButton(&dialog, -1, _("Read the files &directly from the original (faster)")); boxsizer->Add(aliasRadio, 0, wxALL); aliasRadio->SetName(wxStripMenuCodes(aliasRadio->GetLabel())); wxCheckBox *dontAskNextTimeBox = new wxCheckBox(&dialog, -1, _("Don't &warn again and always use my choice above")); boxsizer->Add(dontAskNextTimeBox, 0, wxALL); vbox->Add(boxsizer, 0, wxALL, 10); dontAskNextTimeBox->SetName(wxStripMenuCodes(dontAskNextTimeBox->GetLabel())); wxRadioButton *prefsRadio = oldCopyPref == wxT("copy") ? copyRadio : aliasRadio; prefsRadio->SetValue(true); wxSizer *buttonSizer = dialog.CreateButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL); vbox->Add(buttonSizer, 0, wxALL | wxEXPAND, 10); dialog.SetSize(dialog.GetBestSize()); dialog.Layout(); dialog.Center(); if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { if (aliasRadio->GetValue()) { newCopyPref = wxT("edit"); } if (dontAskNextTimeBox->IsChecked()) { gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Warnings/CopyOrEditUncompressedDataAsk"), (long) false); gPrefs->Flush(); } } else { return wxT("cancel"); } // if the preference changed, save it. if (newCopyPref != oldCopyPref) { gPrefs->Write(wxT("/FileFormats/CopyOrEditUncompressedData"), newCopyPref); gPrefs->Flush(); } oldCopyPref = newCopyPref; } return oldCopyPref; } int PCMImportFileHandle::Import(TrackFactory *trackFactory, Track ***outTracks, int *outNumTracks, Tags *tags) { wxASSERT(mFile); // Get the preference / warn the user about aliased files. wxString copyEdit = AskCopyOrEdit(); if (copyEdit == wxT("cancel")) return eProgressCancelled; // Fall back to "copy" if it doesn't match anything else, since it is safer bool doEdit = false; if (copyEdit.IsSameAs(wxT("edit"), false)) doEdit = true; CreateProgress(); WaveTrack **channels = new WaveTrack *[mInfo.channels]; int c; for (c = 0; c < mInfo.channels; c++) { channels[c] = trackFactory->NewWaveTrack(mFormat, mInfo.samplerate); if (mInfo.channels > 1) switch (c) { case 0: channels[c]->SetChannel(Track::LeftChannel); break; case 1: channels[c]->SetChannel(Track::RightChannel); break; default: channels[c]->SetChannel(Track::MonoChannel); } } if (mInfo.channels == 2) { channels[0]->SetLinked(true); } sampleCount fileTotalFrames = (sampleCount)mInfo.frames; sampleCount maxBlockSize = channels[0]->GetMaxBlockSize(); int updateResult = false; // If the format is not seekable, we must use 'copy' mode, // because 'edit' mode depends on the ability to seek to an // arbitrary location in the file. if (!mInfo.seekable) doEdit = false; if (doEdit) { // If this mode has been selected, we form the tracks as // aliases to the files we're editing, i.e. ("foo.wav", 12000-18000) // instead of actually making fresh copies of the samples. // lets use OD only if the file is longer than 30 seconds. Otherwise, why wake up extra threads. //todo: make this a user pref. bool useOD =fileTotalFrames>kMinimumODFileSampleSize; int updateCounter = 0; for (sampleCount i = 0; i < fileTotalFrames; i += maxBlockSize) { sampleCount blockLen = maxBlockSize; if (i + blockLen > fileTotalFrames) blockLen = fileTotalFrames - i; for (c = 0; c < mInfo.channels; c++) channels[c]->AppendAlias(mFilename, i, blockLen, c,useOD); if (++updateCounter == 50) { updateResult = mProgress->Update(i, fileTotalFrames); updateCounter = 0; if (updateResult != eProgressSuccess) break; } } updateResult = mProgress->Update(fileTotalFrames, fileTotalFrames); if(useOD) { ODComputeSummaryTask* computeTask=new ODComputeSummaryTask; bool moreThanStereo = mInfo.channels>2; for (c = 0; c < mInfo.channels; c++) { computeTask->AddWaveTrack(channels[c]); if(moreThanStereo) { //if we have 3 more channels, they get imported on seperate tracks, so we add individual tasks for each. ODManager::Instance()->AddNewTask(computeTask); computeTask=new ODComputeSummaryTask; } } //if we have a linked track, we add ONE task. if(!moreThanStereo) ODManager::Instance()->AddNewTask(computeTask); } } else { // Otherwise, we're in the "copy" mode, where we read in the actual // samples from the file and store our own local copy of the // samples in the tracks. samplePtr srcbuffer = NewSamples(maxBlockSize * mInfo.channels, mFormat); samplePtr buffer = NewSamples(maxBlockSize, mFormat); unsigned long framescompleted = 0; long block; do { block = maxBlockSize; if (mFormat == int16Sample) block = sf_readf_short(mFile, (short *)srcbuffer, block); //import 24 bit int as float and have the append function convert it. This is how PCMAliasBlockFile works too. else block = sf_readf_float(mFile, (float *)srcbuffer, block); if (block) { for(c=0; cAppend(buffer, (mFormat == int16Sample)?int16Sample:floatSample, block); } framescompleted += block; } updateResult = mProgress->Update((long long unsigned)framescompleted, (long long unsigned)fileTotalFrames); if (updateResult != eProgressSuccess) break; } while (block > 0); DeleteSamples(buffer); DeleteSamples(srcbuffer); } if (updateResult == eProgressFailed || updateResult == eProgressCancelled) { for (c = 0; c < mInfo.channels; c++) delete channels[c]; delete[] channels; return updateResult; } *outNumTracks = mInfo.channels; *outTracks = new Track *[mInfo.channels]; for(c = 0; c < mInfo.channels; c++) { channels[c]->Flush(); (*outTracks)[c] = channels[c]; } delete[] channels; const char *str; str = sf_get_string(mFile, SF_STR_TITLE); if (str) { tags->SetTag(TAG_TITLE, UTF8CTOWX(str)); } str = sf_get_string(mFile, SF_STR_ARTIST); if (str) { tags->SetTag(TAG_ARTIST, UTF8CTOWX(str)); } str = sf_get_string(mFile, SF_STR_COMMENT); if (str) { tags->SetTag(TAG_COMMENTS, UTF8CTOWX(str)); } str = sf_get_string(mFile, SF_STR_DATE); if (str) { tags->SetTag(TAG_YEAR, UTF8CTOWX(str)); } str = sf_get_string(mFile, SF_STR_COPYRIGHT); if (str) { tags->SetTag(wxT("Copyright"), UTF8CTOWX(str)); } str = sf_get_string(mFile, SF_STR_SOFTWARE); if (str) { tags->SetTag(wxT("Software"), UTF8CTOWX(str)); } #if defined(USE_LIBID3TAG) if ((mInfo.format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK) == SF_FORMAT_AIFF) { wxFFile f(mFilename, wxT("rb")); if (f.IsOpened()) { char id[5]; wxUint32 len; id[4] = '\0'; f.Seek(12); // Skip filetype, length, and formtype while (!f.Error()) { f.Read(id, 4); // Get chunk type if (f.Eof()) { break; } f.Read(&len, 4); len = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_LE(len); if (strcmp(id, "ID3 ") != 0) { f.Seek(len + (len & 0x01), wxFromCurrent); continue; } id3_byte_t *buffer = (id3_byte_t *)malloc(len); if (!buffer) { break; } f.Read(buffer, len); struct id3_tag *tp = id3_tag_parse(buffer, len); free(buffer); if (!tp) { break; } // Loop through all frames bool have_year = false; for (int i = 0; i < (int) tp->nframes; i++) { struct id3_frame *frame = tp->frames[i]; // printf("ID: %08x '%4s'\n", (int) *(int *)frame->id, frame->id); // printf("Desc: %s\n", frame->description); // printf("Num fields: %d\n", frame->nfields); // for (int j = 0; j < (int) frame->nfields; j++) { // printf("field %d type %d\n", j, frame->fields[j].type ); // if (frame->fields[j].type == ID3_FIELD_TYPE_STRINGLIST) { // printf("num strings %d\n", frame->fields[j].stringlist.nstrings); // } // } wxString n, v; // Determine the tag name if (strcmp(frame->id, ID3_FRAME_TITLE) == 0) { n = TAG_TITLE; } else if (strcmp(frame->id, ID3_FRAME_ARTIST) == 0) { n = TAG_ARTIST; } else if (strcmp(frame->id, ID3_FRAME_ALBUM) == 0) { n = TAG_ALBUM; } else if (strcmp(frame->id, ID3_FRAME_TRACK) == 0) { n = TAG_TRACK; } else if (strcmp(frame->id, ID3_FRAME_YEAR) == 0) { // LLL: When libid3tag encounters the "TYER" tag, it converts it to a // "ZOBS" (obsolete) tag and adds a "TDRC" tag at the end of the // list of tags using the first 4 characters of the "TYER" tag. // Since we write both the "TDRC" and "TYER" tags, the "TDRC" tag // will always be encountered first in the list. We want use it // since the converted "TYER" tag may have been truncated. if (have_year) { continue; } n = TAG_YEAR; have_year = true; } else if (strcmp(frame->id, ID3_FRAME_COMMENT) == 0) { n = TAG_COMMENTS; } else if (strcmp(frame->id, ID3_FRAME_GENRE) == 0) { n = TAG_GENRE; } else { // Use frame description as default tag name. The descriptions // may include several "meanings" separated by "/" characters, so // we just use the first meaning n = UTF8CTOWX(frame->description).BeforeFirst(wxT('/')); } const id3_ucs4_t *ustr = NULL; if (n == TAG_COMMENTS) { ustr = id3_field_getfullstring(&frame->fields[3]); } else if (frame->nfields == 3) { ustr = id3_field_getstring(&frame->fields[1]); if (ustr) { char *str = (char *)id3_ucs4_utf8duplicate(ustr); n = UTF8CTOWX(str); free(str); } ustr = id3_field_getstring(&frame->fields[2]); } else if (frame->nfields >= 2) { ustr = id3_field_getstrings(&frame->fields[1], 0); } if (ustr) { char *str = (char *)id3_ucs4_utf8duplicate(ustr); v = UTF8CTOWX(str); free(str); } if (!n.IsEmpty() && !v.IsEmpty()) { tags->SetTag(n, v); } } // Convert v1 genre to name if (tags->HasTag(TAG_GENRE)) { long g = -1; if (tags->GetTag(TAG_GENRE).ToLong(&g)) { tags->SetTag(TAG_GENRE, tags->GetGenre(g)); } } id3_tag_delete(tp); break; } f.Close(); } } #endif return updateResult; } PCMImportFileHandle::~PCMImportFileHandle() { sf_close(mFile); }