Instructions for building on Windows. Fuller instructions that include * Portable Settings * Building an Installer can be found on our wiki at 1. MSVC 2017: Download and install Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 2. Git: Download and install Git, for example by installing: Git for Windows: and optionally GitExtensions: download and run the .msi installer. GitExtensions has a GUI interface, includes Git for Windows and has a Git bash command line in the bottom panel of the screen. 3. wxWidgets: 1) Clone wxWidgets and checkout 3.1.1 from the Audacity fork of the wxWidgets project: for example, in the git-bash command line mkdir ./wxWidgets cd ./wxWidgets git clone --recurse-submodules IF you forgot the --recurse-submodules, you can correct that later by: git submodule update --init 2) Follow instructions for building at DO set WXWIN to the appropriate directory where you installed wxWidgets. To do that, open a cmd.exe window, and type: set WXWIN=C:\wxWidgets-3.1.1 You will be building a dll version with MSVC2017 IDE, so... In MSVC 2017 open wx_vc15.sln, and select dll, release. Then build. 3) Having got this far, it is well worth trying out building some wxWidgets examples to confirm that building has worked OK 4. Audacity 1) Clone Audacity from the Audacity GitHub project. for example, in the git-bash command line mkdir ./audacity cd ./audacity git clone Audacity itself does not use/need git submodules. 2) in MSVC 2017 open audacity.sln Choose Release or Debug. Click compile.