/********************************************************************** Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor TimerRecordDialog.cpp Copyright 2006-2009 by Vaughan Johnson This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *******************************************************************//** \class TimerRecordDialog \brief Dialog for Timer Record, i.e., timed or long recording. *//*******************************************************************/ #include "Audacity.h" #include "TimerRecordDialog.h" #include "FileNames.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include "ShuttleGui.h" #include "Project.h" #include "Internat.h" #include "Prefs.h" #include "widgets/NumericTextCtrl.h" #include "widgets/HelpSystem.h" #define TIMER_ID 7000 enum { // control IDs ID_DATEPICKER_START = 10000, ID_TIMETEXT_START, ID_DATEPICKER_END, ID_TIMETEXT_END, ID_TIMETEXT_DURATION, ID_AUTOSAVEPATH_BUTTON, ID_AUTOSAVEPATH_TEXT, ID_AUTOEXPORTPATH_BUTTON, ID_AUTOEXPORTPATH_TEXT, ID_AUTOSAVE_CHECKBOX, ID_AUTOEXPORT_CHECKBOX }; enum { CONTROL_GROUP_SAVE, CONTROL_GROUP_EXPORT }; // Post Timer Recording Actions // Ensure this matches the enum in Menus.cpp enum { POST_TIMER_RECORD_STOPPED = -3, POST_TIMER_RECORD_CANCEL_WAIT, POST_TIMER_RECORD_CANCEL, POST_TIMER_RECORD_NOTHING, POST_TIMER_RECORD_CLOSE, POST_TIMER_RECORD_RESTART, POST_TIMER_RECORD_SHUTDOWN }; const int kTimerInterval = 50; // ms static double wxDateTime_to_AudacityTime(wxDateTime& dateTime) { return (dateTime.GetHour() * 3600.0) + (dateTime.GetMinute() * 60.0) + dateTime.GetSecond(); }; // The purpose of the DatePickerCtrlAx class is to make to wxDatePickerCtrl more accessible for // the NVDA screen reader. // By default the msaa state of wxDatePickerCtrl is always normal (0x0), and this causes nvda not // to read the control when the user tabs to it. This class // modifies the state to be focusable + focused (when it's the focus). // Note that even with this class NVDA still doesn't read the NEW selected part of the control when left/right // arrow keys are used. #if wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY class DatePickerCtrlAx final : public wxWindowAccessible { public: DatePickerCtrlAx(wxDatePickerCtrl * ctrl) : wxWindowAccessible(ctrl), mCtrl(ctrl) {}; virtual ~ DatePickerCtrlAx() {}; // Returns a state constant. wxAccStatus GetState(int childId, long *state) override; private: wxDatePickerCtrl *mCtrl; }; // Returns a state constant. wxAccStatus DatePickerCtrlAx::GetState(int WXUNUSED(childId), long *state) { *state = wxACC_STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSABLE; *state |= (mCtrl == wxWindow::FindFocus() ? wxACC_STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSED : 0); return wxACC_OK; } #endif // wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(TimerRecordDialog, wxDialogWrapper) EVT_DATE_CHANGED(ID_DATEPICKER_START, TimerRecordDialog::OnDatePicker_Start) EVT_TEXT(ID_TIMETEXT_START, TimerRecordDialog::OnTimeText_Start) EVT_DATE_CHANGED(ID_DATEPICKER_END, TimerRecordDialog::OnDatePicker_End) EVT_TEXT(ID_TIMETEXT_END, TimerRecordDialog::OnTimeText_End) EVT_TEXT(ID_TIMETEXT_DURATION, TimerRecordDialog::OnTimeText_Duration) EVT_BUTTON(wxID_OK, TimerRecordDialog::OnOK) EVT_BUTTON(wxID_HELP, TimerRecordDialog::OnHelpButtonClick) EVT_TIMER(TIMER_ID, TimerRecordDialog::OnTimer) EVT_BUTTON(ID_AUTOSAVEPATH_BUTTON, TimerRecordDialog::OnAutoSavePathButton_Click) EVT_BUTTON(ID_AUTOEXPORTPATH_BUTTON, TimerRecordDialog::OnAutoExportPathButton_Click) EVT_CHECKBOX(ID_AUTOSAVE_CHECKBOX, TimerRecordDialog::OnAutoSaveCheckBox_Change) EVT_CHECKBOX(ID_AUTOEXPORT_CHECKBOX, TimerRecordDialog::OnAutoExportCheckBox_Change) END_EVENT_TABLE() TimerRecordDialog::TimerRecordDialog(wxWindow* parent, bool bAlreadySaved) : wxDialogWrapper(parent, -1, _("Audacity Timer Record"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxCAPTION) { SetName(GetTitle()); m_DateTime_Start = wxDateTime::UNow(); long seconds; // default duration is 1 hour = 3600 seconds gPrefs->Read(wxT("/TimerRecord/LastDuration"), &seconds, 3600); m_TimeSpan_Duration = wxTimeSpan::Seconds(seconds); m_DateTime_End = m_DateTime_Start + m_TimeSpan_Duration; m_pDatePickerCtrl_Start = NULL; m_pTimeTextCtrl_Start = NULL; m_pDatePickerCtrl_End = NULL; m_pTimeTextCtrl_End = NULL; m_pTimeTextCtrl_Duration = NULL; // Do we allow the user to change the Automatic Save file? m_bProjectAlreadySaved = bAlreadySaved; ShuttleGui S(this, eIsCreating); this->PopulateOrExchange(S); // Set initial focus to "1" of "01h" in Duration NumericTextCtrl, // instead of OK button (default). m_pTimeTextCtrl_Duration->SetFocus(); m_pTimeTextCtrl_Duration->SetFieldFocus(3); m_timer.SetOwner(this, TIMER_ID); m_timer.Start(kTimerInterval); // Do we need to tidy up when the timer recording has been completed? m_bProjectCleanupRequired = !(this->HaveFilesToRecover()); } TimerRecordDialog::~TimerRecordDialog() { } void TimerRecordDialog::OnTimer(wxTimerEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxDateTime dateTime_UNow = wxDateTime::UNow(); if (m_DateTime_Start < dateTime_UNow) { m_DateTime_Start = dateTime_UNow; m_pDatePickerCtrl_Start->SetValue(m_DateTime_Start); m_pTimeTextCtrl_Start->SetValue(wxDateTime_to_AudacityTime(m_DateTime_Start)); this->UpdateEnd(); // Keep Duration constant and update End for changed Start. } } void TimerRecordDialog::OnDatePicker_Start(wxDateEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { m_DateTime_Start = m_pDatePickerCtrl_Start->GetValue(); double dTime = m_pTimeTextCtrl_Start->GetValue(); long hr = (long)(dTime / 3600.0); long min = (long)((dTime - (hr * 3600.0)) / 60.0); long sec = (long)(dTime - (hr * 3600.0) - (min * 60.0)); m_DateTime_Start.SetHour(hr); m_DateTime_Start.SetMinute(min); m_DateTime_Start.SetSecond(sec); // User might have had the dialog up for a while, or // had a future day, set hour of day less than now's, then changed day to today. wxTimerEvent dummyTimerEvent; this->OnTimer(dummyTimerEvent); // Always update End for changed Start, keeping Duration constant. // Note that OnTimer sometimes calls UpdateEnd, so sometimes this is redundant, // but OnTimer doesn't need to always call UpdateEnd, but we must here. this->UpdateEnd(); } void TimerRecordDialog::OnTimeText_Start(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { //v NumericTextCtrl doesn't implement upper ranges, i.e., // if I tell it "024 h 060 m 060 s", then // user increments the hours past 23, it rolls over to 0 // (although if you increment below 0, it stays at 0). // So instead, set the max to 99 and just catch hours > 24 and fix the ctrls. double dTime = m_pTimeTextCtrl_Start->GetValue(); long days = (long)(dTime / (24.0 * 3600.0)); if (days > 0) { dTime -= (double)days * 24.0 * 3600.0; m_DateTime_Start += wxTimeSpan::Days(days); m_pDatePickerCtrl_Start->SetValue(m_DateTime_Start); m_pTimeTextCtrl_Start->SetValue(dTime); } wxDateEvent dummyDateEvent; this->OnDatePicker_Start(dummyDateEvent); } void TimerRecordDialog::OnDatePicker_End(wxDateEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { m_DateTime_End = m_pDatePickerCtrl_End->GetValue(); double dTime = m_pTimeTextCtrl_End->GetValue(); long hr = (long)(dTime / 3600.0); long min = (long)((dTime - (hr * 3600.0)) / 60.0); long sec = (long)(dTime - (hr * 3600.0) - (min * 60.0)); m_DateTime_End.SetHour(hr); m_DateTime_End.SetMinute(min); m_DateTime_End.SetSecond(sec); // DatePickerCtrls use SetRange to make sure End is never less than Start, but // need to implement it for the TimeTextCtrls. if (m_DateTime_End < m_DateTime_Start) { m_DateTime_End = m_DateTime_Start; m_pDatePickerCtrl_End->SetValue(m_DateTime_End); m_pTimeTextCtrl_End->SetValue(wxDateTime_to_AudacityTime(m_DateTime_End)); } this->UpdateDuration(); // Keep Start constant and update Duration for changed End. } void TimerRecordDialog::OnTimeText_End(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { //v NumericTextCtrl doesn't implement upper ranges, i.e., // if I tell it "024 h 060 m 060 s", then // user increments the hours past 23, it rolls over to 0 // (although if you increment below 0, it stays at 0). // So instead, set the max to 99 and just catch hours > 24 and fix the ctrls. double dTime = m_pTimeTextCtrl_End->GetValue(); long days = (long)(dTime / (24.0 * 3600.0)); if (days > 0) { dTime -= (double)days * 24.0 * 3600.0; m_DateTime_End += wxTimeSpan::Days(days); m_pDatePickerCtrl_End->SetValue(m_DateTime_End); m_pTimeTextCtrl_End->SetValue(dTime); } wxDateEvent dummyDateEvent; this->OnDatePicker_End(dummyDateEvent); } void TimerRecordDialog::OnTimeText_Duration(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { double dTime = m_pTimeTextCtrl_Duration->GetValue(); long hr = (long)(dTime / 3600.0); long min = (long)((dTime - (hr * 3600.0)) / 60.0); long sec = (long)(dTime - (hr * 3600.0) - (min * 60.0)); m_TimeSpan_Duration = wxTimeSpan(hr, min, sec); //v milliseconds? this->UpdateEnd(); // Keep Start constant and update End for changed Duration. } // New events for timer recording automation void TimerRecordDialog::OnAutoSavePathButton_Click(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxString fName = FileSelector(_T("Save Timer Recording As"), m_fnAutoSaveFile.GetPath(), m_fnAutoSaveFile.GetFullName(), wxT("aup"), _("Audacity projects") + wxT(" (*.aup)|*.aup"), wxFD_SAVE | wxRESIZE_BORDER, this); if (fName == wxT("")) return; // MY: If project already exits then abort - we do not allow users to overwrite an existing project if (wxFileExists(fName)) { wxMessageDialog m( NULL, _("The selected file name could not be used\nfor Timer Recording because it would overwrite another project.\nPlease try again and select an original name."), _("Error Saving Timer Recording Project"), wxOK|wxICON_ERROR); m.ShowModal(); return; } // MY: Set this boolean to false so we now do a SaveAs at the end of the recording m_bProjectAlreadySaved = false; m_fnAutoSaveFile = fName; m_fnAutoSaveFile.SetExt(wxT("aup")); this->UpdateTextBoxControls(); } void TimerRecordDialog::OnAutoExportPathButton_Click(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { AudacityProject* pProject = GetActiveProject(); Exporter eExporter; // Call the Exporter to set the options required if (eExporter.SetAutoExportOptions(pProject)) { // Populate the options so that we can destroy this instance of the Exporter m_fnAutoExportFile = eExporter.GetAutoExportFileName(); m_iAutoExportFormat = eExporter.GetAutoExportFormat(); m_iAutoExportSubFormat = eExporter.GetAutoExportSubFormat(); m_iAutoExportFilterIndex = eExporter.GetAutoExportFilterIndex(); // Update the text controls this->UpdateTextBoxControls(); } } void TimerRecordDialog::OnAutoSaveCheckBox_Change(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { EnableDisableAutoControls(m_pTimerAutoSaveCheckBoxCtrl->GetValue(), CONTROL_GROUP_SAVE); } void TimerRecordDialog::OnAutoExportCheckBox_Change(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { EnableDisableAutoControls(m_pTimerAutoExportCheckBoxCtrl->GetValue(), CONTROL_GROUP_EXPORT); } void TimerRecordDialog::OnHelpButtonClick(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { HelpSystem::ShowHelpDialog(this, wxT("Timer_Record"), true); } wxString TimerRecordDialog::GetHoursMinsString(int iMinutes) { wxString sFormatted = ""; wxString sHours = ""; wxString sMins = ""; if (iMinutes < 1) { // Less than a minute... sFormatted = _("Less than 1 minute"); return sFormatted; } // Calculate int iHours = iMinutes / 60; int iMins = iMinutes % 60; // Format the hours if (iHours == 1) { sHours = _("1 hour and "); } else if (iHours > 1) { sHours.Printf(_("%d hours and"), iHours); } // Format the minutes if (iMins == 1) { sMins = _("1 minute"); } else if (iMins > 1) { sMins.Printf(_("%d minutes"), iMins); } // Build the string sFormatted.Printf("%s %s", sHours, sMins); return sFormatted; } void TimerRecordDialog::OnOK(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { this->TransferDataFromWindow(); if (!m_TimeSpan_Duration.IsPositive()) { wxMessageBox(_("Duration is zero. Nothing will be recorded."), _("Error in Duration"), wxICON_EXCLAMATION | wxOK); return; } // Validate that we have a Save and/or Export path setup if the appropriate check box is ticked wxString sTemp = m_fnAutoSaveFile.GetFullPath(); if (m_pTimerAutoSaveCheckBoxCtrl->IsChecked()) { if (!m_fnAutoSaveFile.IsOk() || m_fnAutoSaveFile.IsDir()) { wxMessageBox(_("Automatic Save path is invalid."), _("Error in Automatic Save"), wxICON_EXCLAMATION | wxOK); return; } } if (m_pTimerAutoExportCheckBoxCtrl->IsChecked()) { if (!m_fnAutoExportFile.IsOk() || m_fnAutoExportFile.IsDir()) { wxMessageBox(_("Automatic Export path is invalid."), _("Error in Automatic Export"), wxICON_EXCLAMATION | wxOK); return; } } // MY: Estimate here if we have enough disk space to // complete this Timer Recording. // If we dont think there is enough space then ask the user // if they want to continue. // We don't stop the user from starting the recording // as its possible that they plan to free up some // space before the recording begins AudacityProject* pProject = GetActiveProject(); // How many minutes do we have left on the disc? int iMinsLeft = pProject->GetEstimatedRecordingMinsLeftOnDisk(); // How many minutes will this recording require? int iMinsRecording = m_TimeSpan_Duration.GetMinutes(); // Do we have enough space? if (iMinsRecording >= iMinsLeft) { // Format the strings wxString sRemainingTime = ""; sRemainingTime = GetHoursMinsString(iMinsLeft); wxString sPlannedTime = ""; sPlannedTime = GetHoursMinsString(iMinsRecording); // Create the message string wxString sMessage = ""; sMessage.Printf("You may not have enough free disk space to complete this Timer Recording, based on your current settings.\n\nDo you wish to continue?\n\nPlanned recording duration: %s\nRecording time remaining on disk: %s", sPlannedTime, sRemainingTime); wxMessageDialog dlgMessage(NULL, sMessage, _("Timer Recording Disk Space Warning"), wxYES_NO | wxNO_DEFAULT | wxICON_WARNING); if (dlgMessage.ShowModal() != wxID_YES) { // User decided not to continue - bail out! return; } } m_timer.Stop(); // Don't need to keep updating m_DateTime_Start to prevent backdating. this->EndModal(wxID_OK); wxLongLong duration = m_TimeSpan_Duration.GetSeconds(); // this will assert if the duration won't fit in a long gPrefs->Write(wxT("/TimerRecord/LastDuration"), duration.ToLong()); gPrefs->Flush(); } void TimerRecordDialog::EnableDisableAutoControls(bool bEnable, int iControlGoup) { if (iControlGoup == CONTROL_GROUP_EXPORT) { m_pTimerExportPathTextCtrl->Enable( bEnable ); m_pTimerExportPathButtonCtrl->Enable( bEnable); } else if (iControlGoup == CONTROL_GROUP_SAVE) { m_pTimerSavePathTextCtrl->Enable( bEnable); m_pTimerSavePathButtonCtrl->Enable(bEnable ); } // Enable or disable the Choice box - if there is no Save or Export then this will be disabled if (m_pTimerAutoSaveCheckBoxCtrl->GetValue() || m_pTimerAutoExportCheckBoxCtrl->GetValue()) { m_pTimerAfterCompleteChoiceCtrl->Enable(); } else { m_pTimerAfterCompleteChoiceCtrl->SetSelection(POST_TIMER_RECORD_NOTHING); m_pTimerAfterCompleteChoiceCtrl->Disable(); } } void TimerRecordDialog::UpdateTextBoxControls() { // Will update the text box controls m_pTimerSavePathTextCtrl->SetValue(m_fnAutoSaveFile.GetFullPath()); m_pTimerExportPathTextCtrl->SetValue(m_fnAutoExportFile.GetFullPath()); // MY: Ensure we still display "Current Project" if this has already been saved if (m_bProjectAlreadySaved) { m_pTimerSavePathTextCtrl->SetValue(_("Current Project")); } } // Copied from AutoRecovery.cpp - for use with Timer Recording Improvements bool TimerRecordDialog::HaveFilesToRecover() { wxDir dir(FileNames::AutoSaveDir()); if (!dir.IsOpened()) { wxMessageBox(_("Could not enumerate files in auto save directory."), _("Error"), wxICON_STOP); return false; } wxString filename; bool c = dir.GetFirst(&filename, wxT("*.autosave"), wxDIR_FILES); return c; } bool TimerRecordDialog::RemoveAllAutoSaveFiles() { wxArrayString files; wxDir::GetAllFiles(FileNames::AutoSaveDir(), &files, wxT("*.autosave"), wxDIR_FILES); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < files.GetCount(); i++) { if (!wxRemoveFile(files[i])) { // I don't think this error message is actually useful. // -dmazzoni //wxMessageBox(wxT("Could not remove auto save file: " + files[i]), // _("Error"), wxICON_STOP); return false; } } return true; } /// Runs the wait for start dialog. Returns -1 if the user clicks stop while we are recording /// or if the post recording actions fail. int TimerRecordDialog::RunWaitDialog() { AudacityProject* pProject = GetActiveProject(); int updateResult = eProgressSuccess; if (m_DateTime_Start > wxDateTime::UNow()) updateResult = this->WaitForStart(); if (updateResult != eProgressSuccess) { // Don't proceed, but don't treat it as canceled recording. User just canceled waiting. return POST_TIMER_RECORD_CANCEL_WAIT; } else { // Record for specified time. pProject->OnRecord(); bool bIsRecording = true; wxString sPostAction = m_pTimerAfterCompleteChoiceCtrl->GetString(m_pTimerAfterCompleteChoiceCtrl->GetSelection()); wxString strMsg; strMsg.Printf(_("Recording start:\t\t\t%s\n") + _("Duration:\t\t\t%s\n") + _("Recording end:\t\t\t%s\n\n") + _("Automatic Save enabled:\t\t%s\n") + _("Automatic Export enabled:\t\t%s\n") + _("Action after Timer Recording:\t%s"), GetDisplayDate(m_DateTime_Start).c_str(), m_TimeSpan_Duration.Format(), GetDisplayDate(m_DateTime_End).c_str(), (m_bAutoSaveEnabled ? _("Yes") : _("No")), (m_bAutoExportEnabled ? _("Yes") : _("No")), sPostAction); TimerProgressDialog progress(m_TimeSpan_Duration.GetMilliseconds().GetValue(), _("Audacity Timer Record Progress"), strMsg, pdlgHideCancelButton | pdlgConfirmStopCancel); // Make sure that start and end time are updated, so we always get the full // duration, even if there's some delay getting here. wxTimerEvent dummyTimerEvent; this->OnTimer(dummyTimerEvent); // Loop for progress display during recording. while (bIsRecording && (updateResult == eProgressSuccess)) { updateResult = progress.Update(); wxMilliSleep(kTimerInterval); bIsRecording = (wxDateTime::UNow() <= m_DateTime_End); // Call UNow() again for extra accuracy... } } // Must do this AFTER the timer project dialog has been deleted to ensure the application // responds to the AUDIOIO events...see not about bug #334 in the ProgressDialog constructor. pProject->OnStop(); // Let the caller handle cancellation or failure from recording progress. if (updateResult == eProgressCancelled || updateResult == eProgressFailed) return POST_TIMER_RECORD_CANCEL; return ExecutePostRecordActions((updateResult == eProgressStopped)); } int TimerRecordDialog::ExecutePostRecordActions(bool bWasStopped) { // MY: We no longer automatically (and silently) call ->Save() when the // timer recording is completed. We can now Save and/or Export depending // on the options selected by the user. // Once completed, we can also close Audacity, restart the system or // shutdown the system. // If there was any error with the auto save or export then we will not do // the actions requested and instead present an error mesasge to the user. // Finally, if there is no post-record action selected then we output // a dialog detailing what has been carried out instead. AudacityProject* pProject = GetActiveProject(); bool bSaveOK = false; bool bExportOK = false; int iPostRecordAction = m_pTimerAfterCompleteChoiceCtrl->GetSelection(); int iOverriddenAction = iPostRecordAction; bool bErrorOverride = false; // Do Automatic Save? if (m_bAutoSaveEnabled) { // MY: If this project has already been saved then simply execute a Save here if (m_bProjectAlreadySaved) { bSaveOK = pProject->Save(); } else { bSaveOK = pProject->SaveFromTimerRecording(m_fnAutoSaveFile); } } // Do Automatic Export? if (m_bAutoExportEnabled) { bExportOK = pProject->ExportFromTimerRecording(m_fnAutoExportFile, m_iAutoExportFormat, m_iAutoExportSubFormat, m_iAutoExportFilterIndex); } // Check if we need to override the post recording action bErrorOverride = ((m_bAutoSaveEnabled && !bSaveOK) || (m_bAutoExportEnabled && !bExportOK)); if (bErrorOverride || bWasStopped) { iPostRecordAction = POST_TIMER_RECORD_NOTHING; } if (iPostRecordAction == POST_TIMER_RECORD_NOTHING) { // If there is no post-record action then we can show a message indicating what has been done wxString sMessage = (bWasStopped ? _("Timer Recording stopped.") : _("Timer Recording completed.")); if (m_bAutoSaveEnabled) { if (bSaveOK) { sMessage.Printf("%s\n\nRecording saved: %s", sMessage, m_fnAutoSaveFile.GetFullPath()); } else { sMessage.Printf("%s\n\nError saving recording.", sMessage); } } if (m_bAutoExportEnabled) { if (bExportOK) { sMessage.Printf("%s\n\nRecording exported: %s", sMessage, m_fnAutoExportFile.GetFullPath()); } else { sMessage.Printf("%s\n\nError exporting recording.", sMessage); } } if (bErrorOverride) { if ((iOverriddenAction != iPostRecordAction) && (iOverriddenAction != POST_TIMER_RECORD_NOTHING)) { // Inform the user that we have overridden the selected action sMessage.Printf("%s\n\n'%s' has been canceled due to the error(s) noted above.", sMessage, m_pTimerAfterCompleteChoiceCtrl->GetString(iOverriddenAction)); } // Show Error Message Box wxMessageBox(sMessage, _("Error"), wxICON_EXCLAMATION | wxOK); } else { if (bWasStopped && (iOverriddenAction != POST_TIMER_RECORD_NOTHING)) { sMessage.Printf("%s\n\n'%s' has been canceled as the recording was stopped.", sMessage, m_pTimerAfterCompleteChoiceCtrl->GetString(iOverriddenAction)); } wxMessageBox(sMessage, _("Timer Recording"), wxICON_INFORMATION | wxOK); } } // MY: Lets do some actions that only apply to Exit/Restart/Shutdown if (iPostRecordAction >= POST_TIMER_RECORD_CLOSE) { do { // Set the flags as appropriate based on what we have done wxUint32 eActionFlags = TR_ACTION_NOTHING; if (m_bAutoSaveEnabled && bSaveOK) { eActionFlags |= TR_ACTION_SAVED; } if (m_bAutoExportEnabled && bExportOK) { eActionFlags |= TR_ACTION_EXPORTED; } // Lets show a warning dialog telling the user what is about to happen. // If the user no longer wants to carry out this action then they can click // Cancel and we will do POST_TIMER_RECORD_NOTHING instead. int iDelayOutcome = PreActionDelay(iPostRecordAction, (TimerRecordCompletedActions)eActionFlags); if (iDelayOutcome != eProgressSuccess) { // Cancel the action! iPostRecordAction = POST_TIMER_RECORD_NOTHING; // Set this to true to avoid any chance of the temp files being deleted bErrorOverride = true; break; } // If we have simply recorded, exported and then plan to Exit/Restart/Shutdown // then we will have a temporary project setup. Let's get rid of that! if (m_bAutoExportEnabled && !m_bAutoSaveEnabled) { DirManager::CleanTempDir(); } } while (false); } // Do we need to cleanup the orphaned temporary project? if (m_bProjectCleanupRequired && !bErrorOverride) { RemoveAllAutoSaveFiles(); } // Return the action as required return iPostRecordAction; } wxString TimerRecordDialog::GetDisplayDate( wxDateTime & dt ) { #if defined(__WXMSW__) // On Windows, wxWidgets uses the system date control and it displays the // date based on the Windows locale selected by the user. But, wxDateTime // using the strftime function to return the formatted date. Since the // default locale for the Windows CRT environment is "C", the dates come // back in a different format. // // So, we make direct Windows calls to format the date like it the date // control. // // (Most of this taken from src/msw/datectrl.cpp) const wxDateTime::Tm tm(dt.GetTm()); SYSTEMTIME st; wxString s; int len; st.wYear = (WXWORD)tm.year; st.wMonth = (WXWORD)(tm.mon - wxDateTime::Jan + 1); st.wDay = tm.mday; st.wDayOfWeek = st.wMinute = st.wSecond = st.wMilliseconds = 0; len = ::GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, &st, NULL, NULL, 0); if (len > 0) { len = ::GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, &st, NULL, wxStringBuffer(s, len), len); if (len > 0) { s += wxT(" ") + dt.FormatTime(); return s; } } #endif // Use default formatting wxPrintf(wxT("%s\n"), dt.Format().c_str()); return dt.FormatDate() + wxT(" ") + dt.FormatTime(); } TimerRecordPathCtrl * TimerRecordDialog::NewPathControl(wxWindow *wParent, const int iID, const wxString &sCaption, const wxString &sValue) { TimerRecordPathCtrl * pTextCtrl; wxASSERT(wParent); // to justify safenew pTextCtrl = safenew TimerRecordPathCtrl(wParent, iID, sValue); pTextCtrl->SetName(sCaption); return pTextCtrl; } void TimerRecordDialog::PopulateOrExchange(ShuttleGui& S) { bool bAutoSave = gPrefs->ReadBool("/TimerRecord/AutoSave", false); bool bAutoExport = gPrefs->ReadBool("/TimerRecord/AutoExport", false); int iPostTimerRecordAction = gPrefs->ReadLong("/TimerRecord/PostAction", 0); S.SetBorder(5); S.StartMultiColumn(2, wxCENTER); { S.StartVerticalLay(true); { /* i18n-hint: This string is used to configure the controls for times when the recording is * started and stopped. As such it is important that only the alphabetic parts of the string * are translated, with the numbers left exactly as they are. * The 'h' indicates the first number displayed is hours, the 'm' indicates the second number * displayed is minutes, and the 's' indicates that the third number displayed is seconds. */ wxString strFormat = _("099 h 060 m 060 s"); S.StartStatic(_("Start Date and Time"), true); { m_pDatePickerCtrl_Start = safenew wxDatePickerCtrl(this, // wxWindow *parent, ID_DATEPICKER_START, // wxWindowID id, m_DateTime_Start); // const wxDateTime& dt = wxDefaultDateTime, // const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxDP_DEFAULT | wxDP_SHOWCENTURY, const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator, const wxString& name = "datectrl") m_pDatePickerCtrl_Start->SetName(_("Start Date")); m_pDatePickerCtrl_Start->SetRange(wxDateTime::Today(), wxInvalidDateTime); // No backdating. #if wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY m_pDatePickerCtrl_Start->SetAccessible( safenew DatePickerCtrlAx(m_pDatePickerCtrl_Start)); #endif S.AddWindow(m_pDatePickerCtrl_Start); m_pTimeTextCtrl_Start = safenew NumericTextCtrl( NumericConverter::TIME, this, ID_TIMETEXT_START); m_pTimeTextCtrl_Start->SetName(_("Start Time")); m_pTimeTextCtrl_Start->SetFormatString(strFormat); m_pTimeTextCtrl_Start-> SetValue(wxDateTime_to_AudacityTime(m_DateTime_Start)); S.AddWindow(m_pTimeTextCtrl_Start); m_pTimeTextCtrl_Start->EnableMenu(false); } S.EndStatic(); S.StartStatic(_("End Date and Time"), true); { m_pDatePickerCtrl_End = safenew wxDatePickerCtrl(this, // wxWindow *parent, ID_DATEPICKER_END, // wxWindowID id, m_DateTime_End); // const wxDateTime& dt = wxDefaultDateTime, // const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxDP_DEFAULT | wxDP_SHOWCENTURY, const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator, const wxString& name = "datectrl") m_pDatePickerCtrl_End->SetRange(m_DateTime_Start, wxInvalidDateTime); // No backdating. m_pDatePickerCtrl_End->SetName(_("End Date")); #if wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY m_pDatePickerCtrl_End->SetAccessible( safenew DatePickerCtrlAx(m_pDatePickerCtrl_End)); #endif S.AddWindow(m_pDatePickerCtrl_End); m_pTimeTextCtrl_End = safenew NumericTextCtrl( NumericConverter::TIME, this, ID_TIMETEXT_END); m_pTimeTextCtrl_End->SetName(_("End Time")); m_pTimeTextCtrl_End->SetFormatString(strFormat); m_pTimeTextCtrl_End->SetValue(wxDateTime_to_AudacityTime(m_DateTime_End)); S.AddWindow(m_pTimeTextCtrl_End); m_pTimeTextCtrl_End->EnableMenu(false); } S.EndStatic(); S.StartStatic(_("Duration"), true); { /* i18n-hint: This string is used to configure the controls which shows the recording * duration. As such it is important that only the alphabetic parts of the string * are translated, with the numbers left exactly as they are. * The string 'days' indicates that the first number in the control will be the number of days, * then the 'h' indicates the second number displayed is hours, the 'm' indicates the third * number displayed is minutes, and the 's' indicates that the fourth number displayed is * seconds. */ wxString strFormat1 = _("099 days 024 h 060 m 060 s"); m_pTimeTextCtrl_Duration = safenew NumericTextCtrl(NumericConverter::TIME, this, ID_TIMETEXT_DURATION); m_pTimeTextCtrl_Duration->SetName(_("Duration")); m_pTimeTextCtrl_Duration->SetFormatString(strFormat1); m_pTimeTextCtrl_Duration->SetValue(m_TimeSpan_Duration.GetSeconds().ToDouble()); S.AddWindow(m_pTimeTextCtrl_Duration); m_pTimeTextCtrl_Duration->EnableMenu(false); } S.EndStatic(); } S.EndVerticalLay(); S.StartVerticalLay(true); { S.StartStatic(_("Automatic Save"), true); { // If checked, the project will be saved when the recording is completed m_pTimerAutoSaveCheckBoxCtrl = S.Id(ID_AUTOSAVE_CHECKBOX).AddCheckBox(_("Enable &Automatic Save?"), (bAutoSave ? "true" : "false")); S.StartMultiColumn(3, wxEXPAND); { wxString sInitialValue = wxT(""); AudacityProject* pProject = GetActiveProject(); wxString sSaveValue = pProject->GetFileName(); if (sSaveValue != wxEmptyString) { m_fnAutoSaveFile.Assign(sSaveValue); sInitialValue = _("Current Project"); } S.AddPrompt(_("Save Project As:")); m_pTimerSavePathTextCtrl = NewPathControl(this, ID_AUTOSAVEPATH_TEXT, _("Save Project As:"), sInitialValue); m_pTimerSavePathTextCtrl->SetEditable(false); S.AddWindow(m_pTimerSavePathTextCtrl); m_pTimerSavePathButtonCtrl = S.Id(ID_AUTOSAVEPATH_BUTTON).AddButton(_("Select...")); } S.EndMultiColumn(); } S.EndStatic(); S.StartStatic(_("Automatic Export"), true); { m_pTimerAutoExportCheckBoxCtrl = S.Id(ID_AUTOEXPORT_CHECKBOX).AddCheckBox(_("Enable Automatic &Export?"), (bAutoExport ? "true" : "false")); S.StartMultiColumn(3, wxEXPAND); { S.AddPrompt(_("Export Project As:")); m_pTimerExportPathTextCtrl = NewPathControl(this, ID_AUTOEXPORTPATH_TEXT, _("Export Project As:"), _("")); m_pTimerExportPathTextCtrl->SetEditable(false); S.AddWindow(m_pTimerExportPathTextCtrl); m_pTimerExportPathButtonCtrl = S.Id(ID_AUTOEXPORTPATH_BUTTON).AddButton(_("Select...")); } S.EndMultiColumn(); } S.EndStatic(); S.StartStatic(_("Options"), true); { wxArrayString arrayOptions; arrayOptions.Add(_("Do nothing")); arrayOptions.Add(_("Exit Audacity")); arrayOptions.Add(_("Restart system")); arrayOptions.Add(_("Shutdown system")); m_sTimerAfterCompleteOptionsArray.Add(arrayOptions.Item(0)); m_sTimerAfterCompleteOptionsArray.Add(arrayOptions.Item(1)); #ifdef __WINDOWS__ m_sTimerAfterCompleteOptionsArray.Add(arrayOptions.Item(2)); m_sTimerAfterCompleteOptionsArray.Add(arrayOptions.Item(3)); #endif m_sTimerAfterCompleteOption = arrayOptions.Item(iPostTimerRecordAction); m_pTimerAfterCompleteChoiceCtrl = S.AddChoice(_("After Recording completes:"), m_sTimerAfterCompleteOption, &m_sTimerAfterCompleteOptionsArray); } S.EndStatic(); } S.EndVerticalLay(); } S.EndMultiColumn(); // MY: Added the help button here S.AddStandardButtons(eOkButton | eCancelButton | eHelpButton); Layout(); Fit(); SetMinSize(GetSize()); Center(); EnableDisableAutoControls(bAutoSave, CONTROL_GROUP_SAVE); EnableDisableAutoControls(bAutoExport, CONTROL_GROUP_EXPORT); } bool TimerRecordDialog::TransferDataFromWindow() { double dTime; long hr; long min; long sec; m_DateTime_Start = m_pDatePickerCtrl_Start->GetValue(); dTime = m_pTimeTextCtrl_Start->GetValue(); hr = (long)(dTime / 3600.0); min = (long)((dTime - (hr * 3600.0)) / 60.0); sec = (long)(dTime - (hr * 3600.0) - (min * 60.0)); m_DateTime_Start.SetHour(hr); m_DateTime_Start.SetMinute(min); m_DateTime_Start.SetSecond(sec); m_DateTime_End = m_pDatePickerCtrl_End->GetValue(); dTime = m_pTimeTextCtrl_End->GetValue(); hr = (long)(dTime / 3600.0); min = (long)((dTime - (hr * 3600.0)) / 60.0); sec = (long)(dTime - (hr * 3600.0) - (min * 60.0)); m_DateTime_End.SetHour(hr); m_DateTime_End.SetMinute(min); m_DateTime_End.SetSecond(sec); m_TimeSpan_Duration = m_DateTime_End - m_DateTime_Start; // Pull the settings from the auto save/export controls and write to the pref file m_bAutoSaveEnabled = m_pTimerAutoSaveCheckBoxCtrl->GetValue(); m_bAutoExportEnabled = m_pTimerAutoExportCheckBoxCtrl->GetValue(); // MY: Obtain the index from the choice control so we can save to the prefs file int iPostRecordAction = m_pTimerAfterCompleteChoiceCtrl->GetSelection(); // Save the options back to the prefs file gPrefs->Write("/TimerRecord/AutoSave", m_bAutoSaveEnabled); gPrefs->Write("/TimerRecord/AutoExport", m_bAutoExportEnabled); gPrefs->Write("/TimerRecord/PostAction", iPostRecordAction); return true; } // Update m_TimeSpan_Duration and ctrl based on m_DateTime_Start and m_DateTime_End. void TimerRecordDialog::UpdateDuration() { m_TimeSpan_Duration = m_DateTime_End - m_DateTime_Start; m_pTimeTextCtrl_Duration->SetValue(m_TimeSpan_Duration.GetSeconds().ToDouble()); } // Update m_DateTime_End and ctrls based on m_DateTime_Start and m_TimeSpan_Duration. void TimerRecordDialog::UpdateEnd() { //v Use remaining disk -> record time calcs from AudacityProject::OnTimer to set range? m_DateTime_End = m_DateTime_Start + m_TimeSpan_Duration; m_pDatePickerCtrl_End->SetValue(m_DateTime_End); m_pDatePickerCtrl_End->SetRange(m_DateTime_Start, wxInvalidDateTime); // No backdating. m_pDatePickerCtrl_End->Refresh(); m_pTimeTextCtrl_End->SetValue(wxDateTime_to_AudacityTime(m_DateTime_End)); } int TimerRecordDialog::WaitForStart() { // MY: The Waiting For Start dialog now shows what actions will occur after recording has completed wxString sPostAction = m_pTimerAfterCompleteChoiceCtrl->GetString(m_pTimerAfterCompleteChoiceCtrl->GetSelection()); /* i18n-hint: Time specifications like "Sunday 28th October 2007 15:16:17 GMT" * but hopefully translated by wxwidgets will be inserted into this */ wxString strMsg; strMsg.Printf(_("Waiting to start recording at:\t%s\n") + _("Recording duration:\t\t%s\n") + _("Scheduled to stop at:\t\t%s\n\n") + _("Automatic Save enabled:\t\t%s\n") + _("Automatic Export enabled:\t\t%s\n") + _("Action after Timer Recording:\t%s"), GetDisplayDate(m_DateTime_Start).c_str(), m_TimeSpan_Duration.Format(), GetDisplayDate(m_DateTime_End).c_str(), (m_bAutoSaveEnabled ? _("Yes") : _("No")), (m_bAutoExportEnabled ? _("Yes") : _("No")), sPostAction); wxDateTime startWait_DateTime = wxDateTime::UNow(); wxTimeSpan waitDuration = m_DateTime_Start - startWait_DateTime; TimerProgressDialog progress(waitDuration.GetMilliseconds().GetValue(), _("Audacity Timer Record - Waiting for Start"), strMsg, pdlgHideStopButton | pdlgConfirmStopCancel | pdlgHideElapsedTime, _("Recording will commence in:")); int updateResult = eProgressSuccess; bool bIsRecording = false; while (updateResult == eProgressSuccess && !bIsRecording) { updateResult = progress.Update(); wxMilliSleep(10); bIsRecording = (m_DateTime_Start <= wxDateTime::UNow()); } return updateResult; } int TimerRecordDialog::PreActionDelay(int iActionIndex, TimerRecordCompletedActions eCompletedActions) { wxString sAction = m_pTimerAfterCompleteChoiceCtrl->GetString(iActionIndex); wxString sCountdownLabel; sCountdownLabel.Printf("%s in:", sAction); // Build a clearer message... wxString sMessage; sMessage.Printf(_("Timer Recording completed.\n\n") + _("Recording Saved:\t\t\t%s\n") + _("Recording Exported:\t\t%s\n") + _("Action after Timer Recording:\t%s"), ((eCompletedActions & TR_ACTION_SAVED) ? _("Yes") : _("No")), ((eCompletedActions & TR_ACTION_EXPORTED) ? _("Yes") : _("No")), sAction); wxDateTime dtNow = wxDateTime::UNow(); wxTimeSpan tsWait = wxTimeSpan(0, 1, 0, 0); wxDateTime dtActionTime = dtNow.Add(tsWait); TimerProgressDialog dlgAction(tsWait.GetMilliseconds().GetValue(), _("Audacity Timer Record - Waiting"), sMessage, pdlgHideStopButton | pdlgHideElapsedTime, sCountdownLabel); int iUpdateResult = eProgressSuccess; bool bIsTime = false; while (iUpdateResult == eProgressSuccess && !bIsTime) { iUpdateResult = dlgAction.Update(); wxMilliSleep(10); bIsTime = (dtActionTime <= wxDateTime::UNow()); } return iUpdateResult; }