/********************************************************************** Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor Noise.cpp Dominic Mazzoni *******************************************************************//** \class EffectNoise \brief An effect to add white noise. *//*******************************************************************/ #include "../Audacity.h" #include "Noise.h" #include "LoadEffects.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "../Prefs.h" #include "../Shuttle.h" #include "../ShuttleGui.h" #include "../widgets/valnum.h" #include "../widgets/NumericTextCtrl.h" enum kTypes { kWhite, kPink, kBrownian, nTypes }; static const EnumValueSymbol kTypeStrings[nTypes] = { // These are acceptable dual purpose internal/visible names /* i18n-hint: not a color, but "white noise" having a uniform spectrum */ { XC("White", "noise") }, /* i18n-hint: not a color, but "pink noise" having a spectrum with more power in low frequencies */ { XC("Pink", "noise") }, /* i18n-hint: a kind of noise spectrum also known as "red" or "brown" */ { XC("Brownian", "noise") } }; // Define keys, defaults, minimums, and maximums for the effect parameters // // Name Type Key Def Min Max Scale Param( Type, int, wxT("Type"), kWhite, 0, nTypes - 1, 1 ); Param( Amp, double, wxT("Amplitude"), 0.8, 0.0, 1.0, 1 ); // // EffectNoise // const ComponentInterfaceSymbol EffectNoise::Symbol { XO("Noise") }; namespace{ BuiltinEffectsModule::Registration< EffectNoise > reg; } EffectNoise::EffectNoise() { mType = DEF_Type; mAmp = DEF_Amp; SetLinearEffectFlag(true); y = z = buf0 = buf1 = buf2 = buf3 = buf4 = buf5 = buf6 = 0; } EffectNoise::~EffectNoise() { } // ComponentInterface implementation ComponentInterfaceSymbol EffectNoise::GetSymbol() { return Symbol; } TranslatableString EffectNoise::GetDescription() { return XO("Generates one of three different types of noise"); } wxString EffectNoise::ManualPage() { return wxT("Noise"); } // EffectDefinitionInterface implementation EffectType EffectNoise::GetType() { return EffectTypeGenerate; } // EffectClientInterface implementation unsigned EffectNoise::GetAudioOutCount() { return 1; } size_t EffectNoise::ProcessBlock(float **WXUNUSED(inbuf), float **outbuf, size_t size) { float *buffer = outbuf[0]; float white; float amplitude; float div = ((float) RAND_MAX) / 2.0f; switch (mType) { default: case kWhite: // white for (decltype(size) i = 0; i < size; i++) { buffer[i] = mAmp * ((rand() / div) - 1.0f); } break; case kPink: // pink // based on Paul Kellet's "instrumentation grade" algorithm. // 0.129f is an experimental normalization factor. amplitude = mAmp * 0.129f; for (decltype(size) i = 0; i < size; i++) { white = (rand() / div) - 1.0f; buf0 = 0.99886f * buf0 + 0.0555179f * white; buf1 = 0.99332f * buf1 + 0.0750759f * white; buf2 = 0.96900f * buf2 + 0.1538520f * white; buf3 = 0.86650f * buf3 + 0.3104856f * white; buf4 = 0.55000f * buf4 + 0.5329522f * white; buf5 = -0.7616f * buf5 - 0.0168980f * white; buffer[i] = amplitude * (buf0 + buf1 + buf2 + buf3 + buf4 + buf5 + buf6 + white * 0.5362); buf6 = white * 0.115926; } break; case kBrownian: // Brownian //float leakage=0.997; // experimental value at 44.1kHz //double scaling = 0.05; // experimental value at 44.1kHz // min and max protect against instability at extreme sample rates. float leakage = ((mSampleRate - 144.0) / mSampleRate < 0.9999) ? (mSampleRate - 144.0) / mSampleRate : 0.9999f; float scaling = (9.0 / sqrt(mSampleRate) > 0.01) ? 9.0 / sqrt(mSampleRate) : 0.01f; for (decltype(size) i = 0; i < size; i++) { white = (rand() / div) - 1.0f; z = leakage * y + white * scaling; y = fabs(z) > 1.0 ? leakage * y - white * scaling : z; buffer[i] = mAmp * y; } break; } return size; } bool EffectNoise::DefineParams( ShuttleParams & S ){ S.SHUTTLE_ENUM_PARAM( mType, Type, kTypeStrings, nTypes ); S.SHUTTLE_PARAM( mAmp, Amp ); return true; } bool EffectNoise::GetAutomationParameters(CommandParameters & parms) { parms.Write(KEY_Type, kTypeStrings[mType].Internal()); parms.Write(KEY_Amp, mAmp); return true; } bool EffectNoise::SetAutomationParameters(CommandParameters & parms) { ReadAndVerifyEnum(Type, kTypeStrings, nTypes); ReadAndVerifyDouble(Amp); mType = Type; mAmp = Amp; return true; } // Effect implementation bool EffectNoise::Startup() { wxString base = wxT("/Effects/Noise/"); // Migrate settings from 2.1.0 or before // Already migrated, so bail if (gPrefs->Exists(base + wxT("Migrated"))) { return true; } // Load the old "current" settings if (gPrefs->Exists(base)) { gPrefs->Read(base + wxT("Type"), &mType, 0L); gPrefs->Read(base + wxT("Amplitude"), &mAmp, 0.8f); SaveUserPreset(GetCurrentSettingsGroup()); // Do not migrate again gPrefs->Write(base + wxT("Migrated"), true); gPrefs->Flush(); } return true; } void EffectNoise::PopulateOrExchange(ShuttleGui & S) { wxASSERT(nTypes == WXSIZEOF(kTypeStrings)); S.StartMultiColumn(2, wxCENTER); { S.Validator(&mType) .AddChoice(XXO("&Noise type:"), Msgids(kTypeStrings, nTypes)); S.Validator>( 6, &mAmp, NumValidatorStyle::NO_TRAILING_ZEROES, MIN_Amp, MAX_Amp ) .AddTextBox(XXO("&Amplitude (0-1):"), wxT(""), 12); S.AddPrompt(XXO("&Duration:")); mNoiseDurationT = safenew NumericTextCtrl(S.GetParent(), wxID_ANY, NumericConverter::TIME, GetDurationFormat(), GetDuration(), mProjectRate, NumericTextCtrl::Options{} .AutoPos(true)); S.Name(XO("Duration")) .Position(wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL) .AddWindow(mNoiseDurationT); } S.EndMultiColumn(); } bool EffectNoise::TransferDataToWindow() { if (!mUIParent->TransferDataToWindow()) { return false; } mNoiseDurationT->SetValue(GetDuration()); return true; } bool EffectNoise::TransferDataFromWindow() { if (!mUIParent->Validate() || !mUIParent->TransferDataFromWindow()) { return false; } SetDuration(mNoiseDurationT->GetValue()); return true; }