
418 lines
17 KiB
Common Lisp

;; fileio.lsp
;; if *default-sf-dir* undefined, set it to user's tmp directory
(cond ((not (boundp '*default-sf-dir*))
;; it would be nice to use get-temp-path, but when running
;; the Java-based IDE, Nyquist does not get environment
;; variables to tell TMP or TEMP or USERPROFILE
;; We want to avoid the current directory because it may
;; be read-only. Search for some likely paths...
;; Note that since these paths don't work for Unix or OS X,
;; they will not be used, so no system-dependent code is
;; needed
(let ((current (setdir ".")))
(setf *default-sf-dir*
(or (setdir "c:\\tmp\\" nil)
(setdir "c:\\temp\\" nil)
(setdir "d:\\tmp\\" nil)
(setdir "d:\\temp\\" nil)
(setdir "e:\\tmp\\" nil)
(setdir "e:\\temp\\" nil)
(format t "Set *default-sf-dir* to \"~A\" in fileio.lsp~%"
(setdir current))))
;; if the steps above fail, then *default-sf-dir* might be "" (especially
;; on windows), and the current directory could be read-only on Vista and
;; Windows 7. Therefore, the Nyquist IDE will subsequently call
;; suggest-default-sf-dir with Java's idea of a valid temp directory.
;; If *default-sf-dir* is the empty string (""), this will set the variable:
(defun suggest-default-sf-dir (path)
(cond ((equal *default-sf-dir* "") (setf *default-sf-dir* path))))
;; s-save -- saves a file
(setf *in-s-save* nil)
(setf NY:ALL 576460752303423488) ; constant for maxlen == 1 << 59
;; note that at 16-bytes-per-frame, this could generate a file byte offset
;; that overflows an int64_t. Is this big enough? Time will tell.
;; What if Nyquist is compiled for 32-bit machines and FIXNUM is 32-bits?
;; if we don't have 64-bit ints, use 0x7f000000, which is about 10M less
;; than the maximum signed 32-bit int, giving a lot of "headroom" but still
;; over 2 billion, or about 13.4 hours at 44.1KHz
(if (/= 10000000000 (* 100000 100000))
(setf NY:ALL 2130706432))
;; S-SAVE combines optional and keyword parameters, but this is a really bad
;; idea because keywords and values are used as optional parameters until
;; all the optional parameters are used up. Thus if you leave out filename
;; and progress, but you provide :endian T, then filename becomes :endian and
;; progress becomes T. AARRGG!!
;; I should have required filename and made everything else keyword, but
;; rather than breaking compatibility, I'm using &rest to grab everything,
;; parse the parameters for keywords (giving them priority over optional
;; parameters, and filling in optional parameters as they are encountered.
(defmacro s-save (expression &rest parameters)
(prog (parm (format *default-sf-format*)
(mode *default-sf-mode*)
(bits *default-sf-bits*)
;; endian can be nil, :big, or :little
endian play optionals maxlen filename progress swap)
loop ;; until all parameters are used
(cond ((setf parm (car parameters))
(setf parameters (cdr parameters))
(case parm
(:format (setf format (car parameters)
parameters (cdr parameters)))
(:mode (setf mode (car parameters)
parameters (cdr parameters)))
(:bits (setf bits (car parameters)
parameters (cdr parameters)))
(:endian (setf endian (car parameters)
parameters (cdr parameters)))
(:play (setf play (car parameters)
parameters (cdr parameters)))
(t (setf optionals (cons parm optionals))))
(go loop)))
(cond ((> (length optionals) 3)
(error "S-SAVE got extra parameter(s)")))
(cond ((< (length optionals) 1) ;; need maxlen
(setf optionals (list ny:all))))
(cond ((< (length optionals) 2) ;; need filename
(setf optionals (cons nil optionals))))
(cond ((< (length optionals) 3) ;; need progress
(setf optionals (cons 0 optionals))))
(setf progress (first optionals) ;; note that optionals are in reverse order
filename (second optionals)
maxlen (third optionals))
(cond (*in-s-save*
(error "Recursive call to S-SAVE (or maybe PLAY) detected!")))
;; finally, we have all the parameters and we can call snd-save
`(let ((ny:fname ,filename) (ny:swap 0) (ny:endian ,endian)
(ny:play ,play)
ny:max-sample) ; return value
(progv '(*in-s-save*) '(t)
(if (null ny:fname)
(setf ny:fname *default-sound-file*))
(cond ((equal ny:fname "")
(cond ((not ,play)
(format t "S-SAVE: no file to write! ~
play option is off!\n"))))
(setf ny:fname (soundfilename ny:fname))
(format t "Saving sound file to ~A~%" ny:fname)))
(cond ((eq ny:endian :big)
(setf ny:swap (if (bigendianp) 0 1)))
((eq ny:endian :little)
(setf ny:swap (if (bigendianp) 1 0))))
; print device info the first time sound is played
(cond (ny:play
(cond ((not (boundp '*snd-list-devices*))
(setf *snd-list-devices* t))))) ; one-time show
(setf max-sample
(snd-save ',expression ,maxlen ny:fname ,format
,mode ,bits ny:swap ny:play ,progress))
; more information if *snd-list-devices* was unbound:
(cond (ny:play
(cond (*snd-list-devices*
(format t "\nSet *snd-lfist-devices* = t \n ~
and call play to see device list again.\n~
Set *snd-device* to a fixnum to select an output device\n ~
or set *snd-device* to a substring of a device name\n ~
to select the first device containing the substring.\n")))
(setf *snd-list-devices* nil))) ; normally nil
;; MULTICHANNEL-MAX -- find peak over all channels
(defun multichannel-max (snd samples)
(cond ((soundp snd)
(snd-max snd samples))
((arrayp snd) ;; assume it is multichannel sound
(let ((peak 0.0) (chans (length snd)))
(dotimes (i chans)
(setf peak (max peak (snd-max (aref snd i) (/ samples chans)))))
(t (error "unexpected value in multichannel-max" snd))))
;; AUTONORM -- look ahead to find peak and normalize sound to 80%
(defun autonorm (snd)
(let (peak)
(cond (*autonormflag*
(cond ((and (not (soundp snd))
(not (eq (type-of snd) 'ARRAY)))
(error "AUTONORM (or PLAY?) got unexpected value" snd))
((eq *autonorm-type* 'previous)
(scale *autonorm* snd))
((eq *autonorm-type* 'lookahead)
(setf peak (multichannel-max snd *autonorm-max-samples*))
(setf peak (max 0.001 peak))
(setf *autonorm* (/ *autonorm-target* peak))
(scale *autonorm* snd))
(error "unknown *autonorm-type*"))))
(t snd))))
(init-global *clipping-threshold* (/ 127.0 128.0))
(defmacro s-save-autonorm (expression &rest arglist)
`(let ((peak (s-save (autonorm ,expression) ,@arglist)))
(when (and *clipping-error* (> peak *clipping-threshold*))
(format t "s-save-autonorm peak ~A from ~A~%" peak ,expression)
(error "clipping"))
(autonorm-update peak)))
;; If the amplitude exceeds *clipping-threshold*, an error will
;; be raised if *clipping-error* is set.
(init-global *clipping-error* nil)
;; The "AutoNorm" facility: when you play something, the Nyquist play
;; command will automatically compute what normalization factor you
;; should have used. If you play the same thing again, the normalization
;; factor is automatically applied.
;; Call AUTONORM-OFF to turn off this feature, and AUTONORM-ON to turn
;; it back on.
;; *autonorm-target* is the peak value we're aiming for (it's set below 1
;; so allow the next signal to get slightly louder without clipping)
(init-global *autonorm-target* 0.9)
;; *autonorm-type* selects the autonorm algorithm to use
;; 'previous means normalize according to the last computed sound
;; 'precompute means precompute *autonorm-max-samples* samples in
;; memory and normalize according to the peak
(init-global *autonorm-type* 'lookahead)
(init-global *autonorm-max-samples* 1000000) ; default is 4MB buffer
(defun autonorm-on ()
(setf *autonorm* 1.0)
(setf *autonorm-previous-peak* 1.0)
(setf *autonormflag* t)
(format t "AutoNorm feature is on.~%"))
(if (not (boundp '*autonormflag*)) (autonorm-on))
(defun autonorm-off ()
(setf *autonormflag* nil)
(setf *autonorm* 1.0)
(format t "AutoNorm feature is off.~%"))
(defun explain-why-autonorm-failed ()
(format t "~A~A~A~A~A~A"
" *autonorm-type* is LOOKAHEAD and your sound got\n"
" louder after the lookahead period, resulting in\n"
" too large a scale factor and clipping. Consider\n"
" setting *autonorm-type* to 'PREVIOUS. Alternatively,\n"
" try turning off autonorm, e.g. \"exec autonorm-off()\"\n"
" or in Lisp mode, (autonorm-off), and scale your sound\n"
" as follows.\n"))
;; AUTONORM-UPDATE -- called with true peak to report and prepare
;; after saving/playing a file, we have the true peak. This along
;; with the autonorm state is printed in a summary and the autonorm
;; state is updated for next time.
;; There are currently two types: PREVIOUS and LOOKAHEAD
;; compute the true peak and print the before and after peak
;; along with the scale factor to be used next time
;; compute the true peak and print the before and after peak
;; along with the "suggested scale factor" that would achieve
;; the *autonorm-target*
(defun autonorm-update (peak)
(cond ((> peak 1.0)
(format t "*** CLIPPING DETECTED! ***~%")))
(cond ((and *autonormflag* (> peak 0.0))
(setf *autonorm-previous-peak* (/ peak *autonorm*))
(setf *autonorm* (/ *autonorm-target* *autonorm-previous-peak*))
(format t "AutoNorm: peak was ~A,~%" *autonorm-previous-peak*)
(format t " peak after normalization was ~A,~%" peak)
(cond ((eq *autonorm-type* 'PREVIOUS)
(cond ((zerop *autonorm*)
(setf *autonorm* 1.0)))
(format t " new normalization factor is ~A~%" *autonorm*))
((eq *autonorm-type* 'LOOKAHEAD)
(cond ((> peak 1.0)
(format t " suggested manual normalization factor is ~A~%"
(format t
" unexpected value for *autonorm-type*, reset to LOOKAHEAD\n")
(setf *autonorm-type* 'LOOKAHEAD))))
(format t "Peak was ~A,~%" peak)
(cond ((> peak 0.0)
(format t " suggested normalization factor is ~A~%"
(/ *autonorm-target* peak))))))
;; s-read -- reads a file
(defun s-read (filename &key (time-offset 0) (srate *sound-srate*)
(dur 10e20) (nchans 1) (format *default-sf-format*)
(mode *default-sf-mode*) (bits *default-sf-bits*) (endian NIL))
(let ((swap 0))
(cond ((eq endian :big)
(setf swap (if (bigendianp) 0 1)))
((eq endian :little)
(setf swap (if (bigendianp) 1 0))))
(if (minusp dur) (error "s-read :dur is negative" dur))
(snd-read (soundfilename filename) time-offset
(local-to-global 0) format nchans mode bits swap srate
;; SF-INFO -- print sound file info
(defun sf-info (filename)
(let (s format channels mode bits swap srate dur flags)
(format t "~A:~%" (soundfilename filename))
(setf s (s-read filename))
(setf format (snd-read-format *rslt*))
(setf channels (snd-read-channels *rslt*))
(setf mode (snd-read-mode *rslt*))
(setf bits (snd-read-bits *rslt*))
; (setf swap (snd-read-swap *rslt*))
(setf srate (snd-read-srate *rslt*))
(setf dur (snd-read-dur *rslt*))
(setf flags (snd-read-flags *rslt*))
(format t "Format: ~A~%"
(nth format '("none" "AIFF" "IRCAM" "NeXT" "Wave" "PAF" "SVX"
"NIST" "VOC" "W64" "MAT4" "Mat5" "PVF" "XI" "HTK"
"SDS" "AVR" "SD2" "FLAC" "CAF")))
(cond ((setp (logand flags snd-head-channels))
(format t "Channels: ~A~%" channels)))
(cond ((setp (logand flags snd-head-mode))
(format t "Mode: ~A~%"
(nth mode '("ADPCM" "PCM" "uLaw" "aLaw" "Float" "UPCM"
"unknown" "double" "GSM610" "DWVW" "DPCM"
(cond ((setp (logand flags snd-head-bits))
(format t "Bits/Sample: ~A~%" bits)))
(cond ((setp (logand flags snd-head-srate))
(format t "SampleRate: ~A~%" srate)))
(cond ((setp (logand flags snd-head-dur))
(format t "Duration: ~A~%" dur)))
;; SETP -- tests whether a bit is set (non-zero)
(defun setp (bits) (not (zerop bits)))
;; IS-FILE-SEPARATOR -- is this a file path separation character, e.g. "/"?
(defun is-file-separator (c)
(or (eq c *file-separator*)
(and (eq *file-separator* #\\) ;; if this is windows (indicated by "\")
(eq c #\/)))) ;; then "/" is also a file separator
;; SOUNDFILENAME -- add default directory to name to get filename
(defun soundfilename (filename)
(cond ((= 0 (length filename))
(break "filename must be at least one character long" filename))
((full-name-p filename))
; if sf-dir nonempty and does not end with filename separator,
; append one
(cond ((and (< 0 (length *default-sf-dir*))
(not (is-file-separator
(char *default-sf-dir*
(1- (length *default-sf-dir*))))))
(setf *default-sf-dir* (strcat *default-sf-dir* (string *file-separator*)))
(format t "Warning: appending \"~A\" to *default-sf-dir*~%"
(setf filename (strcat *default-sf-dir* (string filename)))))
;; now we have a file name, but it may be relative to current directory, so
;; expand it with the current directory
(cond ((relative-path-p filename)
;; get current working directory and build full name
(let ((path (setdir ".")))
(cond (path
(setf filename (strcat path (string *file-separator*)
(string filename))))))))
(setfn snd-read-format car)
(setfn snd-read-channels cadr)
(setfn snd-read-mode caddr)
(setfn snd-read-bits cadddr)
(defun snd-read-swap (rslt) (car (cddddr rslt)))
(defun snd-read-srate (rslt) (cadr (cddddr rslt)))
(defun snd-read-dur (rslt) (caddr (cddddr rslt)))
(defun snd-read-flags (rslt) (cadddr (cddddr rslt)))
;; round is tricky because truncate rounds toward zero as does C
;; in other words, rounding is down for positive numbers and up
;; for negative numbers. You can convert rounding up to rounding
;; down by subtracting one, but this fails on the integers, so
;; we need a special test if (- x 0.5) is an integer
(defun round (x)
(cond ((> x 0) (truncate (+ x 0.5)))
((= (- x 0.5) (truncate (- x 0.5))) (truncate x))
(t (truncate (- x 0.5)))))
;; change defaults for PLAY macro:
(init-global *soundenable* t)
(defun sound-on () (setf *soundenable* t))
(defun sound-off () (setf *soundenable* nil))
(defun coterm (snd1 snd2)
(multichan-expand #'snd-coterm snd1 snd2))
(defmacro s-add-to (expr maxlen filename
&optional (time-offset 0.0) (progress 0))
`(let ((ny:fname (soundfilename ,filename))
ny:peak ny:input (ny:offset ,time-offset))
(format t "Adding sound to ~A at offset ~A~%"
ny:fname ,time-offset)
(setf ny:peak (snd-overwrite '(let ((ny:addend ,expr))
(sum (coterm
(s-read ny:fname
:time-offset ny:offset)
,maxlen ny:fname ny:offset ,progress))
(format t "Duration written: ~A~%" (car *rslt*))
(defmacro s-overwrite (expr maxlen filename
&optional (time-offset 0.0) (progress 0))
`(let ((ny:fname (soundfilename ,filename))
(ny:peak 0.0)
ny:input ny:rslt (ny:offset ,time-offset))
(format t "Overwriting ~A at offset ~A~%" ny:fname ny:offset)
(setf ny:peak (snd-overwrite `,expr ,maxlen ny:fname ny:offset ,progress))
(format t "Duration written: ~A~%" (car *rslt*))