
89 lines
3.3 KiB
Common Lisp

; init.lsp -- default Nyquist startup file
(setf *breakenable* t)
(load "nyinit.lsp" :verbose nil)
; add your customizations here:
; e.g. (setf *default-sf-dir* "...")
; (load "test.lsp")
;; "_" (UNDERSCORE) - translation function
;; Third party plug-ins are not translated by gettext in Audacity, but may include a
;; list of translations named *locale*. The format of *locale* must be:
;; (LIST (language-list) [(language-list) ...])
;; Each language-list is an a-list in the form:
;; ("cc" ((list "string" "translated-string") [(list "string" "translated-string") ...]))
;; where "cc" is the quoted country code.
(setfn underscore _)
(defun _(txt &aux newtxt)
(when (boundp '*locale*)
(when (not (listp *locale*))
(error "bad argument type" *locale*))
(let* ((cc (get '*audacity* 'language))
(translations (second (assoc cc *locale* :test 'string-equal))))
(if translations
(let ((translation (second (assoc txt translations :test 'string=))))
(if translation
(if (stringp translation)
(setf newtxt translation)
(error "bad argument type" translation))
(format t "No ~s translation of ~s.~%" cc txt)))
(setf *locale* '*unbound*)
(format t "No ~s translations.~%" cc)))))
(if newtxt newtxt (underscore txt)))
;;; Some helpers for parsing strings returned by (aud-do "GetInfo: ...
(defun eval-string (string)
;;; Evaluate a string as a LISP expression.
;;; If 'string' is not a valid LISP expression, the behaviour is undefined.
(eval (read (make-string-input-stream string))))
(defmacro quote-string (string)
;;; Prepend a single quote to a string
`(setf ,string (format nil "\'~a" ,string)))
(defun aud-get-info (str)
;;; Return "GetInfo: type=type" as Lisp list, or throw error
;;; Audacity 2.3.0 does not fail if type is not recognised, it
;;; falls back to a default, so test for valid types.
;;; 'Commands+' is not supported in Audacity 2.3.0
(let (type
(types '("Commands" "Menus" "Preferences"
"Tracks" "Clips" "Envelopes" "Labels" "Boxes")))
;Case insensitive search, then set 'type' with correct case string, or NIL.
(setf type (first (member str types :test 'string-equal)))
(if (not type)
(error (format nil "bad argument '~a' in (aud-get-info ~a)" str str)))
(setf info (aud-do (format nil "GetInfo: type=~a format=LISP" type)))
(if (not (last info))
(error (format nil "(aud-get-info ~a) failed.~%" str)))
(let* ((info-string (first info))
(sanitized ""))
;; Escape backslashes
(dotimes (i (length info-string))
(setf ch (subseq info-string i (1+ i)))
(if (string= ch "\\")
(string-append sanitized "\\\\")
(string-append sanitized ch)))
(eval-string (quote-string sanitized)))))
;;; *NYQ-PATH* is not required as path to Nyquist .lsp files
;;; is already defined (but not previously documented) as *runtime-path*
;;(setf *NYQ-PATH* (current-path))
;;; Load wrapper functions for aud-do commands.
;;; If commented out, "aud-do-support.lsp" may be loaded by a plug-in.
;;; Example: (lisp-loader (strcat *runtime-path* "aud-do-support.lsp"))
(load "aud-do-support.lsp" :verbose nil)