
68 lines
2.3 KiB
Common Lisp

;nyquist plug-in
;version 4
;type analyze
;name "Measure RMS"
;manpage "Measure_RMS"
;action "Measuring RMS level..."
;author "Steve Daulton"
;release 2.3.1
;copyright "Released under terms of the GNU General Public License version 2"
;; Released under terms of the GNU General Public License version 2:
;; For information about writing and modifying Nyquist plug-ins:
;; This plug-in demonstrates how authors of Nyquist plug-ins may add translations
;; for output messages. It is not currently possible to provide translations for strings
;; in the header comments (such as the plug-in name) of 3rd party plug-ins.
;; Translations strings:
;; The "en" translation is not normally required unless the original text is in another
;; language, but it can make testing easier.
(setf *locale*
'(("en" (("Left" "Left")
("Right" "Right")
("Stereo" "Stereo")
("Mono" "Mono")
("dB" "dB")))
("de" (("Left" "Links")
("Right" "Rechts")
("Stereo" "Stereo")
("Mono" "Mono")
("dB" "dB")))
("es" (("Left" "Izquierda")
("Right" "Derecha")
("Stereo" "Estéreo")
("Mono" "Mono")
("dB" "dB")))
("fr" (("Left" "Gauche")
("Right" "Droite")
("Stereo" "Stéréo")
("Mono" "Mono")
("dB" "dB")))
("ru" (("Left" "Левый")
("Right" "Правый")
("Stereo" "Стерео")
("Mono" "Моно")
("dB" "дБ")))))
(defun stereo-rms(ar)
;;; Stereo RMS is the root mean of all (samples ^ 2) [both channels]
(let ((left-mean-sq (* (aref ar 0)(aref ar 0)))
(right-mean-sq (* (aref ar 1)(aref ar 1))))
(sqrt (/ (+ left-mean-sq right-mean-sq) 2.0))))
(let ((rms (get '*selection* 'rms)))
(if (arrayp rms)
(format nil "~a: \t~a ~a~%~
~a: \t~a ~a~%~
~a: \t~a ~a"
(_ "Left") (linear-to-db (aref rms 0)) (_ "dB")
(_ "Right") (linear-to-db (aref rms 1)) (_ "dB")
(_ "Stereo") (linear-to-db (stereo-rms rms)) (_ "dB"))
(format nil "~a: \t~a ~a" (_ "Mono")(linear-to-db rms)(_ "dB"))))