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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Paul Licameli split from AudioIO.h
#include <cfloat>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <wx/string.h>
#include <wx/weakref.h> // member variable
#include "MemoryX.h"
struct PaDeviceInfo;
typedef void PaStream;
typedef void PxMixer;
class AudioIOBase;
class AudacityProject;
class AudioIOListener;
class BoundedEnvelope;
// Windows build needs complete type for parameter of wxWeakRef
// class MeterPanelBase;
#include "widgets/MeterPanelBase.h"
using PRCrossfadeData = std::vector< std::vector < float > >;
// For putting an increment of work in the scrubbing queue
struct ScrubbingOptions {
ScrubbingOptions() {}
bool adjustStart {};
// usually from TrackList::GetEndTime()
double maxTime {};
double minTime {};
bool bySpeed {};
bool isPlayingAtSpeed{};
bool isKeyboardScrubbing{};
double delay {};
// Initial and limiting values for the speed of a scrub interval:
double initSpeed { 1.0 };
double minSpeed { 0.0 };
double maxSpeed { 1.0 };
// When maximum speed scrubbing skips to follow the mouse,
// this is the minimum amount of playback allowed at the maximum speed:
double minStutterTime {};
static double MaxAllowedScrubSpeed()
{ return 32.0; } // Is five octaves enough for your amusement?
static double MinAllowedScrubSpeed()
{ return 0.01; } // Mixer needs a lower bound speed. Scrub no slower than this.
// To avoid growing the argument list of StartStream, add fields here
struct AudioIOStartStreamOptions
AudioIOStartStreamOptions(AudacityProject *pProject_, double rate_)
: pProject{ pProject_ }
, envelope(nullptr)
, rate(rate_)
, playLooped(false)
, cutPreviewGapStart(0.0)
, cutPreviewGapLen(0.0)
, pStartTime(NULL)
, preRoll(0.0)
AudacityProject *pProject{};
MeterPanelBase *captureMeter{}, *playbackMeter{};
const BoundedEnvelope *envelope; // for time warping
std::shared_ptr< AudioIOListener > listener;
double rate;
bool playLooped;
double cutPreviewGapStart;
double cutPreviewGapLen;
double * pStartTime;
double preRoll;
// Non-null value indicates that scrubbing will happen
// (do not specify a time track, looping, or recording, which
// are all incompatible with scrubbing):
ScrubbingOptions *pScrubbingOptions {};
// contents may get swapped with empty vector
PRCrossfadeData *pCrossfadeData{};
// An unfortunate thing needed just to make scrubbing work on Linux when
// we can't use a separate polling thread.
// The return value is a number of milliseconds to sleep before calling again
std::function< unsigned long() > playbackStreamPrimer;
///\brief A singleton object supporting queries of the state of any active
/// audio streams, and audio device capabilities
class AUDACITY_DLL_API AudioIOBase /* not final */
: public NonInterferingBase
static AudioIOBase *Get();
virtual ~AudioIOBase();
void SetCaptureMeter(AudacityProject *project, MeterPanelBase *meter);
void SetPlaybackMeter(AudacityProject *project, MeterPanelBase *meter);
/** \brief update state after changing what audio devices are selected
* Called when the devices stored in the preferences are changed to update
* the audio mixer capabilities
* \todo: Make this do a sample rate query and store the result in the
* AudioIO object to avoid doing it later? Would simplify the
* GetSupported*Rate functions considerably */
void HandleDeviceChange();
/** \brief Get a list of sample rates the output (playback) device
* supports.
* If no information about available sample rates can be fetched,
* an empty list is returned.
* You can explicitly give the index of the device. If you don't
* give it, the currently selected device from the preferences will be used.
* You may also specify a rate for which to check in addition to the
* standard rates.
static std::vector<long> GetSupportedPlaybackRates(int DevIndex = -1,
double rate = 0.0);
/** \brief Get a list of sample rates the input (recording) device
* supports.
* If no information about available sample rates can be fetched,
* an empty list is returned.
* You can explicitly give the index of the device. If you don't
* give it, the currently selected device from the preferences will be used.
* You may also specify a rate for which to check in addition to the
* standard rates.
static std::vector<long> GetSupportedCaptureRates(int devIndex = -1,
double rate = 0.0);
/** \brief Get a list of sample rates the current input/output device
* combination supports.
* Since there is no concept (yet) for different input/output
* sample rates, this currently returns only sample rates that are
* supported on both the output and input device. If no information
* about available sample rates can be fetched, it returns a default
* list.
* You can explicitly give the indexes of the playDevice/recDevice.
* If you don't give them, the selected devices from the preferences
* will be used.
* You may also specify a rate for which to check in addition to the
* standard rates.
static std::vector<long> GetSupportedSampleRates(int playDevice = -1,
int recDevice = -1,
double rate = 0.0);
/** \brief Get a supported sample rate which can be used a an optimal
* default.
* Currently, this uses the first supported rate in the list
* [44100, 48000, highest sample rate]. Used in Project as a default value
* for project rates if one cannot be retrieved from the preferences.
* So all in all not that useful or important really
static int GetOptimalSupportedSampleRate();
/** \brief Array of common audio sample rates
* These are the rates we will always support, regardless of hardware support
* for them (by resampling in audacity if needed) */
static const int StandardRates[];
/** \brief How many standard sample rates there are */
static const int NumStandardRates;
/** \brief Get diagnostic information on all the available audio I/O devices
wxString GetDeviceInfo();
/** \brief Get diagnostic information on all the available MIDI I/O devices */
wxString GetMidiDeviceInfo();
/** \brief Find out if playback / recording is currently paused */
bool IsPaused() const;
virtual void StopStream() = 0;
/** \brief Returns true if audio i/o is busy starting, stopping, playing,
* or recording.
* When this is false, it's safe to start playing or recording */
bool IsBusy() const;
/** \brief Returns true if the audio i/o is running at all, but not during
* cleanup
* Doesn't return true if the device has been closed but some disk i/o or
* cleanup is still going on. If you want to know if it's safe to start a
* NEW stream, use IsBusy() */
bool IsStreamActive() const;
bool IsStreamActive(int token) const;
/** \brief Returns true if the stream is active, or even if audio I/O is
* busy cleaning up its data or writing to disk.
* This is used by TrackPanel to determine when a track has been completely
* recorded, and it's safe to flush to disk. */
bool IsAudioTokenActive(int token) const;
/** \brief Returns true if we're monitoring input (but not recording or
* playing actual audio) */
bool IsMonitoring() const;
/* Mixer services are always available. If no stream is running, these
* methods use whatever device is specified by the preferences. If a
* stream *is* running, naturally they manipulate the mixer associated
* with that stream. If no mixer is available, output is emulated and
* input is stuck at 1.0f (a gain is applied to output samples).
void SetMixer(int inputSource);
static std::unique_ptr<AudioIOBase> ugAudioIO;
static wxString DeviceName(const PaDeviceInfo* info);
static wxString HostName(const PaDeviceInfo* info);
AudacityProject *mOwningProject;
/// True if audio playback is paused
bool mPaused;
/// True when output reaches mT1
bool mMidiOutputComplete{ true };
/// mMidiStreamActive tells when mMidiStream is open for output
bool mMidiStreamActive;
volatile int mStreamToken;
/// Audio playback rate in samples per second
double mRate;
PaStream *mPortStreamV19;
wxWeakRef<MeterPanelBase> mInputMeter{};
wxWeakRef<MeterPanelBase> mOutputMeter{};
PxMixer *mPortMixer;
float mPreviousHWPlaythrough;
#endif /* USE_PORTMIXER */
bool mEmulateMixerOutputVol;
/** @brief Can we control the hardware input level?
* This flag is set to true if using portmixer to control the
* input volume seems to be working (and so we offer the user the control),
* and to false (locking the control out) otherwise. This avoids stupid
* scaled clipping problems when trying to do software emulated input volume
* control */
bool mInputMixerWorks;
float mMixerOutputVol;
// For cacheing supported sample rates
static int mCachedPlaybackIndex;
static std::vector<long> mCachedPlaybackRates;
static int mCachedCaptureIndex;
static std::vector<long> mCachedCaptureRates;
static std::vector<long> mCachedSampleRates;
static double mCachedBestRateIn;
/** \brief get the index of the supplied (named) recording device, or the
* device selected in the preferences if none given.
* Pure utility function, but it comes round a number of times in the code
* and would be neater done once. If the device isn't found, return the
* default device index.
static int getRecordDevIndex(const wxString &devName = {});
/** \brief get the index of the device selected in the preferences.
* If the device isn't found, returns -1
static int getRecordSourceIndex(PxMixer *portMixer);
/** \brief get the index of the supplied (named) playback device, or the
* device selected in the preferences if none given.
* Pure utility function, but it comes round a number of times in the code
* and would be neater done once. If the device isn't found, return the
* default device index.
static int getPlayDevIndex(const wxString &devName = {});
/** \brief Array of audio sample rates to try to use
* These are the rates we will check if a device supports, and is as long
* as I can think of (to try and work out what the card can do) */
static const int RatesToTry[];
/** \brief How many sample rates to try */
static const int NumRatesToTry;
#include "Prefs.h"
extern AUDACITY_DLL_API StringSetting AudioIOHost;
extern AUDACITY_DLL_API DoubleSetting AudioIOLatencyCorrection;
extern AUDACITY_DLL_API DoubleSetting AudioIOLatencyDuration;
extern AUDACITY_DLL_API StringSetting AudioIOPlaybackDevice;
extern AUDACITY_DLL_API IntSetting AudioIORecordChannels;
extern AUDACITY_DLL_API StringSetting AudioIORecordingDevice;
extern AUDACITY_DLL_API StringSetting AudioIORecordingSource;
extern AUDACITY_DLL_API IntSetting AudioIORecordingSourceIndex;