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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Paul Licameli split from AudacityProject.h
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "ClientData.h" // to inherit
#include "FileNames.h" // for FileType
class wxString;
class wxFileName;
class AudacityProject;
class Track;
class TrackList;
class WaveTrack;
class XMLTagHandler;
using WaveTrackArray = std::vector < std::shared_ptr < WaveTrack > >;
using TrackHolders = std::vector< WaveTrackArray >;
class AUDACITY_DLL_API ProjectFileManager final
: public ClientData::Base
static ProjectFileManager &Get( AudacityProject &project );
static const ProjectFileManager &Get( const AudacityProject &project );
// Open and close a file, invisibly, removing its Autosave blob
static void DiscardAutosave(const FilePath &filename);
explicit ProjectFileManager( AudacityProject &project );
ProjectFileManager( const ProjectFileManager & ) PROHIBITED;
ProjectFileManager &operator=( const ProjectFileManager & ) PROHIBITED;
bool OpenProject();
void CloseProject();
bool OpenNewProject();
void CompactProjectOnClose();
bool Save();
bool SaveAs(bool allowOverwrite = false);
bool SaveAs(const FilePath &newFileName, bool addToHistory = true);
// strProjectPathName is full path for aup except extension
bool SaveFromTimerRecording( wxFileName fnFile );
bool SaveCopy(const FilePath &fileName = wxT(""));
/** @brief Show an open dialogue for opening audio files, and possibly other
* sorts of files.
* The file type filter will automatically contain:
* - "All files" with any extension or none,
* - "All supported files" based on the file formats supported in this
* build of Audacity,
* - All of the individual formats specified by the importer plug-ins which
* are built into this build of Audacity, each with the relevant file
* extensions for that format.
* The dialogue will start in the DefaultOpenPath directory read from the
* preferences, failing that the working directory. The file format filter
* will be set to the DefaultOpenType from the preferences, failing that
* the first format specified in the dialogue. These two parameters will
* be saved to the preferences once the user has chosen a file to open.
* @param extraType Specify an additional format to allow opening in this
* dialogue.
* @return Array of file paths which the user selected to open (multiple
* selections allowed).
static wxArrayString ShowOpenDialog(FileNames::Operation op,
const FileNames::FileType &extraType = {});
static bool IsAlreadyOpen(const FilePath &projPathName);
//! A function that returns a project to use for opening a file; argument is true if opening a project file
using ProjectChooserFn = std::function<AudacityProject&(bool)>;
Opens files of many kinds. In case of import (sound, MIDI, or .aup), the undo history is pushed.
@param chooser told whether opening a project file; decides which project to open into
@param fileName the name and contents are examined to decide a type and open appropriately
@param addtohistory whether to add .aup3 files to the MRU list (but always done for imports)
@return if something was successfully opened, the project containing it; else null
static AudacityProject *OpenFile( const ProjectChooserFn &chooser,
const FilePath &fileName, bool addtohistory = true);
bool Import(const FilePath &fileName,
bool addToHistory = true);
void Compact();
void AddImportedTracks(const FilePath &fileName,
TrackHolders &&newTracks);
bool GetMenuClose() const { return mMenuClose; }
void SetMenuClose(bool value) { mMenuClose = value; }
@param fileName a path assumed to exist and contain an .aup3 project
@param addtohistory whether to add the file to the MRU list
@return if something was successfully opened, the project containing it; else null
AudacityProject *OpenProjectFile(
const FilePath &fileName, bool addtohistory);
struct ReadProjectResults
bool parseSuccess;
bool trackError;
const TranslatableString errorString;
wxString helpUrl;
ReadProjectResults ReadProjectFile(
const FilePath &fileName, bool discardAutosave = false );
bool DoSave(const FilePath & fileName, bool fromSaveAs);
AudacityProject &mProject;
std::shared_ptr<TrackList> mLastSavedTracks;
// Are we currently closing as the result of a menu command?
bool mMenuClose{ false };