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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
#include "audacity/Types.h"
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_set>
class AudacityProject;
class ProjectFileIO;
class XMLWriter;
class SampleBlock;
using SampleBlockPtr = std::shared_ptr<SampleBlock>;
class SampleBlockFactory;
using SampleBlockFactoryPtr = std::shared_ptr<SampleBlockFactory>;
using SampleBlockFactoryFactory =
std::function< SampleBlockFactoryPtr( AudacityProject& ) >;
using SampleBlockID = long long;
class MinMaxRMS
float min = 0;
float max = 0;
float RMS = 0;
class SqliteSampleBlockFactory;
///\brief Abstract class allows access to contents of a block of sound samples,
/// serialization as XML, and reference count management that can suppress
/// reclamation of its storage
class SampleBlock
virtual ~SampleBlock();
virtual void CloseLock() = 0;
virtual SampleBlockID GetBlockID() const = 0;
// If !mayThrow and there is an error, ignores it and returns zero.
// That may be appropriate when only attempting to display samples, not edit.
size_t GetSamples(samplePtr dest,
sampleFormat destformat,
size_t sampleoffset,
size_t numsamples, bool mayThrow = true);
virtual size_t GetSampleCount() const = 0;
//! Non-throwing, should fill with zeroes on failure
virtual bool
GetSummary256(float *dest, size_t frameoffset, size_t numframes) = 0;
//! Non-throwing, should fill with zeroes on failure
virtual bool
GetSummary64k(float *dest, size_t frameoffset, size_t numframes) = 0;
/// Gets extreme values for the specified region
// If !mayThrow and there is an error, ignores it and returns zeroes.
// That may be appropriate when only attempting to display samples, not edit.
MinMaxRMS GetMinMaxRMS(
size_t start, size_t len, bool mayThrow = true);
/// Gets extreme values for the entire block
// If !mayThrow and there is an error, ignores it and returns zeroes.
// That may be appropriate when only attempting to display samples, not edit.
MinMaxRMS GetMinMaxRMS(bool mayThrow = true) const;
virtual size_t GetSpaceUsage() const = 0;
virtual void SaveXML(XMLWriter &xmlFile) = 0;
virtual size_t DoGetSamples(samplePtr dest,
sampleFormat destformat,
size_t sampleoffset,
size_t numsamples) = 0;
virtual MinMaxRMS DoGetMinMaxRMS(size_t start, size_t len) = 0;
virtual MinMaxRMS DoGetMinMaxRMS() const = 0;
// Makes a useful function object
inline std::function< void(const SampleBlock&) >
BlockSpaceUsageAccumulator (unsigned long long &total)
return [&total]( const SampleBlock &block ){
total += block.GetSpaceUsage();
///\brief abstract base class with methods to produce @ref SampleBlock objects
class SampleBlockFactory
// Install global function that produces a sample block factory object for
// a given project; the factory has methods that later make sample blocks.
// Return the previously installed factory.
static SampleBlockFactoryFactory RegisterFactoryFactory(
SampleBlockFactoryFactory newFactory );
// Invoke the installed factory (throw an exception if none was installed)
static SampleBlockFactoryPtr New( AudacityProject &project );
virtual ~SampleBlockFactory();
// Returns a non-null pointer or else throws an exception
SampleBlockPtr Create(constSamplePtr src,
size_t numsamples,
sampleFormat srcformat);
// Returns a non-null pointer or else throws an exception
SampleBlockPtr CreateSilent(
size_t numsamples,
sampleFormat srcformat);
// Returns a non-null pointer or else throws an exception
SampleBlockPtr CreateFromXML(
sampleFormat srcformat,
const wxChar **attrs);
using SampleBlockIDs = std::unordered_set<SampleBlockID>;
/*! @return ids of all sample blocks created by this factory and still extant */
virtual SampleBlockIDs GetActiveBlockIDs() = 0;
//! Type of function that is informed when a block is about to be deleted
using BlockDeletionCallback = std::function< void(const SampleBlock&) >;
//! Install a callback, returning the previously installed callback
virtual BlockDeletionCallback SetBlockDeletionCallback(
BlockDeletionCallback callback ) = 0;
// The override should throw more informative exceptions on error than the
// default InconsistencyException thrown by Create
virtual SampleBlockPtr DoCreate(constSamplePtr src,
size_t numsamples,
sampleFormat srcformat) = 0;
// The override should throw more informative exceptions on error than the
// default InconsistencyException thrown by CreateSilent
virtual SampleBlockPtr DoCreateSilent(
size_t numsamples,
sampleFormat srcformat) = 0;
// The override should throw more informative exceptions on error than the
// default InconsistencyException thrown by CreateFromXML
virtual SampleBlockPtr DoCreateFromXML(
sampleFormat srcformat,
const wxChar **attrs) = 0;