
1957 lines
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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
\file Sequence.cpp
\brief Implements classes Sequence and SeqBlock.
\class Sequence
\brief A WaveTrack contains WaveClip(s).
A WaveClip contains a Sequence. A Sequence is primarily an
interface to an array of SeqBlock instances, corresponding to
the audio sample blocks in the database.
Contrast with RingBuffer.
\class SeqBlock
\brief Data structure containing pointer to a sample block and
a start time. Element of a BlockArray.
#include "Sequence.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <wx/intl.h>
#include <wx/filefn.h>
#include <wx/ffile.h>
#include <wx/log.h>
#include "SampleBlock.h"
#include "InconsistencyException.h"
#include "widgets/AudacityMessageBox.h"
size_t Sequence::sMaxDiskBlockSize = 1048576;
// Sequence methods
const SampleBlockFactoryPtr &pFactory, sampleFormat format)
: mpFactory(pFactory),
mMinSamples(sMaxDiskBlockSize / SAMPLE_SIZE(mSampleFormat) / 2),
mMaxSamples(mMinSamples * 2)
// essentially a copy constructor - but you must pass in the
// current project, because we might be copying from one
// project to another
const Sequence &orig, const SampleBlockFactoryPtr &pFactory)
: mpFactory(pFactory),
Paste(0, &orig);
size_t Sequence::GetMaxBlockSize() const
return mMaxSamples;
size_t Sequence::GetIdealBlockSize() const
return mMaxSamples;
bool Sequence::CloseLock()
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mBlock.size(); i++)
return true;
sampleFormat Sequence::GetSampleFormat() const
return mSampleFormat;
bool Sequence::SetSampleFormat(sampleFormat format)
if (mBlock.size() > 0 || mNumSamples > 0)
return false;
mSampleFormat = format;
return true;
namespace {
void ensureSampleBufferSize(SampleBuffer &buffer, sampleFormat format,
size_t &size, size_t required,
SampleBuffer *pSecondBuffer = nullptr)
// This should normally do nothing, but it is a defense against corrupt
// projects than might have inconsistent block files bigger than the
// expected maximum size.
if (size < required) {
// reallocate
buffer.Allocate(required, format);
if (pSecondBuffer && pSecondBuffer->ptr())
pSecondBuffer->Allocate(required, format);
if (!buffer.ptr() || (pSecondBuffer && !pSecondBuffer->ptr())) {
// malloc failed
// Perhaps required is a really crazy value,
// and perhaps we should throw an AudacityException, but that is
// a second-order concern
size = required;
/*! @excsafety{Strong} */
bool Sequence::ConvertToSampleFormat(sampleFormat format,
const std::function<void(size_t)> & progressReport)
if (format == mSampleFormat)
// no change
return false;
if (mBlock.size() == 0)
mSampleFormat = format;
return true;
const sampleFormat oldFormat = mSampleFormat;
mSampleFormat = format;
const auto oldMinSamples = mMinSamples, oldMaxSamples = mMaxSamples;
// These are the same calculations as in the constructor.
mMinSamples = sMaxDiskBlockSize / SAMPLE_SIZE(mSampleFormat) / 2;
mMaxSamples = mMinSamples * 2;
bool bSuccess = false;
auto cleanup = finally( [&] {
if (!bSuccess) {
// Conversion failed. Revert these member vars.
mSampleFormat = oldFormat;
mMaxSamples = oldMaxSamples;
mMinSamples = oldMinSamples;
} );
BlockArray newBlockArray;
// Use the ratio of old to NEW mMaxSamples to make a reasonable guess
// at allocation.
(1 + mBlock.size() * ((float)oldMaxSamples / (float)mMaxSamples));
size_t oldSize = oldMaxSamples;
SampleBuffer bufferOld(oldSize, oldFormat);
size_t newSize = oldMaxSamples;
SampleBuffer bufferNew(newSize, format);
for (size_t i = 0, nn = mBlock.size(); i < nn; i++)
SeqBlock &oldSeqBlock = mBlock[i];
const auto &oldBlockFile =;
const auto len = oldBlockFile->GetSampleCount();
ensureSampleBufferSize(bufferOld, oldFormat, oldSize, len);
Read(bufferOld.ptr(), oldFormat, oldSeqBlock, 0, len, true);
ensureSampleBufferSize(bufferNew, format, newSize, len);
CopySamples(bufferOld.ptr(), oldFormat, bufferNew.ptr(), format, len);
// Note this fix for,
// using Blockify, allows (len < mMinSamples).
// This will happen consistently when going from more bytes per sample to fewer...
// This will create a block that's smaller than mMinSamples, which
// shouldn't be allowed, but we agreed it's okay for now.
//vvv ANSWER-ME: Does this cause any bugs, or failures on write, elsewhere?
// If so, need to special-case (len < mMinSamples) and start combining data
// from the old blocks... Oh no!
// Using Blockify will handle the cases where len > the NEW mMaxSamples. Previous code did not.
const auto blockstart = oldSeqBlock.start;
Blockify(*mpFactory, mMaxSamples, mSampleFormat,
newBlockArray, blockstart, bufferNew.ptr(), len);
if (progressReport)
// Invalidate all the old, non-aliased block files.
// Aliased files will be converted at save, per comment above.
// Commit the changes to block file array
(newBlockArray, mNumSamples, wxT("Sequence::ConvertToSampleFormat()"));
// Commit the other changes
bSuccess = true;
return true;
std::pair<float, float> Sequence::GetMinMax(
sampleCount start, sampleCount len, bool mayThrow) const
if (len == 0 || mBlock.size() == 0) {
return {
// FLT_MAX? So it doesn't look like a spurious '0' to a caller?
// -FLT_MAX? So it doesn't look like a spurious '0' to a caller?
float min = FLT_MAX;
float max = -FLT_MAX;
unsigned int block0 = FindBlock(start);
unsigned int block1 = FindBlock(start + len - 1);
// First calculate the min/max of the blocks in the middle of this region;
// this is very fast because we have the min/max of every entire block
// already in memory.
for (unsigned b = block0 + 1; b < block1; ++b) {
auto results = mBlock[b].sb->GetMinMaxRMS(mayThrow);
if (results.min < min)
min = results.min;
if (results.max > max)
max = results.max;
// Now we take the first and last blocks into account, noting that the
// selection may only partly overlap these blocks. If the overall min/max
// of either of these blocks is within min...max, then we can ignore them.
// If not, we need read some samples and summaries from disk.
const SeqBlock &theBlock = mBlock[block0];
const auto &theFile =;
auto results = theFile->GetMinMaxRMS(mayThrow);
if (results.min < min || results.max > max) {
// start lies within theBlock:
auto s0 = ( start - theBlock.start ).as_size_t();
const auto maxl0 = (
// start lies within theBlock:
theBlock.start + theFile->GetSampleCount() - start
wxASSERT(maxl0 <= mMaxSamples); // Vaughan, 2011-10-19
const auto l0 = limitSampleBufferSize ( maxl0, len );
results = theFile->GetMinMaxRMS(s0, l0, mayThrow);
if (results.min < min)
min = results.min;
if (results.max > max)
max = results.max;
if (block1 > block0)
const SeqBlock &theBlock = mBlock[block1];
const auto &theFile =;
auto results = theFile->GetMinMaxRMS(mayThrow);
if (results.min < min || results.max > max) {
// start + len - 1 lies in theBlock:
const auto l0 = ( start + len - theBlock.start ).as_size_t();
wxASSERT(l0 <= mMaxSamples); // Vaughan, 2011-10-19
results = theFile->GetMinMaxRMS(0, l0, mayThrow);
if (results.min < min)
min = results.min;
if (results.max > max)
max = results.max;
return { min, max };
float Sequence::GetRMS(sampleCount start, sampleCount len, bool mayThrow) const
// len is the number of samples that we want the rms of.
// it may be longer than a block, and the code is carefully set up to handle that.
if (len == 0 || mBlock.size() == 0)
return 0.f;
double sumsq = 0.0;
sampleCount length = 0; // this is the cumulative length of the bits we have the ms of so far, and should end up == len
unsigned int block0 = FindBlock(start);
unsigned int block1 = FindBlock(start + len - 1);
// First calculate the rms of the blocks in the middle of this region;
// this is very fast because we have the rms of every entire block
// already in memory.
for (unsigned b = block0 + 1; b < block1; b++) {
const SeqBlock &theBlock = mBlock[b];
const auto &sb =;
auto results = sb->GetMinMaxRMS(mayThrow);
const auto fileLen = sb->GetSampleCount();
const auto blockRMS = results.RMS;
sumsq += blockRMS * blockRMS * fileLen;
length += fileLen;
// Now we take the first and last blocks into account, noting that the
// selection may only partly overlap these blocks.
// If not, we need read some samples and summaries from disk.
const SeqBlock &theBlock = mBlock[block0];
const auto &sb =;
// start lies within theBlock
auto s0 = ( start - theBlock.start ).as_size_t();
// start lies within theBlock
const auto maxl0 =
(theBlock.start + sb->GetSampleCount() - start).as_size_t();
wxASSERT(maxl0 <= mMaxSamples); // Vaughan, 2011-10-19
const auto l0 = limitSampleBufferSize( maxl0, len );
auto results = sb->GetMinMaxRMS(s0, l0, mayThrow);
const auto partialRMS = results.RMS;
sumsq += partialRMS * partialRMS * l0;
length += l0;
if (block1 > block0) {
const SeqBlock &theBlock = mBlock[block1];
const auto &sb =;
// start + len - 1 lies within theBlock
const auto l0 = ( start + len - theBlock.start ).as_size_t();
wxASSERT(l0 <= mMaxSamples); // PRL: I think Vaughan missed this
auto results = sb->GetMinMaxRMS(0, l0, mayThrow);
const auto partialRMS = results.RMS;
sumsq += partialRMS * partialRMS * l0;
length += l0;
// PRL: catch bugs like 1320:
wxASSERT(length == len);
return sqrt(sumsq / length.as_double() );
// Must pass in the correct factory for the result. If it's not the same
// as in this, then block contents must be copied.
std::unique_ptr<Sequence> Sequence::Copy( const SampleBlockFactoryPtr &pFactory,
sampleCount s0, sampleCount s1) const
// Make a new Sequence object for the specified factory:
auto dest = std::make_unique<Sequence>(pFactory, mSampleFormat);
if (s0 >= s1 || s0 >= mNumSamples || s1 < 0) {
return dest;
// Decide whether to share sample blocks or make new copies, when whole block
// contents are used -- must copy if factories are different:
auto pUseFactory = (pFactory == mpFactory) ? nullptr : pFactory.get();
int numBlocks = mBlock.size();
int b0 = FindBlock(s0);
const int b1 = FindBlock(s1 - 1);
wxASSERT(b0 >= 0);
wxASSERT(b0 < numBlocks);
wxASSERT(b1 < numBlocks);
wxASSERT(b0 <= b1);
dest->mBlock.reserve(b1 - b0 + 1);
auto bufferSize = mMaxSamples;
SampleBuffer buffer(bufferSize, mSampleFormat);
int blocklen;
// Do any initial partial block
const SeqBlock &block0 = mBlock[b0];
if (s0 != block0.start) {
const auto &sb =;
// Nonnegative result is length of block0 or less:
blocklen =
( std::min(s1, block0.start + sb->GetSampleCount()) - s0 ).as_size_t();
wxASSERT(blocklen <= (int)mMaxSamples); // Vaughan, 2012-02-29
ensureSampleBufferSize(buffer, mSampleFormat, bufferSize, blocklen);
Get(b0, buffer.ptr(), mSampleFormat, s0, blocklen, true);
dest->Append(buffer.ptr(), mSampleFormat, blocklen);
// If there are blocks in the middle, use the blocks whole
for (int bb = b0 + 1; bb < b1; ++bb)
AppendBlock(pUseFactory, mSampleFormat,
dest->mBlock, dest->mNumSamples, mBlock[bb]);
// Increase ref count or duplicate file
// Do the last block
if (b1 > b0) {
// Probable case of a partial block
const SeqBlock &block = mBlock[b1];
const auto &sb =;
// s1 is within block:
blocklen = (s1 - block.start).as_size_t();
wxASSERT(blocklen <= (int)mMaxSamples); // Vaughan, 2012-02-29
if (blocklen < (int)sb->GetSampleCount()) {
ensureSampleBufferSize(buffer, mSampleFormat, bufferSize, blocklen);
Get(b1, buffer.ptr(), mSampleFormat, block.start, blocklen, true);
dest->Append(buffer.ptr(), mSampleFormat, blocklen);
// Special case of a whole block
AppendBlock(pUseFactory, mSampleFormat,
dest->mBlock, dest->mNumSamples, block);
// Increase ref count or duplicate file
return dest;
namespace {
inline bool Overflows(double numSamples)
return numSamples > wxLL(9223372036854775807);
SampleBlockPtr ShareOrCopySampleBlock(
SampleBlockFactory *pFactory, sampleFormat format, SampleBlockPtr sb )
if ( pFactory ) {
// must copy contents to a fresh SampleBlock object in another database
auto sampleCount = sb->GetSampleCount();
SampleBuffer buffer{ sampleCount, format };
sb->GetSamples( buffer.ptr(), format, 0, sampleCount );
sb = pFactory->Create( buffer.ptr(), sampleCount, format );
// Can just share
return sb;
/*! @excsafety{Strong} */
void Sequence::Paste(sampleCount s, const Sequence *src)
if ((s < 0) || (s > mNumSamples))
wxT("Sequence::Paste: sampleCount s %s is < 0 or > mNumSamples %s)."),
// PRL: Why bother with Internat when the above is just wxT?
Internat::ToString(s.as_double(), 0),
Internat::ToString(mNumSamples.as_double(), 0));
// Quick check to make sure that it doesn't overflow
if (Overflows((mNumSamples.as_double()) + (src->mNumSamples.as_double())))
wxT("Sequence::Paste: mNumSamples %s + src->mNumSamples %s would overflow."),
// PRL: Why bother with Internat when the above is just wxT?
Internat::ToString(mNumSamples.as_double(), 0),
Internat::ToString(src->mNumSamples.as_double(), 0));
if (src->mSampleFormat != mSampleFormat)
wxT("Sequence::Paste: Sample format to be pasted, %s, does not match destination format, %s."),
const BlockArray &srcBlock = src->mBlock;
auto addedLen = src->mNumSamples;
const unsigned int srcNumBlocks = srcBlock.size();
auto sampleSize = SAMPLE_SIZE(mSampleFormat);
if (addedLen == 0 || srcNumBlocks == 0)
const size_t numBlocks = mBlock.size();
// Decide whether to share sample blocks or make new copies, when whole block
// contents are used -- must copy if factories are different:
auto pUseFactory =
(src->mpFactory == mpFactory) ? nullptr : mpFactory.get();
if (numBlocks == 0 ||
(s == mNumSamples && mBlock.back().sb->GetSampleCount() >= mMinSamples)) {
// Special case: this track is currently empty, or it's safe to append
// onto the end because the current last block is longer than the
// minimum size
// Build and swap a copy so there is a strong exception safety guarantee
BlockArray newBlock{ mBlock };
sampleCount samples = mNumSamples;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < srcNumBlocks; i++)
// AppendBlock may throw for limited disk space, if pasting from
// one project into another.
AppendBlock(pUseFactory, mSampleFormat,
newBlock, samples, srcBlock[i]);
(newBlock, samples, wxT("Paste branch one"));
const int b = (s == mNumSamples) ? mBlock.size() - 1 : FindBlock(s);
wxASSERT((b >= 0) && (b < (int)numBlocks));
SeqBlock *const pBlock = &mBlock[b];
const auto length = pBlock->sb->GetSampleCount();
const auto largerBlockLen = addedLen + length;
// PRL: when insertion point is the first sample of a block,
// and the following test fails, perhaps we could test
// whether coalescence with the previous block is possible.
if (largerBlockLen <= mMaxSamples) {
// Special case: we can fit all of the NEW samples inside of
// one block!
SeqBlock &block = *pBlock;
// largerBlockLen is not more than mMaxSamples...
SampleBuffer buffer(largerBlockLen.as_size_t(), mSampleFormat);
// ...and addedLen is not more than largerBlockLen
auto sAddedLen = addedLen.as_size_t();
// s lies within block:
auto splitPoint = ( s - block.start ).as_size_t();
Read(buffer.ptr(), mSampleFormat, block, 0, splitPoint, true);
src->Get(0, buffer.ptr() + splitPoint*sampleSize,
mSampleFormat, 0, sAddedLen, true);
Read(buffer.ptr() + (splitPoint + sAddedLen) * sampleSize,
mSampleFormat, block,
splitPoint, length - splitPoint, true);
// largerBlockLen is not more than mMaxSamples... = mpFactory->Create(
// Don't make a duplicate array. We can still give Strong-guarantee
// if we modify only one block in place.
// use No-fail-guarantee in remaining steps
for (unsigned int i = b + 1; i < numBlocks; i++)
mBlock[i].start += addedLen;
mNumSamples += addedLen;
// This consistency check won't throw, it asserts.
// Proof that we kept consistency is not hard.
ConsistencyCheck(wxT("Paste branch two"), false);
// Case three: if we are inserting four or fewer blocks,
// it's simplest to just lump all the data together
// into one big block along with the split block,
// then resplit it all
BlockArray newBlock;
newBlock.reserve(numBlocks + srcNumBlocks + 2);
newBlock.insert(newBlock.end(), mBlock.begin(), mBlock.begin() + b);
SeqBlock &splitBlock = mBlock[b];
auto splitLen =>GetSampleCount();
// s lies within splitBlock
auto splitPoint = ( s - splitBlock.start ).as_size_t();
unsigned int i;
if (srcNumBlocks <= 4) {
// addedLen is at most four times maximum block size
auto sAddedLen = addedLen.as_size_t();
const auto sum = splitLen + sAddedLen;
SampleBuffer sumBuffer(sum, mSampleFormat);
Read(sumBuffer.ptr(), mSampleFormat, splitBlock, 0, splitPoint, true);
src->Get(0, sumBuffer.ptr() + splitPoint * sampleSize,
0, sAddedLen, true);
Read(sumBuffer.ptr() + (splitPoint + sAddedLen) * sampleSize, mSampleFormat,
splitBlock, splitPoint,
splitLen - splitPoint, true);
Blockify(*mpFactory, mMaxSamples, mSampleFormat,
newBlock, splitBlock.start, sumBuffer.ptr(), sum);
} else {
// The final case is that we're inserting at least five blocks.
// We divide these into three groups: the first two get merged
// with the first half of the split block, the middle ones get
// used whole, and the last two get merged with the last
// half of the split block.
const auto srcFirstTwoLen =
srcBlock[0].sb->GetSampleCount() + srcBlock[1].sb->GetSampleCount();
const auto leftLen = splitPoint + srcFirstTwoLen;
const SeqBlock &penultimate = srcBlock[srcNumBlocks - 2];
const auto srcLastTwoLen =>GetSampleCount() +
srcBlock[srcNumBlocks - 1].sb->GetSampleCount();
const auto rightSplit =>GetSampleCount() - splitPoint;
const auto rightLen = rightSplit + srcLastTwoLen;
SampleBuffer sampleBuffer(std::max(leftLen, rightLen), mSampleFormat);
Read(sampleBuffer.ptr(), mSampleFormat, splitBlock, 0, splitPoint, true);
src->Get(0, sampleBuffer.ptr() + splitPoint*sampleSize,
mSampleFormat, 0, srcFirstTwoLen, true);
Blockify(*mpFactory, mMaxSamples, mSampleFormat,
newBlock, splitBlock.start, sampleBuffer.ptr(), leftLen);
for (i = 2; i < srcNumBlocks - 2; i++) {
const SeqBlock &block = srcBlock[i];
auto sb = ShareOrCopySampleBlock(
pUseFactory, mSampleFormat, );
newBlock.push_back(SeqBlock(sb, block.start + s));
auto lastStart = penultimate.start;
src->Get(srcNumBlocks - 2, sampleBuffer.ptr(), mSampleFormat,
lastStart, srcLastTwoLen, true);
Read(sampleBuffer.ptr() + srcLastTwoLen * sampleSize, mSampleFormat,
splitBlock, splitPoint, rightSplit, true);
Blockify(*mpFactory, mMaxSamples, mSampleFormat,
newBlock, s + lastStart, sampleBuffer.ptr(), rightLen);
// Copy remaining blocks to NEW block array and
// swap the NEW block array in for the old
for (i = b + 1; i < numBlocks; i++)
(newBlock, mNumSamples + addedLen, wxT("Paste branch three"));
/*! @excsafety{Strong} */
void Sequence::SetSilence(sampleCount s0, sampleCount len)
SetSamples(NULL, mSampleFormat, s0, len);
/*! @excsafety{Strong} */
void Sequence::InsertSilence(sampleCount s0, sampleCount len)
auto &factory = *mpFactory;
// Quick check to make sure that it doesn't overflow
if (Overflows((mNumSamples.as_double()) + (len.as_double())))
if (len <= 0)
// Create a NEW track containing as much silence as we
// need to insert, and then call Paste to do the insertion.
Sequence sTrack(mpFactory, mSampleFormat);
auto idealSamples = GetIdealBlockSize();
sampleCount pos = 0;
// Could nBlocks overflow a size_t? Not very likely. You need perhaps
// 2 ^ 52 samples which is over 3000 years at 44.1 kHz.
auto nBlocks = (len + idealSamples - 1) / idealSamples;
if (len >= idealSamples) {
auto silentFile = factory.CreateSilent(
while (len >= idealSamples) {
sTrack.mBlock.push_back(SeqBlock(silentFile, pos));
pos += idealSamples;
len -= idealSamples;
if (len != 0) {
// len is not more than idealSamples:
factory.CreateSilent(len.as_size_t(), mSampleFormat), pos));
pos += len;
sTrack.mNumSamples = pos;
// use Strong-guarantee
Paste(s0, &sTrack);
void Sequence::AppendBlock( SampleBlockFactory *pFactory, sampleFormat format,
BlockArray &mBlock, sampleCount &mNumSamples, const SeqBlock &b)
// Quick check to make sure that it doesn't overflow
if (Overflows((mNumSamples.as_double()) + ((double)>GetSampleCount())))
auto sb = ShareOrCopySampleBlock( pFactory, format, );
SeqBlock newBlock(sb, mNumSamples);
// We can assume is not null
mNumSamples +=>GetSampleCount();
// Don't do a consistency check here because this
// function gets called in an inner loop.
sampleCount Sequence::GetBlockStart(sampleCount position) const
int b = FindBlock(position);
return mBlock[b].start;
size_t Sequence::GetBestBlockSize(sampleCount start) const
// This method returns a nice number of samples you should try to grab in
// one big chunk in order to land on a block boundary, based on the starting
// sample. The value returned will always be nonzero and will be no larger
// than the value of GetMaxBlockSize()
if (start < 0 || start >= mNumSamples)
return mMaxSamples;
int b = FindBlock(start);
int numBlocks = mBlock.size();
const SeqBlock &block = mBlock[b];
// start is in block:
auto result = (block.start +>GetSampleCount() - start).as_size_t();
decltype(result) length;
while(result < mMinSamples && b+1<numBlocks &&
((length = mBlock[b+1].sb->GetSampleCount()) + result) <= mMaxSamples) {
result += length;
wxASSERT(result > 0 && result <= mMaxSamples);
return result;
bool Sequence::HandleXMLTag(const wxChar *tag, const wxChar **attrs)
auto &factory = *mpFactory;
/* handle waveblock tag and its attributes */
if (!wxStrcmp(tag, wxT("waveblock")))
SeqBlock wb;
// Give SampleBlock a go at the attributes first = factory.CreateFromXML(mSampleFormat, attrs);
if ( == nullptr)
mErrorOpening = true;
return false;
// loop through attrs, which is a null-terminated list of attribute-value pairs
const wxChar *attr = *attrs++;
const wxChar *value = *attrs++;
if (!value)
long long nValue = 0;
const wxString strValue = value; // promote string, we need this for all
if (wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("start")) == 0)
// This attribute is a sample offset, so can be 64bit
if (!XMLValueChecker::IsGoodInt64(strValue) || !strValue.ToLongLong(&nValue) || (nValue < 0))
mErrorOpening = true;
return false;
wb.start = nValue;
return true;
/* handle sequence tag and its attributes */
if (!wxStrcmp(tag, wxT("sequence")))
const wxChar *attr = *attrs++;
const wxChar *value = *attrs++;
if (!value)
long long nValue = 0;
const wxString strValue = value; // promote string, we need this for all
if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("maxsamples")))
// This attribute is a sample count, so can be 64bit
if (!XMLValueChecker::IsGoodInt64(strValue) || !strValue.ToLongLong(&nValue) || (nValue < 0))
mErrorOpening = true;
return false;
// Dominic, 12/10/2006:
// Let's check that maxsamples is >= 1024 and <= 64 * 1024 * 1024
// - that's a pretty wide range of reasonable values.
if ((nValue < 1024) || (nValue > 64 * 1024 * 1024))
mErrorOpening = true;
return false;
// nValue is now safe for size_t
mMaxSamples = nValue;
else if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("sampleformat")))
// This attribute is a sample format, normal int
long fValue;
if (!XMLValueChecker::IsGoodInt(strValue) || !strValue.ToLong(&fValue) || (fValue < 0) || !XMLValueChecker::IsValidSampleFormat(fValue))
mErrorOpening = true;
return false;
mSampleFormat = (sampleFormat)fValue;
else if (!wxStrcmp(attr, wxT("numsamples")))
// This attribute is a sample count, so can be 64bit
if (!XMLValueChecker::IsGoodInt64(strValue) || !strValue.ToLongLong(&nValue) || (nValue < 0))
mErrorOpening = true;
return false;
mNumSamples = nValue;
} // while
return true;
return false;
void Sequence::HandleXMLEndTag(const wxChar *tag)
if (wxStrcmp(tag, wxT("sequence")) != 0)
// Make sure that the sequence is valid.
// Make sure that start times and lengths are consistent
sampleCount numSamples = 0;
for (unsigned b = 0, nn = mBlock.size(); b < nn; b++)
SeqBlock &block = mBlock[b];
if (block.start != numSamples)
wxT("Gap detected in project file.\n")
wxT(" Start (%s) for block file %lld is not one sample past end of previous block (%s).\n")
wxT(" Moving start so blocks are contiguous."),
// PRL: Why bother with Internat when the above is just wxT?
Internat::ToString(block.start.as_double(), 0),>GetBlockID(),
Internat::ToString(numSamples.as_double(), 0));
block.start = numSamples;
mErrorOpening = true;
numSamples +=>GetSampleCount();
if (mNumSamples != numSamples)
wxT("Gap detected in project file. Correcting sequence sample count from %s to %s."),
// PRL: Why bother with Internat when the above is just wxT?
Internat::ToString(mNumSamples.as_double(), 0),
Internat::ToString(numSamples.as_double(), 0));
mNumSamples = numSamples;
mErrorOpening = true;
XMLTagHandler *Sequence::HandleXMLChild(const wxChar *tag)
if (!wxStrcmp(tag, wxT("waveblock")))
return this;
return nullptr;
// Throws exceptions rather than reporting errors.
void Sequence::WriteXML(XMLWriter &xmlFile) const
// may throw
unsigned int b;
xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("maxsamples"), mMaxSamples);
xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("sampleformat"), (size_t)mSampleFormat);
xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("numsamples"), mNumSamples.as_long_long() );
for (b = 0; b < mBlock.size(); b++) {
const SeqBlock &bb = mBlock[b];
// See
if (>GetSampleCount() > mMaxSamples)
// PRL: Bill observed this error. Not sure how it was caused.
// I have added code in ConsistencyCheck that should abort the
// editing operation that caused this, not fixing
// the problem but moving the point of detection earlier if we
// find a reproducible case.
auto sMsg =
XO("Sequence has block file exceeding maximum %s samples per block.\nTruncating to this maximum length.")
.Format( Internat::ToString(((wxLongLong)mMaxSamples).ToDouble(), 0) );
XO("Warning - Truncating Overlong Block File"),
wxLogWarning(sMsg.Translation()); //Debug?
xmlFile.WriteAttr(wxT("start"), bb.start.as_long_long() );>SaveXML(xmlFile);
int Sequence::FindBlock(sampleCount pos) const
wxASSERT(pos >= 0 && pos < mNumSamples);
if (pos == 0)
return 0;
int numBlocks = mBlock.size();
size_t lo = 0, hi = numBlocks, guess;
sampleCount loSamples = 0, hiSamples = mNumSamples;
while (true) {
//this is not a binary search, but a
//dictionary search where we guess something smarter than the binary division
//of the unsearched area, since samples are usually proportional to block file number.
const double frac = (pos - loSamples).as_double() /
(hiSamples - loSamples).as_double();
guess = std::min(hi - 1, lo + size_t(frac * (hi - lo)));
const SeqBlock &block = mBlock[guess];
wxASSERT(>GetSampleCount() > 0);
wxASSERT(lo <= guess && guess < hi && lo < hi);
if (pos < block.start) {
wxASSERT(lo != guess);
hi = guess;
hiSamples = block.start;
else {
const sampleCount nextStart = block.start +>GetSampleCount();
if (pos < nextStart)
else {
wxASSERT(guess < hi - 1);
lo = guess + 1;
loSamples = nextStart;
const int rval = guess;
wxASSERT(rval >= 0 && rval < numBlocks &&
pos >= mBlock[rval].start &&
pos < mBlock[rval].start + mBlock[rval].sb->GetSampleCount());
return rval;
bool Sequence::Read(samplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format,
const SeqBlock &b, size_t blockRelativeStart, size_t len,
bool mayThrow)
const auto &sb =;
wxASSERT(blockRelativeStart + len <= sb->GetSampleCount());
// Either throws, or of !mayThrow, tells how many were really read
auto result = sb->GetSamples(buffer, format, blockRelativeStart, len, mayThrow);
if (result != len)
wxLogWarning(wxT("Expected to read %ld samples, got %ld samples."),
len, result);
return false;
return true;
bool Sequence::Get(samplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format,
sampleCount start, size_t len, bool mayThrow) const
if (start == mNumSamples) {
return len == 0;
if (start < 0 || start + len > mNumSamples) {
if (mayThrow)
ClearSamples( buffer, floatSample, 0, len );
return false;
int b = FindBlock(start);
return Get(b, buffer, format, start, len, mayThrow);
bool Sequence::Get(int b, samplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format,
sampleCount start, size_t len, bool mayThrow) const
bool result = true;
while (len) {
const SeqBlock &block = mBlock[b];
// start is in block
const auto bstart = (start - block.start).as_size_t();
// bstart is not more than block length
const auto blen = std::min(len,>GetSampleCount() - bstart);
if (! Read(buffer, format, block, bstart, blen, mayThrow) )
result = false;
len -= blen;
buffer += (blen * SAMPLE_SIZE(format));
start += blen;
return result;
// Pass NULL to set silence
/*! @excsafety{Strong} */
void Sequence::SetSamples(constSamplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format,
sampleCount start, sampleCount len)
auto &factory = *mpFactory;
const auto size = mBlock.size();
if (start < 0 || start + len > mNumSamples)
size_t tempSize = mMaxSamples;
// to do: allocate this only on demand
SampleBuffer scratch(tempSize, mSampleFormat);
SampleBuffer temp;
if (buffer && format != mSampleFormat) {
temp.Allocate(tempSize, mSampleFormat);
int b = FindBlock(start);
BlockArray newBlock;
std::copy( mBlock.begin(), mBlock.begin() + b, std::back_inserter(newBlock) );
while (len > 0
// Redundant termination condition,
// but it guards against infinite loop in case of inconsistencies
// (too-small files, not yet seen?)
// that cause the loop to make no progress because blen == 0
&& b < (int)size
) {
newBlock.push_back( mBlock[b] );
SeqBlock &block = newBlock.back();
// start is within block
const auto bstart = ( start - block.start ).as_size_t();
const auto fileLength =>GetSampleCount();
// the std::min is a guard against inconsistent Sequence
const auto blen =
limitSampleBufferSize( fileLength - std::min( bstart, fileLength ),
len );
wxASSERT(blen == 0 || bstart + blen <= fileLength);
#if 0
// PRL: This inconsistency (too-big file) has been seen in "the wild"
// in 2.2.0. It is the least problematic kind of inconsistency.
// We will tolerate it for 2.2.1.
// Not known whether it is only in projects saved in earlier versions.
// After 2.2.1, we should detect and correct it at file loading time.
if (fileLength > mMaxSamples) {
ensureSampleBufferSize(scratch, mSampleFormat, tempSize, fileLength,
auto useBuffer = buffer;
if (buffer && format != mSampleFormat)
// To do: remove the extra movement.
// Note: we ensured temp can hold fileLength. blen is not more
CopySamples(buffer, format, temp.ptr(), mSampleFormat, blen);
useBuffer = temp.ptr();
// We don't ever write to an existing block; to support Undo,
// we copy the old block entirely into memory, dereference it,
// make the change, and then write the NEW block to disk.
if ( bstart > 0 || blen < fileLength ) {
// First or last block is only partially overwritten
Read(scratch.ptr(), mSampleFormat, block, 0, fileLength, true);
if (useBuffer) {
auto sampleSize = SAMPLE_SIZE(mSampleFormat);
memcpy(scratch.ptr() +
bstart * sampleSize, useBuffer, blen * sampleSize);
ClearSamples(scratch.ptr(), mSampleFormat, bstart, blen); = factory.Create(
else {
// Avoid reading the disk when the replacement is total
if (useBuffer) = factory.Create(useBuffer, fileLength, mSampleFormat);
else = factory.CreateSilent(fileLength, mSampleFormat);
// blen might be zero for inconsistent Sequence...
if( buffer )
buffer += (blen * SAMPLE_SIZE(format));
len -= blen;
start += blen;
// ... but this, at least, always guarantees some loop progress:
std::copy( mBlock.begin() + b, mBlock.end(), std::back_inserter(newBlock) );
CommitChangesIfConsistent( newBlock, mNumSamples, wxT("SetSamples") );
namespace {
struct MinMaxSumsq
MinMaxSumsq(const float *pv, int count, int divisor)
min = FLT_MAX, max = -FLT_MAX, sumsq = 0.0f;
while (count--) {
float v;
switch (divisor) {
case 1:
// array holds samples
v = *pv++;
if (v < min)
min = v;
if (v > max)
max = v;
sumsq += v * v;
case 256:
case 65536:
// array holds triples of min, max, and rms values
v = *pv++;
if (v < min)
min = v;
v = *pv++;
if (v > max)
max = v;
v = *pv++;
sumsq += v * v;
float min;
float max;
float sumsq;
bool Sequence::GetWaveDisplay(float *min, float *max, float *rms, int* bl,
size_t len, const sampleCount *where) const
wxASSERT(len > 0);
const auto s0 = std::max(sampleCount(0), where[0]);
if (s0 >= mNumSamples)
// None of the samples asked for are in range. Abandon.
return false;
// In case where[len - 1] == where[len], raise the limit by one,
// so we load at least one pixel for column len - 1
// ... unless the mNumSamples ceiling applies, and then there are other defenses
const auto s1 =
std::min(mNumSamples, std::max(1 + where[len - 1], where[len]));
Floats temp{ mMaxSamples };
decltype(len) pixel = 0;
auto srcX = s0;
decltype(srcX) nextSrcX = 0;
int lastRmsDenom = 0;
int lastDivisor = 0;
auto whereNow = std::min(s1 - 1, where[0]);
decltype(whereNow) whereNext = 0;
// Loop over block files, opening and reading and closing each
// not more than once
unsigned nBlocks = mBlock.size();
const unsigned int block0 = FindBlock(s0);
for (unsigned int b = block0; b < nBlocks; ++b) {
if (b > block0)
srcX = nextSrcX;
if (srcX >= s1)
// Find the range of sample values for this block that
// are in the display.
const SeqBlock &seqBlock = mBlock[b];
const auto start = seqBlock.start;
nextSrcX = std::min(s1, start +>GetSampleCount());
// The column for pixel p covers samples from
// where[p] up to but excluding where[p + 1].
// Find the range of pixels covered by the current block file
// (Their starting samples covered by it, to be exact)
decltype(len) nextPixel;
if (nextSrcX >= s1)
// last pass
nextPixel = len;
else {
nextPixel = pixel;
// Taking min with s1 - 1, here and elsewhere, is another defense
// to be sure the last pixel column gets at least one sample
while (nextPixel < len &&
(whereNext = std::min(s1 - 1, where[nextPixel])) < nextSrcX)
if (nextPixel == pixel)
// The entire block's samples fall within one pixel column.
// Either it's a rare odd block at the end, or else,
// we must be really zoomed out!
// Omit the entire block's contents from min/max/rms
// calculation, which is not correct, but correctness might not
// be worth the compute time if this happens every pixel
// column. -- PRL
if (nextPixel == len)
whereNext = s1;
// Decide the summary level
const double samplesPerPixel =
(whereNext - whereNow).as_double() / (nextPixel - pixel);
const int divisor =
(samplesPerPixel >= 65536) ? 65536
: (samplesPerPixel >= 256) ? 256
: 1;
int blockStatus = b;
// How many samples or triples are needed?
const size_t startPosition =
// srcX and start are in the same block
std::max(sampleCount(0), (srcX - start) / divisor).as_size_t();
const size_t inclusiveEndPosition =
// nextSrcX - 1 and start are in the same block
std::min((sampleCount(mMaxSamples) / divisor) - 1,
(nextSrcX - 1 - start) / divisor).as_size_t();
const auto num = 1 + inclusiveEndPosition - startPosition;
if (num <= 0) {
// What? There was a zero length block file?
// Do some defense against this case anyway
while (pixel < nextPixel) {
min[pixel] = max[pixel] = rms[pixel] = 0;
bl[pixel] = blockStatus;//MC
// Read from the block file or its summary
switch (divisor) {
case 1:
// Read samples
// no-throw for display operations!
Read((samplePtr)temp.get(), floatSample, seqBlock, startPosition, num, false);
case 256:
// Read triples
// Ignore the return value.
// This function fills with zeroes if read fails>GetSummary256(temp.get(), startPosition, num);
case 65536:
// Read triples
// Ignore the return value.
// This function fills with zeroes if read fails>GetSummary64k(temp.get(), startPosition, num);
auto filePosition = startPosition;
// The previous pixel column might straddle blocks.
// If so, impute some of the data to it.
if (b > block0 && pixel > 0) {
// whereNow and start are in the same block
auto midPosition = ((whereNow - start) / divisor).as_size_t();
int diff(midPosition - filePosition);
if (diff > 0) {
MinMaxSumsq values(temp.get(), diff, divisor);
const int lastPixel = pixel - 1;
float &lastMin = min[lastPixel];
lastMin = std::min(lastMin, values.min);
float &lastMax = max[lastPixel];
lastMax = std::max(lastMax, values.max);
float &lastRms = rms[lastPixel];
int lastNumSamples = lastRmsDenom * lastDivisor;
lastRms = sqrt(
(lastRms * lastRms * lastNumSamples + values.sumsq * divisor) /
(lastNumSamples + diff * divisor)
filePosition = midPosition;
// Loop over file positions
int rmsDenom = 0;
for (; filePosition <= inclusiveEndPosition;) {
// Find range of pixel columns for this file position
// (normally just one, but maybe more when zoomed very close)
// and the range of positions for those columns
// (normally one or more, for that one column)
auto pixelX = pixel + 1;
decltype(filePosition) positionX = 0;
while (pixelX < nextPixel &&
filePosition ==
(positionX = (
// s1 - 1 or where[pixelX] and start are in the same block
(std::min(s1 - 1, where[pixelX]) - start) / divisor).as_size_t() )
if (pixelX >= nextPixel)
positionX = 1 + inclusiveEndPosition;
// Find results to assign
rmsDenom = (positionX - filePosition);
wxASSERT(rmsDenom > 0);
const float *const pv =
temp.get() + (filePosition - startPosition) * (divisor == 1 ? 1 : 3);
MinMaxSumsq values(pv, std::max(0, rmsDenom), divisor);
// Assign results
std::fill(&min[pixel], &min[pixelX], values.min);
std::fill(&max[pixel], &max[pixelX], values.max);
std::fill(&bl[pixel], &bl[pixelX], blockStatus);
std::fill(&rms[pixel], &rms[pixelX], (float)sqrt(values.sumsq / rmsDenom));
pixel = pixelX;
filePosition = positionX;
wxASSERT(pixel == nextPixel);
whereNow = whereNext;
pixel = nextPixel;
lastDivisor = divisor;
lastRmsDenom = rmsDenom;
} // for each block file
wxASSERT(pixel == len);
return true;
size_t Sequence::GetIdealAppendLen() const
int numBlocks = mBlock.size();
const auto max = GetMaxBlockSize();
if (numBlocks == 0)
return max;
const auto lastBlockLen = mBlock.back().sb->GetSampleCount();
if (lastBlockLen >= max)
return max;
return max - lastBlockLen;
/*! @excsafety{Strong} */
SeqBlock::SampleBlockPtr Sequence::AppendNewBlock(
constSamplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format, size_t len)
return DoAppend( buffer, format, len, false );
/*! @excsafety{Strong} */
void Sequence::AppendSharedBlock(const SeqBlock::SampleBlockPtr &pBlock)
auto len = pBlock->GetSampleCount();
// Quick check to make sure that it doesn't overflow
if (Overflows(mNumSamples.as_double() + ((double)len)))
BlockArray newBlock;
newBlock.emplace_back( pBlock, mNumSamples );
auto newNumSamples = mNumSamples + len;
AppendBlocksIfConsistent(newBlock, false,
newNumSamples, wxT("Append"));
// JKC: During generate we use Append again and again.
// If generating a long sequence this test would give O(n^2)
// performance - not good!
/*! @excsafety{Strong} */
void Sequence::Append(constSamplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format, size_t len)
DoAppend(buffer, format, len, true);
/*! @excsafety{Strong} */
SeqBlock::SampleBlockPtr Sequence::DoAppend(
constSamplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format, size_t len, bool coalesce)
SeqBlock::SampleBlockPtr result;
if (len == 0)
return result;
auto &factory = *mpFactory;
// Quick check to make sure that it doesn't overflow
if (Overflows(mNumSamples.as_double() + ((double)len)))
BlockArray newBlock;
sampleCount newNumSamples = mNumSamples;
// If the last block is not full, we need to add samples to it
int numBlocks = mBlock.size();
SeqBlock *pLastBlock;
decltype(pLastBlock->sb->GetSampleCount()) length;
size_t bufferSize = mMaxSamples;
SampleBuffer buffer2(bufferSize, mSampleFormat);
bool replaceLast = false;
if (coalesce &&
numBlocks > 0 &&
(length =
(pLastBlock = &mBlock.back())->sb->GetSampleCount()) < mMinSamples) {
// Enlarge a sub-minimum block at the end
const SeqBlock &lastBlock = *pLastBlock;
const auto addLen = std::min(mMaxSamples - length, len);
Read(buffer2.ptr(), mSampleFormat, lastBlock, 0, length, true);
buffer2.ptr() + length * SAMPLE_SIZE(mSampleFormat),
const auto newLastBlockLen = length + addLen;
SampleBlockPtr pBlock = factory.Create(
SeqBlock newLastBlock(pBlock, lastBlock.start);
newBlock.push_back( newLastBlock );
len -= addLen;
newNumSamples += addLen;
buffer += addLen * SAMPLE_SIZE(format);
replaceLast = true;
// Append the rest as NEW blocks
while (len) {
const auto idealSamples = GetIdealBlockSize();
const auto addedLen = std::min(idealSamples, len);
SampleBlockPtr pBlock;
if (format == mSampleFormat) {
pBlock = factory.Create(buffer, addedLen, mSampleFormat);
// It's expected that when not requesting coalescence, the
// data should fit in one block
wxASSERT( coalesce || !result );
result = pBlock;
else {
CopySamples(buffer, format, buffer2.ptr(), mSampleFormat, addedLen);
pBlock = factory.Create(buffer2.ptr(), addedLen, mSampleFormat);
newBlock.push_back(SeqBlock(pBlock, newNumSamples));
buffer += addedLen * SAMPLE_SIZE(format);
newNumSamples += addedLen;
len -= addedLen;
AppendBlocksIfConsistent(newBlock, replaceLast,
newNumSamples, wxT("Append"));
// JKC: During generate we use Append again and again.
// If generating a long sequence this test would give O(n^2)
// performance - not good!
return result;
void Sequence::Blockify(SampleBlockFactory &factory,
size_t mMaxSamples, sampleFormat mSampleFormat,
BlockArray &list, sampleCount start,
constSamplePtr buffer, size_t len)
if (len <= 0)
auto num = (len + (mMaxSamples - 1)) / mMaxSamples;
list.reserve(list.size() + num);
for (decltype(num) i = 0; i < num; i++) {
SeqBlock b;
const auto offset = i * len / num;
b.start = start + offset;
int newLen = ((i + 1) * len / num) - offset;
auto bufStart = buffer + (offset * SAMPLE_SIZE(mSampleFormat)); = factory.Create(bufStart, newLen, mSampleFormat);
/*! @excsafety{Strong} */
void Sequence::Delete(sampleCount start, sampleCount len)
if (len == 0)
if (len < 0 || start < 0 || start + len > mNumSamples)
auto &factory = *mpFactory;
const unsigned int numBlocks = mBlock.size();
const unsigned int b0 = FindBlock(start);
unsigned int b1 = FindBlock(start + len - 1);
auto sampleSize = SAMPLE_SIZE(mSampleFormat);
SeqBlock *pBlock;
decltype(pBlock->sb->GetSampleCount()) length;
// One buffer for reuse in various branches here
SampleBuffer scratch;
// The maximum size that should ever be needed
auto scratchSize = mMaxSamples + mMinSamples;
// Special case: if the samples to DELETE are all within a single
// block and the resulting length is not too small, perform the
// deletion within this block:
if (b0 == b1 &&
(length = (pBlock = &mBlock[b0])->sb->GetSampleCount()) - len >= mMinSamples) {
SeqBlock &b = *pBlock;
// start is within block
auto pos = ( start - b.start ).as_size_t();
// Guard against failure of this anyway below with limitSampleBufferSize
wxASSERT(len < length);
// len must be less than length
// because start + len - 1 is also in the block...
auto newLen = ( length - limitSampleBufferSize( length, len ) );
scratch.Allocate(scratchSize, mSampleFormat);
ensureSampleBufferSize(scratch, mSampleFormat, scratchSize, newLen);
Read(scratch.ptr(), mSampleFormat, b, 0, pos, true);
Read(scratch.ptr() + (pos * sampleSize), mSampleFormat,
// ... and therefore pos + len
// is not more than the length of the block
( pos + len ).as_size_t(), newLen - pos, true); = factory.Create(scratch.ptr(), newLen, mSampleFormat);
// Don't make a duplicate array. We can still give Strong-guarantee
// if we modify only one block in place.
// use No-fail-guarantee in remaining steps
for (unsigned int j = b0 + 1; j < numBlocks; j++)
mBlock[j].start -= len;
mNumSamples -= len;
// This consistency check won't throw, it asserts.
// Proof that we kept consistency is not hard.
ConsistencyCheck(wxT("Delete - branch one"), false);
// Create a NEW array of blocks
BlockArray newBlock;
newBlock.reserve(numBlocks - (b1 - b0) + 2);
// Copy the blocks before the deletion point over to
// the NEW array
newBlock.insert(newBlock.end(), mBlock.begin(), mBlock.begin() + b0);
unsigned int i;
// First grab the samples in block b0 before the deletion point
// into preBuffer. If this is enough samples for its own block,
// or if this would be the first block in the array, write it out.
// Otherwise combine it with the previous block (splitting them
// 50/50 if necessary).
const SeqBlock &preBlock = mBlock[b0];
// start is within preBlock
auto preBufferLen = ( start - preBlock.start ).as_size_t();
if (preBufferLen) {
if (preBufferLen >= mMinSamples || b0 == 0) {
if (!scratch.ptr())
scratch.Allocate(scratchSize, mSampleFormat);
ensureSampleBufferSize(scratch, mSampleFormat, scratchSize, preBufferLen);
Read(scratch.ptr(), mSampleFormat, preBlock, 0, preBufferLen, true);
auto pFile =
factory.Create(scratch.ptr(), preBufferLen, mSampleFormat);
newBlock.push_back(SeqBlock(pFile, preBlock.start));
} else {
const SeqBlock &prepreBlock = mBlock[b0 - 1];
const auto prepreLen =>GetSampleCount();
const auto sum = prepreLen + preBufferLen;
if (!scratch.ptr())
scratch.Allocate(scratchSize, mSampleFormat);
ensureSampleBufferSize(scratch, mSampleFormat, scratchSize,
Read(scratch.ptr(), mSampleFormat, prepreBlock, 0, prepreLen, true);
Read(scratch.ptr() + prepreLen*sampleSize, mSampleFormat,
preBlock, 0, preBufferLen, true);
Blockify(*mpFactory, mMaxSamples, mSampleFormat,
newBlock, prepreBlock.start, scratch.ptr(), sum);
else {
// The sample where we begin deletion happens to fall
// right on the beginning of a block.
// Now, symmetrically, grab the samples in block b1 after the
// deletion point into postBuffer. If this is enough samples
// for its own block, or if this would be the last block in
// the array, write it out. Otherwise combine it with the
// subsequent block (splitting them 50/50 if necessary).
const SeqBlock &postBlock = mBlock[b1];
// start + len - 1 lies within postBlock
const auto postBufferLen = (
(postBlock.start +>GetSampleCount()) - (start + len)
if (postBufferLen) {
if (postBufferLen >= mMinSamples || b1 == numBlocks - 1) {
if (!scratch.ptr())
// Last use of scratch, can ask for smaller
scratch.Allocate(postBufferLen, mSampleFormat);
// start + len - 1 lies within postBlock
auto pos = (start + len - postBlock.start).as_size_t();
Read(scratch.ptr(), mSampleFormat, postBlock, pos, postBufferLen, true);
auto file =
factory.Create(scratch.ptr(), postBufferLen, mSampleFormat);
newBlock.push_back(SeqBlock(file, start));
} else {
SeqBlock &postpostBlock = mBlock[b1 + 1];
const auto postpostLen =>GetSampleCount();
const auto sum = postpostLen + postBufferLen;
if (!scratch.ptr())
// Last use of scratch, can ask for smaller
scratch.Allocate(sum, mSampleFormat);
// start + len - 1 lies within postBlock
auto pos = (start + len - postBlock.start).as_size_t();
Read(scratch.ptr(), mSampleFormat, postBlock, pos, postBufferLen, true);
Read(scratch.ptr() + (postBufferLen * sampleSize), mSampleFormat,
postpostBlock, 0, postpostLen, true);
Blockify(*mpFactory, mMaxSamples, mSampleFormat,
newBlock, start, scratch.ptr(), sum);
else {
// The sample where we begin deletion happens to fall
// right on the end of a block.
// Copy the remaining blocks over from the old array
for (i = b1 + 1; i < numBlocks; i++)
(newBlock, mNumSamples - len, wxT("Delete - branch two"));
void Sequence::ConsistencyCheck(const wxChar *whereStr, bool mayThrow) const
ConsistencyCheck(mBlock, mMaxSamples, 0, mNumSamples, whereStr, mayThrow);
void Sequence::ConsistencyCheck
(const BlockArray &mBlock, size_t maxSamples, size_t from,
sampleCount mNumSamples, const wxChar *whereStr,
bool WXUNUSED(mayThrow))
// Construction of the exception at the appropriate line of the function
// gives a little more discrimination
Optional<InconsistencyException> ex;
unsigned int numBlocks = mBlock.size();
unsigned int i;
sampleCount pos = from < numBlocks ? mBlock[from].start : mNumSamples;
if ( from == 0 && pos != 0 )
for (i = from; !ex && i < numBlocks; i++) {
const SeqBlock &seqBlock = mBlock[i];
if (pos != seqBlock.start)
if ( ) {
const auto length =>GetSampleCount();
if (length > maxSamples)
pos += length;
if ( !ex && pos != mNumSamples )
if ( ex )
wxLogError(wxT("*** Consistency check failed at %d after %s. ***"),
ex->GetLine(), whereStr);
wxString str;
DebugPrintf(mBlock, mNumSamples, &str);
wxLogError(wxT("%s"), str);
wxLogError(wxT("*** Please report this error to ***\n\n")
wxT("Recommended course of action:\n")
wxT("Undo the failed operation(s), then export or save your work and quit."));
//if (mayThrow)
//throw *ex;
void Sequence::CommitChangesIfConsistent
(BlockArray &newBlock, sampleCount numSamples, const wxChar *whereStr)
ConsistencyCheck( newBlock, mMaxSamples, 0, numSamples, whereStr ); // may throw
// now commit
// use No-fail-guarantee
mNumSamples = numSamples;
void Sequence::AppendBlocksIfConsistent
(BlockArray &additionalBlocks, bool replaceLast,
sampleCount numSamples, const wxChar *whereStr)
// Any additional blocks are meant to be appended,
// replacing the final block if there was one.
if (additionalBlocks.empty())
bool tmpValid = false;
SeqBlock tmp;
if ( replaceLast && ! mBlock.empty() ) {
tmp = mBlock.back(), tmpValid = true;
auto prevSize = mBlock.size();
bool consistent = false;
auto cleanup = finally( [&] {
if ( !consistent ) {
mBlock.resize( prevSize );
if ( tmpValid )
mBlock.push_back( tmp );
} );
std::copy( additionalBlocks.begin(), additionalBlocks.end(),
std::back_inserter( mBlock ) );
// Check consistency only of the blocks that were added,
// avoiding quadratic time for repeated checking of repeating appends
ConsistencyCheck( mBlock, mMaxSamples, prevSize, numSamples, whereStr ); // may throw
// now commit
// use No-fail-guarantee
mNumSamples = numSamples;
consistent = true;
void Sequence::DebugPrintf
(const BlockArray &mBlock, sampleCount mNumSamples, wxString *dest)
unsigned int i;
decltype(mNumSamples) pos = 0;
for (i = 0; i < mBlock.size(); i++) {
const SeqBlock &seqBlock = mBlock[i];
*dest += wxString::Format
(wxT(" Block %3u: start %8lld, len %8lld, refs %ld, id %lld"),
seqBlock.start.as_long_long(), ? (long long)>GetSampleCount() : 0, ? : 0, ? (long long)>GetBlockID() : 0);
if ((pos != seqBlock.start) || !
*dest += wxT(" ERROR\n");
*dest += wxT("\n");
if (
pos +=>GetSampleCount();
if (pos != mNumSamples)
*dest += wxString::Format
(wxT("ERROR mNumSamples = %lld\n"), mNumSamples.as_long_long());
// static
void Sequence::SetMaxDiskBlockSize(size_t bytes)
sMaxDiskBlockSize = bytes;
size_t Sequence::GetMaxDiskBlockSize()
return sMaxDiskBlockSize;