
134 lines
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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Paul Licameli split from FileNames.cpp
#include "TempDirectory.h"
#include "FileNames.h"
#include "widgets/ErrorDialog.h"
static wxString &TempDirPath()
static wxString path;
return path;
/// Returns the directory used for temp files.
/// \todo put a counter in here to see if it gets used a lot.
/// if it does, then maybe we should cache the path name
/// each time.
wxString TempDirectory::TempDir()
auto &path = TempDirPath();
if (gPrefs && path.empty())
path =
FileNames::PathType::_None), wxT(""));
if (FileNames::IsOnFATFileSystem(path))
XO("The temporary files directory is on a FAT formatted drive.\n"
"Resetting to default location."),
path = DefaultTempDir();
UpdateDefaultPath(FileNames::Operation::Temp, path);
return FileNames::MkDir(path);
void TempDirectory::ResetTempDir()
/** \brief Default temp directory */
static FilePath sDefaultTempDir;
const FilePath &TempDirectory::DefaultTempDir()
return sDefaultTempDir;
void TempDirectory::SetDefaultTempDir( const FilePath &tempDir )
sDefaultTempDir = tempDir;
// We now disallow temp directory name that puts it where cleaner apps will
// try to clean out the files.
bool TempDirectory::IsTempDirectoryNameOK( const FilePath & Name )
if( Name.empty() )
return false;
wxFileName tmpFile;
// use Long Path to expand out any abbreviated long substrings.
wxString BadPath = tmpFile.GetLongPath();
#ifdef __WXMAC__
// This test is to fix bug 1220 on a 1.x to 2.x to 2.1.3 upgrade.
// It is less permissive than we could be as it stops a path
// with this string ANYWHERE within it rather than excluding just
// the paths that the earlier Audacities used to create.
if( Name.Contains( "/tmp/") )
return false;
BadPath = BadPath.BeforeLast( '/' ) + "/";
wxFileName cmpFile( Name );
wxString NameCanonical = cmpFile.GetLongPath( ) + "/";
BadPath = BadPath.BeforeLast( '\\' ) + "\\";
wxFileName cmpFile( Name );
wxString NameCanonical = cmpFile.GetLongPath( ) + "\\";
if (FATFilesystemDenied(NameCanonical,
XO("The temporary files directory is on a FAT formatted drive.\n"
"Resetting to default location.")))
return false;
return !(NameCanonical.StartsWith( BadPath ));
wxString TempDirectory::UnsavedProjectFileName()
wxFileName fn(TempDir(),
FileNames::CreateUniqueName(wxT("New Project"), FileNames::UnsavedProjectExtension()));
return fn.GetFullPath();
bool TempDirectory::FATFilesystemDenied( const FilePath &path,
const TranslatableString &msg,
wxWindow *window /* = nullptr */ )
if (FileNames::IsOnFATFileSystem(path))
XO("%s\n\nFor tips on suitable drives, click the help button.").Format(msg),
return true;
return false;