
222 lines
6.8 KiB

#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
#include <cassert>
#include "sndfile.h"
#include "blockfile/SimpleBlockFile.h"
class SimpleBlockFileTest {
SimpleBlockFile *int16BlockFile;
SimpleBlockFile *int24BlockFile;
SimpleBlockFile *floatBlockFile;
int summaryLen;
short *int16Data;
int *int24Data;
float *floatData;
int dataLen;
std::cout << "==> Testing SimpleBlockFile\n";
void setUp() {
dataLen = 200000;
int16Data = new short[dataLen];
int24Data = new int[dataLen];
floatData = new float[dataLen];
int i;
int sign = 1;
for(i = 0; i < dataLen; i++)
sign *= -1;
// These have no significance, it's just random data
int16Data[i] = sign*(i*i);
int24Data[i] = sign*((i*i*i)%0x000FFFFF);
float j = (float) i;
floatData[i] = sign*j/((j*j)+1);
int16BlockFile = new SimpleBlockFile(wxFileName("/tmp/int16"),
(samplePtr)int16Data, dataLen,
int24BlockFile = new SimpleBlockFile(wxFileName("/tmp/int24"),
(samplePtr)int24Data, dataLen,
floatBlockFile = new SimpleBlockFile(wxFileName("/tmp/float"),
(samplePtr)floatData, dataLen,
void tearDown() {
delete [] int16Data;
delete [] int24Data;
delete [] floatData;
delete int16BlockFile;
delete int24BlockFile;
delete floatBlockFile;
void testFileValidity() {
// Use libsndfile to read the file. Make sure:
// 1. it is correctly recognized as an AU file
// 2. it has all the header information we expect
std::cout << "\tthe created files should be valid AU files with the expected number of samples...";
std::cout << std::flush;
BlockFile *theFiles[] = {int16BlockFile, int24BlockFile, floatBlockFile};
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
BlockFile *bf = theFiles[i];
SF_INFO info;
memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
SNDFILE *sf = sf_open(bf->GetFileName().GetFullPath(), SFM_READ, &info);
assert(info.frames == dataLen);
assert(info.channels == 1);
assert(info.format & SF_FORMAT_AU);
std::cout << "OK\n";
template<class T> void AssertBuffersEqual(T *b1, T *b2, int len)
for( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
if( b1[i] != b2[i] )
std::cout << b1[i] << " != " << b2[i] << " (i=" << i << ")" << std::endl;
void testCorrectDataWritten() {
// use libsndfile to read back the whole blockfile, make sure it matches
// the data we initially wrote
std::cout << "\tVerifying that we wrote what we think we wrote..." << std::flush;
SF_INFO info1, info2, info3;
memset(&info1, 0, sizeof(info1));
memset(&info2, 0, sizeof(info2));
memset(&info3, 0, sizeof(info3));
SNDFILE *int16sf = sf_open(int16BlockFile->GetFileName().GetFullPath(), SFM_READ, &info1);
SNDFILE *int24sf = sf_open(int24BlockFile->GetFileName().GetFullPath(), SFM_READ, &info2);
SNDFILE *floatsf = sf_open(floatBlockFile->GetFileName().GetFullPath(), SFM_READ, &info3);
// First do a read of the entire block
short int16buf[dataLen];
int int24buf[dataLen];
float floatbuf[dataLen];
sf_read_short(int16sf, int16buf, dataLen);
sf_read_int (int24sf, int24buf, dataLen);
sf_read_float(floatsf, floatbuf, dataLen);
AssertBuffersEqual(int16buf, int16Data, dataLen);
AssertBuffersEqual(floatbuf, floatData, dataLen);
// for the 24-bit buffer, libsndfile gives the 24 bits to us in the 3 most significant
// byts of a 32-bit int. So we need to shift them right 8 to get back our 24-bit data.
for( int i = 0; i < dataLen; i++ )
int24buf[i] = int24buf[i] >> 8;
AssertBuffersEqual(int24buf, int24Data, dataLen);
std::cout << "OK\n";
void testReads() {
// Now use the blockfile's method to read data and compare it to what we originally wrote
std::cout << "\tVerifying that we can read back correctly..." << std::flush;
samplePtr int16buf = NewSamples(dataLen, int16Sample);
samplePtr int24buf = NewSamples(dataLen, int24Sample);
samplePtr floatbuf = NewSamples(dataLen, floatSample);
// First try a read of the entire buffer
int16BlockFile->ReadData(int16buf, int16Sample, 0, dataLen);
int24BlockFile->ReadData(int24buf, int24Sample, 0, dataLen);
floatBlockFile->ReadData(floatbuf, floatSample, 0, dataLen);
AssertBuffersEqual(int16Data, (short*)int16buf, dataLen);
AssertBuffersEqual(int24Data, (int*)int24buf, dataLen);
AssertBuffersEqual(floatData, (float*)floatbuf, dataLen);
// Now test a read that starts at the beginning but quits
// before the end
int someOffset = 537;
int16BlockFile->ReadData(int16buf, int16Sample, 0, someOffset);
int24BlockFile->ReadData(int24buf, int24Sample, 0, someOffset);
floatBlockFile->ReadData(floatbuf, floatSample, 0, someOffset);
AssertBuffersEqual(int16Data, (short*)int16buf, someOffset);
AssertBuffersEqual(int24Data, (int*)int24buf, someOffset);
AssertBuffersEqual(floatData, (float*)floatbuf, someOffset);
// Now try a read that starts in the middle and goes to the
// end
int16BlockFile->ReadData(int16buf, int16Sample, someOffset, dataLen-someOffset);
int24BlockFile->ReadData(int24buf, int24Sample, someOffset, dataLen-someOffset);
floatBlockFile->ReadData(floatbuf, floatSample, someOffset, dataLen-someOffset);
AssertBuffersEqual(int16Data+someOffset, (short*)int16buf, dataLen-someOffset);
AssertBuffersEqual(int24Data+someOffset, (int*)int24buf, dataLen-someOffset);
AssertBuffersEqual(floatData+someOffset, (float*)floatbuf, dataLen-someOffset);
std::cout << "OK\n";
int main()
SimpleBlockFileTest tester;
return 0;
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