2019-06-26 21:25:15 -04:00

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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Paul Licameli split from ViewInfo.h
#include "ClientData.h" // to inherit
#include "Prefs.h" // to inherit
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define CONST
#define CONST const
class AudacityProject;
// See big pictorial comment in TrackPanel.cpp for explanation of these numbers
enum : int {
// Constants related to x coordinates in the track panel
kBorderThickness = 1,
kShadowThickness = 1,
kLeftInset = 4,
kRightInset = kLeftInset,
kLeftMargin = kLeftInset + kBorderThickness,
kRightMargin = kRightInset + kShadowThickness + kBorderThickness,
kTrackInfoWidth = 100 - kLeftMargin,
// The subset of ViewInfo information (other than selection)
// that is sufficient for purposes of TrackArtist,
// and for computing conversions between track times and pixel positions.
class AUDACITY_DLL_API ZoomInfo /* not final */
// Note that ViewInfo inherits from ZoomInfo but there are no virtual functions.
// That's okay if we pass always by reference and never copy, suffering "slicing."
: public ClientData::Base
, protected PrefsListener
ZoomInfo(double start, double pixelsPerSecond);
// Be sure we don't slice
ZoomInfo(const ZoomInfo&) PROHIBITED;
ZoomInfo& operator= (const ZoomInfo&) PROHIBITED;
void UpdatePrefs() override;
int vpos; // vertical scroll pos
double h; // h pos in secs
double zoom; // pixels per second
float dBr; // decibel scale range
// do NOT use this once to convert a pixel width to a duration!
// Instead, call twice to convert start and end times,
// and take the difference.
// origin specifies the pixel corresponding to time h
double PositionToTime(wxInt64 position,
wxInt64 origin = 0
, bool ignoreFisheye = false
) const;
// do NOT use this once to convert a duration to a pixel width!
// Instead, call twice to convert start and end positions,
// and take the difference.
// origin specifies the pixel corresponding to time h
wxInt64 TimeToPosition(double time,
wxInt64 origin = 0
, bool ignoreFisheye = false
) const;
// This always ignores the fisheye. Use with caution!
// You should prefer to call TimeToPosition twice, for endpoints, and take the difference!
double TimeRangeToPixelWidth(double timeRange) const;
double OffsetTimeByPixels(double time, wxInt64 offset, bool ignoreFisheye = false) const
return PositionToTime(offset + TimeToPosition(time, ignoreFisheye), ignoreFisheye);
int GetWidth() const { return mWidth; }
void SetWidth( int width ) { mWidth = width; }
int GetVRulerWidth() const { return mVRulerWidth; }
void SetVRulerWidth( int width ) { mVRulerWidth = width; }
int GetVRulerOffset() const { return kTrackInfoWidth + kLeftMargin; }
int GetLabelWidth() const { return GetVRulerOffset() + GetVRulerWidth(); }
int GetLeftOffset() const { return GetLabelWidth() + 1;}
int GetTracksUsableWidth() const
std::max( 0, GetWidth() - ( GetLeftOffset() + kRightMargin ) );
// Returns the time corresponding to the pixel column one past the track area
// (ignoring any fisheye)
double GetScreenEndTime() const
auto width = GetTracksUsableWidth();
return PositionToTime(width, 0, true);
bool ZoomInAvailable() const;
bool ZoomOutAvailable() const;
static double GetDefaultZoom()
{ return 44100.0 / 512.0; }
// Limits zoom to certain bounds
void SetZoom(double pixelsPerSecond);
// This function should not be used to convert positions to times and back
// Use TimeToPosition and PositionToTime and OffsetTimeByPixels instead
double GetZoom() const;
static double GetMaxZoom( );
static double GetMinZoom( );
// Limits zoom to certain bounds
// multipliers above 1.0 zoom in, below out
void ZoomBy(double multiplier);
struct Interval {
CONST wxInt64 position; CONST double averageZoom; CONST bool inFisheye;
Interval(wxInt64 p, double z, bool i)
: position(p), averageZoom(z), inFisheye(i) {}
typedef std::vector<Interval> Intervals;
// Find an increasing sequence of pixel positions. Each is the start
// of an interval, or is the end position.
// Each of the disjoint intervals should be drawn
// separately.
// It is guaranteed that there is at least one entry and the position of the
// first entry equals origin.
// @param origin specifies the pixel position corresponding to time ViewInfo::h.
void FindIntervals
(double rate, Intervals &results, wxInt64 width, wxInt64 origin = 0) const;
enum FisheyeState {
FisheyeState GetFisheyeState() const
{ return HIDDEN; } // stub
// Return true if the mouse position is anywhere in the fisheye
// origin specifies the pixel corresponding to time h
bool InFisheye(wxInt64 /*position*/, wxInt64 WXUNUSED(origin = 0)) const
{return false;} // stub
// These accessors ignore the fisheye hiding state.
// Inclusive:
wxInt64 GetFisheyeLeftBoundary(wxInt64 WXUNUSED(origin = 0)) const
{return 0;} // stub
// Exclusive:
wxInt64 GetFisheyeRightBoundary(wxInt64 WXUNUSED(origin = 0)) const
{return 0;} // stub
int mWidth{ 0 };
int mVRulerWidth{ 36 };