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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Paul Licameli split from TrackPanel.cpp
#include "../../Audacity.h"
#include "SelectHandle.h"
#include "../../Experimental.h"
#include "Scrubbing.h"
#include "TrackControls.h"
#include "../../AColor.h"
#include "../../FreqWindow.h"
#include "../../Menus.h"
#include "../../NumberScale.h"
#include "../../Project.h"
#include "../../ProjectSettings.h"
#include "../../RefreshCode.h"
#include "../../SelectionState.h"
#include "../../TrackPanel.h"
#include "../../TrackPanelMouseEvent.h"
#include "../../ViewInfo.h"
#include "../../WaveClip.h"
#include "../../WaveTrack.h"
#include "../../ondemand/ODManager.h"
#include "../../prefs/SpectrogramSettings.h"
#include "../../toolbars/ToolsToolBar.h"
#include "../../../images/Cursors.h"
#include <wx/event.h>
// Only for definition of SonifyBeginModifyState:
//#include "../../NoteTrack.h"
enum {
//This constant determines the size of the horizontal region (in pixels) around
//the right and left selection bounds that can be used for horizontal selection adjusting
//(or, vertical distance around top and bottom bounds in spectrograms,
// for vertical selection adjusting)
// Seems 4 is too small to work at the top. Why?
bool SelectHandle::IsClicked() const
return mSelectionStateChanger.get() != NULL;
// If we're in OnDemand mode, we may change the tip.
void MaySetOnDemandTip(const Track * t, wxString &tip)
//For OD regions, we need to override and display the percent complete for this task.
//first, make sure it's a wavetrack.
t->TypeSwitch( [&](const WaveTrack *wt) {
//see if the wavetrack exists in the ODManager (if the ODManager exists)
if (!ODManager::IsInstanceCreated())
//ask the wavetrack for the corresponding tip - it may not change tip, but that's fine.
ODManager::Instance()->FillTipForWaveTrack(wt, tip);
/// Converts a frequency to screen y position.
wxInt64 FrequencyToPosition(const WaveTrack *wt,
double frequency,
wxInt64 trackTopEdge,
int trackHeight)
const SpectrogramSettings &settings = wt->GetSpectrogramSettings();
float minFreq, maxFreq;
wt->GetSpectrumBounds(&minFreq, &maxFreq);
const NumberScale numberScale(settings.GetScale(minFreq, maxFreq));
const float p = numberScale.ValueToPosition(frequency);
return trackTopEdge + wxInt64((1.0 - p) * trackHeight);
/// Converts a position (mouse Y coordinate) to
/// frequency, in Hz.
double PositionToFrequency(const WaveTrack *wt,
bool maySnap,
wxInt64 mouseYCoordinate,
wxInt64 trackTopEdge,
int trackHeight)
const double rate = wt->GetRate();
// Handle snapping
if (maySnap &&
mouseYCoordinate - trackTopEdge < FREQ_SNAP_DISTANCE)
return rate;
if (maySnap &&
trackTopEdge + trackHeight - mouseYCoordinate < FREQ_SNAP_DISTANCE)
return -1;
const SpectrogramSettings &settings = wt->GetSpectrogramSettings();
float minFreq, maxFreq;
wt->GetSpectrumBounds(&minFreq, &maxFreq);
const NumberScale numberScale(settings.GetScale(minFreq, maxFreq));
const double p = double(mouseYCoordinate - trackTopEdge) / trackHeight;
return numberScale.PositionToValue(1.0 - p);
template<typename T>
inline void SetIfNotNull(T * pValue, const T Value)
if (pValue == NULL)
*pValue = Value;
// This returns true if we're a spectral editing track.
inline bool isSpectralSelectionTrack(const Track *pTrack) {
return pTrack && pTrack->TypeSwitch< bool >( [&](const WaveTrack *wt) {
const SpectrogramSettings &settings = wt->GetSpectrogramSettings();
const int display = wt->GetDisplay();
return (display == WaveTrack::Spectrum) &&
enum SelectionBoundary {
SBLeft, SBRight,
SBBottom, SBTop, SBCenter, SBWidth,
SelectionBoundary ChooseTimeBoundary
const double t0, const double t1,
const ViewInfo &viewInfo,
double selend, bool onlyWithinSnapDistance,
wxInt64 *pPixelDist, double *pPinValue)
const wxInt64 posS = viewInfo.TimeToPosition(selend);
const wxInt64 pos0 = viewInfo.TimeToPosition(t0);
wxInt64 pixelDist = std::abs(posS - pos0);
bool chooseLeft = true;
if (t1<=t0)
// Special case when selection is a point, and thus left
// and right distances are the same
chooseLeft = (selend < t0);
else {
const wxInt64 pos1 = viewInfo.TimeToPosition(t1);
const wxInt64 rightDist = std::abs(posS - pos1);
if (rightDist < pixelDist)
chooseLeft = false, pixelDist = rightDist;
SetIfNotNull(pPixelDist, pixelDist);
if (onlyWithinSnapDistance &&
SetIfNotNull(pPinValue, -1.0);
return SBNone;
else if (chooseLeft) {
SetIfNotNull(pPinValue, t1);
return SBLeft;
else {
SetIfNotNull(pPinValue, t0);
return SBRight;
SelectionBoundary ChooseBoundary
(const ViewInfo &viewInfo,
wxCoord xx, wxCoord yy, const Track *pTrack, const wxRect &rect,
bool mayDragWidth, bool onlyWithinSnapDistance,
double *pPinValue = NULL)
// Choose one of four boundaries to adjust, or the center frequency.
// May choose frequencies only if in a spectrogram view and
// within the time boundaries.
// May choose no boundary if onlyWithinSnapDistance is true.
// Otherwise choose the eligible boundary nearest the mouse click.
const double selend = viewInfo.PositionToTime(xx, rect.x);
wxInt64 pixelDist = 0;
const double t0 = viewInfo.selectedRegion.t0();
const double t1 = viewInfo.selectedRegion.t1();
SelectionBoundary boundary =
ChooseTimeBoundary(t0,t1,viewInfo, selend, onlyWithinSnapDistance,
&pixelDist, pPinValue);
//const double t0 = viewInfo.selectedRegion.t0();
//const double t1 = viewInfo.selectedRegion.t1();
const double f0 = viewInfo.selectedRegion.f0();
const double f1 = viewInfo.selectedRegion.f1();
const double fc = viewInfo.selectedRegion.fc();
double ratio = 0;
bool chooseTime = true;
bool chooseBottom = true;
bool chooseCenter = false;
// Consider adjustment of frequencies only if mouse is
// within the time boundaries
if (!viewInfo.selectedRegion.isPoint() &&
t0 <= selend && selend < t1 &&
isSpectralSelectionTrack(pTrack)) {
// Spectral selection track is always wave
const WaveTrack *const wt = static_cast<const WaveTrack*>(pTrack);
const wxInt64 bottomSel = (f0 >= 0)
? FrequencyToPosition(wt, f0, rect.y, rect.height)
: rect.y + rect.height;
const wxInt64 topSel = (f1 >= 0)
? FrequencyToPosition(wt, f1, rect.y, rect.height)
: rect.y;
wxInt64 signedBottomDist = (int)(yy - bottomSel);
wxInt64 verticalDist = std::abs(signedBottomDist);
if (bottomSel == topSel)
// Top and bottom are too close to resolve on screen
chooseBottom = (signedBottomDist >= 0);
else {
const wxInt64 topDist = std::abs((int)(yy - topSel));
if (topDist < verticalDist)
chooseBottom = false, verticalDist = topDist;
if (fc > 0
&& mayDragWidth
) {
const wxInt64 centerSel =
FrequencyToPosition(wt, fc, rect.y, rect.height);
const wxInt64 centerDist = abs((int)(yy - centerSel));
if (centerDist < verticalDist)
chooseCenter = true, verticalDist = centerDist,
ratio = f1 / fc;
if (verticalDist >= 0 &&
verticalDist < pixelDist) {
pixelDist = verticalDist;
chooseTime = false;
if (!chooseTime) {
// PRL: Seems I need a larger tolerance to make snapping work
// at top of track, not sure why
if (onlyWithinSnapDistance &&
pixelDist >= FREQ_SNAP_DISTANCE) {
SetIfNotNull(pPinValue, -1.0);
return SBNone;
else if (chooseCenter) {
SetIfNotNull(pPinValue, ratio);
return SBCenter;
else if (mayDragWidth && fc > 0) {
SetIfNotNull(pPinValue, fc);
return SBWidth;
else if (chooseBottom) {
SetIfNotNull(pPinValue, f1);
return SBBottom;
else {
SetIfNotNull(pPinValue, f0);
return SBTop;
return boundary;
wxCursor *SelectCursor()
static auto selectCursor =
::MakeCursor(wxCURSOR_IBEAM, IBeamCursorXpm, 17, 16);
return &*selectCursor;
wxCursor *EnvelopeCursor()
// This one doubles as the center frequency cursor for spectral selection:
static auto envelopeCursor =
::MakeCursor(wxCURSOR_ARROW, EnvCursorXpm, 16, 16);
return &*envelopeCursor;
void SetTipAndCursorForBoundary
(SelectionBoundary boundary, bool frequencySnapping,
wxString &tip, wxCursor *&pCursor)
static wxCursor adjustLeftSelectionCursor{ wxCURSOR_POINT_LEFT };
static wxCursor adjustRightSelectionCursor{ wxCURSOR_POINT_RIGHT };
static auto bottomFrequencyCursor =
::MakeCursor(wxCURSOR_ARROW, BottomFrequencyCursorXpm, 16, 16);
static auto topFrequencyCursor =
::MakeCursor(wxCURSOR_ARROW, TopFrequencyCursorXpm, 16, 16);
static auto bandWidthCursor =
::MakeCursor(wxCURSOR_ARROW, BandWidthCursorXpm, 16, 16);
switch (boundary) {
case SBNone:
pCursor = SelectCursor();
case SBLeft:
tip = _("Click and drag to move left selection boundary.");
pCursor = &adjustLeftSelectionCursor;
case SBRight:
tip = _("Click and drag to move right selection boundary.");
pCursor = &adjustRightSelectionCursor;
case SBBottom:
tip = _("Click and drag to move bottom selection frequency.");
pCursor = &*bottomFrequencyCursor;
case SBTop:
tip = _("Click and drag to move top selection frequency.");
pCursor = &*topFrequencyCursor;
case SBCenter:
tip =
frequencySnapping ?
_("Click and drag to move center selection frequency to a spectral peak.") :
_("Click and drag to move center selection frequency.");
tip =
_("Click and drag to move center selection frequency.");
pCursor = EnvelopeCursor();
case SBWidth:
tip = _("Click and drag to adjust frequency bandwidth.");
pCursor = &*bandWidthCursor;
} // switch
// Falls through the switch if there was no boundary found.
UIHandlePtr SelectHandle::HitTest
(std::weak_ptr<SelectHandle> &holder,
const TrackPanelMouseState &st, const AudacityProject *pProject,
const std::shared_ptr<Track> &pTrack)
// This handle is a little special because there may be some state to
// preserve during movement before the click.
auto old = holder.lock();
bool oldUseSnap = true;
if (old) {
// It should not have started listening to timer events
if( old->mTimerHandler ) {
// Handle this eventuality anyway, don't leave a dangling back-pointer
// in the attached event handler.
oldUseSnap = old->mUseSnap;
const auto &viewInfo = ViewInfo::Get( *pProject );
auto result = std::make_shared<SelectHandle>(
pTrack, oldUseSnap, TrackList::Get( *pProject ), st, viewInfo );
result = AssignUIHandlePtr(holder, result);
//Make sure we are within the selected track
// Adjusting the selection edges can be turned off in
// the preferences...
if (!pTrack->GetSelected() || !viewInfo.bAdjustSelectionEdges)
return result;
const wxRect &rect = st.rect;
wxInt64 leftSel = viewInfo.TimeToPosition(viewInfo.selectedRegion.t0(), rect.x);
wxInt64 rightSel = viewInfo.TimeToPosition(viewInfo.selectedRegion.t1(), rect.x);
// Something is wrong if right edge comes before left edge
wxASSERT(!(rightSel < leftSel));
static_cast<void>(leftSel); // Suppress unused variable warnings if not in debug-mode
return result;
UIHandle::Result SelectHandle::NeedChangeHighlight
(const SelectHandle &oldState, const SelectHandle &newState)
auto useSnap = oldState.mUseSnap;
// This is guaranteed when constructing the NEW handle:
wxASSERT( useSnap == newState.mUseSnap );
if (!useSnap)
return 0;
auto &oldSnapState = oldState.mSnapStart;
auto &newSnapState = newState.mSnapStart;
if ( oldSnapState.Snapped() == newSnapState.Snapped() &&
(!oldSnapState.Snapped() ||
oldSnapState.outCoord == newSnapState.outCoord) )
return 0;
return RefreshCode::RefreshAll;
( const std::shared_ptr<Track> &pTrack, bool useSnap,
const TrackList &trackList,
const TrackPanelMouseState &st, const ViewInfo &viewInfo )
: mpTrack{ pTrack }
, mSnapManager{ std::make_shared<SnapManager>(&trackList, &viewInfo) }
const wxMouseState &state = st.state;
mRect = st.rect;
auto time = std::max(0.0, viewInfo.PositionToTime(state.m_x, mRect.x));
mSnapStart = mSnapManager->Snap(pTrack.get(), time, false);
if (mSnapStart.snappedPoint)
mSnapStart.outCoord += mRect.x;
mSnapStart.outCoord = -1;
mUseSnap = useSnap;
namespace {
// Is the distance between A and B less than D?
template < class A, class B, class DIST > bool within(A a, B b, DIST d)
return (a > b - d) && (a < b + d);
inline double findMaxRatio(double center, double rate)
const double minFrequency = 1.0;
const double maxFrequency = (rate / 2.0);
const double frequency =
std::max(minFrequency, center));
std::min(frequency / minFrequency, maxFrequency / frequency);
void SelectHandle::Enter(bool)
void SelectHandle::SetUseSnap(bool use)
mUseSnap = use;
bool hasSnap = HasSnap();
if (hasSnap)
// Repaint to turn the snap lines on or off
mChangeHighlight = RefreshCode::RefreshAll;
if (IsClicked()) {
// Readjust the moving selection end
ViewInfo::Get( *::GetActiveProject() ),
mUseSnap ? mSnapEnd.outTime : mSnapEnd.timeSnappedTime,
mChangeHighlight |= RefreshCode::UpdateSelection;
bool SelectHandle::HasSnap() const
(IsClicked() ? mSnapEnd : mSnapStart).snappedPoint;
bool SelectHandle::HasEscape() const
return HasSnap() && mUseSnap;
bool SelectHandle::Escape()
if (SelectHandle::HasEscape()) {
return true;
return false;
UIHandle::Result SelectHandle::Click
(const TrackPanelMouseEvent &evt, AudacityProject *pProject)
/// This method gets called when we're handling selection
/// and the mouse was just clicked.
using namespace RefreshCode;
wxMouseEvent &event = evt.event;
const auto sTrack = TrackList::Get( *pProject ).Lock(mpTrack);
const auto pTrack = sTrack.get();
auto &viewInfo = ViewInfo::Get( *pProject );
mMostRecentX = event.m_x;
mMostRecentY = event.m_y;
auto &trackPanel = TrackPanel::Get( *pProject );
bool selectChange = (
event.LeftDown() &&
event.ControlDown() &&
pTrack->TypeSwitch<bool>( [&](LabelTrack *){
// We should reach this, only in default of other hits on glyphs or
// text boxes.
bool bShift = event.ShiftDown();
bool unsafe = pProject->IsAudioActive();
*pProject, pTrack, bShift, true, !unsafe);
return true;
} )
if ( selectChange )
// Do not start a drag
return RefreshAll | Cancelled;
auto &selectionState = SelectionState::Get( *pProject );
const auto &settings = ProjectSettings::Get( *pProject );
if (event.LeftDClick() && !event.ShiftDown()) {
auto &trackList = TrackList::Get( *pProject );
// Deselect all other tracks and select this one.
selectionState.SelectNone( trackList );
selectionState.SelectTrack( *pTrack, true, true );
// Default behavior: select whole track
( viewInfo, *pTrack, settings.IsSyncLocked() );
// Special case: if we're over a clip in a WaveTrack,
// select just that clip
pTrack->TypeSwitch( [&] ( WaveTrack *wt ) {
WaveClip *const selectedClip = wt->GetClipAtX(event.m_x);
if (selectedClip) {
selectedClip->GetOffset(), selectedClip->GetEndTime());
} );
// Do not start a drag
return RefreshAll | UpdateSelection | Cancelled;
else if (!event.LeftDown())
return Cancelled;
mInitialSelection = viewInfo.selectedRegion;
auto &trackList = TrackList::Get( *pProject );
mSelectionStateChanger =
std::make_shared< SelectionStateChanger >( selectionState, trackList );
mSelectionBoundary = 0;
bool bShiftDown = event.ShiftDown();
bool bCtrlDown = event.ControlDown();
mSelStart = mUseSnap ? mSnapStart.outTime : mSnapStart.timeSnappedTime;
auto xx = viewInfo.TimeToPosition(mSelStart, mRect.x);
// I. Shift-click adjusts an existing selection
if (bShiftDown || bCtrlDown) {
if (bShiftDown)
selectionState.ChangeSelectionOnShiftClick( trackList, *pTrack );
if( bCtrlDown ){
//Commented out bIsSelected toggles, as in Track Control Panel.
//bool bIsSelected = pTrack->GetSelected();
//Actual bIsSelected will always add.
bool bIsSelected = false;
// Don't toggle away the last selected track.
if( !bIsSelected || trackPanel.GetSelectedTrackCount() > 1 )
selectionState.SelectTrack( *pTrack, !bIsSelected, true );
double value;
// Shift-click, choose closest boundary
SelectionBoundary boundary =
ChooseBoundary(viewInfo, xx, event.m_y, pTrack, mRect, false, false, &value);
mSelectionBoundary = boundary;
switch (boundary) {
case SBLeft:
case SBRight:
// If drag starts, change time selection only
// (also exit frequency snapping)
mSelStartValid = true;
mSelStart = value;
mSnapStart = SnapResults{};
AdjustSelection(pProject, viewInfo, event.m_x, mRect.x, pTrack);
case SBBottom:
case SBTop:
mFreqSelTrack = pTrack->SharedPointer<const WaveTrack>();
mFreqSelPin = value;
mFreqSelMode =
(boundary == SBBottom)
// Drag frequency only, not time:
mSelStartValid = false;
viewInfo, event.m_y, mRect.y, mRect.height);
case SBCenter:
const auto wt = static_cast<const WaveTrack*>(pTrack);
HandleCenterFrequencyClick(viewInfo, true, wt, value);
// For persistence of the selection change:
// Get timer events so we can auto-scroll
// Full refresh since the label area may need to indicate
// newly selected tracks.
return RefreshAll | UpdateSelection;
// II. Unmodified click starts a NEW selection
//Make sure you are within the selected track
bool startNewSelection = true;
if (pTrack && pTrack->GetSelected()) {
// Adjusting selection edges can be turned off in the
// preferences now
if (viewInfo.bAdjustSelectionEdges) {
isSpectralSelectionTrack(pTrack)) {
// This code is no longer reachable, but it had a place in the
// spectral selection prototype. It used to be that you could be
// in a center-frequency-snapping mode that was not a mouse drag
// but responded to mouse movements. Click exited that and dragged
// width instead. PRL.
// Ignore whether we are inside the time selection.
// Exit center-snapping, start dragging the width.
mFreqSelTrack = pTrack->SharedPointer<const WaveTrack>();
mFreqSelPin = viewInfo.selectedRegion.fc();
// Do not adjust time boundaries
mSelStartValid = false;
viewInfo, event.m_y, mRect.y, mRect.height);
// For persistence of the selection change:
mSelectionBoundary = SBWidth;
return UpdateSelection;
// Not shift-down, choose boundary only within snapping
double value;
SelectionBoundary boundary =
ChooseBoundary(viewInfo, xx, event.m_y, pTrack, mRect, true, true, &value);
mSelectionBoundary = boundary;
switch (boundary) {
case SBNone:
// startNewSelection remains true
case SBLeft:
case SBRight:
startNewSelection = false;
// Disable frequency selection
mSelStartValid = true;
mSelStart = value;
mSnapStart = SnapResults{};
case SBBottom:
case SBTop:
case SBWidth:
startNewSelection = false;
// Disable time selection
mSelStartValid = false;
mFreqSelTrack = pTrack->SharedPointer<const WaveTrack>();
mFreqSelPin = value;
mFreqSelMode =
(boundary == SBWidth) ? FREQ_SEL_PINNED_CENTER :
(boundary == SBBottom) ? FREQ_SEL_BOTTOM_FREE :
case SBCenter:
const auto wt = static_cast<const WaveTrack*>(pTrack);
HandleCenterFrequencyClick(viewInfo, false, wt, value);
startNewSelection = false;
} // bAdjustSelectionEdges
// III. Common case for starting a NEW selection
if (startNewSelection) {
// If we didn't move a selection boundary, start a NEW selection
selectionState.SelectNone( trackList );
StartFreqSelection (viewInfo, event.m_y, mRect.y, mRect.height, pTrack);
selectionState.SelectTrack( *pTrack, true, true );
//On-Demand: check to see if there is an OD thing associated with this track.
pTrack->TypeSwitch( [&](WaveTrack *wt) {
return RefreshAll | UpdateSelection;
else {
return RefreshAll;
UIHandle::Result SelectHandle::Drag
(const TrackPanelMouseEvent &evt, AudacityProject *pProject)
using namespace RefreshCode;
auto &viewInfo = ViewInfo::Get( *pProject );
const wxMouseEvent &event = evt.event;
int x = mAutoScrolling ? mMostRecentX : event.m_x;
int y = mAutoScrolling ? mMostRecentY : event.m_y;
mMostRecentX = x;
mMostRecentY = y;
/// AS: If we're dragging to adjust a selection (or actually,
/// if the screen is scrolling while you're selecting), we
/// handle it here.
// Fuhggeddaboudit if we're not dragging and not autoscrolling.
if (!event.Dragging() && !mAutoScrolling)
return RefreshNone;
if (event.CmdDown()) {
// Ctrl-drag has no meaning, fuhggeddaboudit
// JKC YES it has meaning.
//return RefreshNone;
// Also fuhggeddaboudit if not in a track.
auto pTrack = TrackList::Get( *pProject ).Lock(mpTrack);
if (!pTrack)
return RefreshNone;
// JKC: Logic to prevent a selection smaller than 5 pixels to
// prevent accidental dragging when selecting.
// (if user really wants a tiny selection, they should zoom in).
// Can someone make this value of '5' configurable in
// preferences?
enum { minimumSizedSelection = 5 }; //measured in pixels
// Might be dragging frequency bounds only, test
if (mSelStartValid) {
wxInt64 SelStart = viewInfo.TimeToPosition(mSelStart, mRect.x); //cvt time to pixels.
// Abandon this drag if selecting < 5 pixels.
if (wxLongLong(SelStart - x).Abs() < minimumSizedSelection)
return RefreshNone;
if (evt.pCell) {
if ( auto clickedTrack =
static_cast<CommonTrackPanelCell*>(evt.pCell.get())->FindTrack() ) {
// Handle which tracks are selected
Track *sTrack = pTrack.get();
Track *eTrack = clickedTrack.get();
auto &trackList = TrackList::Get( *pProject );
if ( sTrack && eTrack && !event.ControlDown() ) {
auto &selectionState = SelectionState::Get( *pProject );
selectionState.SelectRangeOfTracks( trackList, *sTrack, *eTrack );
(pProject, viewInfo, y, mRect.y, mRect.height, pTrack.get());
if ( TrackList::Get( *pProject ).Lock(mFreqSelTrack) == pTrack )
viewInfo, y, mRect.y, mRect.height);
AdjustSelection(pProject, viewInfo, x, mRect.x, clickedTrack.get());
return RefreshNone
// If scrubbing does not use the helper poller thread, then
// don't refresh at every mouse event, because it slows down seek-scrub.
// Instead, let OnTimer do it, which is often enough.
// And even if scrubbing does use the thread, then skipping refresh does not
// bring that advantage, but it is probably still a good idea anyway.
// | UpdateSelection
HitTestPreview SelectHandle::Preview
(const TrackPanelMouseState &st, const AudacityProject *pProject)
if (!HasSnap() && !mUseSnap)
// Moved out of snapping; revert to un-escaped state
mUseSnap = true;
auto pTrack = mpTrack.lock();
if (!pTrack)
return {};
wxString tip;
wxCursor *pCursor = SelectCursor();
if ( IsClicked() )
// Use same cursor as at the clck
tip, pCursor);
else {
// Choose one of many cursors for mouse-over
auto &viewInfo = ViewInfo::Get( *pProject );
auto &state = st.state;
auto time = mUseSnap ? mSnapStart.outTime : mSnapStart.timeSnappedTime;
auto xx = viewInfo.TimeToPosition(time, mRect.x);
const bool bMultiToolMode =
ToolsToolBar::Get( *pProject ).IsDown(multiTool);
//In Multi-tool mode, give multitool prompt if no-special-hit.
if (bMultiToolMode) {
// Look up the current key binding for Preferences.
// (Don't assume it's the default!)
auto keyStr =
CommandManager::Get( *pProject ).GetKeyFromName(wxT("Preferences"))
.Display( true );
if (keyStr.empty())
// No keyboard preference defined for opening Preferences dialog
/* i18n-hint: These are the names of a menu and a command in that menu */
keyStr = _("Edit, Preferences...");
/* i18n-hint: %s is usually replaced by "Ctrl+P" for Windows/Linux, "Command+," for Mac */
tip = wxString::Format(
_("Multi-Tool Mode: %s for Mouse and Keyboard Preferences."),
// Later in this function we may point to some other string instead.
if (!pTrack->GetSelected() ||
else {
const wxRect &rect = st.rect;
const bool bShiftDown = state.ShiftDown();
const bool bCtrlDown = state.ControlDown();
const bool bModifierDown = bShiftDown || bCtrlDown;
// If not shift-down and not snapping center, then
// choose boundaries only in snapping tolerance,
// and may choose center.
SelectionBoundary boundary =
ChooseBoundary(viewInfo, xx, state.m_y, pTrack.get(), rect, !bModifierDown, !bModifierDown);
SetTipAndCursorForBoundary(boundary, !bShiftDown, tip, pCursor);
#if 0
// This is a vestige of an idea in the prototype version.
// Center would snap without mouse button down, click would pin the center
// and drag width.
if ((mFreqSelMode == FREQ_SEL_SNAPPING_CENTER) &&
isSpectralSelectionTrack(pTrack)) {
// Not shift-down, but center frequency snapping toggle is on
tip = _("Click and drag to set frequency bandwidth.");
pCursor = &*envelopeCursor;
return {};
if (!pTrack->GetSelected() || !viewInfo.bAdjustSelectionEdges)
else {
const wxRect &rect = st.rect;
const bool bShiftDown = state.ShiftDown();
const bool bCtrlDown = state.ControlDown();
const bool bModifierDown = bShiftDown || bCtrlDown;
SelectionBoundary boundary = ChooseBoundary(
viewInfo, xx, state.m_y, pTrack.get(), rect, !bModifierDown, !bModifierDown);
SetTipAndCursorForBoundary(boundary, !bShiftDown, tip, pCursor);
MaySetOnDemandTip(pTrack.get(), tip);
if (tip.empty()) {
tip = _("Click and drag to select audio");
if (HasEscape() && mUseSnap) {
tip += wxT(" ") +
/* i18n-hint: "Snapping" means automatic alignment of selection edges to any nearby label or clip boundaries */
return { tip, pCursor };
UIHandle::Result SelectHandle::Release
(const TrackPanelMouseEvent &, AudacityProject *pProject,
wxWindow *)
using namespace RefreshCode;
if (mSelectionStateChanger) {
if (mUseSnap && (mSnapStart.outCoord != -1 || mSnapEnd.outCoord != -1))
return RefreshAll;
return RefreshNone;
UIHandle::Result SelectHandle::Cancel(AudacityProject *pProject)
ViewInfo::Get( *pProject ).selectedRegion = mInitialSelection;
return RefreshCode::RefreshAll;
void SelectHandle::DrawExtras
(DrawingPass pass, wxDC * dc, const wxRegion &, const wxRect &)
if (pass == Panel) {
// Draw snap guidelines if we have any
if ( mSnapManager ) {
auto coord1 = (mUseSnap || IsClicked()) ? mSnapStart.outCoord : -1;
auto coord2 = (!mUseSnap || !IsClicked()) ? -1 : mSnapEnd.outCoord;
mSnapManager->Draw( dc, coord1, coord2 );
void SelectHandle::Connect(AudacityProject *pProject)
mTimerHandler = std::make_shared<TimerHandler>( this, pProject );
class SelectHandle::TimerHandler : public wxEvtHandler
TimerHandler( SelectHandle *pParent, AudacityProject *pProject )
: mParent{ pParent }
, mConnectedProject{ pProject }
if (mConnectedProject)
// Receives timer event notifications, to implement auto-scroll
void OnTimer(wxCommandEvent &event);
SelectHandle *mParent;
AudacityProject *mConnectedProject;
void SelectHandle::TimerHandler::OnTimer(wxCommandEvent &event)
// AS: If the user is dragging the mouse and there is a track that
// has captured the mouse, then scroll the screen, as necessary.
/// We check on each timer tick to see if we need to scroll.
// DM: If we're "autoscrolling" (which means that we're scrolling
// because the user dragged from inside to outside the window,
// not because the user clicked in the scroll bar), then
// the selection code needs to be handled slightly differently.
// We set this flag ("mAutoScrolling") to tell the selecting
// code that we didn't get here as a result of a mouse event,
// and therefore it should ignore the event,
// and instead use the last known mouse position. Setting
// this flag also causes the Mac to redraw immediately rather
// than waiting for the next update event; this makes scrolling
// smoother on MacOS 9.
const auto project = mConnectedProject;
const auto &trackPanel = TrackPanel::Get( *project );
auto &window = ProjectWindow::Get( *project );
if (mParent->mMostRecentX >= mParent->mRect.x + mParent->mRect.width) {
mParent->mAutoScrolling = true;
else if (mParent->mMostRecentX < mParent->mRect.x) {
mParent->mAutoScrolling = true;
else {
// Bug1387: enable autoscroll during drag, if the pointer is at either
// extreme x coordinate of the screen, even if that is still within the
// track area.
int xx = mParent->mMostRecentX, yy = 0;
trackPanel.ClientToScreen(&xx, &yy);
if (xx == 0) {
mParent->mAutoScrolling = true;
else {
int width, height;
::wxDisplaySize(&width, &height);
if (xx == width - 1) {
mParent->mAutoScrolling = true;
auto pTrack = mParent->mpTrack.lock(); // TrackList::Lock() ?
if (mParent->mAutoScrolling && pTrack) {
// AS: To keep the selection working properly as we scroll,
// we fake a mouse event (remember, this method is called
// from a timer tick).
// AS: For some reason, GCC won't let us pass this directly.
wxMouseEvent evt(wxEVT_MOTION);
const auto size = trackPanel.GetSize();
mParent->Drag(TrackPanelMouseEvent{ evt, mParent->mRect, size, pTrack }, project);
mParent->mAutoScrolling = false;
TrackPanel::Get( *mConnectedProject ).Refresh(false);
/// Reset our selection markers.
void SelectHandle::StartSelection( AudacityProject *pProject )
auto &viewInfo = ViewInfo::Get( *pProject );
mSelStartValid = true;
viewInfo.selectedRegion.setTimes(mSelStart, mSelStart);
// PRL: commented out the Sonify stuff with the TrackPanel refactor.
// It was no-op anyway.
/// Extend or contract the existing selection
void SelectHandle::AdjustSelection
(AudacityProject *pProject,
ViewInfo &viewInfo, int mouseXCoordinate, int trackLeftEdge,
Track *track)
if (!mSelStartValid)
// Must be dragging frequency bounds only.
double selend =
std::max(0.0, viewInfo.PositionToTime(mouseXCoordinate, trackLeftEdge));
double origSelend = selend;
auto pTrack = Track::SharedPointer( track );
if (!pTrack)
pTrack = TrackList::Get( *pProject ).Lock(mpTrack);
if (pTrack && mSnapManager.get()) {
bool rightEdge = (selend > mSelStart);
mSnapEnd = mSnapManager->Snap(pTrack.get(), selend, rightEdge);
if (mSnapEnd.Snapped()) {
if (mUseSnap)
selend = mSnapEnd.outTime;
if (mSnapEnd.snappedPoint)
mSnapEnd.outCoord += trackLeftEdge;
if (!mSnapEnd.snappedPoint)
mSnapEnd.outCoord = -1;
// Check if selection endpoints are too close together to snap (unless
// using snap-to-time -- then we always accept the snap results)
if (mSnapStart.outCoord >= 0 &&
mSnapEnd.outCoord >= 0 &&
std::abs(mSnapStart.outCoord - mSnapEnd.outCoord) < 3) {
selend = origSelend;
mSnapEnd.outCoord = -1;
AssignSelection(viewInfo, selend, pTrack.get());
void SelectHandle::AssignSelection
(ViewInfo &viewInfo, double selend, Track *pTrack)
double sel0, sel1;
if (mSelStart < selend) {
sel0 = mSelStart;
sel1 = selend;
else {
sel1 = mSelStart;
sel0 = selend;
viewInfo.selectedRegion.setTimes(sel0, sel1);
//On-Demand: check to see if there is an OD thing associated with this track. If so we want to update the focal point for the task.
if (pTrack && ODManager::IsInstanceCreated())
pTrack->TypeSwitch( [&](WaveTrack *wt) {
ODManager::Instance()->DemandTrackUpdate(wt, sel0);
//sel0 is sometimes less than mSelStart
void SelectHandle::StartFreqSelection(ViewInfo &viewInfo,
int mouseYCoordinate, int trackTopEdge,
int trackHeight, Track *pTrack)
mFreqSelPin = SelectedRegion::UndefinedFrequency;
if (isSpectralSelectionTrack(pTrack)) {
// Spectral selection track is always wave
auto shTrack = pTrack->SharedPointer<const WaveTrack>();
mFreqSelTrack = shTrack;
mFreqSelMode = FREQ_SEL_FREE;
mFreqSelPin =
PositionToFrequency(shTrack.get(), false, mouseYCoordinate,
trackTopEdge, trackHeight);
viewInfo.selectedRegion.setFrequencies(mFreqSelPin, mFreqSelPin);
void SelectHandle::AdjustFreqSelection(
const WaveTrack *wt, ViewInfo &viewInfo,
int mouseYCoordinate, int trackTopEdge,
int trackHeight)
if (mFreqSelMode == FREQ_SEL_INVALID ||
// Extension happens only when dragging in the same track in which we
// started, and that is of a spectrogram display type.
const double rate = wt->GetRate();
const double frequency =
PositionToFrequency(wt, true, mouseYCoordinate,
trackTopEdge, trackHeight);
// Dragging center?
if (mFreqSelMode == FREQ_SEL_DRAG_CENTER) {
if (frequency == rate || frequency < 1.0)
// snapped to top or bottom
else {
// mFreqSelPin holds the ratio of top to center
const double maxRatio = findMaxRatio(frequency, rate);
const double ratio = std::min(maxRatio, mFreqSelPin);
frequency / ratio, frequency * ratio);
else if (mFreqSelMode == FREQ_SEL_PINNED_CENTER) {
if (mFreqSelPin >= 0) {
// Change both upper and lower edges leaving centre where it is.
if (frequency == rate || frequency < 1.0)
// snapped to top or bottom
else {
// Given center and mouse position, find ratio of the larger to the
// smaller, limit that to the frequency scale bounds, and adjust
// top and bottom accordingly.
const double maxRatio = findMaxRatio(mFreqSelPin, rate);
double ratio = frequency / mFreqSelPin;
if (ratio < 1.0)
ratio = 1.0 / ratio;
ratio = std::min(maxRatio, ratio);
mFreqSelPin / ratio, mFreqSelPin * ratio);
else {
// Dragging of upper or lower.
const bool bottomDefined =
!(mFreqSelMode == FREQ_SEL_TOP_FREE && mFreqSelPin < 0);
const bool topDefined =
!(mFreqSelMode == FREQ_SEL_BOTTOM_FREE && mFreqSelPin < 0);
if (!bottomDefined || (topDefined && mFreqSelPin < frequency)) {
// Adjust top
if (frequency == rate)
// snapped high; upper frequency is undefined
viewInfo.selectedRegion.setF1(std::max(1.0, frequency));
else {
// Adjust bottom
if (frequency < 1.0)
// snapped low; lower frequency is undefined
viewInfo.selectedRegion.setF0(std::min(rate / 2.0, frequency));
void SelectHandle::HandleCenterFrequencyClick
(const ViewInfo &viewInfo, bool shiftDown, const WaveTrack *pTrack, double value)
if (shiftDown) {
// Disable time selection
mSelStartValid = false;
mFreqSelTrack = pTrack->SharedPointer<const WaveTrack>();
mFreqSelPin = value;
else {
// Start center snapping
// Turn center snapping on (the only way to do this)
// Disable time selection
mSelStartValid = false;
mFrequencySnapper = std::make_shared<SpectrumAnalyst>();
StartSnappingFreqSelection(*mFrequencySnapper, viewInfo, pTrack);
void SelectHandle::StartSnappingFreqSelection
(SpectrumAnalyst &analyst,
const ViewInfo &viewInfo, const WaveTrack *pTrack)
static const size_t minLength = 8;
const double rate = pTrack->GetRate();
// Grab samples, just for this track, at these times
std::vector<float> frequencySnappingData;
const auto start =
const auto end =
const auto length =
limitSampleBufferSize(10485760, // as in FreqWindow.cpp
end - start));
const auto effectiveLength = std::max(minLength, length);
frequencySnappingData.resize(effectiveLength, 0.0f);
floatSample, start, length, fillZero,
// Don't try to cope with exceptions, just read zeroes instead.
// Use same settings as are now used for spectrogram display,
// except, shrink the window as needed so we get some answers
const SpectrogramSettings &settings = pTrack->GetSpectrogramSettings();
auto windowSize = settings.GetFFTLength();
while(windowSize > effectiveLength)
windowSize >>= 1;
const int windowType = settings.windowType;
SpectrumAnalyst::Spectrum, windowType, windowSize, rate,
&frequencySnappingData[0], length);
// We can now throw away the sample data but we keep the spectrum.
void SelectHandle::MoveSnappingFreqSelection
(AudacityProject *pProject, ViewInfo &viewInfo, int mouseYCoordinate,
int trackTopEdge,
int trackHeight, Track *pTrack)
if (pTrack &&
pTrack->GetSelected() &&
isSpectralSelectionTrack(pTrack)) {
// Spectral selection track is always wave
WaveTrack *const wt = static_cast<WaveTrack*>(pTrack);
// PRL:
// What would happen if center snapping selection began in one spectrogram track,
// then continues inside another? We do not then recalculate
// the spectrum (as was done in StartSnappingFreqSelection)
// but snap according to the peaks in the old track.
// But if we always supply the original clicked track here that doesn't matter.
const double rate = wt->GetRate();
const double frequency =
PositionToFrequency(wt, false, mouseYCoordinate,
trackTopEdge, trackHeight);
const double snappedFrequency =
mFrequencySnapper->FindPeak(frequency, NULL);
const double maxRatio = findMaxRatio(snappedFrequency, rate);
double ratio = 2.0; // An arbitrary octave on each side, at most
const double f0 = viewInfo.selectedRegion.f0();
const double f1 = viewInfo.selectedRegion.f1();
if (f1 >= f0 && f0 >= 0)
// Preserve already chosen ratio instead
ratio = sqrt(f1 / f0);
ratio = std::min(ratio, maxRatio);
mFreqSelPin = snappedFrequency;
snappedFrequency / ratio, snappedFrequency * ratio);
// A change here would affect what AdjustFreqSelection() does
// in the prototype version where you switch from moving center to
// dragging width with a click. No effect now.
mFreqSelTrack = wt->SharedPointer<const WaveTrack>();
// SelectNone();
// SelectTrack(pTrack, true);
TrackPanel::Get( *pProject ).SetFocusedTrack(pTrack);
void SelectHandle::SnapCenterOnce
(SpectrumAnalyst &analyst,
ViewInfo &viewInfo, const WaveTrack *pTrack, bool up)
const SpectrogramSettings &settings = pTrack->GetSpectrogramSettings();
const auto windowSize = settings.GetFFTLength();
const double rate = pTrack->GetRate();
const double nyq = rate / 2.0;
const double binFrequency = rate / windowSize;
double f1 = viewInfo.selectedRegion.f1();
double centerFrequency = viewInfo.selectedRegion.fc();
if (centerFrequency <= 0) {
centerFrequency = up ? binFrequency : nyq;
f1 = centerFrequency * sqrt(2.0);
double ratio = f1 / centerFrequency;
const int originalBin = floor(0.5 + centerFrequency / binFrequency);
const int limitingBin = up ? floor(0.5 + nyq / binFrequency) : 1;
// This is crude and wasteful, doing the FFT each time the command is called.
// It would be better to cache the data, but then invalidation of the cache would
// need doing in all places that change the time selection.
StartSnappingFreqSelection(analyst, viewInfo, pTrack);
double snappedFrequency = centerFrequency;
int bin = originalBin;
if (up) {
while (snappedFrequency <= centerFrequency &&
bin < limitingBin)
snappedFrequency = analyst.FindPeak(++bin * binFrequency, NULL);
else {
while (snappedFrequency >= centerFrequency &&
bin > limitingBin)
snappedFrequency = analyst.FindPeak(--bin * binFrequency, NULL);
// PRL: added these two lines with the big TrackPanel refactor
const double maxRatio = findMaxRatio(snappedFrequency, rate);
ratio = std::min(ratio, maxRatio);
(snappedFrequency / ratio, snappedFrequency * ratio);
#if 0
// unused
void SelectHandle::ResetFreqSelectionPin
(const ViewInfo &viewInfo, double hintFrequency, bool logF)
switch (mFreqSelMode) {
mFreqSelPin = -1.0;
mFreqSelPin = viewInfo.selectedRegion.fc();
// Re-pin the width
const double f0 = viewInfo.selectedRegion.f0();
const double f1 = viewInfo.selectedRegion.f1();
if (f0 >= 0 && f1 >= 0)
mFreqSelPin = sqrt(f1 / f0);
mFreqSelPin = -1.0;
// Pin which? Farther from the hint which is the presumed
// mouse position.
// If this function finds use again, the following should be
// generalized using NumberScale
const double f0 = viewInfo.selectedRegion.f0();
const double f1 = viewInfo.selectedRegion.f1();
if (logF) {
if (f1 < 0)
mFreqSelPin = f0;
else {
const double logf1 = log(std::max(1.0, f1));
const double logf0 = log(std::max(1.0, f0));
const double logHint = log(std::max(1.0, hintFrequency));
if (std::abs(logHint - logf1) < std::abs(logHint - logf0))
mFreqSelPin = f0;
mFreqSelPin = f1;
else {
if (f1 < 0 ||
std::abs(hintFrequency - f1) < std::abs(hintFrequency - f0))
mFreqSelPin = f0;
mFreqSelPin = f1;
mFreqSelPin = viewInfo.selectedRegion.f0();
mFreqSelPin = viewInfo.selectedRegion.f1();