Paul Licameli 88ba35f520
Fix exception handling, as when trying to edit read-only database... (#607)
... Problem is that the delayed undo handling (in the lambda in AudacityApp ::
OnExceptionInMainLoop) should itself have only non-throwing steps.

But there was a redundant attempt at autosaving in ProjectHistory ::
RollbackState, which itself requires another data base write.

But when "rolling back" the in-memory structures to whatever the current state
of undo history is, we can assume that any required autosave was completed
before the current state of undo history was set.

So for rollback only, do not autosave again when discarding changes and
restoring the state.  (But do it still, throwing on failure, when moving around
in the undo history, among saved states.  We do want to keep the last autosave
consistent with the in-memory state.)
2020-07-08 00:44:41 -05:00

61 lines
1.7 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Paul Licameli split from ProjectManager.h
#include "ClientData.h"
class AudacityProject;
struct UndoState;
enum class UndoPush : unsigned char;
class ProjectHistory final
: public ClientData::Base
static ProjectHistory &Get( AudacityProject &project );
static const ProjectHistory &Get( const AudacityProject &project );
explicit ProjectHistory( AudacityProject &project )
: mProject{ project }
ProjectHistory( const ProjectHistory & ) PROHIBITED;
ProjectHistory &operator=( const ProjectHistory & ) PROHIBITED;
~ProjectHistory() override;
void InitialState();
void SetStateTo(unsigned int n, bool doAutosave = true);
bool UndoAvailable() const;
bool RedoAvailable() const;
void PushState(
const TranslatableString &desc,
const TranslatableString &shortDesc); // use UndoPush::AUTOSAVE
void PushState(
const TranslatableString &desc,
const TranslatableString &shortDesc, UndoPush flags);
void RollbackState();
void ModifyState(bool bWantsAutoSave); // if true, writes auto-save file.
// Should set only if you really want the state change restored after
// a crash, as it can take many seconds for large (eg. 10 track-hours)
// projects
void PopState(const UndoState &state, bool doAutosave = true);
bool GetDirty() const { return mDirty; }
void SetDirty( bool value ) { mDirty = value; }
AudacityProject &mProject;
bool mDirty{ false };