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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
Markus Meyer
Audacity uses wxWidgets' wxFileConfig class to handle preferences.
In Audacity versions prior to 1.3.1, it used wxConfig, which would
store the prefs in a platform-dependent way (e.g. in the registry
on Windows). Now it always stores the settings in a configuration file
in the Audacity Data Directory.
Every time we read a preference, we need to specify the default
value for that preference, to be used if the preference hasn't
been set before.
So, to avoid code duplication, we provide functions in this file
to read and write preferences which have a nonobvious default
value, so that if we later want to change this value, we only
have to change it in one place.
See Prefs.cpp for a (complete?) list of preferences we keep
track of...
#ifndef __AUDACITY_PREFS__
#define __AUDACITY_PREFS__
#include "Audacity.h"
#include "../include/audacity/ComponentInterface.h"
#include <wx/config.h>
#include <wx/fileconf.h>
#include <wx/convauto.h>
void InitPreferences();
void FinishPreferences();
class AudacityPrefs;
extern AUDACITY_DLL_API AudacityPrefs *gPrefs;
extern int gMenusDirty;
/// \brief Our own specialisation of wxFileConfig. It is essentially a renaming,
/// though it does provide one new access function. Most of the prefs work
/// is actually done by the InitPreferences() function.
class AUDACITY_DLL_API AudacityPrefs : public wxFileConfig
AudacityPrefs(const wxString& appName = {},
const wxString& vendorName = {},
const wxString& localFilename = {},
const wxString& globalFilename = {},
const wxMBConv& conv = wxConvAuto());
bool GetEditClipsCanMove();
/// Packages a table of user-visible choices each with an internal code string,
/// a preference key path, and a default choice
class EnumSetting
const wxString &key,
const EnumValueSymbol symbols[], size_t nSymbols,
size_t defaultSymbol
: mKey{ key }
, mSymbols{ symbols }
, mnSymbols{ nSymbols }
, mDefaultSymbol{ defaultSymbol }
wxASSERT( defaultSymbol < nSymbols );
const wxString &Key() const { return mKey; }
const EnumValueSymbol &Default() const
{ return mSymbols[mDefaultSymbol]; }
const EnumValueSymbol *begin() const { return mSymbols; }
const EnumValueSymbol *end() const { return mSymbols + mnSymbols; }
wxString Read() const;
bool Write( const wxString &value ); // you flush gPrefs afterward
size_t Find( const wxString &value ) const;
virtual void Migrate( wxString& );
const wxString mKey;
const EnumValueSymbol *mSymbols;
const size_t mnSymbols;
// stores an internal value
mutable bool mMigrated { false };
const size_t mDefaultSymbol;
/// Extends EnumSetting with a corresponding table of integer codes
/// (generally not equal to their table positions),
/// and optionally an old preference key path that stored integer codes, to be
/// migrated into one that stores internal string values instead
class EncodedEnumSetting : public EnumSetting
const wxString &key,
const EnumValueSymbol symbols[], size_t nSymbols,
size_t defaultSymbol,
const int intValues[] = nullptr, // must have same size as symbols
const wxString &oldKey = wxString("")
: EnumSetting{ key, symbols, nSymbols, defaultSymbol }
, mIntValues{ intValues }
, mOldKey{ oldKey }
wxASSERT( mIntValues );
// Read and write the encoded values
virtual int ReadInt() const;
bool WriteInt( int code ); // you flush gPrefs afterward
size_t FindInt( int code ) const;
void Migrate( wxString& ) override;
const int *mIntValues;
const wxString mOldKey;