
799 lines
24 KiB

#include "../AudioIO.h"
#include "../Clipboard.h"
#include "../CommonCommandFlags.h"
#include "../LabelTrack.h"
#include "../Menus.h"
#include "../Prefs.h"
#include "../Project.h"
#include "../ProjectAudioIO.h"
#include "../ProjectHistory.h"
#include "../ProjectSettings.h"
#include "../TrackPanelAx.h"
#include "../TrackPanel.h"
#include "../ViewInfo.h"
#include "../WaveTrack.h"
#include "../commands/CommandContext.h"
#include "../commands/CommandManager.h"
#include "../tracks/labeltrack/ui/LabelTrackView.h"
// private helper classes and functions
namespace {
const ReservedCommandFlag
&LabelsSelectedFlag() { static ReservedCommandFlag flag{
[](const AudacityProject &project){
// At least one label track selected, having at least one label
// completely within the time selection.
const auto &selectedRegion = ViewInfo::Get( project ).selectedRegion;
const auto &test = [&]( const LabelTrack *pTrack ){
const auto &labels = pTrack->GetLabels();
return std::any_of( labels.begin(), labels.end(),
[&](const LabelStruct &label){
label.getT0() >= selectedRegion.t0()
label.getT1() <= selectedRegion.t1()
auto range = TrackList::Get( project ).Selected<const LabelTrack>()
+ test;
return !range.empty();
}; return flag; }
//Adds label and returns index of label in labeltrack.
int DoAddLabel(
AudacityProject &project, const SelectedRegion &region,
bool preserveFocus = false)
auto &tracks = TrackList::Get( project );
auto &trackFocus = TrackFocus::Get( project );
auto &trackPanel = TrackPanel::Get( project );
wxString title; // of label
bool useDialog;
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/DialogForNameNewLabel"), &useDialog, false);
if (useDialog) {
if (LabelTrackView::DialogForLabelName(
project, region, wxEmptyString, title) == wxID_CANCEL)
return -1; // index
// If the focused track is a label track, use that
const auto pFocusedTrack = trackFocus.Get();
// Look for a label track at or after the focused track
auto iter = pFocusedTrack
? tracks.Find(pFocusedTrack)
: tracks.Any().begin();
auto lt = * iter.Filter< LabelTrack >();
// If none found, start a NEW label track and use it
if (!lt)
lt = tracks.Add( std::make_shared<LabelTrack>() );
// LLL: Commented as it seemed a little forceful to remove users
// selection when adding the label. This does not happen if
// you select several tracks and the last one of those is a
// label track...typing a label will not clear the selections.
// SelectNone();
int index;
if (useDialog) {
index = lt->AddLabel(region, title);
else {
int focusTrackNumber = -1;
if (pFocusedTrack && preserveFocus) {
// Must remember the track to re-focus after finishing a label edit.
// do NOT identify it by a pointer, which might dangle! Identify
// by position.
focusTrackNumber = pFocusedTrack->GetIndex();
index =
LabelTrackView::Get( *lt ).AddLabel(region, title, focusTrackNumber);
ProjectHistory::Get( project )
.PushState(XO("Added label"), XO("Label"));
if (!useDialog) {
return index;
//get regions selected by selected labels
//removes unnecessary regions, overlapping regions are merged
void GetRegionsByLabel(
const TrackList &tracks, const SelectedRegion &selectedRegion,
Regions &regions )
//determine labeled regions
for (auto lt : tracks.Selected< const LabelTrack >()) {
for (int i = 0; i < lt->GetNumLabels(); i++)
const LabelStruct *ls = lt->GetLabel(i);
if (ls->selectedRegion.t0() >= selectedRegion.t0() &&
ls->selectedRegion.t1() <= selectedRegion.t1())
regions.push_back(Region(ls->getT0(), ls->getT1()));
//anything to do ?
if( regions.size() == 0 )
//sort and remove unnecessary regions
std::sort(regions.begin(), regions.end());
unsigned int selected = 1;
while( selected < regions.size() )
const Region &cur = selected );
Region &last = selected - 1 );
if( cur.start < last.end )
if( cur.end > last.end )
last.end = cur.end;
regions.erase( regions.begin() + selected );
using EditFunction = std::function<void(Track *, double, double)>;
//Executes the edit function on all selected wave tracks with
//regions specified by selected labels
//If No tracks selected, function is applied on all tracks
//If the function replaces the selection with audio of a different length,
// bSyncLockedTracks should be set true to perform the same action on sync-lock
// selected tracks.
void EditByLabel(AudacityProject &project,
TrackList &tracks, const SelectedRegion &selectedRegion,
EditFunction action)
Regions regions;
GetRegionsByLabel( tracks, selectedRegion, regions );
if( regions.size() == 0 )
const bool notLocked = (!ProjectSettings::Get(project).IsSyncLocked() &&
//Apply action on tracks starting from
//labeled regions in the end. This is to correctly perform
//actions like 'Delete' which collapse the track area.
for (auto t : tracks.Any())
const bool playable = dynamic_cast<const PlayableTrack *>(t) != nullptr;
if (t->IsSyncLockSelected() || notLocked && playable)
for (int i = (int)regions.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
const Region &region =;
action(t, region.start, region.end);
using EditDestFunction = std::function<Track::Holder (Track *, double, double)>;
//Executes the edit function on all selected wave tracks with
//regions specified by selected labels
//If No tracks selected, function is applied on all tracks
//Functions copy the edited regions to clipboard, possibly in multiple tracks
//This probably should not be called if *action() changes the timeline, because
// the copy needs to happen by track, and the timeline change by group.
void EditClipboardByLabel( AudacityProject &project,
TrackList &tracks, const SelectedRegion &selectedRegion,
EditDestFunction action )
Regions regions;
GetRegionsByLabel( tracks, selectedRegion, regions );
if( regions.size() == 0 )
const bool notLocked = (!ProjectSettings::Get(project).IsSyncLocked() &&
auto &clipboard = Clipboard::Get();
auto pNewClipboard = TrackList::Create( nullptr );
auto &newClipboard = *pNewClipboard;
//Apply action on wavetracks starting from
//labeled regions in the end. This is to correctly perform
//actions like 'Cut' which collapse the track area.
for( auto t : tracks.Any())
const bool playable = dynamic_cast<const PlayableTrack *>(t) != nullptr;
if (t->IsSyncLockSelected() || notLocked && playable)
// This track accumulates the needed clips, right to left:
Track::Holder merged;
for( int i = (int)regions.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
const Region &region =;
auto dest = action(t, region.start, region.end );
if( dest )
Track::FinishCopy( t, dest.get() );
if( !merged )
merged = dest;
// Paste to the beginning; unless this is the first region,
// offset the track to account for time between the regions
if (i < (int)regions.size() - 1)
merged->Offset( + 1).start - region.end);
// dest may have a placeholder clip at the end that is
// removed when pasting, which is okay because we proceed
// right to left. Any placeholder already in merged is kept.
// Only the rightmost placeholder is important in the final
// result.
merged->Paste( 0.0 , dest.get() );
// nothing copied but there is a 'region', so the 'region' must
// be a 'point label' so offset
if (i < (int)regions.size() - 1)
if (merged)
merged->Offset( + 1).start - region.end);
if( merged )
newClipboard.Add( merged );
// Survived possibility of exceptions. Commit changes to the clipboard now.
clipboard.Assign( std::move( newClipboard ),
regions.front().start, regions.back().end, project.shared_from_this() );
/// Namespace for functions for Edit Label submenu
namespace LabelEditActions {
// exported helper functions
// none
// Menu handler functions
struct Handler : CommandHandlerObject {
void OnEditLabels(const CommandContext &context)
auto &project = context.project;
void OnAddLabel(const CommandContext &context)
auto &project = context.project;
auto &selectedRegion = ViewInfo::Get( project ).selectedRegion;
DoAddLabel(project, selectedRegion);
void OnAddLabelPlaying(const CommandContext &context)
auto &project = context.project;
auto token = ProjectAudioIO::Get( project ).GetAudioIOToken();
auto gAudioIO = AudioIO::Get();
if (token > 0 &&
gAudioIO->IsStreamActive(token)) {
double indicator = gAudioIO->GetStreamTime();
DoAddLabel(project, SelectedRegion(indicator, indicator), true);
// Creates a NEW label in each selected label track with text from the system
// clipboard
void OnPasteNewLabel(const CommandContext &context)
auto &project = context.project;
auto &tracks = TrackList::Get( project );
auto &trackPanel = TrackPanel::Get( project );
auto &selectedRegion = ViewInfo::Get( project ).selectedRegion;
bool bPastedSomething = false;
auto trackRange = tracks.Selected< const LabelTrack >();
if (trackRange.empty())
// If there are no selected label tracks, try to choose the first label
// track after some other selected track
Track *t = *tracks.Selected().begin()
.Filter( &Track::Any )
// If no match found, add one
if (!t)
t = tracks.Add( std::make_shared<LabelTrack>() );
// Select this track so the loop picks it up
LabelTrack *plt = NULL; // the previous track
for ( auto lt : tracks.Selected< LabelTrack >() )
// Unselect the last label, so we'll have just one active label when
// we're done
if (plt)
LabelTrackView::Get( *plt ).SetSelectedIndex( -1 );
// Add a NEW label, paste into it
// Paul L: copy whatever defines the selected region, not just times
auto &view = LabelTrackView::Get( *lt );
if (view.PasteSelectedText( context.project, selectedRegion.t0(),
selectedRegion.t1() ))
bPastedSomething = true;
// Set previous track
plt = lt;
// plt should point to the last label track pasted to -- ensure it's visible
// and set focus
if (plt) {
if (bPastedSomething) {
ProjectHistory::Get( project ).PushState(
XO("Pasted from the clipboard"), XO("Paste Text to New Label"));
void OnToggleTypeToCreateLabel(const CommandContext &WXUNUSED(context) )
bool typeToCreateLabel;
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/TypeToCreateLabel"), &typeToCreateLabel, false);
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/GUI/TypeToCreateLabel"), !typeToCreateLabel);
void OnCutLabels(const CommandContext &context)
auto &project = context.project;
auto &tracks = TrackList::Get( project );
auto &selectedRegion = ViewInfo::Get( project ).selectedRegion;
if( selectedRegion.isPoint() )
// Because of grouping the copy may need to operate on different tracks than
// the clear, so we do these actions separately.
auto copyfunc = [&](Track *track, double t0, double t1)
Track::Holder dest = nullptr;
[&](WaveTrack *t)
dest = t->CopyNonconst(t0, t1);
return dest;
EditClipboardByLabel( project, tracks, selectedRegion, copyfunc );
bool enableCutlines = gPrefs->ReadBool(wxT( "/GUI/EnableCutLines"), false);
auto editfunc = [&](Track *track, double t0, double t1)
[&](WaveTrack *t)
if (enableCutlines)
t->ClearAndAddCutLine(t0, t1);
t->Clear(t0, t1);
[&](Track *t)
t->Clear(t0, t1);
EditByLabel(project, tracks, selectedRegion, editfunc);
ProjectHistory::Get( project ).PushState(
/* i18n-hint: (verb) past tense. Audacity has just cut the labeled audio
XO( "Cut labeled audio regions to clipboard" ),
/* i18n-hint: (verb)*/
XO( "Cut Labeled Audio" ) );
void OnDeleteLabels(const CommandContext &context)
auto &project = context.project;
auto &tracks = TrackList::Get( project );
auto &selectedRegion = ViewInfo::Get( project ).selectedRegion;
if( selectedRegion.isPoint() )
auto editfunc = [&](Track *track, double t0, double t1)
track->Clear(t0, t1);
EditByLabel(project, tracks, selectedRegion, editfunc);
ProjectHistory::Get( project ).PushState(
/* i18n-hint: (verb) Audacity has just deleted the labeled audio regions*/
XO( "Deleted labeled audio regions" ),
/* i18n-hint: (verb)*/
XO( "Delete Labeled Audio" ) );
void OnSplitCutLabels(const CommandContext &context)
auto &project = context.project;
auto &tracks = TrackList::Get( project );
auto &selectedRegion = ViewInfo::Get( project ).selectedRegion;
if( selectedRegion.isPoint() )
auto copyfunc = [&](Track *track, double t0, double t1)
Track::Holder dest = nullptr;
[&](WaveTrack *t)
dest = t->SplitCut(t0, t1);
[&](Track *t)
dest = t->Copy(t0, t1);
t->Silence(t0, t1);
return dest;
EditClipboardByLabel( project, tracks, selectedRegion, copyfunc );
ProjectHistory::Get( project ).PushState(
/* i18n-hint: (verb) Audacity has just split cut the labeled audio
XO( "Split Cut labeled audio regions to clipboard" ),
/* i18n-hint: (verb) Do a special kind of cut on the labels*/
XO( "Split Cut Labeled Audio" ) );
void OnSplitDeleteLabels(const CommandContext &context)
auto &project = context.project;
auto &tracks = TrackList::Get( project );
auto &selectedRegion = ViewInfo::Get( project ).selectedRegion;
if( selectedRegion.isPoint() )
auto editfunc = [&](Track *track, double t0, double t1)
[&](WaveTrack *t)
t->SplitDelete(t0, t1);
[&](Track *t)
t->Silence(t0, t1);
EditByLabel(project, tracks, selectedRegion, editfunc);
ProjectHistory::Get( project ).PushState(
/* i18n-hint: (verb) Audacity has just done a special kind of DELETE on
the labeled audio regions */
XO( "Split Deleted labeled audio regions" ),
/* i18n-hint: (verb) Do a special kind of DELETE on labeled audio
regions */
XO( "Split Delete Labeled Audio" ) );
void OnSilenceLabels(const CommandContext &context)
auto &project = context.project;
auto &tracks = TrackList::Get( project );
auto &selectedRegion = ViewInfo::Get( project ).selectedRegion;
if( selectedRegion.isPoint() )
auto editfunc = [&](Track *track, double t0, double t1)
[&](WaveTrack *t)
t->Silence(t0, t1);
EditByLabel(project, tracks, selectedRegion, editfunc);
ProjectHistory::Get( project ).PushState(
/* i18n-hint: (verb)*/
XO( "Silenced labeled audio regions" ),
/* i18n-hint: (verb)*/
XO( "Silence Labeled Audio" ) );
void OnCopyLabels(const CommandContext &context)
auto &project = context.project;
auto &tracks = TrackList::Get( project );
auto &selectedRegion = ViewInfo::Get( project ).selectedRegion;
if( selectedRegion.isPoint() )
auto copyfunc = [&](Track *track, double t0, double t1)
Track::Holder dest = nullptr;
[&](WaveTrack *t)
dest = t->CopyNonconst(t0, t1);
return dest;
EditClipboardByLabel( project, tracks, selectedRegion, copyfunc );
ProjectHistory::Get( project ).PushState( XO( "Copied labeled audio regions to clipboard" ),
/* i18n-hint: (verb)*/
XO( "Copy Labeled Audio" ) );
void OnSplitLabels(const CommandContext &context)
auto &project = context.project;
auto &tracks = TrackList::Get( project );
auto &selectedRegion = ViewInfo::Get( project ).selectedRegion;
if( selectedRegion.isPoint() )
auto editfunc = [&](Track *track, double t0, double t1)
[&](WaveTrack *t)
t->Split(t0, t1);
EditByLabel(project, tracks, selectedRegion, editfunc);
ProjectHistory::Get( project ).PushState(
/* i18n-hint: (verb) past tense. Audacity has just split the labeled
audio (a point or a region)*/
XO( "Split labeled audio (points or regions)" ),
/* i18n-hint: (verb)*/
XO( "Split Labeled Audio" ) );
void OnJoinLabels(const CommandContext &context)
auto &project = context.project;
auto &tracks = TrackList::Get( project );
auto &selectedRegion = ViewInfo::Get( project ).selectedRegion;
if( selectedRegion.isPoint() )
auto editfunc = [&](Track *track, double t0, double t1)
[&](WaveTrack *t)
t->Join(t0, t1);
EditByLabel(project, tracks, selectedRegion, editfunc);
ProjectHistory::Get( project ).PushState(
/* i18n-hint: (verb) Audacity has just joined the labeled audio (points or
regions) */
XO( "Joined labeled audio (points or regions)" ),
/* i18n-hint: (verb) */
XO( "Join Labeled Audio" ) );
void OnDisjoinLabels(const CommandContext &context)
auto &project = context.project;
auto &tracks = TrackList::Get( project );
auto &selectedRegion = ViewInfo::Get( project ).selectedRegion;
if( selectedRegion.isPoint() )
auto editfunc = [&](Track *track, double t0, double t1)
[&](WaveTrack *t)
t->Disjoin(t0, t1);
EditByLabel(project, tracks, selectedRegion, editfunc);
ProjectHistory::Get( project ).PushState(
/* i18n-hint: (verb) Audacity has just detached the labeled audio regions.
This message appears in history and tells you about something
Audacity has done.*/
XO( "Detached labeled audio regions" ),
/* i18n-hint: (verb)*/
XO( "Detach Labeled Audio" ) );
}; // struct Handler
} // namespace
static CommandHandlerObject &findCommandHandler(AudacityProject &) {
// Handler is not stateful. Doesn't need a factory registered with
// AudacityProject.
static LabelEditActions::Handler instance;
return instance;
// Menu definitions
#define FN(X) (& LabelEditActions::Handler :: X)
namespace {
using namespace MenuTable;
BaseItemSharedPtr LabelEditMenus()
using namespace MenuTable;
using Options = CommandManager::Options;
static const auto NotBusyLabelsAndWaveFlags =
AudioIONotBusyFlag() |
LabelsSelectedFlag() | WaveTracksExistFlag() | TimeSelectedFlag();
// Returns TWO menus.
static BaseItemSharedPtr menus{
( FinderScope{ findCommandHandler },
Items( wxT("LabelEditMenus"),
Menu( wxT("Labels"), XXO("&Labels"),
Section( "",
Command( wxT("EditLabels"), XXO("&Edit Labels..."), FN(OnEditLabels),
AudioIONotBusyFlag() )
Section( "",
Command( wxT("AddLabel"), XXO("Add Label at &Selection"),
FN(OnAddLabel), AlwaysEnabledFlag, wxT("Ctrl+B") ),
Command( wxT("AddLabelPlaying"),
XXO("Add Label at &Playback Position"),
FN(OnAddLabelPlaying), AudioIOBusyFlag(),
#ifdef __WXMAC__
Command( wxT("PasteNewLabel"), XXO("Paste Te&xt to New Label"),
AudioIONotBusyFlag(), wxT("Ctrl+Alt+V") )
Section( "",
Command( wxT("TypeToCreateLabel"),
XXO("&Type to Create a Label (on/off)"),
FN(OnToggleTypeToCreateLabel), AlwaysEnabledFlag,
Options{}.CheckTest(wxT("/GUI/TypeToCreateLabel"), false) )
), // first menu
Menu( wxT("Labeled"), XXO("La&beled Audio"),
Section( "",
/* i18n-hint: (verb)*/
Command( wxT("CutLabels"), XXO("&Cut"), FN(OnCutLabels),
AudioIONotBusyFlag() | LabelsSelectedFlag() | WaveTracksExistFlag() |
Options{ wxT("Alt+X"), XO("Label Cut") } ),
Command( wxT("DeleteLabels"), XXO("&Delete"), FN(OnDeleteLabels),
AudioIONotBusyFlag() | LabelsSelectedFlag() | WaveTracksExistFlag() |
Options{ wxT("Alt+K"), XO("Label Delete") } )
Section( "",
/* i18n-hint: (verb) A special way to cut out a piece of audio*/
Command( wxT("SplitCutLabels"), XXO("&Split Cut"),
FN(OnSplitCutLabels), NotBusyLabelsAndWaveFlags,
Options{ wxT("Alt+Shift+X"), XO("Label Split Cut") } ),
Command( wxT("SplitDeleteLabels"), XXO("Sp&lit Delete"),
FN(OnSplitDeleteLabels), NotBusyLabelsAndWaveFlags,
Options{ wxT("Alt+Shift+K"), XO("Label Split Delete") } )
Section( "",
Command( wxT("SilenceLabels"), XXO("Silence &Audio"),
FN(OnSilenceLabels), NotBusyLabelsAndWaveFlags,
Options{ wxT("Alt+L"), XO("Label Silence") } ),
/* i18n-hint: (verb)*/
Command( wxT("CopyLabels"), XXO("Co&py"), FN(OnCopyLabels),
Options{ wxT("Alt+Shift+C"), XO("Label Copy") } )
Section( "",
/* i18n-hint: (verb)*/
Command( wxT("SplitLabels"), XXO("Spli&t"), FN(OnSplitLabels),
AudioIONotBusyFlag() | LabelsSelectedFlag() | WaveTracksExistFlag(),
Options{ wxT("Alt+I"), XO("Label Split") } ),
/* i18n-hint: (verb)*/
Command( wxT("JoinLabels"), XXO("&Join"), FN(OnJoinLabels),
Options{ wxT("Alt+J"), XO("Label Join") } ),
Command( wxT("DisjoinLabels"), XXO("Detac&h at Silences"),
FN(OnDisjoinLabels), NotBusyLabelsAndWaveFlags,
wxT("Alt+Shift+J") )
) // second menu
) ) }; // two menus
return menus;
AttachedItem sAttachment1{
{ wxT("Edit/Other"),
{ OrderingHint::Before, wxT("EditMetaData") } },
Shared( LabelEditMenus() )
#undef FN