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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Created by Michael Chinen (mchinen) on 8/11/08.
Audacity(R) is copyright (c) 1999-2008 Audacity Team.
License: GPL v2. See License.txt.
\class ODDecodeFlacTask
\brief Decodes a flac file into a oddecodeBlockFile, but not immediately.
This is an abstract class that subclasses will have to derive the types
from. For any type there should only be one ODDecodeTask associated with
a given track.
There could be the ODDecodeBlockFiles of several FLACs in one track (after copy and pasting),
so things aren't as simple as they seem - the implementation needs to be
robust enough to allow all the user changes such as copy/paste, DELETE, and so on.
#ifndef __AUDACITY_ODDecodeFLACTask__
#define __AUDACITY_ODDecodeFLACTask__
#include <vector>
#include <wx/ffile.h> // data member
#include "ODDecodeTask.h"
#include "FLAC++/decoder.h"
class wxArrayString;
class ODDecodeBlockFile;
class WaveTrack;
class ODFileDecoder;
class ODFlacDecoder;
class ODFLACFile;
/// A class representing a modular task to be used with the On-Demand structures.
class ODDecodeFlacTask final : public ODDecodeTask
/// Constructs an ODTask
virtual ~ODDecodeFlacTask();
std::unique_ptr<ODTask> Clone() const override;
///Creates an ODFileDecoder that decodes a file of filetype the subclass handles.
ODFileDecoder* CreateFileDecoder(const wxString & fileName) override;
///Lets other classes know that this class handles flac
///Subclasses should override to return respective type.
unsigned int GetODType() override { return eODFLAC; }
class ODFLACFile final : public FLAC::Decoder::File
ODFLACFile(ODFlacDecoder *decoder) : mDecoder(decoder)
mWasError = false;
bool get_was_error() const
return mWasError;
friend class ODFlacDecoder;
ODFlacDecoder *mDecoder;
bool mWasError;
wxArrayString mComments;
FLAC__StreamDecoderWriteStatus write_callback(const FLAC__Frame *frame,
const FLAC__int32 * const buffer[]) override;
void metadata_callback(const FLAC__StreamMetadata *metadata) override;
void error_callback(FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatus status) override;
#include "../blockfile/ODDecodeBlockFile.h" // to inherit
///class to decode a particular file (one per file). Saves info such as filename and length (after the header is read.)
class ODFlacDecoder final : public ODFileDecoder
friend class ODFLACFile;
///This should handle unicode converted to UTF-8 on mac/linux, but OD TODO:check on windows
ODFlacDecoder(const wxString & fileName):ODFileDecoder(fileName),mSamplesDone(0){mFile=NULL;}
virtual ~ODFlacDecoder();
///Decodes the samples for this blockfile from the real file into a float buffer.
///This is file specific, so subclasses must implement this only.
///the buffer was defined like
///samplePtr sampleData = NewSamples(mLen, floatSample);
///this->ReadData(sampleData, floatSample, 0, mLen);
///This class should call ReadHeader() first, so it knows the length, and can prepare
///the file object if it needs to.
int Decode(SampleBuffer & data, sampleFormat & format, sampleCount start, size_t len, unsigned int channel) override;
///Read header. Subclasses must override. Probably should save the info somewhere.
///Ideally called once per decoding of a file. This complicates the task because
bool ReadHeader() override;
///FLAC specific file (inherited from FLAC::Decoder::File)
ODFLACFile* GetFlacFile();
friend class FLACImportFileHandle;
sampleFormat mFormat;
std::unique_ptr<ODFLACFile> mFile;
ODLock mFlacFileLock;//for mFile;
wxFFile mHandle;
unsigned long mSampleRate;
unsigned long mNumChannels;
unsigned long mBitsPerSample;
FLAC__uint64 mNumSamples;
FLAC__uint64 mSamplesDone;
sampleCount mLastDecodeStartSample;
bool mStreamInfoDone;
int mUpdateResult;
WaveTrack **mChannels;
unsigned int mTargetChannel;
unsigned int mDecodeBufferWritePosition;
unsigned int mDecodeBufferLen;
samplePtr mDecodeBuffer;