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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Leland Lucius
\class FileDialog
\brief Dialog used to present platform specific "Save As" dialog with
custom controls.
#include "FileDialog.h"
m_creator = NULL;
m_userdata = 0;
bool FileDialogBase::HasUserPaneCreator() const
return m_creator != NULL;
void FileDialogBase::SetUserPaneCreator(UserPaneCreatorFunction creator, wxUIntPtr userdata)
m_creator = creator;
m_userdata = userdata;
void FileDialogBase::CreateUserPane(wxWindow *parent)
if (m_creator)
(*m_creator)(parent, m_userdata);
// Copied from wx 3.0.2 and modified to support additional features
// Name: src/common/fldlgcmn.cpp
// Purpose: wxFileDialog common functions
// Author: John Labenski
// Modified by: Leland Lucius
// Created: 14.06.03 (extracted from src/*/filedlg.cpp)
// Copyright: (c) Robert Roebling
// Licence: wxWindows licence
// FileDialog convenience functions
wxString FileSelector(const wxString& title,
const wxString& defaultDir,
const wxString& defaultFileName,
const wxString& defaultExtension,
const wxString& filter,
int flags,
wxWindow *parent,
int x, int y)
// The defaultExtension, if non-empty, is
// appended to the filename if the user fails to type an extension. The new
// implementation (taken from FileSelectorEx) appends the extension
// automatically, by looking at the filter specification. In fact this
// should be better than the native Microsoft implementation because
// Windows only allows *one* default extension, whereas here we do the
// right thing depending on the filter the user has chosen.
// If there's a default extension specified but no filter, we create a
// suitable filter.
wxString filter2;
if ( !defaultExtension.empty() && filter.empty() )
filter2 = wxString(wxT("*.")) + defaultExtension;
else if ( !filter.empty() )
filter2 = filter;
FileDialog fileDialog(parent, title, defaultDir,
defaultFileName, filter2,
flags, wxPoint(x, y));
// if filter is of form "All files (*)|*|..." set correct filter index
if ( !defaultExtension.empty() && filter2.find(wxT('|')) != wxString::npos )
int filterIndex = 0;
wxArrayString descriptions, filters;
// don't care about errors, handled already by FileDialog
(void)wxParseCommonDialogsFilter(filter2, descriptions, filters);
for (size_t n=0; n<filters.GetCount(); n++)
if (filters[n].Contains(defaultExtension))
filterIndex = n;
if (filterIndex > 0)
wxString filename;
if ( fileDialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
filename = fileDialog.GetPath();
return filename;
// FileSelectorEx
wxString FileSelectorEx(const wxString& title,
const wxString& defaultDir,
const wxString& defaultFileName,
int* defaultFilterIndex,
const wxString& filter,
int flags,
wxWindow* parent,
int x,
int y)
FileDialog fileDialog(parent,
flags, wxPoint(x, y));
wxString filename;
if ( fileDialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
if ( defaultFilterIndex )
*defaultFilterIndex = fileDialog.GetFilterIndex();
filename = fileDialog.GetPath();
return filename;