
150 lines
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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Leland Lucius
#include <vector>
#include <wx/ffile.h> // to inherit
#include "../FileException.h"
#include "Identifier.h"
/// XMLWriter
class AUDACITY_DLL_API XMLWriter /* not final */ {
virtual ~XMLWriter();
virtual void StartTag(const wxString &name);
virtual void EndTag(const wxString &name);
// nonvirtual pass-through
void WriteAttr(const wxString &name, const Identifier &value)
// using GET once here, permitting Identifiers in XML,
// so no need for it at each WriteAttr call
{ WriteAttr( name, value.GET() ); }
virtual void WriteAttr(const wxString &name, const wxString &value);
virtual void WriteAttr(const wxString &name, const wxChar *value);
virtual void WriteAttr(const wxString &name, int value);
virtual void WriteAttr(const wxString &name, bool value);
virtual void WriteAttr(const wxString &name, long value);
virtual void WriteAttr(const wxString &name, long long value);
virtual void WriteAttr(const wxString &name, size_t value);
virtual void WriteAttr(const wxString &name, float value, int digits = -1);
virtual void WriteAttr(const wxString &name, double value, int digits = -1);
virtual void WriteData(const wxString &value);
virtual void WriteSubTree(const wxString &value);
virtual void Write(const wxString &data) = 0;
// Escape a string, replacing certain characters with their
// XML encoding, i.e. '<' becomes '&lt;'
wxString XMLEsc(const wxString & s);
bool mInTag;
int mDepth;
wxArrayString mTagstack;
std::vector<int> mHasKids;
/// XMLFileWriter
/// This writes to a provisional file, and replaces the previously existing
/// contents by a file rename in Commit() only after all writes succeed.
/// The original contents may also be retained at a backup path name, as
/// directed by the optional constructor argument.
/// If it is destroyed before Commit(), then the provisional file is removed.
/// If the construction and all operations are inside a GuardedCall or event
/// handler, then the default delayed handler action in case of exceptions will
/// notify the user of problems.
class AUDACITY_DLL_API XMLFileWriter final : private wxFFile, public XMLWriter {
/// The caption is for message boxes to show in case of errors.
/// Might throw.
const FilePath &outputPath, const TranslatableString &caption,
bool keepBackup = false );
virtual ~XMLFileWriter();
/// Close all tags and then close the file.
/// Might throw. If not, then create
/// or modify the file at the output path.
/// Composed of two steps, PreCommit() and PostCommit()
void Commit();
/// Does the part of Commit that might fail because of exhaustion of space
void PreCommit();
/// Does other parts of Commit that are not likely to fail for exhaustion
/// of space, but might for other reasons
void PostCommit();
/// Write to file. Might throw.
void Write(const wxString &data) override;
FilePath GetBackupName() const { return mBackupName; }
void ThrowException(
const wxFileName &fileName, const TranslatableString &caption)
throw FileException{ FileException::Cause::Write, fileName, caption };
/// Close file without automatically ending tags.
/// Might throw.
void CloseWithoutEndingTags(); // for auto-save files
const FilePath mOutputPath;
const TranslatableString mCaption;
FilePath mBackupName;
const bool mKeepBackup;
wxFFile mBackupFile;
bool mCommitted{ false };
/// XMLStringWriter
class XMLStringWriter final : public wxString, public XMLWriter {
XMLStringWriter(size_t initialSize = 0);
virtual ~XMLStringWriter();
void Write(const wxString &data) override;