2016-08-13 12:23:05 -04:00

148 lines
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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dr William Bland
#include "Track.h"
#include <wx/brush.h>
#include <wx/pen.h>
#include <algorithm>
class wxRect;
class wxDC;
class Envelope;
class Ruler;
class ZoomInfo;
class TimeTrack final : public Track {
TimeTrack(const std::shared_ptr<DirManager> &projDirManager, const ZoomInfo *zoomInfo);
/** @brief Copy-Constructor - create a NEW TimeTrack:: which is an independent copy of the original
* Calls TimeTrack::Init() to copy the track metadata, then does a bunch of manipulations on the
* Envelope:: and Ruler:: members in order to copy one to the other - unfortunately both lack a
* copy-constructor to encapsulate this.
* @param orig The original track to copy from
TimeTrack(const TimeTrack &orig);
virtual ~TimeTrack();
// Identifying the type of track
int GetKind() const override { return Time; }
// TimeTrack parameters
double GetOffset() const override { return 0.0; }
void SetOffset(double /* t */) override {}
double GetStartTime() const override { return 0.0; }
double GetEndTime() const override { return 0.0; }
void Draw(wxDC & dc, const wxRect & r, const ZoomInfo &zoomInfo) const;
// XMLTagHandler callback methods for loading and saving
bool HandleXMLTag(const wxChar *tag, const wxChar **attrs) override;
void HandleXMLEndTag(const wxChar *tag) override;
XMLTagHandler *HandleXMLChild(const wxChar *tag) override;
void WriteXML(XMLWriter &xmlFile) override;
// Lock and unlock the track: you must lock the track before
// doing a copy and paste between projects.
// bool Lock();
// bool Unlock();
// Access the track's speed envelope
Envelope *GetEnvelope() { return mEnvelope.get(); }
const Envelope *GetEnvelope() const { return mEnvelope.get(); }
//Note: The meaning of this function has changed (December 2012)
//Previously this function did something that was close to the opposite (but not entirely accurate).
/** @brief Compute the integral warp factor between two non-warped time points
* Calculate the relative length increase of the chosen segment from the original sound.
* So if this time track has a low value (i.e. makes the sound slower), the NEW warped
* sound will be *longer* than the original sound, so the return value of this function
* is larger.
* @param t0 The starting time to calculate from
* @param t1 The ending time to calculate to
* @return The relative length increase of the chosen segment from the original sound.
double ComputeWarpFactor(double t0, double t1) const;
/** @brief Compute the duration (in seconds at playback) of the specified region of the track.
* Takes a region of the time track (specified by the unwarped time points in the project), and
* calculates how long it will actually take to play this region back, taking the time track's
* warping effects into account.
* @param t0 unwarped time to start calculation from
* @param t1 unwarped time to stop calculation at
* @return the warped duration in seconds
double ComputeWarpedLength(double t0, double t1) const;
/** @brief Compute how much unwarped time must have elapsed if length seconds of warped time has
* elapsed
* @param t0 The unwarped time (seconds from project start) at which to start
* @param length How many seconds of warped time went past.
* @return The end point (in seconds from project start) as unwarped time
double SolveWarpedLength(double t0, double length) const;
// Get/Set the speed-warping range, as percentage of original speed (e.g. 90%-110%)
double GetRangeLower() const { return mRangeLower; }
double GetRangeUpper() const { return mRangeUpper; }
void SetRangeLower(double lower) { mRangeLower = lower; }
void SetRangeUpper(double upper) { mRangeUpper = upper; }
bool GetDisplayLog() const { return mDisplayLog; }
void SetDisplayLog(bool displayLog) { mDisplayLog = displayLog; }
bool GetInterpolateLog() const;
void SetInterpolateLog(bool interpolateLog);
void testMe();
const ZoomInfo *const mZoomInfo;
std::unique_ptr<Envelope> mEnvelope;
std::unique_ptr<Ruler> mRuler;
double mRangeLower;
double mRangeUpper;
bool mDisplayLog;
bool mRescaleXMLValues; // needed for backward-compatibility with older project files
/** @brief Copy the metadata from another track but not the points
* Copies the Name, DefaultName, Range and Display data from the source track
* @param orig the TimeTrack to copy from
void Init(const TimeTrack &orig);
using Holder = std::unique_ptr<TimeTrack>;
Track::Holder Duplicate() const override;
friend class TrackFactory;
wxBrush blankBrush;
wxPen blankPen;