
1073 lines
35 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Paul Licameli split from AudacityProject.cpp
#include "ProjectManager.h"
#include "AdornedRulerPanel.h"
#include "AudioIO.h"
#include "Clipboard.h"
#include "FileNames.h"
#include "Menus.h"
#include "ModuleManager.h"
#include "Project.h"
#include "ProjectAudioIO.h"
#include "ProjectAudioManager.h"
#include "ProjectFileIO.h"
#include "ProjectFileManager.h"
#include "ProjectHistory.h"
#include "ProjectSelectionManager.h"
#include "ProjectSettings.h"
#include "ProjectStatus.h"
#include "ProjectWindow.h"
#include "SelectUtilities.h"
#include "TrackPanel.h"
#include "TrackUtilities.h"
#include "UndoManager.h"
#include "WaveTrack.h"
#include "wxFileNameWrapper.h"
#include "import/Import.h"
#include "import/ImportMIDI.h"
#include "prefs/QualitySettings.h"
#include "toolbars/MixerToolBar.h"
#include "toolbars/SelectionBar.h"
#include "toolbars/SpectralSelectionBar.h"
#include "toolbars/TimeToolBar.h"
#include "toolbars/ToolManager.h"
#include "widgets/AudacityMessageBox.h"
#include "widgets/FileHistory.h"
#include "widgets/ErrorDialog.h"
#include "widgets/WindowAccessible.h"
#include <wx/dataobj.h>
#include <wx/dnd.h>
#include <wx/scrolbar.h>
#include <wx/sizer.h>
#ifdef __WXGTK__
#include "../images/AudacityLogoAlpha.xpm"
const int AudacityProjectTimerID = 5200;
static AudacityProject::AttachedObjects::RegisteredFactory sProjectManagerKey {
[]( AudacityProject &project ) {
return std::make_shared< ProjectManager >( project );
ProjectManager &ProjectManager::Get( AudacityProject &project )
return project.AttachedObjects::Get< ProjectManager >( sProjectManagerKey );
const ProjectManager &ProjectManager::Get( const AudacityProject &project )
return Get( const_cast< AudacityProject & >( project ) );
ProjectManager::ProjectManager( AudacityProject &project )
: mProject{ project }
, mTimer{ std::make_unique<wxTimer>(this, AudacityProjectTimerID) }
auto &window = ProjectWindow::Get( mProject );
window.Bind( wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW, &ProjectManager::OnCloseWindow, this );
&ProjectManager::OnStatusChange, this);
&ProjectManager::OnReconnectionFailure, this );
ProjectManager::~ProjectManager() = default;
// PRL: This event type definition used to be in AudacityApp.h, which created
// a bad compilation dependency. The event was never emitted anywhere. I
// preserve it and its handler here but I move it to remove the dependency.
// Asynchronous open
EVT_OPEN_AUDIO_FILE, wxCommandEvent);
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( ProjectManager, wxEvtHandler )
EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, EVT_OPEN_AUDIO_FILE, ProjectManager::OnOpenAudioFile)
EVT_TIMER(AudacityProjectTimerID, ProjectManager::OnTimer)
bool ProjectManager::sbWindowRectAlreadySaved = false;
bool ProjectManager::sbSkipPromptingForSave = false;
void ProjectManager::SaveWindowSize()
if (sbWindowRectAlreadySaved)
bool validWindowForSaveWindowSize = FALSE;
ProjectWindow * validProject = nullptr;
bool foundIconizedProject = FALSE;
for ( auto pProject : AllProjects{} )
auto &window = ProjectWindow::Get( *pProject );
if (!window.IsIconized()) {
validWindowForSaveWindowSize = TRUE;
validProject = &window;
foundIconizedProject = TRUE;
if (validWindowForSaveWindowSize)
wxRect windowRect = validProject->GetRect();
wxRect normalRect = validProject->GetNormalizedWindowState();
bool wndMaximized = validProject->IsMaximized();
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/X"), windowRect.GetX());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Y"), windowRect.GetY());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Width"), windowRect.GetWidth());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Height"), windowRect.GetHeight());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Maximized"), wndMaximized);
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_X"), normalRect.GetX());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Y"), normalRect.GetY());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Width"), normalRect.GetWidth());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Height"), normalRect.GetHeight());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Iconized"), FALSE);
if (foundIconizedProject) {
validProject = &ProjectWindow::Get( **AllProjects{}.begin() );
bool wndMaximized = validProject->IsMaximized();
wxRect normalRect = validProject->GetNormalizedWindowState();
// store only the normal rectangle because the itemized rectangle
// makes no sense for an opening project window
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/X"), normalRect.GetX());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Y"), normalRect.GetY());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Width"), normalRect.GetWidth());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Height"), normalRect.GetHeight());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Maximized"), wndMaximized);
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_X"), normalRect.GetX());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Y"), normalRect.GetY());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Width"), normalRect.GetWidth());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Height"), normalRect.GetHeight());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Iconized"), TRUE);
else {
// this would be a very strange case that might possibly occur on the Mac
// Audacity would have to be running with no projects open
// in this case we are going to write only the default values
wxRect defWndRect;
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/X"), defWndRect.GetX());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Y"), defWndRect.GetY());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Width"), defWndRect.GetWidth());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Height"), defWndRect.GetHeight());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Maximized"), FALSE);
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_X"), defWndRect.GetX());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Y"), defWndRect.GetY());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Width"), defWndRect.GetWidth());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Height"), defWndRect.GetHeight());
gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Iconized"), FALSE);
sbWindowRectAlreadySaved = true;
class FileObject final : public wxFileDataObject
bool IsSupportedFormat(const wxDataFormat & format, Direction WXUNUSED(dir = Get)) const
// PRL: This function does NOT override any inherited virtual! What does it do?
if (format.GetType() == wxDF_FILENAME) {
return true;
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
#if !wxCHECK_VERSION(3, 0, 0)
if (format.GetFormatId() == kDragPromisedFlavorFindFile) {
return true;
return false;
class DropTarget final : public wxFileDropTarget
DropTarget(AudacityProject *proj)
mProject = proj;
// SetDataObject takes ownership
SetDataObject(safenew FileObject());
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
#if !wxCHECK_VERSION(3, 0, 0)
bool GetData() override
bool foundSupported = false;
bool firstFileAdded = false;
OSErr result;
UInt16 items = 0;
CountDragItems((DragReference)m_currentDrag, &items);
for (UInt16 index = 1; index <= items; index++) {
DragItemRef theItem = 0;
GetDragItemReferenceNumber((DragReference)m_currentDrag, index, &theItem);
UInt16 flavors = 0;
CountDragItemFlavors((DragReference)m_currentDrag, theItem , &flavors ) ;
for (UInt16 flavor = 1 ;flavor <= flavors; flavor++) {
FlavorType theType = 0;
result = GetFlavorType((DragReference)m_currentDrag, theItem, flavor, &theType);
if (theType != kDragPromisedFlavorFindFile && theType != kDragFlavorTypeHFS) {
foundSupported = true;
Size dataSize = 0;
GetFlavorDataSize((DragReference)m_currentDrag, theItem, theType, &dataSize);
ArrayOf<char> theData{ dataSize };
GetFlavorData((DragReference)m_currentDrag, theItem, theType, (void*) theData.get(), &dataSize, 0L);
wxString name;
if (theType == kDragPromisedFlavorFindFile) {
name = wxMacFSSpec2MacFilename((FSSpec *)theData.get());
else if (theType == kDragFlavorTypeHFS) {
name = wxMacFSSpec2MacFilename(&((HFSFlavor *)theData.get())->fileSpec);
if (!firstFileAdded) {
// reset file list
((wxFileDataObject*)GetDataObject())->SetData(0, "");
firstFileAdded = true;
// We only want to process one flavor
return foundSupported;
bool OnDrop(wxCoord x, wxCoord y) override
// bool foundSupported = false;
#if !wxCHECK_VERSION(3, 0, 0)
bool firstFileAdded = false;
OSErr result;
UInt16 items = 0;
CountDragItems((DragReference)m_currentDrag, &items);
for (UInt16 index = 1; index <= items; index++) {
DragItemRef theItem = 0;
GetDragItemReferenceNumber((DragReference)m_currentDrag, index, &theItem);
UInt16 flavors = 0;
CountDragItemFlavors((DragReference)m_currentDrag, theItem , &flavors ) ;
for (UInt16 flavor = 1 ;flavor <= flavors; flavor++) {
FlavorType theType = 0;
result = GetFlavorType((DragReference)m_currentDrag, theItem, flavor, &theType);
if (theType != kDragPromisedFlavorFindFile && theType != kDragFlavorTypeHFS) {
return true;
return CurrentDragHasSupportedFormat();
bool OnDropFiles(wxCoord WXUNUSED(x), wxCoord WXUNUSED(y), const wxArrayString& filenames) override
// Experiment shows that this function can be reached while there is no
// catch block above in wxWidgets. So stop all exceptions here.
return GuardedCall< bool > ( [&] {
wxArrayString sortednames(filenames);
auto cleanup = finally( [&] {
ProjectWindow::Get( *mProject ).HandleResize(); // Adjust scrollers for NEW track sizes.
} );
for (const auto &name : sortednames) {
#ifdef USE_MIDI
if (FileNames::IsMidi(name))
DoImportMIDI( *mProject, name );
ProjectFileManager::Get( *mProject ).Import(name);
auto &window = ProjectWindow::Get( *mProject );
return true;
} );
AudacityProject *mProject;
extern void AddPages( AudacityProject * pProj, GuiFactory & Factory, wxNotebook * pNotebook );
void InitProjectWindow( ProjectWindow &window )
auto &project = window.GetProject();
SetBackgroundColour(theTheme.Colour( clrMedium ));
// Note that the first field of the status bar is a dummy, and its width is set
// to zero latter in the code. This field is needed for wxWidgets 2.8.12 because
// if you move to the menu bar, the first field of the menu bar is cleared, which
// is undesirable behaviour.
// In addition, the help strings of menu items are by default sent to the first
// field. Currently there are no such help strings, but it they were introduced, then
// there would need to be an event handler to send them to the appropriate field.
auto statusBar = window.CreateStatusBar(4);
// so that name can be set on a standard control
statusBar->SetAccessible(safenew WindowAccessible(statusBar));
statusBar->SetName(wxT("status_line")); // not localized
auto &viewInfo = ViewInfo::Get( project );
// LLL: Read this!!!
// Until the time (and cpu) required to refresh the track panel is
// reduced, leave the following window creations in the order specified.
// This will place the refresh of the track panel last, allowing all
// the others to get done quickly.
// Near as I can tell, this is only a problem under Windows.
// Create the ToolDock
ToolManager::Get( project ).CreateWindows();
ToolManager::Get( project ).LayoutToolBars();
// Create the horizontal ruler
auto &ruler = AdornedRulerPanel::Get( project );
// Create the TrackPanel and the scrollbars
auto topPanel = window.GetTopPanel();
auto ubs = std::make_unique<wxBoxSizer>(wxVERTICAL);
ubs->Add( ToolManager::Get( project ).GetTopDock(), 0, wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_TOP );
ubs->Add(&ruler, 0, wxEXPAND);
// Ensure that the topdock comes before the ruler in the tab order,
// irrespective of the order in which they were created.
const auto pPage = window.GetMainPage();
wxBoxSizer *bs;
auto ubs = std::make_unique<wxBoxSizer>(wxVERTICAL);
bs = ubs.get();
bs->Add(topPanel, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_TOP);
bs->Add(pPage, 1, wxEXPAND);
bs->Add( ToolManager::Get( project ).GetBotDock(), 0, wxEXPAND );
auto &trackPanel = TrackPanel::Get( project );
// LLL: When Audacity starts or becomes active after returning from
// another application, the first window that can accept focus
// will be given the focus even if we try to SetFocus(). By
// making the TrackPanel that first window, we resolve several
// keyboard focus problems.
bs = (wxBoxSizer *)pPage->GetSizer();
auto vsBar = &window.GetVerticalScrollBar();
auto hsBar = &window.GetHorizontalScrollBar();
// Top horizontal grouping
auto hs = std::make_unique<wxBoxSizer>(wxHORIZONTAL);
// Track panel
hs->Add(&trackPanel, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_TOP);
// Vertical grouping
auto vs = std::make_unique<wxBoxSizer>(wxVERTICAL);
// Vertical scroll bar
vs->Add(vsBar, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_TOP);
hs->Add(vs.release(), 0, wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_TOP);
bs->Add(hs.release(), 1, wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_TOP);
// Bottom horizontal grouping
auto hs = std::make_unique<wxBoxSizer>(wxHORIZONTAL);
// Bottom scrollbar
hs->Add(viewInfo.GetLeftOffset() - 1, 0);
hs->Add(hsBar, 1, wxALIGN_BOTTOM);
hs->Add(vsBar->GetSize().GetWidth(), 0);
bs->Add(hs.release(), 0, wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_LEFT);
// Lay it out
AddPages(this, Factory, pNotebook);
auto mainPanel = window.GetMainPanel();
wxASSERT( trackPanel.GetProject() == &project );
// MM: Give track panel the focus to ensure keyboard commands work
ruler.SetLeftOffset(viewInfo.GetLeftOffset()); // bevel on AdornedRuler
// Set the Icon
// loads either the XPM or the windows resource, depending on the platform
#if !defined(__WXMAC__) && !defined(__WXX11__)
#if defined(__WXMSW__)
wxIcon ic{ wxICON(AudacityLogo) };
#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
wxIcon ic{wxICON(AudacityLogoAlpha)};
wxIcon ic{};
auto msg = XO("Welcome to Audacity version %s")
ProjectManager::Get( project ).SetStatusText( msg, mainStatusBarField );
ClearBackground();// For wxGTK.
AudacityProject *ProjectManager::New()
wxRect wndRect;
bool bMaximized = false;
bool bIconized = false;
GetNextWindowPlacement(&wndRect, &bMaximized, &bIconized);
// Create and show a NEW project
// Use a non-default deleter in the smart pointer!
auto sp = std::make_shared< AudacityProject >();
AllProjects{}.Add( sp );
auto p = sp.get();
auto &project = *p;
auto &projectHistory = ProjectHistory::Get( project );
auto &projectManager = Get( project );
auto &window = ProjectWindow::Get( *p );
InitProjectWindow( window );
// wxGTK3 seems to need to require creating the window using default position
// and then manually positioning it.
auto &projectFileManager = ProjectFileManager::Get( *p );
// This may report an error.
MenuManager::Get( project ).CreateMenusAndCommands( project );
if(bMaximized) {
else if (bIconized) {
// if the user close down and iconized state we could start back up and iconized state
// window.Iconize(TRUE);
//Initialise the Listeners
auto gAudioIO = AudioIO::Get();
ProjectAudioManager::Get( project ).shared_from_this() );
auto &projectSelectionManager = ProjectSelectionManager::Get( project );
SelectionBar::Get( project ).SetListener( &projectSelectionManager );
SpectralSelectionBar::Get( project ).SetListener( &projectSelectionManager );
TimeToolBar::Get( project ).SetListener( &projectSelectionManager );
// We can import now, so become a drag target
// SetDropTarget(safenew AudacityDropTarget(this));
// mTrackPanel->SetDropTarget(safenew AudacityDropTarget(this));
// SetDropTarget takes ownership
TrackPanel::Get( project ).SetDropTarget( safenew DropTarget( &project ) );
//Set the NEW project as active:
// Okay, GetActiveProject() is ready. Now we can get its CommandManager,
// and add the shortcut keys to the tooltips.
ToolManager::Get( *p ).RegenerateTooltips();
return p;
void ProjectManager::OnReconnectionFailure(wxCommandEvent & event)
void ProjectManager::OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent & event)
auto &project = mProject;
auto &projectFileIO = ProjectFileIO::Get( project );
auto &projectFileManager = ProjectFileManager::Get( project );
const auto &settings = ProjectSettings::Get( project );
auto &projectAudioIO = ProjectAudioIO::Get( project );
auto &tracks = TrackList::Get( project );
auto &window = ProjectWindow::Get( project );
auto gAudioIO = AudioIO::Get();
// We are called for the wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW, wxEVT_END_SESSION, and
// wxEVT_QUERY_END_SESSION, so we have to protect against multiple
// entries. This is a hack until the whole application termination
// process can be reviewed and reworked. (See bug #964 for ways
// to exercise the bug that instigated this hack.)
if (window.IsBeingDeleted())
if (event.CanVeto() && (::wxIsBusy() || project.mbBusyImporting))
// Check to see if we were playing or recording
// audio, and if so, make sure Audio I/O is completely finished.
// The main point of this is to properly push the state
// and flush the tracks once we've completely finished
// recording NEW state.
// This code is derived from similar code in
// AudacityProject::~AudacityProject() and TrackPanel::OnTimer().
if (projectAudioIO.GetAudioIOToken()>0 &&
gAudioIO->IsStreamActive(projectAudioIO.GetAudioIOToken())) {
// We were playing or recording audio, but we've stopped the stream.
ProjectAudioManager::Get( project ).Stop();
else if (gAudioIO->IsMonitoring()) {
// MY: Use routine here so other processes can make same check
bool bHasTracks = !tracks.empty();
// We may not bother to prompt the user to save, if the
// project is now empty.
if (!sbSkipPromptingForSave
&& event.CanVeto()
&& (settings.EmptyCanBeDirty() || bHasTracks)) {
if ( UndoManager::Get( project ).UnsavedChanges() ) {
TitleRestorer Restorer( window, project );// RAII
/* i18n-hint: The first %s numbers the project, the second %s is the project name.*/
auto Title = XO("%sSave changes to %s?")
.Format( Restorer.sProjNumber, Restorer.sProjName );
auto Message = XO("Save project before closing?");
if( !bHasTracks )
Message += XO("\nIf saved, the project will have no tracks.\n\nTo save any previously open tracks:\nCancel, Edit > Undo until all tracks\nare open, then File > Save Project.");
int result = AudacityMessageBox(
if (result == wxCANCEL || (result == wxYES &&
!GuardedCall<bool>( [&]{ return projectFileManager.Save(); } )
)) {
#ifdef __WXMAC__
// Fix bug apparently introduced into 2.1.2 because of wxWidgets 3:
// closing a project that was made full-screen (as by clicking the green dot
// or command+/; not merely "maximized" as by clicking the title bar or
// Zoom in the Window menu) leaves the screen black.
// Fix it by un-full-screening.
// (But is there a different way to do this? What do other applications do?
// I don't see full screen windows of Safari shrinking, but I do see
// momentary blackness.)
// Stop the timer since there's no need to update anything anymore
// DMM: Save the size of the last window the user closes
// LL: Save before doing anything else to the window that might make
// its size change.
// Mac: we never quit as the result of a close.
// Other systems: we quit only when the close is the result of an external
// command (on Windows, those are taskbar closes, "X" box, Alt+F4, etc.)
bool quitOnClose;
#ifdef __WXMAC__
quitOnClose = false;
quitOnClose = !projectFileManager.GetMenuClose();
// DanH: If we're definitely about to quit, clear the clipboard.
auto &clipboard = Clipboard::Get();
if ((AllProjects{}.size() == 1) &&
(quitOnClose || AllProjects::Closing()))
else {
auto clipboardProject = clipboard.Project().lock();
if ( clipboardProject.get() == &mProject ) {
// Closing the project from which content was cut or copied.
// For 3.0.0, clear the clipboard, because accessing clipboard contents
// would depend on a database connection to the closing project, but
// that connection should closed now so that the project file can be
// freely moved.
// Notes:
// 1) maybe clipboard contents could be saved by migrating them to
// another temporary database, but that extra effort is beyond the
// scope of 3.0.0.
// 2) strictly speaking this is necessary only when the clipboard
// contains WaveTracks.
// JKC: For Win98 and Linux do not detach the menu bar.
// We want wxWidgets to clean it up for us.
// TODO: Is there a Mac issue here??
// SetMenuBar(NULL);
// Compact the project.
// Set (or not) the bypass flag to indicate that deletes that would happen during
// the UndoManager::ClearStates() below are not necessary.
// This can reduce reference counts of sample blocks in the project's
// tracks.
UndoManager::Get( project ).ClearStates();
// Delete all the tracks to free up memory
// Some of the AdornedRulerPanel functions refer to the TrackPanel, so destroy this
// before the TrackPanel is destroyed. This change was needed to stop Audacity
// crashing when running with Jaws on Windows 10 1703.
AdornedRulerPanel::Destroy( project );
// Destroy the TrackPanel early so it's not around once we start
// deleting things like tracks and such out from underneath it.
// Check validity of mTrackPanel per bug 584 Comment 1.
// Deeper fix is in the Import code, but this failsafes against crash.
TrackPanel::Destroy( project );
// Finalize the tool manager before the children since it needs
// to save the state of the toolbars.
ToolManager::Get( project ).Destroy();
// Close project only now, because TrackPanel might have been holding
// some shared_ptr to WaveTracks keeping SampleBlocks alive.
// We're all done with the project file, so close it now
WaveTrackFactory::Destroy( project );
// Remove self from the global array, but defer destruction of self
auto pSelf = AllProjects{}.Remove( project );
wxASSERT( pSelf );
if (GetActiveProject() == &project) {
// Find a NEW active project
if ( !AllProjects{}.empty() ) {
else {
// Since we're going to be destroyed, make sure we're not to
// receive audio notifications anymore.
// PRL: Maybe all this is unnecessary now that the listener is managed
// by a weak pointer.
if ( gAudioIO->GetListener().get() == &ProjectAudioManager::Get( project ) ) {
auto active = GetActiveProject();
? ProjectAudioManager::Get( *active ).shared_from_this()
: nullptr
if (AllProjects{}.empty() && !AllProjects::Closing()) {
#if !defined(__WXMAC__)
if (quitOnClose) {
// Simulate the application Exit menu item
wxCommandEvent evt{ wxEVT_MENU, wxID_EXIT };
wxTheApp->AddPendingEvent( evt );
else {
sbWindowRectAlreadySaved = false;
// For non-Mac, always keep at least one project window open
(void) New();
// Destroys this
// PRL: I preserve this handler function for an event that was never sent, but
// I don't know the intention.
void ProjectManager::OnOpenAudioFile(wxCommandEvent & event)
const wxString &cmd = event.GetString();
if (!cmd.empty()) {
if (auto project = ProjectFileManager::Get( mProject ).OpenFile(cmd)) {
auto &window = GetProjectFrame( *project );
// static method, can be called outside of a project
void ProjectManager::OpenFiles(AudacityProject *proj)
auto selectedFiles =
if (selectedFiles.size() == 0) {
//first sort selectedFiles.
auto cleanup = finally( [] {
} );
for (const auto &fileName : selectedFiles) {
// Make sure it isn't already open.
if (ProjectFileManager::IsAlreadyOpen(fileName))
continue; // Skip ones that are already open.
// DMM: If the project is dirty, that means it's been touched at
// all, and it's not safe to open a NEW project directly in its
// place. Only if the project is brand-NEW clean and the user
// hasn't done any action at all is it safe for Open to take place
// inside the current project.
// If you try to Open a NEW project inside the current window when
// there are no tracks, but there's an Undo history, etc, then
// bad things can happen, including data files moving to the NEW
// project directory, etc.
if ( proj && (
ProjectHistory::Get( *proj ).GetDirty() ||
!TrackList::Get( *proj ).empty()
) )
proj = nullptr;
// This project is clean; it's never been touched. Therefore
// all relevant member variables are in their initial state,
// and it's okay to open a NEW project inside this window.
proj = OpenProject( proj, fileName );
AudacityProject *ProjectManager::OpenProject(
AudacityProject *pProject, const FilePath &fileNameArg, bool addtohistory)
bool success = false;
AudacityProject *pNewProject = nullptr;
if ( ! pProject )
pProject = pNewProject = New();
auto cleanup = finally( [&] {
if ( pNewProject )
GetProjectFrame( *pNewProject ).Close(true);
else if ( !success )
// Ensure that it happens here: don't wait for the application level
// exception handler, because the exception may be intercepted
// Any exception now continues propagating
} );
ProjectFileManager::Get( *pProject ).OpenFile( fileNameArg, addtohistory );
// The above didn't throw, so change what finally will do
success = true;
pNewProject = nullptr;
auto &projectFileIO = ProjectFileIO::Get( *pProject );
if( projectFileIO.IsRecovered() ) {
auto &window = ProjectWindow::Get( *pProject );
window.Zoom( window.GetZoomOfToFit() );
// "Project was recovered" replaces "Create new project" in Undo History.
auto &undoManager = UndoManager::Get( *pProject );
undoManager.RemoveStates(0, 1);
return pProject;
// This is done to empty out the tracks, but without creating a new project.
void ProjectManager::ResetProjectToEmpty() {
auto &project = mProject;
auto &projectFileIO = ProjectFileIO::Get( project );
auto &projectFileManager = ProjectFileManager::Get( project );
auto &projectHistory = ProjectHistory::Get( project );
auto &viewInfo = ViewInfo::Get( project );
SelectUtilities::DoSelectAll( project );
TrackUtilities::DoRemoveTracks( project );
WaveTrackFactory::Reset( project );
projectHistory.SetDirty( false );
auto &undoManager = UndoManager::Get( project );
void ProjectManager::RestartTimer()
if (mTimer) {
// mTimer->Stop(); // not really needed
mTimer->Start( 3000 ); // Update messages as needed once every 3 s.
void ProjectManager::OnTimer(wxTimerEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
auto &project = mProject;
auto &projectAudioIO = ProjectAudioIO::Get( project );
auto mixerToolBar = &MixerToolBar::Get( project );
auto gAudioIO = AudioIO::Get();
// gAudioIO->GetNumCaptureChannels() should only be positive
// when we are recording.
if (projectAudioIO.GetAudioIOToken() > 0 && gAudioIO->GetNumCaptureChannels() > 0) {
wxLongLong freeSpace = ProjectFileIO::Get(project).GetFreeDiskSpace();
if (freeSpace >= 0) {
int iRecordingMins = GetEstimatedRecordingMinsLeftOnDisk(gAudioIO->GetNumCaptureChannels());
auto sMessage = XO("Disk space remaining for recording: %s")
.Format( GetHoursMinsString(iRecordingMins) );
// Do not change mLastMainStatusMessage
SetStatusText(sMessage, mainStatusBarField);
// As also with the TrackPanel timer: wxTimer may be unreliable without
// some restarts
void ProjectManager::OnStatusChange( wxCommandEvent &evt )
auto &project = mProject;
// Be careful to null-check the window. We might get to this function
// during shut-down, but a timer hasn't been told to stop sending its
// messages yet.
auto pWindow = ProjectWindow::Find( &project );
if ( !pWindow )
auto &window = *pWindow;
auto field = static_cast<StatusBarField>( evt.GetInt() );
const auto &msg = ProjectStatus::Get( project ).Get( field );
SetStatusText( msg, field );
if ( field == mainStatusBarField )
// When recording, let the NEW status message stay at least as long as
// the timer interval (if it is not replaced again by this function),
// before replacing it with the message about remaining disk capacity.
void ProjectManager::SetStatusText( const TranslatableString &text, int number )
auto &project = mProject;
auto pWindow = ProjectWindow::Find( &project );
if ( !pWindow )
auto &window = *pWindow;
window.GetStatusBar()->SetStatusText(text.Translation(), number);
TranslatableString ProjectManager::GetHoursMinsString(int iMinutes)
if (iMinutes < 1)
// Less than a minute...
return XO("Less than 1 minute");
// Calculate
int iHours = iMinutes / 60;
int iMins = iMinutes % 60;
auto sHours = XP( "%d hour", "%d hours", 0 )( iHours );
auto sMins = XP( "%d minute", "%d minutes", 0 )( iMins );
/* i18n-hint: A time in hours and minutes. Only translate the "and". */
return XO("%s and %s.").Format( sHours, sMins );
// This routine will give an estimate of how many
// minutes of recording time we have available.
// The calculations made are based on the user's current
// preferences.
int ProjectManager::GetEstimatedRecordingMinsLeftOnDisk(long lCaptureChannels) {
auto &project = mProject;
// Obtain the current settings
auto oCaptureFormat = QualitySettings::SampleFormatChoice();
if (lCaptureChannels == 0)
lCaptureChannels = AudioIORecordChannels.Read();
// Find out how much free space we have on disk
wxLongLong lFreeSpace = ProjectFileIO::Get( project ).GetFreeDiskSpace();
if (lFreeSpace < 0) {
return 0;
// Calculate the remaining time
double dRecTime = 0.0;
double bytesOnDiskPerSample = SAMPLE_SIZE_DISK(oCaptureFormat);
dRecTime = lFreeSpace.GetHi() * 4294967296.0 + lFreeSpace.GetLo();
dRecTime /= bytesOnDiskPerSample;
dRecTime /= lCaptureChannels;
dRecTime /= ProjectSettings::Get( project ).GetRate();
// Convert to minutes before returning
int iRecMins = (int)round(dRecTime / 60.0);
return iRecMins;