
266 lines
7.1 KiB
Executable File

# Written by Dominic Mazzoni, 2006
# GNU General Public License 2.0
# This is a replacement for the GNU gettext "msgmerge" program, which
# is typically used to update a .po file (def) to the latest .pot file
# (ref). This program is not command-line compatible; it takes no
# flags but simply the def, ref, and output file names.
# It uses a much faster and also much stricter policy for finding new
# fuzzy matches: the edit-distance must be no more than 4%, or for very
# short strings, no more than 1 character.
# This makes it safe for you to enable fuzzy strings in your .mo file
# without worrying that they'll be too terrible.
# It also fixes translations where the beginning and ending newlines
# do not match the original string.
import sys, os
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print "Usage: %s def.po ref.pot out.po" % sys.argv[0]
def_filename = sys.argv[1]
ref_filename = sys.argv[2]
out_filename = sys.argv[3]
# Each object will contain the comments, msgid (untranslated),
# msgstr (translated), and a fuzzy flag. For simplicity this is
# not a typechecked class, just a dummy dynamic container class.
class obj:
# Compute the edit-distance between str1 and str2, taking a couple
# of shortcuts such that it returns 999 quickly if the edit-distance
# is clearly not going to be less than 10 percent.
def edit_distance(str1, str2):
l1 = len(str1)
l2 = len(str2)
# Exit if the difference in the string lenghts is 10% or more
if l1*1.0/l2 < 0.9 or l1*1.0/l2 > 1.1:
return 999
# Compute a beam width of +/- 5% - the path through the matrix cannot
# go outside the main diagonal +/- the beam.
beam = int(0.5 + 0.1 * ((l1 + l2) / 2))
# Create a 2D array
d = [None]*(l1+1)
for i in range(l1+1):
d[i] = [999]*(l2+1)
# Initialize the first row and column
for i in range(l1+1):
d[i][0] = i
for j in range(l2+1):
d[0][j] = j
# Dynamic programming
for i in range(1, l1+1):
# Quick short-circuit after 30 rows; stop if things are
# looking really bad
if i==30 and l2>=30 and d[29][29] > 20:
return 999
for j in range(max(1, i-beam), min(l2+1, i+beam+1)):
if str1[i-1] == str2[j-1]:
cost = 0
cost = 1
d[i][j] = min(
d[i-1][j] + 1, # deletion
d[i][j-1] + 1, # insertion
d[i-1][j-1] + cost # substitution
return d[l1][l2]
# Take a string and format it on a bunch of separate lines in quotes
def quote(str):
if str=="":
return "\"\"\n"
q = ""
p = str.find("\\n")
while p >= 0:
line = str[:p]
str = str[p+2:]
q += "\"%s\\n\"\n" % line
p = str.find("\\n")
if len(str) > 0:
q += "\"%s\"\n" % str
return q
# Take a bunch of separate lines in quotes and turn them into a single string
def unquote(str):
u = ""
for line in str.split("\n"):
line = line.strip()
if len(line)>=2:
if line[0]=='"' and line[-1]=='"':
u += line[1:-1]
print "Error with:"
print '**%s**' % line
return u
# Parse one file in the .po / .pot format, returning a hash of all
# msgids and a list of all msgids in order.
def parse(fname):
h = {}
l = []
msgid = ""
msgstr = ""
comments = ""
fuzzy = False
first = True
line_no = 0
# Read the lines of the file and make sure it always ends in a
# blank line
lines = open(fname).readlines()
for line in (lines + ["\n"]):
# Handle DOS line endings
if len(line)>=2 and line[-2]=='\r' and line[-1]=='\n':
line = line[:-2]+'\n'
line_no += 1
if line=="\n":
if len(msgid)==0 and not first:
# We found a blank line or comments in the middle of nowhere
comments = ""
fuzzy = False
msgstr = ""
# Otherwise, a blank line in the middle of the file
# signifies the end of a translation
msgid = unquote(msgid)
msgstr = unquote(msgstr)
if msgid in h:
print "Duplicate msgid in %s:" % (fname)
print quote(msgid)
print "Found on line %d, previously defined on line %d" % \
(line_no, h[msgid].line_no)
o = obj()
o.comments = comments
o.msgid = msgid
o.msgstr = msgstr
o.fuzzy = fuzzy
o.line_no = line_no
h[msgid] = o
comments = ""
msgstr = ""
msgid = ""
fuzzy = False
first = False
elif len(line)>=8 and line[:8] == "#, fuzzy":
fuzzy = True
comments += line
elif line[0] == '#':
comments += line
elif len(line)>6 and line[:6]=="msgid ":
msgid += line[6:]
elif len(line)>7 and line[:7]=="msgstr ":
msgstr += line[7:]
if len(msgstr):
msgstr += line
msgid += line
return (h, l)
(def_h, def_l) = parse(def_filename)
(ref_h, ref_l) = parse(ref_filename)
# Handle the exact matches
final_h = {}
for msgid in ref_l:
if msgid in def_h:
final_h[msgid] = def_h[msgid]
# Try for fuzzy matches
for ref_msgid in [x for x in ref_l if x not in final_h]:
min_ed = 999
min_msgid = None
for def_msgid in [x for x in def_l if x not in final_h]:
if len(def_h[def_msgid].msgstr) < 3:
ed = edit_distance(ref_msgid, def_msgid)
if ed < min_ed:
min_ed = ed
min_msgid = def_msgid
if min_msgid != None:
pct = min_ed * 100.0 / min(len(ref_msgid), len(min_msgid))
if min_ed == 1 or pct <= 4.0:
refstr = ref_msgid
if len(refstr)>40:
refstr = refstr[:37]+"..."
minstr = min_msgid
if len(minstr)>40:
minstr = minstr[:37]+"..."
print "Found fuzzy match:"
print " %s" % refstr
print " %s" % minstr
print " def_len=%d, ref_len=%d, edit_distance=%d" % \
(len(min_msgid), len(ref_msgid), min_ed)
o = obj()
o.msgid = ref_msgid
o.comments = ref_h[ref_msgid].comments
o.msgstr = def_h[min_msgid].msgstr
o.fuzzy = True
final_h[ref_msgid] = o
# Generate output file
translated = 0
fuzzy = 0
empty = 0
out_fp = open(out_filename, "w")
for msgid in ref_l:
if msgid in final_h:
o = final_h[msgid]
if o.fuzzy:
fuzzy += 1
elif msgid != "":
translated += 1
o = ref_h[msgid]
empty += 1
msgstr = o.msgstr
# Fix leading and trailing newlines
if len(msgid)>4 and len(msgstr)>4:
# Add newline if missing
if msgid[:2]=="\\n" and msgstr[:2]!="\\n":
msgstr = "\\n" + msgstr
if msgid[-2:]=="\\n" and msgstr[-2:]!="\\n":
msgstr = msgstr + "\\n"
# Remove newline if extraneous
if msgid[:2]!="\\n" and msgstr[:2]=="\\n":
msgstr = msgstr[2:]
if msgid[-2:]!="\\n" and msgstr[-2:]=="\\n":
msgstr = msgstr[:-2]
# Write the entry
if o.fuzzy and o.comments.find("fuzzy")==-1:
out_fp.write("#, fuzzy\n")
out_fp.write("msgid " + quote(msgid))
out_fp.write("msgstr " + quote(msgstr))
# Print stats
print "Translated: %d Fuzzy: %d Empty: %d" % (translated, fuzzy, empty)
print "Wrote output to %s" % out_filename