2011-04-25 00:37:15 +00:00

145 lines
3.4 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Steve Jolly
This class implements a tone generator effect.
#include "Generator.h"
#include "../widgets/TimeTextCtrl.h"
#include "../Experimental.h"
#include <wx/dialog.h>
class wxString;
class wxChoice;
class wxTextCtrl;
class ShuttleGui;
#define __UNINITIALIZED__ (-1)
class WaveTrack;
class EffectToneGen : public BlockGenerator {
// A 'Chirp' is a tone that changes in frequency.
EffectToneGen & EnableForChirps(){mbChirp=true;return *this;};
virtual wxString GetEffectName() {
return wxString(mbChirp? _("Chirp..."):_("Tone..."));
virtual std::set<wxString> GetEffectCategories() {
std::set<wxString> result;
return result;
virtual wxString GetEffectIdentifier() {
return wxString(mbChirp ? wxT("Chirp") : wxT("Tone"));
virtual wxString GetEffectAction() {
return wxString(mbChirp? _("Generating Chirp") : _("Generating Tone"));
// Useful only after PromptUser values have been set.
virtual wxString GetEffectDescription();
virtual bool PromptUser();
virtual bool TransferParameters( Shuttle & shuttle );
void GenerateBlock(float *data, const WaveTrack &track, sampleCount block);
void BeforeGenerate();
void BeforeTrack(const WaveTrack &track);
virtual bool MakeTone(float *buffer, sampleCount len);
bool mbChirp;
bool mbLogInterpolation;
double mPositionInCycles;
// If we made these static variables,
// Tone and Chirp would share the same parameters.
int waveform;
float frequency[2];
float amplitude[2];
float logFrequency[2];
double mCurRate;
int interpolation;
// mSample is an external placeholder to remember the last "buffer"
// position so we use it to reinitialize from where we left
sampleCount mSample;
// friendship ...
friend class ToneGenDialog;
// WDR: class declarations
// ToneGenDialog
class ToneGenDialog:public EffectDialog {
// constructors and destructors
ToneGenDialog(EffectToneGen * effect, wxWindow * parent, const wxString & title);
// WDR: method declarations
void PopulateOrExchange(ShuttleGui & S);
bool TransferDataToWindow();
bool TransferDataFromWindow();
void PopulateOrExchangeStandard(ShuttleGui & S);
void PopulateOrExchangeExtended(ShuttleGui & S);
void OnTimeCtrlUpdate(wxCommandEvent & event);
EffectToneGen *mEffect;
bool mbChirp;
wxArrayString *waveforms;
int waveform;
double frequency[2];
double amplitude[2];
double mDuration;
bool isSelection;
int interpolation;
wxArrayString *interpolations;
TimeTextCtrl *mToneDurationT;
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// version control system. Please do not modify past this point.
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