
624 lines
18 KiB
Executable File

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
James Crook
\file ModuleManager.cpp
\brief Based on LoadLadspa, this code loads pluggable Audacity
extension modules. It also has the code to (a) invoke a script
server and (b) invoke a function returning a replacement window,
i.e. an alternative to the usual interface, for Audacity.
#include "Audacity.h"
#include "ModuleManager.h"
#include "audacity/ModuleInterface.h"
#include "Experimental.h"
#include <wx/dynlib.h>
#include <wx/log.h>
#include <wx/string.h>
#include <wx/filename.h>
#include "FileNames.h"
#include "PluginManager.h"
#include "commands/ScriptCommandRelay.h"
#include "audacity/PluginInterface.h"
#include "Prefs.h"
#include "./prefs/ModulePrefs.h"
#include "widgets/MultiDialog.h"
#include "widgets/AudacityMessageBox.h"
#define initFnName "ExtensionModuleInit"
#define versionFnName "GetVersionString"
#define scriptFnName "RegScriptServerFunc"
#define mainPanelFnName "MainPanelFunc"
typedef wxWindow * pwxWindow;
typedef int (*tModuleInit)(int);
//typedef wxString (*tVersionFn)();
typedef wxChar * (*tVersionFn)();
typedef pwxWindow (*tPanelFn)(int);
// This variable will hold the address of a subroutine in
// a DLL that can hijack the normal panel.
static tPanelFn pPanelHijack=NULL;
// Next two commented out lines are handy when investigating
// strange DLL behaviour. Instead of dynamic linking,
// link the library which has the replacement panel statically.
// Give the address of the routine here.
// This is a great help in identifying missing
// symbols which otherwise cause a dll to unload after loading
// without an explanation as to why!
//extern wxWindow * MainPanelFunc( int i );
//tPanelFn pPanelHijack=&MainPanelFunc;
/// IF pPanelHijack has been found in a module DLL
/// THEN when this function is called we'll go and
/// create that window instead of the normal one.
wxWindow * MakeHijackPanel()
if( pPanelHijack == NULL )
return NULL;
return pPanelHijack(0);
// This variable will hold the address of a subroutine in a DLL that
// starts a thread and reads script commands.
static tpRegScriptServerFunc scriptFn;
Module::Module(const FilePath & name)
mName = name;
mLib = std::make_unique<wxDynamicLibrary>();
mDispatch = NULL;
bool Module::Load()
// Will this ever happen???
if (mLib->IsLoaded()) {
if (mDispatch) {
return true;
// Any messages should have already been generated the first time it was loaded.
return false;
auto ShortName = wxFileName(mName).GetName();
if (!mLib->Load(mName, wxDL_LAZY | wxDL_QUIET)) {
auto Error = wxString(wxSysErrorMsg());
AudacityMessageBox(XO("Unable to load the \"%s\" module.\n\nError: %s").Format(ShortName, Error),
XO("Module Unsuitable"));
wxLogMessage(wxT("Unable to load the module \"%s\". Error: %s"), mName, Error);
return false;
// Check version string matches. (For now, they must match exactly)
tVersionFn versionFn = (tVersionFn)(mLib->GetSymbol(wxT(versionFnName)));
if (versionFn == NULL){
XO("The module \"%s\" does not provide a version string.\n\nIt will not be loaded.")
.Format( ShortName),
XO("Module Unsuitable"));
wxLogMessage(wxT("The module \"%s\" does not provide a version string. It will not be loaded."), mName);
return false;
wxString moduleVersion = versionFn();
if( moduleVersion != AUDACITY_VERSION_STRING) {
XO("The module \"%s\" is matched with Audacity version \"%s\".\n\nIt will not be loaded.")
.Format(ShortName, moduleVersion),
XO("Module Unsuitable"));
wxLogMessage(wxT("The module \"%s\" is matched with Audacity version \"%s\". It will not be loaded."), mName, moduleVersion);
return false;
mDispatch = (fnModuleDispatch) mLib->GetSymbol(wxT(ModuleDispatchName));
if (!mDispatch) {
// Module does not provide a dispatch function. Special case modules like this could be:
// (a) for scripting (RegScriptServerFunc entry point)
// (b) for hijacking the entire Audacity panel (MainPanelFunc entry point)
return true;
// However if we do have it and it does not work,
// then the module is bad.
bool res = ((mDispatch(ModuleInitialize))!=0);
if (res) {
return true;
mDispatch = NULL;
XO("The module \"%s\" failed to initialize.\n\nIt will not be loaded.").Format(ShortName),
XO("Module Unsuitable"));
wxLogMessage(wxT("The module \"%s\" failed to initialize.\nIt will not be loaded."), mName);
return false;
// This isn't yet used?
void Module::Unload()
if (mLib->IsLoaded()) {
if (mDispatch)
int Module::Dispatch(ModuleDispatchTypes type)
if (mLib->IsLoaded())
if( mDispatch != NULL )
return mDispatch(type);
return 0;
void * Module::GetSymbol(const wxString &name)
return mLib->GetSymbol(name);
// ============================================================================
// ModuleManager
// ============================================================================
// The one and only ModuleManager
std::unique_ptr<ModuleManager> ModuleManager::mInstance{};
// Provide builtin modules a means to identify themselves
using BuiltinModuleList = std::vector<ModuleMain>;
namespace {
BuiltinModuleList &builtinModuleList()
static BuiltinModuleList theList;
return theList;
void RegisterBuiltinModule(ModuleMain moduleMain)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Creation/Destruction
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// static
void ModuleManager::Initialize(CommandHandler &cmdHandler)
const auto &audacityPathList = FileNames::AudacityPathList();
FilePaths pathList;
FilePaths files;
wxString pathVar;
size_t i;
// Code from LoadLadspa that might be useful in load modules.
pathVar = wxGetenv(wxT("AUDACITY_MODULES_PATH"));
if (!pathVar.empty())
FileNames::AddMultiPathsToPathList(pathVar, pathList);
for (i = 0; i < audacityPathList.size(); i++) {
wxString prefix = audacityPathList[i] + wxFILE_SEP_PATH;
FileNames::AddUniquePathToPathList(prefix + wxT("modules"),
if (files.size()) {
#if defined(__WXMSW__)
FileNames::FindFilesInPathList(wxT("*.dll"), pathList, files);
FileNames::FindFilesInPathList(wxT("*.so"), pathList, files);
FilePaths checked;
wxString saveOldCWD = ::wxGetCwd();
for (i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
// As a courtesy to some modules that might be bridges to
// open other modules, we set the current working
// directory to be the module's directory.
auto prefix = ::wxPathOnly(files[i]);
// Only process the first module encountered in the
// defined search sequence.
wxString ShortName = wxFileName( files[i] ).GetName();
if( checked.Index( ShortName, false ) != wxNOT_FOUND )
checked.Add( ShortName );
int iModuleStatus = ModulePrefs::GetModuleStatus( files[i] );
if( iModuleStatus == kModuleDisabled )
if( iModuleStatus == kModuleFailed )
// New module? You have to go and explicitly enable it.
if( iModuleStatus == kModuleNew ){
// To ensure it is noted in config file and so
// appears on modules page.
ModulePrefs::SetModuleStatus( files[i], kModuleNew);
if( iModuleStatus == kModuleAsk )
// JKC: I don't like prompting for the plug-ins individually
// I think it would be better to show the module prefs page,
// and let the user decide for each one.
auto msg = XO("Module \"%s\" found.").Format( ShortName );
msg += XO("\n\nOnly use modules from trusted sources");
const TranslatableStrings buttons{
XO("Yes"), XO("No"),
}; // could add a button here for 'yes and remember that', and put it into the cfg file. Needs more thought.
int action;
action = ShowMultiDialog(msg, XO("Audacity Module Loader"),
XO("Try and load this module?"),
// If we're not prompting always, accept the answer permanently
if( iModuleStatus == kModuleNew ){
iModuleStatus = (action==1)?kModuleDisabled : kModuleEnabled;
ModulePrefs::SetModuleStatus( files[i], iModuleStatus );
if(action == 1){ // "No"
// Before attempting to load, we set the state to bad.
// That way, if we crash, we won't try again.
ModulePrefs::SetModuleStatus( files[i], kModuleFailed );
auto umodule = std::make_unique<Module>(files[i]);
if (umodule->Load()) // it will get rejected if there are version problems
auto module = umodule.get();
// We've loaded and initialised OK.
// So look for special case functions:
wxLogNull logNo; // Don't show wxWidgets errors if we can't do these. (Was: Fix bug 544.)
// (a) for scripting.
if (scriptFn == NULL)
scriptFn = (tpRegScriptServerFunc)(module->GetSymbol(wxT(scriptFnName)));
// (b) for hijacking the entire Audacity panel.
if (pPanelHijack == NULL)
pPanelHijack = (tPanelFn)(module->GetSymbol(wxT(mainPanelFnName)));
if (!module->HasDispatch() && !scriptFn && !pPanelHijack)
auto ShortName = wxFileName(files[i]).GetName();
XO("The module \"%s\" does not provide any of the required functions.\n\nIt will not be loaded.").Format(ShortName),
XO("Module Unsuitable"));
wxLogMessage(wxT("The module \"%s\" does not provide any of the required functions. It will not be loaded."), files[i]);
// Loaded successfully, restore the status.
ModulePrefs::SetModuleStatus(files[i], iModuleStatus);
// After loading all the modules, we may have a registered scripting function.
// static
int ModuleManager::Dispatch(ModuleDispatchTypes type)
for (const auto &module: mModules) {
return 0;
// ============================================================================
// Return reference to singleton
// ( active threading during construction or after destruction)
// ============================================================================
ModuleManager & ModuleManager::Get()
if (!mInstance)
mInstance.reset(safenew ModuleManager);
return *mInstance;
bool ModuleManager::DiscoverProviders()
// The commented out code loads modules whether or not they are enabled.
// none of our modules is a 'provider' of effects, so this code commented out.
#if 0
FilePaths provList;
FilePaths pathList;
// Code from LoadLadspa that might be useful in load modules.
wxString pathVar = wxString::FromUTF8(getenv("AUDACITY_MODULES_PATH"));
if (!pathVar.empty())
FileNames::AddMultiPathsToPathList(pathVar, pathList);
FileNames::AddUniquePathToPathList(FileNames::ModulesDir(), pathList);
#if defined(__WXMSW__)
FileNames::FindFilesInPathList(wxT("*.dll"), pathList, provList);
#elif defined(__WXMAC__)
FileNames::FindFilesInPathList(wxT("*.dylib"), pathList, provList);
FileNames::FindFilesInPathList(wxT("*.so"), pathList, provList);
PluginManager & pm = PluginManager::Get();
for (int i = 0, cnt = provList.size(); i < cnt; i++)
ModuleInterface *module = LoadModule(provList[i]);
if (module)
// Register the provider
// Now, allow the module to auto-register children
return true;
void ModuleManager::InitializeBuiltins()
PluginManager & pm = PluginManager::Get();
for (auto moduleMain : builtinModuleList())
ModuleInterfaceHandle module {
moduleMain(nullptr), ModuleInterfaceDeleter{}
if (module->Initialize())
// Register the provider
ModuleInterface *pInterface = module.get();
const PluginID & id = pm.RegisterPlugin(pInterface);
// Need to remember it
mDynModules[id] = std::move(module);
// Allow the module to auto-register children
// Don't leak! Destructor of module does that.
ModuleInterface *ModuleManager::LoadModule(const PluginPath & path)
auto lib = std::make_unique<wxDynamicLibrary>();
if (lib->Load(path, wxDL_NOW))
bool success = false;
ModuleMain audacityMain = (ModuleMain) lib->GetSymbol(wxSTRINGIZE_T(MODULE_ENTRY),
if (success && audacityMain)
ModuleInterfaceHandle handle {
audacityMain(&path), ModuleInterfaceDeleter{}
if (handle)
if (handle->Initialize())
auto module = handle.get();
mDynModules[PluginManager::GetID(module)] = std::move(handle);
mLibs[module] = std::move(lib);
return module;
return NULL;
void ModuleInterfaceDeleter::operator() (ModuleInterface *pInterface) const
if (pInterface)
auto &libs = ModuleManager::Get().mLibs;
auto iter = libs.find(pInterface);
if (iter != libs.end())
libs.erase(iter); // This causes unloading in ~wxDynamicLibrary
std::unique_ptr < ModuleInterface > { pInterface }; // DELETE it
PluginPaths ModuleManager::FindPluginsForProvider(const PluginID & providerID,
const PluginPath & path)
// Instantiate if it hasn't already been done
if (mDynModules.find(providerID) == mDynModules.end())
// If it couldn't be created, just give up and return an empty list
if (!CreateProviderInstance(providerID, path))
return {};
return mDynModules[providerID]->FindPluginPaths(PluginManager::Get());
bool ModuleManager::RegisterEffectPlugin(const PluginID & providerID, const PluginPath & path, TranslatableString &errMsg)
errMsg = {};
if (mDynModules.find(providerID) == mDynModules.end())
return false;
auto nFound = mDynModules[providerID]->DiscoverPluginsAtPath(path, errMsg, PluginManagerInterface::DefaultRegistrationCallback);
return nFound > 0;
ModuleInterface *ModuleManager::CreateProviderInstance(const PluginID & providerID,
const PluginPath & path)
if (path.empty() && mDynModules.find(providerID) != mDynModules.end())
return mDynModules[providerID].get();
return LoadModule(path);
ComponentInterface *ModuleManager::CreateInstance(const PluginID & providerID,
const PluginPath & path)
if (mDynModules.find(providerID) == mDynModules.end())
return NULL;
return mDynModules[providerID]->CreateInstance(path);
void ModuleManager::DeleteInstance(const PluginID & providerID,
ComponentInterface *instance)
if (mDynModules.find(providerID) == mDynModules.end())
bool ModuleManager::IsProviderValid(const PluginID & WXUNUSED(providerID),
const PluginPath & path)
// Builtin modules do not have a path
if (path.empty())
return true;
wxFileName lib(path);
if (lib.FileExists() || lib.DirExists())
return true;
return false;
bool ModuleManager::IsPluginValid(const PluginID & providerID,
const PluginPath & path,
bool bFast)
if (mDynModules.find(providerID) == mDynModules.end())
return false;
return mDynModules[providerID]->IsPluginValid(path, bFast);