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Audacity - A Digital Audio Editor
Copyright 1999-2009 Audacity Team
File License: wxWidgets
Dan Horgan
\file BatchEvalCommand.cpp
\brief Contains definitions for the BatchEvalCommand class
#include "BatchEvalCommand.h"
#include "CommandContext.h"
#include "CommandDirectory.h"
#include "../Project.h"
static CommandDirectory::RegisterType sRegisterType{
ComponentInterfaceSymbol BatchEvalCommandType::BuildName()
return { wxT("BatchCommand"), XO("Batch Command") };
void BatchEvalCommandType::BuildSignature(CommandSignature &signature)
auto commandNameValidator = std::make_unique<DefaultValidator>();
signature.AddParameter(wxT("CommandName"), wxT(""), std::move(commandNameValidator));
auto paramValidator = std::make_unique<DefaultValidator>();
signature.AddParameter(wxT("ParamString"), wxT(""), std::move(paramValidator));
auto macroValidator = std::make_unique<DefaultValidator>();
signature.AddParameter(wxT("MacroName"), wxT(""), std::move(macroValidator));
OldStyleCommandPointer BatchEvalCommandType::Create( AudacityProject *project,
std::unique_ptr<CommandOutputTargets> && WXUNUSED(target))
return std::make_shared<BatchEvalCommand>(*project, *this);
bool BatchEvalCommand::Apply(const CommandContext & context)
// Uh oh, I need to build a catalog, expensively
// Maybe it can be built in one long-lived place and shared among command
// objects instead?
// The catalog though may change during a session, as it includes the
// names of macro commands - so the long-lived copy will need to
// be refreshed after macros are added/deleted.
MacroCommandsCatalog catalog(&context.project);
wxString macroName = GetString(wxT("MacroName"));
if (!macroName.empty())
MacroCommands batch{ context.project };
return batch.ApplyMacro(catalog);
auto cmdName = GetString(wxT("CommandName"));
wxString cmdParams = GetString(wxT("ParamString"));
auto iter = catalog.ByCommandId(cmdName);
const auto friendly = (iter == catalog.end())
? Verbatim( cmdName ) // Expose internal name to user, in default of a better one!
: iter->name.Msgid().Stripped();
// Create a Batch that will have just one command in it...
MacroCommands Batch{ context.project };
bool bResult = Batch.ApplyCommandInBatchMode(friendly, cmdName, cmdParams, &context);
// Relay messages, if any.
wxString Message = Batch.GetMessage();
if( !Message.empty() )
context.Status( Message );
return bResult;
{ }