
1550 lines
48 KiB

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
Brian Gunlogson
et al.
\file Menus.cpp
\brief Functions for building toobar menus and enabling and disabling items
\class MenuCreator
\brief MenuCreator is responsible for creating the main menu bar.
\class MenuManager
\brief MenuManager handles updates to menu state.
#include "Audacity.h" // for USE_* macros
#include "Menus.h"
#include "Experimental.h"
#include <wx/frame.h>
#include "Project.h"
#include "ProjectHistory.h"
#include "ProjectSettings.h"
#include "UndoManager.h"
#include "commands/CommandManager.h"
#include "prefs/TracksPrefs.h"
#include "toolbars/ToolManager.h"
#include "widgets/AudacityMessageBox.h"
#include "widgets/ErrorDialog.h"
#include <unordered_set>
#include <wx/menu.h>
#include <wx/windowptr.h>
static const AudacityProject::AttachedObjects::RegisteredFactory key{
[]( AudacityProject &project ){
return std::make_shared< MenuManager >( project ); }
MenuManager &MenuManager::Get( AudacityProject &project )
return project.AttachedObjects::Get< MenuManager >( key );
const MenuManager &MenuManager::Get( const AudacityProject &project )
return Get( const_cast< AudacityProject & >( project ) );
MenuManager::MenuManager( AudacityProject &project )
: mProject{ project }
mProject.Bind( EVT_UNDO_OR_REDO, &MenuManager::OnUndoRedo, this );
mProject.Bind( EVT_UNDO_RESET, &MenuManager::OnUndoRedo, this );
mProject.Bind( EVT_UNDO_PUSHED, &MenuManager::OnUndoRedo, this );
mProject.Unbind( EVT_UNDO_OR_REDO, &MenuManager::OnUndoRedo, this );
mProject.Unbind( EVT_UNDO_RESET, &MenuManager::OnUndoRedo, this );
mProject.Unbind( EVT_UNDO_PUSHED, &MenuManager::OnUndoRedo, this );
void MenuManager::UpdatePrefs()
bool bSelectAllIfNone;
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/SelectAllOnNone"), &bSelectAllIfNone, false);
// 0 is grey out, 1 is Autoselect, 2 is Give warnings.
// DA warns or greys out.
mWhatIfNoSelection = bSelectAllIfNone ? 2 : 0;
// Audacity autoselects or warns.
mWhatIfNoSelection = bSelectAllIfNone ? 1 : 2;
mStopIfWasPaused = true; // not configurable for now, but could be later.
/// Namespace for structures that go into building a menu
namespace Registry {
BaseItem::~BaseItem() {}
SharedItem::~SharedItem() {}
ComputedItem::~ComputedItem() {}
SingleItem::~SingleItem() {}
GroupItem::~GroupItem() {}
void Visitor::BeginGroup(GroupItem &, const Path &) {}
void Visitor::EndGroup(GroupItem &, const Path &) {}
void Visitor::Visit(SingleItem &, const Path &) {}
namespace MenuTable {
MenuItem::MenuItem( const wxString &internalName,
const TranslatableString &title_, BaseItemPtrs &&items_ )
: ConcreteGroupItem< false, MenuVisitor >{
internalName, std::move( items_ ) }, title{ title_ }
wxASSERT( !title.empty() );
MenuItem::~MenuItem() {}
const wxString &internalName, Condition condition_, BaseItemPtrs &&items_ )
: ConcreteGroupItem< false, MenuVisitor >{
internalName, std::move( items_ ) }, condition{ condition_ }
ConditionalGroupItem::~ConditionalGroupItem() {}
CommandItem::CommandItem(const CommandID &name_,
const TranslatableString &label_in_,
CommandFunctorPointer callback_,
CommandFlag flags_,
const CommandManager::Options &options_,
CommandHandlerFinder finder_)
: SingleItem{ name_ }, label_in{ label_in_ }
, finder{ finder_ }, callback{ callback_ }
, flags{ flags_ }, options{ options_ }
CommandItem::~CommandItem() {}
CommandGroupItem::CommandGroupItem(const wxString &name_,
std::vector< ComponentInterfaceSymbol > items_,
CommandFunctorPointer callback_,
CommandFlag flags_,
bool isEffect_,
CommandHandlerFinder finder_)
: SingleItem{ name_ }, items{ std::move(items_) }
, finder{ finder_ }, callback{ callback_ }
, flags{ flags_ }, isEffect{ isEffect_ }
CommandGroupItem::~CommandGroupItem() {}
SpecialItem::~SpecialItem() {}
CommandHandlerFinder FinderScope::sFinder =
[](AudacityProject &project) -> CommandHandlerObject & {
// If this default finder function is reached, then FinderScope should
// have been used somewhere, or an explicit CommandHandlerFinder passed
// to menu item constructors
wxASSERT( false );
return project;
namespace Registry {
void RegisterItem( GroupItem &registry, const Placement &placement,
BaseItemPtr pItem )
// Since registration determines only an unordered tree of menu items,
// we can sort children of each node lexicographically for our convenience.
BaseItemPtrs *pItems;
struct Comparator {
bool operator()
( const Identifier &component, const BaseItemPtr& pItem ) const {
return component < pItem->name; }
bool operator()
( const BaseItemPtr& pItem, const Identifier &component ) const {
return pItem->name < component; }
auto find = [&pItems]( const Identifier &component ){ return std::equal_range(
pItems->begin(), pItems->end(), component, Comparator() ); };
auto pNode = &registry;
pItems = &pNode->items;
auto pathComponents = ::wxSplit( placement.path, '/' );
auto pComponent = pathComponents.begin(), end = pathComponents.end();
// Descend the registry hierarchy, while groups matching the path components
// can be found
auto debugPath = wxString{'/'} +;
while ( pComponent != end ) {
const auto &pathComponent = *pComponent;
// Try to find an item already present that is a group item with the
// same name; we don't care which if there is more than one.
const auto range = find( pathComponent );
const auto iter2 = std::find_if( range.first, range.second,
[](const BaseItemPtr &pItem){
return dynamic_cast< GroupItem* >( pItem.get() ); } );
if ( iter2 != range.second ) {
// A matching group in the registry, so descend
pNode = static_cast< GroupItem* >( iter2->get() );
pItems = &pNode->items;
debugPath += '/' + pathComponent;
// Insert at this level;
// If there are no more path components, and a name collision of
// the added item with something already in the registry, don't resolve
// it yet in this function, but see MergeItems().
// Create path group items for remaining components
while ( pComponent != end ) {
auto newNode = std::make_unique<TransparentGroupItem<>>( *pComponent );
pNode = newNode.get();
pItems->insert( find( newNode->name ).second, std::move( newNode ) );
pItems = &pNode->items;
// Remember the hint, to be used later in merging.
pItem->orderingHint = placement.hint;
// Now insert the item.
pItems->insert( find( pItem->name ).second, std::move( pItem ) );
namespace {
const auto MenuPathStart = wxT("MenuBar");
struct ItemOrdering;
using namespace Registry;
struct CollectedItems
struct Item{
// Predefined, or merged from registry already:
BaseItem *visitNow;
// Corresponding item from the registry, its sub-items to be merged:
GroupItem *mergeLater;
// Ordering hint for the merged item:
OrderingHint hint;
std::vector< Item > items;
std::vector< BaseItemSharedPtr > &computedItems;
// A linear search. Smarter search may not be worth the effort.
using Iterator = decltype( items )::iterator;
auto Find( const Identifier &name ) -> Iterator
auto end = items.end();
return name.empty()
? end
: std::find_if( items.begin(), end,
[&]( const Item& item ){
return name == item.visitNow->name; } );
auto InsertNewItemUsingPreferences(
ItemOrdering &itemOrdering, BaseItem *pItem ) -> bool;
auto InsertNewItemUsingHint(
BaseItem *pItem, const OrderingHint &hint, size_t endItemsCount,
bool force )
-> bool;
auto MergeLater( Item &found, const Identifier &name ) -> GroupItem *;
auto SubordinateSingleItem( Item &found, BaseItem *pItem ) -> void;
auto SubordinateMultipleItems( Item &found, GroupItem *pItems ) -> void;
auto MergeWithExistingItem(
Visitor &visitor, ItemOrdering &itemOrdering, BaseItem *pItem ) -> bool;
using NewItem = std::pair< BaseItem*, OrderingHint >;
using NewItems = std::vector< NewItem >;
auto MergeLikeNamedItems(
Visitor &visitor, ItemOrdering &itemOrdering,
NewItems::const_iterator left, NewItems::const_iterator right,
int iPass, size_t endItemsCount, bool force )
-> bool;
auto MergeItemsAscendingNamesPass(
Visitor &visitor, ItemOrdering &itemOrdering,
NewItems &newItems, int iPass, size_t endItemsCount, bool force )
-> void;
auto MergeItemsDescendingNamesPass(
Visitor &visitor, ItemOrdering &itemOrdering,
NewItems &newItems, int iPass, size_t endItemsCount, bool force )
-> void;
auto MergeItems(
Visitor &visitor, ItemOrdering &itemOrdering,
const BaseItemPtrs &toMerge, const OrderingHint &hint ) -> void;
// When a computed or shared item, or nameless grouping, specifies a hint and
// the subordinate does not, propagate the hint.
const OrderingHint &ChooseHint(BaseItem *delegate, const OrderingHint &hint)
return !delegate || delegate->orderingHint.type == OrderingHint::Unspecified
? hint
: delegate->orderingHint;
// "Collection" of items is the first pass of visitation, and resolves
// delegation and delayed computation and splices transparent group nodes.
// This first pass is done at each group, starting with a top-level group.
// This pass does not descend to the leaves. Rather, the visitation passes
// alternate as the entire tree is recursively visited.
// forward declaration for mutually recursive functions
void CollectItem( Registry::Visitor &visitor,
CollectedItems &collection, BaseItem *Item, const OrderingHint &hint );
void CollectItems( Registry::Visitor &visitor,
CollectedItems &collection, const BaseItemPtrs &items,
const OrderingHint &hint )
for ( auto &item : items )
CollectItem( visitor, collection, item.get(),
ChooseHint( item.get(), hint ) );
void CollectItem( Registry::Visitor &visitor,
CollectedItems &collection, BaseItem *pItem, const OrderingHint &hint )
if (!pItem)
using namespace Registry;
if (const auto pShared =
dynamic_cast<SharedItem*>( pItem )) {
auto delegate = pShared->ptr.get();
if ( delegate )
// recursion
CollectItem( visitor, collection, delegate,
ChooseHint( delegate, pShared->orderingHint ) );
if (const auto pComputed =
dynamic_cast<ComputedItem*>( pItem )) {
auto result = pComputed->factory( visitor );
if (result) {
// Guarantee long enough lifetime of the result
collection.computedItems.push_back( result );
// recursion
CollectItem( visitor, collection, result.get(),
ChooseHint( result.get(), pComputed->orderingHint ) );
if (auto pGroup = dynamic_cast<GroupItem*>(pItem)) {
if (pGroup->Transparent() && pItem->name.empty())
// nameless grouping item is transparent to path calculations
// collect group members now
// recursion
visitor, collection, pGroup->items, ChooseHint( pGroup, hint ) );
// all other group items
// defer collection of members until collecting at next lower level
collection.items.push_back( {pItem, nullptr, hint} );
else {
wxASSERT( dynamic_cast<SingleItem*>(pItem) );
// common to all single items
collection.items.push_back( {pItem, nullptr, hint} );
using Path = std::vector< Identifier >;
std::unordered_set< wxString > sBadPaths;
void BadPath(
const TranslatableString &format, const wxString &key, const Identifier &name )
// Warn, but not more than once in a session for each bad path
auto badPath = key + '/' + name.GET();
if ( sBadPaths.insert( badPath ).second ) {
auto msg = TranslatableString{ format }.Format( badPath );
// debug message
wxLogDebug( msg.Translation() );
#ifdef IS_ALPHA
// user-visible message
AudacityMessageBox( msg );
void ReportGroupGroupCollision( const wxString &key, const Identifier &name )
XO("Plug-in group at %s was merged with a previously defined group"),
key, name);
void ReportItemItemCollision( const wxString &key, const Identifier &name )
XO("Plug-in item at %s conflicts with a previously defined item and was discarded"),
key, name);
void ReportConflictingPlacements( const wxString &key, const Identifier &name )
XO("Plug-in items at %s specify conflicting placements"),
key, name);
struct ItemOrdering {
wxString key;
ItemOrdering( const Path &path )
// The set of path names determines only an unordered tree.
// We want an ordering of the tree that is stable across runs.
// The last used ordering for this node can be found in preferences at this
// key:
wxArrayString strings;
for (const auto &id : path)
strings.push_back( id.GET() );
key = '/' + ::wxJoin( strings, '/', '\0' );
// Retrieve the old ordering on demand, if needed to merge something.
bool gotOrdering = false;
wxString strValue;
wxArrayString ordering;
auto Get() -> wxArrayString & {
if ( !gotOrdering ) {
gPrefs->Read(key, &strValue);
ordering = ::wxSplit( strValue, ',' );
gotOrdering = true;
return ordering;
// For each group node, this is called only in the first pass of merging of
// items. It might fail to place an item in the first visitation of a
// registry, but then succeed in later visitations in the same or later
// runs of the program, because of persistent side-effects on the
// preferences done at the very end of the visitation.
auto CollectedItems::InsertNewItemUsingPreferences(
ItemOrdering &itemOrdering, BaseItem *pItem )
-> bool
// Note that if more than one plug-in registers items under the same
// node, then it is not specified which plug-in is handled first,
// the first time registration happens. It might happen that you
// add a plug-in, run the program, then add another, then run again;
// registration order determined by those actions might not
// correspond to the order of re-loading of modules in later
// sessions. But whatever ordering is chosen the first time some
// plug-in is seen -- that ordering gets remembered in preferences.
if ( !pItem->name.empty() ) {
// Check saved ordering first, and rebuild that as well as is possible
auto &ordering = itemOrdering.Get();
auto begin2 = ordering.begin(), end2 = ordering.end(),
found2 = std::find( begin2, end2, pItem->name );
if ( found2 != end2 ) {
auto insertPoint = items.end();
// Find the next name in the saved ordering that is known already
// in the collection.
while ( ++found2 != end2 ) {
auto known = Find( *found2 );
if ( known != insertPoint ) {
insertPoint = known;
items.insert( insertPoint, {pItem, nullptr,
// Hints no longer matter:
{}} );
return true;
return false;
// For each group node, this may be called in the second and later passes
// of merging of items
auto CollectedItems::InsertNewItemUsingHint(
BaseItem *pItem, const OrderingHint &hint, size_t endItemsCount,
bool force ) -> bool
auto begin = items.begin(), end = items.end(),
insertPoint = end - endItemsCount;
// pItem should have a name; if not, ignore the hint, and put it at the
// default place, but only if in the final pass.
if ( pItem->name.empty() ) {
if ( !force )
return false;
else {
switch ( hint.type ) {
case OrderingHint::Before:
case OrderingHint::After: {
// Default to the end if the name is not found.
auto found = Find( );
if ( found == end ) {
if ( !force )
return false;
else {
insertPoint = found;
if ( hint.type == OrderingHint::After )
case OrderingHint::Begin:
insertPoint = begin;
case OrderingHint::End:
insertPoint = end;
case OrderingHint::Unspecified:
if ( force )
return false;
// Insert the item; the hint has been used and no longer matters
items.insert( insertPoint, {pItem, nullptr,
// Hints no longer matter:
{}} );
return true;
auto CollectedItems::MergeLater( Item &found, const Identifier &name )
-> GroupItem *
auto subGroup = found.mergeLater;
if ( !subGroup ) {
auto newGroup = std::make_shared<TransparentGroupItem<>>( name );
computedItems.push_back( newGroup );
subGroup = found.mergeLater = newGroup.get();
return subGroup;
auto CollectedItems::SubordinateSingleItem( Item &found, BaseItem *pItem )
-> void
MergeLater( found, pItem->name )->items.push_back(
// shared pointer with vacuous deleter
std::shared_ptr<BaseItem>( pItem, [](void*){} ) ) );
auto CollectedItems::SubordinateMultipleItems( Item &found, GroupItem *pItems )
-> void
auto subGroup = MergeLater( found, pItems->name );
for ( const auto &pItem : pItems->items )
subGroup->items.push_back( std::make_unique<SharedItem>(
// shared pointer with vacuous deleter
std::shared_ptr<BaseItem>( pItem.get(), [](void*){} ) ) );
auto CollectedItems::MergeWithExistingItem(
Visitor &visitor, ItemOrdering &itemOrdering, BaseItem *pItem ) -> bool
// Assume no null pointers remain after CollectItems:
const auto &name = pItem->name;
const auto found = Find( name );
if (found != items.end()) {
// Collision of names between collection and registry!
// There are 2 * 2 = 4 cases, as each of the two are group items or
// not.
auto pCollectionGroup = dynamic_cast< GroupItem * >( found->visitNow );
auto pRegistryGroup = dynamic_cast< GroupItem * >( pItem );
if (pCollectionGroup) {
if (pRegistryGroup) {
// This is the expected case of collision.
// Subordinate items from one of the groups will be merged in
// another call to MergeItems at a lower level of path.
// Note, however, that at most one of the two should be other
// than a plain grouping item; if not, we must lose the extra
// information carried by one of them.
bool pCollectionGrouping = pCollectionGroup->Transparent();
auto pRegistryGrouping = pRegistryGroup->Transparent();
if ( !(pCollectionGrouping || pRegistryGrouping) )
ReportGroupGroupCollision( itemOrdering.key, name );
if ( pCollectionGrouping && !pRegistryGrouping ) {
// Swap their roles
found->visitNow = pRegistryGroup;
SubordinateMultipleItems( *found, pCollectionGroup );
SubordinateMultipleItems( *found, pRegistryGroup );
else {
// Registered non-group item collides with a previously defined
// group.
// Resolve this by subordinating the non-group item below
// that group.
SubordinateSingleItem( *found, pItem );
else {
if (pRegistryGroup) {
// Subordinate the previously merged single item below the
// newly merged group.
// In case the name occurred in two different static registries,
// the final merge is the same, no matter which is treated first.
auto demoted = found->visitNow;
found->visitNow = pRegistryGroup;
SubordinateSingleItem( *found, demoted );
// Collision of non-group items is the worst case!
// The later-registered item is lost.
// Which one you lose might be unpredictable when both originate
// from static registries.
ReportItemItemCollision( itemOrdering.key, name );
return true;
// A name is registered that is not known in the collection.
return false;
auto CollectedItems::MergeLikeNamedItems(
Visitor &visitor, ItemOrdering &itemOrdering,
NewItems::const_iterator left, NewItems::const_iterator right,
const int iPass, size_t endItemsCount, bool force )
-> bool
// Try to place the first item of the range.
// If such an item is a group, then we always retain the kind of
// grouping that was registered. (Which doesn't always happen when
// there is name collision in MergeWithExistingItem.)
auto iter = left;
auto &item = *iter;
auto pItem = item.first;
const auto &hint = item.second;
bool success = true;
if ( iPass == -1 )
// A first pass consults preferences.
success = InsertNewItemUsingPreferences( itemOrdering, pItem );
else {
// Later passes for choosing placements.
// Maybe it fails in this pass, because a placement refers to some
// other name that has not yet been placed.
success = ( iPass == hint.type ) &&
InsertNewItemUsingHint( pItem, hint, endItemsCount, force );
wxASSERT( !force || success );
if ( success ) {
// Resolve collisions among remaining like-named items.
if ( iter != right && iPass != 0 &&
iter->second.type != OrderingHint::Unspecified &&
!( iter->second == hint ) ) {
// A diagnostic message sometimes
ReportConflictingPlacements( itemOrdering.key, pItem->name );
while ( iter != right )
// Re-invoke MergeWithExistingItem for this item, which is known
// to have a name collision, so ignore the return value.
MergeWithExistingItem( visitor, itemOrdering, iter++ -> first );
return success;
inline bool MajorComp(
const CollectedItems::NewItem &a, const CollectedItems::NewItem &b) {
// Descending sort!
return a.first->name > b.first->name;
inline bool MinorComp(
const CollectedItems::NewItem &a, const CollectedItems::NewItem &b){
// Sort by hint type.
// This sorts items with unspecified hints last.
return a.second < b.second;
inline bool Comp(
const CollectedItems::NewItem &a, const CollectedItems::NewItem &b){
if ( MajorComp( a, b ) )
return true;
if ( MajorComp( b, a ) )
return false;
return MinorComp( a, b );
auto CollectedItems::MergeItemsAscendingNamesPass(
Visitor &visitor, ItemOrdering &itemOrdering, NewItems &newItems,
const int iPass, size_t endItemsCount, bool force ) -> void
// Inner loop over ranges of like-named items.
auto rright = newItems.rbegin();
auto rend = newItems.rend();
while ( rright != rend ) {
// Find the range
using namespace std::placeholders;
auto rleft = std::find_if(
rright + 1, rend, std::bind( MajorComp, _1, *rright ) );
bool success = MergeLikeNamedItems(
visitor, itemOrdering, rleft.base(), rright.base(), iPass,
endItemsCount, force );
if ( success )
newItems.erase( rleft.base(), rright.base() );
rright = rleft;
auto CollectedItems::MergeItemsDescendingNamesPass(
Visitor &visitor, ItemOrdering &itemOrdering, NewItems &newItems,
const int iPass, size_t endItemsCount, bool force ) -> void
// Inner loop over ranges of like-named items.
auto left = newItems.begin();
auto end = newItems.end();
while ( left != end ) {
// Find the range
using namespace std::placeholders;
auto right = std::find_if(
left + 1, end, std::bind( MajorComp, *left, _1 ) );
bool success = MergeLikeNamedItems(
visitor, itemOrdering, left, right, iPass,
endItemsCount, force );
if ( success )
left = newItems.erase( left, right );
left = right;
auto CollectedItems::MergeItems(
Visitor &visitor, ItemOrdering &itemOrdering,
const BaseItemPtrs &toMerge, const OrderingHint &hint ) -> void
// First do expansion of nameless groupings, and caching of computed
// items, just as for the previously collected items.
CollectedItems newCollection{ {}, computedItems };
CollectItems( visitor, newCollection, toMerge, hint );
// Try to merge each, resolving name collisions with items already in the
// tree, and collecting those with names that don't collide.
NewItems newItems;
for ( const auto &item : newCollection.items )
if ( !MergeWithExistingItem( visitor, itemOrdering, item.visitNow ) )
newItems.push_back( { item.visitNow, item.hint } );
// Choose placements for items with NEW names.
// First sort so that like named items are together, and for the same name,
// items with more specific ordering hints come earlier.
std::sort( newItems.begin(), newItems.end(), Comp );
// Outer loop over trial passes.
int iPass = -1;
bool force = false;
size_t oldSize = 0;
size_t endItemsCount = 0;
auto prevSize = items.size();
while( !newItems.empty() )
// If several items have the same hint, we try to preserve the sort by
// name (an internal identifier, not necessarily user visible), just to
// have some determinacy. That requires passing one or the other way
// over newItems.
bool descending =
( iPass == OrderingHint::After || iPass == OrderingHint::Begin );
if ( descending )
visitor, itemOrdering, newItems, iPass, endItemsCount, force );
visitor, itemOrdering, newItems, iPass, endItemsCount, force );
auto newSize = newItems.size();
if ( iPass == 0 )
// Just tried insertion by preferences. Don't try it again.
oldSize = newSize;
else if ( iPass == OrderingHint::Unspecified ) {
if ( !force ) {
// Are we really ready for the final pass?
bool progress = ( oldSize > newSize );
if ( progress )
// No. While some progress is made, don't force final placements.
// Retry Before and After hints.
iPass = 0, oldSize = newSize;
force = true;
else if ( iPass == OrderingHint::End && endItemsCount == 0 )
// Remember the size before we put the ending items in place
endItemsCount = newSize - prevSize;
prevSize = newSize;
// forward declaration for mutually recursive functions
void VisitItem(
Registry::Visitor &visitor, CollectedItems &collection,
Path &path, BaseItem *pItem,
GroupItem *pToMerge, const OrderingHint &hint,
bool &doFlush );
void VisitItems(
Registry::Visitor &visitor, CollectedItems &collection,
Path &path, GroupItem *pGroup,
GroupItem *pToMerge, const OrderingHint &hint,
bool &doFlush )
// Make a NEW collection for this subtree, sharing the memo cache
CollectedItems newCollection{ {}, collection.computedItems };
// Gather items at this level
// (The ordering hint is irrelevant when not merging items in)
CollectItems( visitor, newCollection, pGroup->items, {} );
path.push_back( pGroup->name.GET() );
// Merge with the registry
if ( pToMerge )
ItemOrdering itemOrdering{ path };
newCollection.MergeItems( visitor, itemOrdering, pToMerge->items, hint );
// Remember the NEW ordering, if there was any need to use the old.
// This makes a side effect in preferences.
if ( itemOrdering.gotOrdering ) {
wxString newValue;
for ( const auto &item : newCollection.items ) {
const auto &name = item.visitNow->name;
if ( !name.empty() )
newValue += newValue.empty()
? name.GET()
: ',' + name.GET();
if (newValue != itemOrdering.strValue) {
gPrefs->Write( itemOrdering.key, newValue );
doFlush = true;
// Now visit them
for ( const auto &item : newCollection.items )
VisitItem( visitor, collection, path,
item.visitNow, item.mergeLater, item.hint,
doFlush );
void VisitItem(
Registry::Visitor &visitor, CollectedItems &collection,
Path &path, BaseItem *pItem,
GroupItem *pToMerge, const OrderingHint &hint,
bool &doFlush )
if (!pItem)
if (const auto pSingle =
dynamic_cast<SingleItem*>( pItem )) {
wxASSERT( !pToMerge );
visitor.Visit( *pSingle, path );
if (const auto pGroup =
dynamic_cast<GroupItem*>( pItem )) {
visitor.BeginGroup( *pGroup, path );
// recursion
visitor, collection, path, pGroup, pToMerge, hint, doFlush );
visitor.EndGroup( *pGroup, path );
wxASSERT( false );
namespace Registry {
void Visit( Visitor &visitor, BaseItem *pTopItem, GroupItem *pRegistry )
std::vector< BaseItemSharedPtr > computedItems;
bool doFlush = false;
CollectedItems collection{ {}, computedItems };
Path emptyPath;
visitor, collection, emptyPath, pTopItem,
pRegistry, pRegistry->orderingHint, doFlush );
// Flush any writes done by MergeItems()
if (doFlush)
/// CreateMenusAndCommands builds the menus, and also rebuilds them after
/// changes in configured preferences - for example changes in key-bindings
/// affect the short-cut key legend that appears beside each command,
MenuTable::BaseItemSharedPtr FileMenu();
MenuTable::BaseItemSharedPtr EditMenu();
MenuTable::BaseItemSharedPtr SelectMenu();
MenuTable::BaseItemSharedPtr ViewMenu();
MenuTable::BaseItemSharedPtr TransportMenu();
MenuTable::BaseItemSharedPtr TracksMenu();
MenuTable::BaseItemSharedPtr GenerateMenu();
MenuTable::BaseItemSharedPtr EffectMenu();
MenuTable::BaseItemSharedPtr AnalyzeMenu();
MenuTable::BaseItemSharedPtr ToolsMenu();
MenuTable::BaseItemSharedPtr WindowMenu();
MenuTable::BaseItemSharedPtr ExtraMenu();
MenuTable::BaseItemSharedPtr HelpMenu();
namespace {
static Registry::GroupItem &sRegistry()
static Registry::TransparentGroupItem<> registry{ MenuPathStart };
return registry;
const Placement &placement, BaseItemPtr pItem )
Registry::RegisterItem( sRegistry(), placement, std::move( pItem ) );
// Table of menu factories.
// TODO: devise a registration system instead.
static const auto menuTree = MenuTable::Items( MenuPathStart
, FileMenu()
, EditMenu()
, SelectMenu()
, ViewMenu()
, TransportMenu()
, TracksMenu()
, GenerateMenu()
, EffectMenu()
, AnalyzeMenu()
, ToolsMenu()
, WindowMenu()
, ExtraMenu()
, HelpMenu()
namespace {
using namespace MenuTable;
struct MenuItemVisitor : MenuVisitor
MenuItemVisitor( AudacityProject &proj, CommandManager &man )
: MenuVisitor(proj), manager( man ) {}
void BeginGroup( GroupItem &item, const Path& ) override
auto pItem = &item;
if (const auto pMenu =
dynamic_cast<MenuItem*>( pItem )) {
manager.BeginMenu( pMenu->title );
if (const auto pConditionalGroup =
dynamic_cast<ConditionalGroupItem*>( pItem )) {
const auto flag = pConditionalGroup->condition();
if (!flag)
// to avoid repeated call of condition predicate in EndGroup():
if ( pItem->Transparent() ) {
if ( const auto pGroup = dynamic_cast<MenuSection*>( pItem ) ) {
wxASSERT( false );
void EndGroup( GroupItem &item, const Path& ) override
auto pItem = &item;
if (const auto pMenu =
dynamic_cast<MenuItem*>( pItem )) {
if (const auto pConditionalGroup =
dynamic_cast<ConditionalGroupItem*>( pItem )) {
const bool flag = flags.back();
if (!flag)
if ( pItem->Transparent() ) {
if ( const auto pGroup = dynamic_cast<MenuSection*>( pItem ) ) {
wxASSERT( false );
void Visit( SingleItem &item, const Path& ) override
const auto pCurrentMenu = manager.CurrentMenu();
if ( !pCurrentMenu ) {
// There may have been a mistake in the placement hint that registered
// this single item. It's not within any menu.
wxASSERT( false );
auto pItem = &item;
if (const auto pCommand =
dynamic_cast<CommandItem*>( pItem )) {
manager.AddItem( project,
pCommand->name, pCommand->label_in,
pCommand->finder, pCommand->callback,
pCommand->flags, pCommand->options
if (const auto pCommandList =
dynamic_cast<CommandGroupItem*>( pItem ) ) {
pCommandList->, pCommandList->items.size(),
pCommandList->finder, pCommandList->callback,
pCommandList->flags, pCommandList->isEffect);
if (const auto pSpecial =
dynamic_cast<SpecialItem*>( pItem )) {
wxASSERT( pCurrentMenu );
pSpecial->fn( project, *pCurrentMenu );
wxASSERT( false );
CommandManager &manager;
std::vector<bool> flags;
void MenuCreator::CreateMenusAndCommands(AudacityProject &project)
auto &commandManager = CommandManager::Get( project );
// The list of defaults to exclude depends on
// preference wxT("/GUI/Shortcuts/FullDefaults"), which may have changed.
auto menubar = commandManager.AddMenuBar(wxT("appmenu"));
MenuItemVisitor visitor{ project, commandManager };
MenuManager::Visit( visitor );
GetProjectFrame( project ).SetMenuBar(menubar.release());
mLastFlags = AlwaysEnabledFlag;
#if defined(__WXDEBUG__)
// c->CheckDups();
void MenuManager::Visit( MenuVisitor &visitor )
Registry::Visit( visitor, menuTree.get(), &sRegistry() );
// TODO: This surely belongs in CommandManager?
void MenuManager::ModifyUndoMenuItems(AudacityProject &project)
TranslatableString desc;
auto &undoManager = UndoManager::Get( project );
auto &commandManager = CommandManager::Get( project );
int cur = undoManager.GetCurrentState();
if (undoManager.UndoAvailable()) {
undoManager.GetShortDescription(cur, &desc);
XO("&Undo %s").Format( desc ));
ProjectHistory::Get( project ).UndoAvailable());
else {
if (undoManager.RedoAvailable()) {
undoManager.GetShortDescription(cur+1, &desc);
XO("&Redo %s").Format( desc));
ProjectHistory::Get( project ).RedoAvailable());
else {
commandManager.Enable(wxT("Redo"), false);
// Get hackcess to a protected method
class wxFrameEx : public wxFrame
using wxFrame::DetachMenuBar;
void MenuCreator::RebuildMenuBar(AudacityProject &project)
// On OSX, we can't rebuild the menus while a modal dialog is being shown
// since the enabled state for menus like Quit and Preference gets out of
// sync with wxWidgets idea of what it should be.
#if defined(__WXMAC__) && defined(__WXDEBUG__)
wxDialog *dlg =
wxDynamicCast(wxGetTopLevelParent(wxWindow::FindFocus()), wxDialog);
wxASSERT((!dlg || !dlg->IsModal()));
// Delete the menus, since we will soon recreate them.
// Rather oddly, the menus don't vanish as a result of doing this.
auto &window = static_cast<wxFrameEx&>( GetProjectFrame( project ) );
wxWindowPtr<wxMenuBar> menuBar{ window.GetMenuBar() };
// menuBar gets deleted here
CommandManager::Get( project ).PurgeData();
void MenuManager::OnUndoRedo( wxCommandEvent &evt )
ModifyUndoMenuItems( mProject );
using Predicates = std::vector< ReservedCommandFlag::Predicate >;
Predicates &RegisteredPredicates()
static Predicates thePredicates;
return thePredicates;
std::vector< CommandFlagOptions > &Options()
static std::vector< CommandFlagOptions > options;
return options;
const Predicate &predicate, const CommandFlagOptions &options )
static size_t sNextReservedFlag = 0;
// This will throw std::out_of_range if the constant NCommandFlags is too
// small
set( sNextReservedFlag++ );
RegisteredPredicates().emplace_back( predicate );
Options().emplace_back( options );
CommandFlag MenuManager::GetUpdateFlags( bool checkActive ) const
// This method determines all of the flags that determine whether
// certain menu items and commands should be enabled or disabled,
// and returns them in a bitfield. Note that if none of the flags
// have changed, it's not necessary to even check for updates.
// static variable, used to remember flags for next time.
static CommandFlag lastFlags;
CommandFlag flags, quickFlags;
const auto &options = Options();
size_t ii = 0;
for ( const auto &predicate : RegisteredPredicates() ) {
if ( options[ii].quickTest ) {
quickFlags[ii] = true;
if( predicate( mProject ) )
flags[ii] = true;
if ( checkActive && !GetProjectFrame( mProject ).IsActive() )
// quick 'short-circuit' return.
flags = (lastFlags & ~quickFlags) | flags;
else {
ii = 0;
for ( const auto &predicate : RegisteredPredicates() ) {
if ( !options[ii].quickTest && predicate( mProject ) )
flags[ii] = true;
lastFlags = flags;
return flags;
void MenuManager::ModifyAllProjectToolbarMenus()
for (auto pProject : AllProjects{}) {
auto &project = *pProject;
void MenuManager::ModifyToolbarMenus(AudacityProject &project)
// Refreshes can occur during shutdown and the toolmanager may already
// be deleted, so protect against it.
auto &toolManager = ToolManager::Get( project );
auto &commandManager = CommandManager::Get( project );
auto &settings = ProjectSettings::Get( project );
// Now, go through each toolbar, and call EnableDisableButtons()
for (int i = 0; i < ToolBarCount; i++) {
auto bar = toolManager.GetToolBar(i);
if (bar)
// These don't really belong here, but it's easier and especially so for
// the Edit toolbar and the sync-lock menu item.
bool active;
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/SoundActivatedRecord"),&active, false);
commandManager.Check(wxT("SoundActivation"), active);
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/AutomatedInputLevelAdjustment"),&active, false);
commandManager.Check(wxT("AutomatedInputLevelAdjustmentOnOff"), active);
active = TracksPrefs::GetPinnedHeadPreference();
commandManager.Check(wxT("PinnedHead"), active);
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/Duplex"),&active, false);
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/Duplex"),&active, true);
commandManager.Check(wxT("Overdub"), active);
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/SWPlaythrough"),&active, false);
commandManager.Check(wxT("SWPlaythrough"), active);
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/SyncLockTracks"), &active, false);
commandManager.Check(wxT("SyncLock"), active);
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/TypeToCreateLabel"),&active, false);
commandManager.Check(wxT("TypeToCreateLabel"), active);
using MenuItemEnablers = std::vector<MenuItemEnabler>;
MenuItemEnablers &Enablers()
static MenuItemEnablers enablers;
return enablers;
const MenuItemEnabler &enabler )
Enablers().emplace_back( enabler );
// checkActive is a temporary hack that should be removed as soon as we
// get multiple effect preview working
void MenuManager::UpdateMenus( bool checkActive )
auto &project = mProject;
auto flags = GetUpdateFlags(checkActive);
// Return from this function if nothing's changed since
// the last time we were here.
if (flags == mLastFlags)
mLastFlags = flags;
auto flags2 = flags;
// We can enable some extra items if we have select-all-on-none.
//EXPLAIN-ME: Why is this here rather than in GetUpdateFlags()?
//ANSWER: Because flags2 is used in the menu enable/disable.
//The effect still needs flags to determine whether it will need
//to actually do the 'select all' to make the command valid.
for ( const auto &enabler : Enablers() ) {
auto actual = enabler.actualFlags();
if (
enabler.applicable( project ) && (flags & actual) == actual
flags2 |= enabler.possibleFlags();
auto &commandManager = CommandManager::Get( project );
// With select-all-on-none, some items that we don't want enabled may have
// been enabled, since we changed the flags. Here we manually disable them.
// 0 is grey out, 1 is Autoselect, 2 is Give warnings.
flags2, // the "lax" flags
(mWhatIfNoSelection == 0 ? flags2 : flags) // the "strict" flags
/// The following method moves to the previous track
/// selecting and unselecting depending if you are on the start of a
/// block or not.
void MenuCreator::RebuildAllMenuBars()
for( auto p : AllProjects{} ) {
#if defined(__WXGTK__)
// Workaround for:
// This workaround should be removed when Audacity updates to wxWidgets 3.x which has a fix.
auto &window = GetProjectFrame( *p );
wxRect r = window.GetRect();
bool MenuManager::ReportIfActionNotAllowed(
const TranslatableString & Name, CommandFlag & flags, CommandFlag flagsRqd )
auto &project = mProject;
bool bAllowed = TryToMakeActionAllowed( flags, flagsRqd );
if( bAllowed )
return true;
auto &cm = CommandManager::Get( project );
TellUserWhyDisallowed( Name, flags & flagsRqd, flagsRqd);
return false;
/// Determines if flags for command are compatible with current state.
/// If not, then try some recovery action to make it so.
/// @return whether compatible or not after any actions taken.
bool MenuManager::TryToMakeActionAllowed(
CommandFlag & flags, CommandFlag flagsRqd )
auto &project = mProject;
if( flags.none() )
flags = GetUpdateFlags();
// Visit the table of recovery actions
auto &enablers = Enablers();
auto iter = enablers.begin(), end = enablers.end();
while ((flags & flagsRqd) != flagsRqd && iter != end) {
const auto &enabler = *iter;
auto actual = enabler.actualFlags();
auto MissingFlags = (~flags & flagsRqd);
if (
// Do we have the right precondition?
(flags & actual) == actual
// Can we get the condition we need?
(MissingFlags & enabler.possibleFlags()).any()
) {
// Then try the function
enabler.tryEnable( project, flagsRqd );
flags = GetUpdateFlags();
return (flags & flagsRqd) == flagsRqd;
void MenuManager::TellUserWhyDisallowed(
const TranslatableString & Name, CommandFlag flagsGot, CommandFlag flagsRequired )
// The default string for 'reason' is a catch all. I hope it won't ever be seen
// and that we will get something more specific.
auto reason = XO("There was a problem with your last action. If you think\nthis is a bug, please tell us exactly where it occurred.");
// The default title string is 'Disallowed'.
auto untranslatedTitle = XO("Disallowed");
wxString helpPage;
bool enableDefaultMessage = true;
bool defaultMessage = true;
auto doOption = [&](const CommandFlagOptions &options) {
if ( options.message ) {
reason = options.message( Name );
defaultMessage = false;
if ( !options.title.empty() )
untranslatedTitle = options.title;
helpPage = options.helpPage;
return true;
else {
enableDefaultMessage =
enableDefaultMessage && options.enableDefaultMessage;
return false;
const auto &alloptions = Options();
auto missingFlags = flagsRequired & ~flagsGot;
// Find greatest priority
unsigned priority = 0;
for ( const auto &options : alloptions )
priority = std::max( priority, options.priority );
// Visit all unsatisfied conditions' options, by descending priority,
// stopping when we find a message
while( priority-- ) {
size_t ii = 0;
for ( const auto &options : alloptions ) {
if (
priority == options.priority
doOption( options ) )
goto done;
if (
// didn't find a message
// did find a condition that suppresses the default message
// Does not have the warning icon...