
184 lines
4.6 KiB

#include "../Audacity.h"
#include "../commands/CommandManager.h"
// This file collects a few things specific to Mac and requiring some
// Objective-C++ . Avoid mixing languages elsewhere.
#ifdef __WXMAC__
#include "../CommonCommandFlags.h"
#include "../Menus.h"
#include "../Project.h"
#include "../commands/CommandContext.h"
#include <wx/frame.h>
#undef USE_COCOA
#ifdef USE_COCOA
#include <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#include <wx/osx/private.h>
#include <AppKit/NSApplication.h>
#include <objc/objc.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
// private helper classes and functions
namespace {
void DoMacMinimize(AudacityProject *project)
if (project) {
auto window = &GetProjectFrame( *project );
#ifdef USE_COCOA
// Adapted from in wxWidgets 3.0.2
auto peer = window->GetPeer();
auto widget = static_cast<wxWidgetCocoaImpl*>(peer)->GetWXWidget();
auto nsWindow = [widget window];
if (nsWindow) {
[nsWindow performMiniaturize:widget];
// So that the Minimize menu command disables
/// Namespace for functions for window management (mac only?)
namespace WindowActions {
// exported helper functions
// none
// Menu handler functions
struct Handler : CommandHandlerObject {
void OnMacMinimize(const CommandContext &context)
void OnMacZoom(const CommandContext &context)
auto window = &GetProjectFrame( context.project );
auto topWindow = static_cast<wxTopLevelWindow*>(window);
auto maximized = topWindow->IsMaximized();
if (window) {
#ifdef USE_COCOA
// Adapted from in wxWidgets 3.0.2
auto peer = window->GetPeer();
auto widget = static_cast<wxWidgetCocoaImpl*>(peer)->GetWXWidget();
auto nsWindow = [widget window];
if (nsWindow)
[nsWindow performZoom:widget];
void OnMacBringAllToFront(const CommandContext &)
// Reall this de-miniaturizes all, which is not exactly the standard
// behavior.
for (const auto project : AllProjects{})
GetProjectFrame( *project ).Raise();
void OnMacMinimizeAll(const CommandContext &)
for (const auto project : AllProjects{}) {
}; // struct Handler
} // namespace
static CommandHandlerObject &findCommandHandler(AudacityProject &) {
// Handler is not stateful. Doesn't need a factory registered with
// AudacityProject.
static WindowActions::Handler instance;
return instance;
// Menu definitions
#define FN(X) (& WindowActions::Handler :: X)
// Under /MenuBar
MenuTable::BaseItemSharedPtr WindowMenu()
// poor imitation of the Mac Windows Menu
using namespace MenuTable;
static BaseItemSharedPtr menu{
( FinderScope{ findCommandHandler },
Menu( wxT("Window"), XO("&Window"),
Section( "",
/* i18n-hint: Standard Macintosh Window menu item: Make (the current
* window) shrink to an icon on the dock */
Command( wxT("MacMinimize"), XXO("&Minimize"), FN(OnMacMinimize),
NotMinimizedFlag(), wxT("Ctrl+M") ),
/* i18n-hint: Standard Macintosh Window menu item: Make (the current
* window) full sized */
Command( wxT("MacZoom"), XXO("&Zoom"),
FN(OnMacZoom), NotMinimizedFlag() )
Section( "",
/* i18n-hint: Standard Macintosh Window menu item: Make all project
* windows un-hidden */
Command( wxT("MacBringAllToFront"), XXO("&Bring All to Front"),
FN(OnMacBringAllToFront), AlwaysEnabledFlag )
) ) };
return menu;
// Under /MenuBar/Optional/Extra/Misc
MenuTable::BaseItemSharedPtr ExtraWindowItems()
using namespace MenuTable;
static BaseItemSharedPtr items{
( FinderScope{ findCommandHandler },
Items( wxT("MacWindows"),
/* i18n-hint: Shrink all project windows to icons on the Macintosh
tooldock */
Command( wxT("MacMinimizeAll"), XXO("Minimize All Projects"),
AlwaysEnabledFlag, wxT("Ctrl+Alt+M") )
) ) };
return items;
#undef FN
// Not WXMAC. Stub functions.
MenuTable::BaseItemSharedPtr WindowMenu()
return nullptr;
MenuTable::BaseItemSharedPtr ExtraWindowItems()
return nullptr;