2017-11-05 21:01:52 -05:00

191 lines
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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
#include <wx/defs.h>
#include "ToolBar.h"
// PLAIN_TITLES give Start Length Center End above each field.
// RADIO_TITLES give ()SE (*)Start-Length ()LE ()LC style.
// BUTTON_TITLES give < Start - Length > style.
// CHOICE gives a choice control
#define SEL_CHOICE
// OPTIONS_BUTTON gives a button with three dots to select the option.
// Column for
// Project rate
// Snap To
// Option Button
// Vertical Line
// Selection fields
// Vertical Line
// Cursor position
#define SIZER_COLS 8
#define SIZER_COLS 7
class wxBitmap;
class wxCheckBox;
class wxChoice;
class wxComboBox;
class wxCommandEvent;
class wxDC;
class wxRadioButton;
class wxSizeEvent;
class wxStaticText;
class SelectionBarListener;
class NumericTextCtrl;
numSelectionBarButtons = 1,
class SelectionBar final : public ToolBar {
virtual ~SelectionBar();
void Create(wxWindow *parent) override;
void Populate() override;
void Repaint(wxDC * WXUNUSED(dc)) override {};
void EnableDisableButtons() override {};
void UpdatePrefs() override;
void SetTimes(double start, double end, double audio);
void SetField(const wxChar *msg, int fieldNum);
void SetSnapTo(int);
void SetSelectionFormat(const wxString & format);
void SetRate(double rate);
void SetListener(SelectionBarListener *l);
void RegenerateTooltips() override;
void OnButton(wxCommandEvent & event);
wxRadioButton * AddRadioButton( const wxString & Name, int id,
wxSizer * pSizer, long style);
auStaticText * AddTitle( const wxString & Title,
wxSizer * pSizer );
NumericTextCtrl * AddTime( const wxString Name, int id, wxSizer * pSizer );
void AddVLine( wxSizer * pSizer );
void SetSelectionMode(int mode);
void ShowHideControls(int mode);
void SetDrivers( int driver1, int driver2 );
void ValuesToControls();
void OnUpdate(wxCommandEvent &evt);
void OnChangedTime(wxCommandEvent &evt);
void OnTitleClicked(int newDriver );
void OnStartTitleClicked(wxMouseEvent & event);
void OnCenterTitleClicked(wxMouseEvent & event);
void OnLengthTitleClicked(wxMouseEvent & event);
void OnEndTitleClicked(wxMouseEvent & event);
void OnModeDecClicked(wxMouseEvent & event);
void OnModeIncClicked(wxMouseEvent & event);
void OnChooserTitleClicked(wxMouseEvent & event);
void OnRate(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnSnapTo(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnChoice(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnFocus(wxFocusEvent &event);
void OnCaptureKey(wxCommandEvent &event);
void OnSize(wxSizeEvent &evt);
void OnFieldChoice(wxCommandEvent &event);
void ModifySelection(int newDriver, bool done = false);
void UpdateRates();
void SelectionModeUpdated();
SelectionBarListener * mListener;
double mRate;
double mStart, mEnd, mLength, mCenter, mAudio;
wxString mField[10];
// Only used if we use radio buttons.
bool mbUseNativeRadioButton;
// These two numbers say which two controls
// drive the other two.
int mDrive1;
int mDrive2;
int mSelectionMode;
NumericTextCtrl *mStartTime;
NumericTextCtrl *mCenterTime;
NumericTextCtrl *mLengthTime;
NumericTextCtrl *mEndTime;
NumericTextCtrl *mAudioTime;
wxChoice * mChoice;
wxStaticText * mStartTitle;
wxStaticText * mCenterTitle;
wxStaticText * mLengthTitle;
wxStaticText * mEndTitle;
// These are the radio buttons
wxRadioButton * mStartEndRadBtn;
wxRadioButton * mStartLengthRadBtn;
wxRadioButton * mLengthEndRadBtn;
wxRadioButton * mLengthCenterRadBtn;
// These provide proxy themable text for
// Radio buttons that couldn't be themed.
wxStaticText * mStartEndProxy;
wxStaticText * mStartLengthProxy;
wxStaticText * mLengthEndProxy;
wxStaticText * mLengthCenterProxy;
wxStaticText * mButtonTitles[3];
wxStaticText * mHyphen[3];
wxStaticText * mProxy;
wxComboBox *mRateBox;
wxChoice *mSnapTo;
wxWindow *mRateText;
AButton * mButtons[numSelectionBarButtons];