2018-08-07 16:40:55 +01:00

207 lines
7.7 KiB
Common Lisp

$nyquist plug-in
$version 4
$type process
$preview linear
$preview selection
$name (_ "Adjustable Fade")
$manpage "Adjustable_Fade"
$debugbutton false
$action (_ "Applying Fade...")
$author (_ "Steve Daulton")
$release 2.3.0
$copyright (_ "Released under terms of the GNU General Public License version 2")
;; Released under terms of the GNU General Public License version 2:
;; For information about writing and modifying Nyquist plug-ins:
$control type (_ "Fade Type") choice (("Up" (_ "Fade Up"))
("Down" (_ "Fade Down"))
("SCurveUp" (_ "S-Curve Up"))
("SCurveDown" (_ "S-Curve Down"))) 0
$control curve (_ "Mid-fade Adjust (%)") real "" 0 -100 100
$control units (_ "Start/End as") choice (("Percent" (_ "% of Original"))
("dB" (_ "dB Gain"))) 0
$control gain0 (_ "Start (or end)") float-text "" 0 nil nil
$control gain1 (_ "End (or start)") float-text "" 100 nil nil
$control preset (_ "Handy Presets (override controls)") choice (("None" (_ "None Selected"))
("LinearIn" (_ "Linear In"))
("LinearOut" (_ "Linear Out"))
("ExponentialIn" (_ "Exponential In"))
("ExponentialOut" (_ "Exponential Out"))
("LogarithmicIn" (_ "Logarithmic In"))
("LogarithmicOut" (_ "Logarithmic Out"))
("RoundedIn" (_ "Rounded In"))
("RoundedOut" (_ "Rounded Out"))
("CosineIn" (_ "Cosine In"))
("CosineOut" (_ "Cosine Out"))
("SCurveIn" (_ "S-Curve In"))
("SCurveOut" (_ "S-Curve Out"))) 0
;;; Preview takes the entire selection so that we know the correct
;;; selection length, but preview only needs to process preview length."
(defun get-input (sig)
(if *previewp*
(multichan-expand #'trim-input sig)
;;; Trim input when previewing."
(defun trim-input (sig)
(let ((dur (min (get-duration 1)
(get '*project* 'preview-duration))))
(setf sig (extract-abs 0 dur sig))))
;;; invalid values
(defun check-values (x y)
(if (= units 0) ;percentage values
((or (< x 0)(< y 0))
(throw 'err (format nil (_ "~aPercentage values cannot be negative.") err)))
((or (> x 1000)(> y 1000))
(throw 'err (format nil (_ "~aPercentage values cannot be more than 1000 %.") err))))
(cond ;dB values
((or (> x 100)(> y 100))
(throw 'err (format nil (_ "~adB values cannot be more than +100 dB.~%~%~
Hint: 6 dB doubles the amplitude~%~
\t-6 dB halves the amplitude." err)))))))
;;; Select and apply fade
(defun fade (sig type curve g0 g1)
(check-values gain0 gain1)
(mult (get-input sig)
(case preset
(0 (case type ; Custom fade
(0 (simple (min g0 g1) (max g0 g1) curve))
(1 (simple (max g0 g1) (min g0 g1) curve))
(2 (raised-cos (min g0 g1)(max g0 g1) curve))
(T (raised-cos (max g0 g1) (min g0 g1) curve))))
(1 (linear 0 1)) ; Linear In
(2 (linear 1 0)) ; Linear Out
(3 (log-exp-curve -60 0)) ; Exponential In
(4 (log-exp-curve -60 1)) ; ExponentialOut
(5 (log-exp-curve 15.311 0)) ; Logarithmic In
(6 (log-exp-curve 15.311 1)) ; Logarithmic Out
(7 (simple-curve 0 1 0.5)) ; Rounded In
(8 (simple-curve 1 0 0.5)) ; Rounded Out
(9 (cosine-curve 0 1)) ; Cosine In
(10 (cosine-curve 1 0)) ; Cosine Out
(11 (raised-cos 0 1 0.0)) ; S-Curve In
(t (raised-cos 1 0 0.0))))) ; S-Curve Out
;;; Simple Curve:
;;; Use cosine for + values and linear for -ve.
(defun simple (g0 g1 curve)
((= g0 g1) g0) ; amplify
((and (> curve 0)(< curve 0.5)) ; +ve curve less than 0.5, lin to cosine
(let ((curve (* curve 2)))
(mult (- 1 curve)
(scale-curve g0 g1 (linear g0 g1))) ; linear
(mult curve
(scale-curve g0 g1 (cosine-curve g0 g1)))))) ; cosine curve
((> curve 0)
(cos-curve g0 g1 (- 1.5 curve))) ; +ve curve > 0.5
(t (simple-curve g0 g1 (- 1 (* 2 curve)))))) ; -ve curve
;;; Linear fade to the power of 'pow'.
(defun simple-curve (g0 g1 pow)
(curve-adjust g0 g1 pow
(linear g0 g1)))
;;; Cosine fade to the power of 'pow'.
(defun cos-curve (g0 g1 pow)
(curve-adjust g0 g1 pow
(cosine-curve g0 g1)))
(defun curve-adjust (g0 g1 pow env)
(scale-curve g0 g1
(if (= pow 1)
(mult pow
(snd-log env))))))
;;; Scale curves to min, max.
(defun scale-curve (g0 g1 env)
(sum (min g0 g1)
(mult (abs (- g0 g1)) env)))
;;; Cosine curve.
(defun cosine-curve (g0 g1)
(let ((step (hz-to-step (/ 0.25 (get-duration 1))))
(phase (if (> g0 g1) 90 0)))
(osc step 1 *sine-table* phase)))
;;; Linear fade in, out.
(defun linear (g0 g1)
(control-srate-abs *sound-srate*
(if (> g0 g1) ; g0 = g1 does not occur here.
(pwlv 1 1 0) ; fade out
(pwlv 0 1 1)))) ; else fade in
;;; Raised cosine fades.
(defun raised-cos (g0 g1 curve)
(setq curve
(if (> curve 0)
(exp-scale-mid (* 2 curve)) ; mid-point -3dB @ Adjust = 50%
(exp-scale-mid (* 1.63 curve)))) ; mid-point -12dB @ Adjust = -50%
(setf env
(control-srate-abs *sound-srate* ; sound srate required for accuracy.
((= g0 g1) g0) ; amplify
((> g0 g1) ; fade down
(mult (pwlv (- 1 curve) 1 1)
(snd-log (raised-cosin 90)))))
(t (snd-exp ; fade up
(mult (pwlv 1 1 (- 1 curve))
(snd-log (raised-cosin -90))))))))
(sum (min g0 g1)
(mult (abs (- g0 g1)) env)))
;;; Raised cosine curve.
(defun raised-cosin (phase)
(let ((hz (hz-to-step (/ (get-duration 2)))))
(mult 0.5
(sum 1
(osc hz 1 *sine-table* phase)))))
;;; log or exponential curve scaled 0 to 1
;;; x is the minimum level in dB before scaling.
(defun log-exp-curve (x direction)
(control-srate-abs *sound-srate*
(let ((x (db-to-linear x)))
;; If direction=0 fade-in else fade-out
(if (= direction 0)
(setf env (pwev x 1 1))
(setf env (pwev 1 1 x)))
(mult (/ (- 1 x)) ; normalize to 0 dB
(diff env x))))) ; drop down to silence
;;; Curve scaling for S-curve.
(defun exp-scale-mid (x)
(let ((e (exp 1.0)))
(/ (- (exp (- 1 x)) e)
(- 1 e))))
(defmacro gainscale (gain type)
`(setf ,gain
(if (= ,type 0) ; percent
(/ ,gain 100.0)
(db-to-linear ,gain))))
(setf curve (/ curve 100.0))
(setf gain0 (gainscale gain0 units))
(setf gain1 (gainscale gain1 units))
(setf err (format nil (_ "Error~%~%")))
(catch 'err (fade *track* type curve gain0 gain1))